Prayer of the Day: Tuesday May 28, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Lord, I am asking…and asking…and asking. I offer myself up as a vessel for You to work through. I am relying on Your power and Your guidance and trust You as You bring me to victory, amen.

Father God, I thank you for this Tuesday. I pray Lord, that you would be with me and guide me throughout my day. Be with my family as well. Protect them and watch over them. Let this day be a blessed day in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Eternal Father, I kneel before you to thank you for this beautiful day you have given me. Thank you for creating me with the freedom to determine my own existence, taking responsibility for myself, and seeking happiness by doing your will. Heavenly Father, be my strength this morning as it begins. May you be the rising sun that illuminates my path. God of love, I welcome you in this new dawn and trust in your mercy, knowing that you do not hold my sins against me and do not despise a repentant heart seeking your love. Blessed are you, God of infinite mercy, for you do not abandon me. Instead, you come to my defense and strengthen me with your presence.

Fill my life with all the gifts of your great love that allow me to enjoy the life you give me to the fullest. My Lord, I ask that you never leave me and remain by my side throughout this day. I want all my plans to rest in your hands so that everything turns out well. May your holy will always be done because I want my entire destiny to be shaped by you. I know that everything you do at the right moments is perfect and special because they are considered by you.

Lord, I know I am not perfect, but help me each day to be molded by you and serve you with pleasure and love. Thank you because I feel your presence that frees me, because your love is the greatest joy of my life, your voice is light, and your forgiveness is a gift I do not deserve.

Help me seek you through my actions, help me evangelize through my attitudes, and help me fight tirelessly to reach your kingdom. All my hopes are placed in you, and I want to fight to one day be in the eternal dwelling. I know that at this moment, you are pouring out all your grace upon me, and you are preparing me to be ready to go out and fight. Thank you for keeping me alive once again. I want to give you infinite thanks for each morning I wake up in your presence.

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My God, I want my heart to be moved by your love and to share the blessing of being by your side. My Father, I entrust my life to you so that during this new day, your will be done. I ask that you grant me a day full of grace and allow me to walk hand in hand with you towards eternal life. Father, I ask that you watch over my life and the lives of all those who share moments with me so that together we may have peace and hope in your word. Also, grant me the wisdom to help heal others’ wounds without prejudice, with the same mercy with which you see my heart.

On this new day, free my hands from the chains that prevent me from practicing justice. Free my feet from the chains that prevent me from following you selflessly. Make me an instrument of your peace and fill me with the wisdom of your Holy Spirit to do what is right in this new day. My Father, may I be able to discern your holy hand guiding and protecting me through adversities. Amen.

I will diligently and earnestly do the work of this day to offer its fruits to God as a thank you for all He does for me. What great goodness you reserve, Lord, for those who fear you and grant to those who take refuge in you, in the sight of all. Love the Lord, all His faithful ones. Psalm 30.

May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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