Priscilla Shirer: THIS Is How to Know When God Is Speaking to You | Praise on TBN

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Many people may think it’s impossible for regular individuals to hear from God, but this belief is a deception. The enemy wants us to think we can’t hear from God, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When we hear the voice of fear or doubt, we can recognize it doesn’t sound like God’s voice. The more we know God, the clearer we can discern His voice from a stranger’s. This ability to hear God’s voice sets our faith apart from every other belief system in the world—because our God is alive and speaks to us.

Having a relationship with God isn’t just about the idea of connection; it’s about actual communication. A relationship with God means ongoing, continual interaction—just like any human relationship requires communication to thrive. We must first believe that God speaks and trust that, as His children, we have the privilege of distinguishing His voice from all others.

How does God speak? Some wonder if God speaks audibly or only through His Word. While I’ve never heard the audible voice of God, I do feel His presence internally, and it aligns with Scripture, confirming what I’m hearing is from God. The Holy Spirit illuminates the Scriptures, making them come alive and applying them to our personal experiences. When you read a passage like the story of David and Goliath, it may suddenly resonate with something you’re facing in your own life, providing direct guidance from God.

God also speaks through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit offers us a “green light” of peace to go forward, a “yellow light” of caution to wait for clarity, or a “red light” of no peace to indicate a definite stop. This conviction helps us make decisions, guiding us toward better choices.

Have you ever heard God’s still small voice? Often, God speaks to me through Scripture. It’s as if the Holy Spirit highlights a specific verse, one I’ve read many times before, but that day it jumps off the page and grips me deeply. This personal connection makes it feel as if God is speaking directly to my current situation.

The power of Scripture cannot be underestimated. If we say we want to hear from God but never engage with the Word He has already given us, we are missing out. The Bible not only sets the boundaries for what God says to us—He will never contradict Scripture—but it also serves as the primary way we hear from Him.

Reflecting on my early marriage years, there were moments when God spoke to me in ways I couldn’t explain. It’s like receiving an instant download of wisdom, a deep understanding that seemed to come from nowhere but was undeniably from God.

Hearing from God is a profound experience that shapes our faith journey. It is not a distant or abstract concept but a living, ongoing communication with a God who is actively involved in our lives.

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