Priscilla Shirer – Changing Your Want To

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Priscilla Shirer – Changing Your Want To 

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭

“We pray because our own solutions don’t work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy. We pray because we’re serious about taking back the ground he has sought to take from us.”
― Priscilla Shirer

It’s his work in you to sanctify you. It’s his job. It’s his business.
It’s his privilege to keep on molding you. Tell you look like Jesus He’s making you holy. Okay?
Which means the things you used to be comfortable with before you came to
know Jesus Christ, you probably won’t
be comfortable with anymore. you’re gonna be sitting in that movie. You would’ve always gone to see a movie like
that, but now there’s something about those scenes that just don’t sit easy with you.
You just get a little hot and bothered. You’re like, you know what?
I don’t think I’m supposed to be up in here.
You feel convicted or that conversation with that group of friends y’all always talk like that.
It was always all that gossip going on one to the other. And you just participated because it was no
big deal. But now there’s just something about it that just I don’t feel like I’m supposed to be a part of this conversation.
There’s something about that relationship that you were in with that other person, and there’s something about it that seems immoral.
It seems like you’re going off track, and it just doesn’t feel anymore.
Like, this is the place where you are supposed to be.
Don’t fight what it is that the Holy Spirit is trying to strip away.
Stop holding on so tight. He’s trying to make you look like Jesus.
And the main work of
the Holy Spirit in us in sanctification. This is why I brought it up.
It’s because he starts messing with your want to.
Oh, this is good news because it means for somebody
who you’re trying to make your heart line up with holiness.
You you know what you’re supposed to do, but you don’t want to.
because you wanna stay on the path you’re on. You wanna stay in the place that feels good.
You wanna stay in the place that placates and, uh, and appeases your flesh.
You honestly, if the truth be told, You don’t wanna change. You’re fine where you are.
The Holy Spirit’s job in you is to start making y’all want to want to do what god wants y’all want you to wanna do.
I’m saying he can change you from the inside out.
The light yourself in the lord. That’s your job.
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
That does not mean he gives you what you want.
That means as you delight yourself in him through the word, like we talked about earlier, he begins to actually put his desires in your heart so that what you want starts to reflect what god wants for you.
So there’s hope for anybody in the room that you’re wondering whether holiness could ever actually be an aspiration for you.
Talk to the Holy Spirit about that. He’ll say, don’t worry. Come along with me.
I’m a change your want to.
tell you want to lines up with what god wants you to do.

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