Priscilla Shirer 2023: You’re Right Where You Need to Be

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Priscilla Shirer: You’re Right Where You Need to Be

already got what you need.
You’ve been thinking, this is not enough gifting, this is not enough talent, it’s not enough money, it’s not enough, I don’t have enough.
And jesus is whispering in your ear tonight. Just give it to me.
I’m gonna multiply it. I’m gonna blow your mind with what I’m gonna do.
If you just trust it to me, anybody got a specific multitude that you need prayer in regards to just go ahead and raise your hand.
We’re gonna pray right now. And jesus say victoria, will you come up with me, please, just as a pastor in this house, would you just be present in this moment so we can pray over God’s people.
Lord! Right now we entrust every single woman who has her hand raised in particular.
We entrust every single one under the sound of our voice. Lord to your loving care.
We thank you that you are sovereign over their lives, Father.
We thank you that there is nothing that is, in our experience right now, that is not first passed through your fingers.

And since we know you are good and that you are kind and that your mercy endures forever.
Then father, we believe that if you’ve allowed this multitude, there’s something in this multitude we don’t want to miss.
And so Father, I pray right now that you would change our perspective so we can see in this multitude what you have for us.
Don’t let us miss it for anything in the world, Lord, and then bother.
I’m gonna pray over our five and two, I ask right now in jesus name, whatever the five loaves and the two fish are that you have entrusted to every single woman, I pray that you would give a holy courage and a holy boldness that would compel us to open up the drawer and pull it out and then try posted to your hands.
Father God, I do pray that if this multitude has anything to do with the enemy, Lord, if the enemy has assigned an attack on any woman or her family, I pray that his attack would be canceled in jesus name and by his blood that has been shed on calvary.
But Lord, if this multitude is of you, then right now in jesus name, I thank you for it in our lives.
Come on and thank him for it. I thank you for it.
Okay, and then father, we’re gonna go ahead and get in a posture of abundance, we’re gonna start living and praying and acting like people who believe that you are the God of Ephesians 3 2021.
You can do above all that we ask or think in jesus name, friends.
No matter what trouble you’re facing today, God has already provided the wisdom, courage and strength.
You need to stand for your gift of support.
In any amount we’re going to send you Joel Osteen’s new book. You are stronger than you think.
Please go to t b n dot org forward slash stronger than and thank you for being a part of this global television ministry.



  1. Lord I thank you for sending me this message to let me know that β€œmisery may endure for a night….” Anything that I have weighing me down and I feel hopeless and helpless about that you are working it out in my favor by your favor. I am tired Lord, I’m tired of trying to handle these things on my own, I’m frustrated, exhausted, hurt, angry, and weak. I know that when I can’t you can and I can’t without you. Lord I give you all my burdens and I trust that your word is and has always been true and that it never comes back void. Thank you for this beautiful word and thank you for allowing me to hear it. I pray for this ministry, I ask you to bless it and that it will continue to bless people in the mighty name of Jesus I pray, ask and thank you Amen.πŸ™πŸΎ

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