Prayer of the Day: Tuesday Blessings! March 19, 2024 💌🙏

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Tuesday Blessings! March 19, 2024

Father, help me to be strong in You and keep showing up and doing what is right, no matter how I feel or what my circumstances are like. Thank You.

Deuteronomy 28:1–2, NKJV

“…if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God…all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.”

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The Scripture says that when you honor and obey God, His blessings will overtake you. Other versions say they will overwhelm you and come in abundance. When you chase after God, you don’t have to chase blessings. They will chase and track you down. You never dreamed you could pay off your house or send your child to college, then suddenly a blessing comes—a promotion, an inheritance, a business opportunity. You never dreamed you’d be running your department at work. What happened? You came into a blessing. God took you from the back to the front, from renting to owning, from not having enough to more than enough.

Blessings are not just material things. They’re also influence and prestige. People who didn’t give you credit or value your ideas will see you in a new light. Just keep doing the right thing and being your best. They may discount you now, but the day is coming when you’ll be in a position of honor and influence. It’s going to happen suddenly. You couldn’t make it happen. It’s the hand of God.


Heavenly Father, I ask that you would bless this Tuesday. That it would be a fruitful day. Let Your hand be with me to guide me and to protect me. And let Your face shine upon me to give me peace and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, on this Tuesday I ask that you would give me the grace needed to achieve all that is in store for me today. Help me to make wise decisions and to be used for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Have an awe-inspiring Tuesday that is full of God’s grace and loving-kindness for you. May he fill your heart with joy.

May Tuesday be a lovely day for you! That the Lord would give you strength and assist your needs as you go through the day. May you feel His presence every moment.

May Tuesday bring so many blessings from above! That the Lord would grant you love, joy, and peace this today.

Have a Tuesday filled with God’s beauty and strength. That you would feel the presence of His love through every step you take, and that He would bless all your endeavors.

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