Prayer of the Day: Saturday May 18, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Thank You, Lord, for listening to me when I express my feelings. No matter how I feel, help me always to remember Your love and to praise You.

Holy Spirit, I ask that this Saturday would be a day of rest. Give me peace in my heart and mind. Help to trust you with the situations in my life that I can’t control. Help me to break off worry, and striving. So that I can fully hand over every area of my life to You. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen and amen!

God, I come before You this Saturday and I ask that You would give me eyes to see and ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying and doing. Draw me close to You so that I may feel Your precious presence and experience Your goodness. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen!

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I thank you for this new day you have given me. Today, I ask you to touch my heart with the power of your Spirit and make me free. I am grateful at the start of this day because you are good to me, allowing me to enjoy the gift of life for one more day.

Lord, I want to place this new day in your hands. I want to give you everything I will experience today. You know my heart, my thoughts, and my feelings. You know my desires, and I want to place everything in your hands.

Give me your blessing to walk according to your will, so I do not fall into the hands of misfortune and my enemies. Kindly bless me so that everything I do today is in your honor. Tender Father, I love you with all my being and ask that you allow my love for you to grow daily.

Grant me the gift to make the most of life and not miss any opportunity. Thank you, my God, thank you always, from the bottom of my heart, for all the blessings you grant me this morning. Thank you, God of heaven, for allowing me to be alive. Hold me tightly and never let go. I never want to leave your embrace because in it I find the peace I need.

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Good Father, as I begin this day, I fully entrust myself to you so that all my actions and words always honor your name. Help me to understand and recognize every sign you offer me, every gift you give. Thank you for giving me life and for being in it. You know me and know what is inside me. Therefore, I ask you now to take control of my inner life, to take hold of my heart. Make me an instrument capable of carrying your message of love and compassion to every possible corner.

I want to adore you because this awakening is a new opportunity to seek happiness, to continue fighting, and to overcome the obstacles that separate me from you. Beloved Father, give me the strength today to carry your message of love to everyone, as Jesus Christ did. I beg you, beloved Father, to give me the freedom of heart to be fully faithful to you. Allow me to be brave enough to defeat sin in my life, just as Jesus Christ did on the cross.

I want to receive your blessings. I am not afraid to cross the desert if you are with me and guide me. I am not afraid of the exhausting heat because you are the shade that protects me and keeps me firm on the path. May you be the center of my life each day, so I live as you have taught in your word, and strengthen my heart daily with humility and forgiveness. Pour your spirit over my life, restoring every part of my being. Instruct me in your word, making it alive in my being. I beg you to allow me to feel the love of those around me who want to make me happy.

I ask that you continue to support me with your love and keep pushing me forward. I place this new day in your hands, and may I be able to see you in the small details of love you will give me, my Lord. Amen.

I will draw near to God through the Sacrament of Confession, asking for forgiveness for each of my sins to become closer to holiness. I love the Lord because He listens to my pleading voice, because He bends His ear towards me on the day I call upon Him. Psalm 114

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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