Pray Without Ceasing – Do Bread Come with This? | Dr. Bill Winston Sermon

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Pray Without Ceasing – Do Bread Come with This?

The devil wants to negotiate you out of your rights but with a faith that makes prayer work, God’s blessings will be poured out. In ‘Do Bread Come With This’, Dr. Bill Winston explains that peace, healing, long life, prosperity and more is available for you if you activate your faith and believe God has heard your prayers.

I was getting some barbecue one time.
I still remember that stick up for a few years ago and I was getting it.
It was over there in the hood.
I mean it was good but it had some good barbecue over there when I went over there to get it.
I went and the lady was before she was in when she got her order and then she turned away and she looked, looked at the order and looked in the bag and, and, and, and then she said, excuse me, hello, excuse me.
I’m just saying like she said it okay.
Do Brad come with this, let me ask you this, do healing. Come with this.
Come on, come on money, come with this free, come with this.
Get my kids off of drugs. Come with them. Satan is a negotiator.
He’s trying to let you get saved without your money. Tried to let you get saved without your healing.
But those days are over, right? Comes with this. I said bread comes with it.
One of the things that the devil wants to do is to keep the church carnal.
Carnal means I’m fleshly. It means that I have no spiritual discernment. I have no spiritual senses.
I’m just, you know, I’m just as carnal as a goat.
I’m just getting along just trying to make it every day. All right.
But God doesn’t want you like that because you’re more spirit than you are natural.
Nobody says the same day when even was come, he said unto them, let us go over to the other side, pass over to the other side.
And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship.
And there was also with him, other little ships watch this and they arose a great storm of wind waves beat into the ship tours now full.
Um And he was in behind the partnership to sleep on a pillow and they awake him and said to him, master carried out.
Not that we perish. Now notice they’re accusing Jesus, don’t you care that we’re about to die?
Now, Jesus was asleep. They woke him up and look what happened. He arose and rebuked.
The wind said to see peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
What did he do first? He rebuked. So what when can you see when?
No, but he reviewed the unseen first and then took care of the scene. Say amen to that.
So I’m saying the tendency is to get into natural and try to fight the battle without dealing with the supernatural without dealing with the spiritual part of that.
And he said to them, why are you so fearful?
How is it that you have, know what faith and they feared exceedingly and said one to another?
What manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea do? What? Obey him?
Question if the wind and the sea or the storm was from God, could Jesus have rebuked it.
Nope, couldn’t have touched it and he wouldn’t have touched it because it wasn’t from, it was from the Father.
It was the Father’s will, but that wasn’t from the Father.
And what people do today is they say, well, God calls us to come into the Philippines.
No, God took an earth and turned it over to a man.
Say amen to this.
And the way we get God’s ability back into the earth is we have to give Him permission and your prayer gives God permission to come into this earth and order it to where it’s supposed to be ordered.
Mm hmm Are you and what I’m saying?
So now he’s given you, look what he says over at Psalm chapter eight in verse six.
Look what he says. He’s talking about a man.
Now watch says thou has made him to have Dominion over the what works of my hands and thou hast put how many things under his feet, all things under his feet.
Now notice he’s given mankind Dominion over the works of His hands, gave it to him.
Now, check this out. God gave it to a man.
Now, if God gave it to a man, then the man is gonna have to run it.
God is not running the world folks.
God is running the church, got it.
So notice if God could just at his will just come right back in here and do things, then he would have knocked that fruit out of Adam’s hand.
Get that thing out of your hand, man. You’re about to ruin the whole room of human race.
But why couldn’t he do that?
Because he couldn’t violate Adam’s will and he won’t violate yours.
So here in this particular instance, going over to the other side, now prayer is going to get God involved.
Now, Jesus has prayed, so he’s sleeping, they haven’t prayed probably at all.
Now they’re going to the other side. Now, here comes the storm.
Now, wait a minute, they think it came out of nowhere.
All you gotta do is go back to the book of Job and you see the same thing happened to Job.
Storm comes out of nowhere, tore everything, killed his kids and so forth.
Well, you know, the Lord’s trying to teach you something.
No, the devil is trying to kill you and you better stop it.
Now, put that verse back up there at, at Psalm chapter eight and verse six again, put it back up there.
Once you see something about this verse.
He said, thou hast made him, that’s you to have Dominion over the works of his hands, over the works of his hands over the works of his hands.
Let me ask you something. Did God make angels? Did he? All right?
Was Lucifer an angel? Okay. Alright.
He became Satan when he can’t hit this earth down here but he was Lucifer then who made it?
Who gave you you God gave you Dominion over all the works of his hands.
So if you don’t like what Satan is doing, bind him say amen to this just as simple as that.
So we got something to say about it.
We got something to say about everything that goes on in the earth.
In fact, nothing should go on in the earth without our permission. I better come over here.
This is nothing should go on in the earth without our permission.
We are the governors here. There is a new sheriff in town.
You got the badge on you and the enemy sees that badge.
He’s hoping you don’t see it okay. So I’m saying Adam gave it away.
Who did he give it to give it all in the hands of Satan? What does Satan do it?
He’s running with it. What he’s trying to do?
Offer it to Jesus and Jesus said, no, no, get thee behind me, Satan because Jesus didn’t want to say to give him anything.
He was gonna take it and take it all back. I said, take it all.
You know what I told you last time I told you, uh, about that barbecue.
And this lady was ordering that barbecue and she was in the, in the window.
This was in the hood. Now she was in the window and had some good barbecue, but it was in the window and, and she ordered barbecue, but she stepped away and looked in the bag and all of a sudden she noticed the bread was missing and she came back to the window and said this.
I’m speaking the way she did do bread. Come with this, right? We’ll check it out.
I’m saying when you got free and got born again, bread came with it.
Now, now now watch, watch, watch this.
I showed you this last time, but just look a little bit of this and look at the Exodus chapter chapter three and verse 19.
Just look at a little bit of this. Alright.
I’m sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go. No, not by a mighty hand.
This is what God is saying to Moses.
Check it out and I’ll stretch out my hand and I’ll smite Egypt with all my windows which I will do in the midst thereof.
And after that, he will let you go. Look what God said. He will let you go.
Yeah, remember what he said.
She said over there when Sarah her overheard that she was gonna have a baby.
The angel, the angel told Abraham said, your wife this time next year is gonna have a baby and, and Sarah overheard it, look what it says in Genesis chapter 18 and verse 14, it says is anything too hard for God.
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.
He will let you go see because I like what they said down there in that church, down there region.
God is a heart fixer and a mind regulator say that we say that a hard fix.
And uh I would tell them about this, this, this story that I had one of the members telling a story about their mother and father and say how when they first got married, um after six months, she became kind of abusive and she was a praying woman and she prayed and which prayed God heard that prayer because everyone that asked what received and he heard that prayer and so came to him, her husband at, at night when he was asleep and came to him in a dream said, if you do that again, you’re going to hell.
And he woke up in a sweat.
Now this true story, he woke up in a sweat and he’s sweating and woke up.
And then uh he was crying, he started shaking her, wake up, wake up, wake up.
Now she thought something was about to jump off. Y’all know what I mean by jumping off.
He, she didn’t know what was about to happen.
And she said what he said, I’m sorry, forgive me.
I didn’t mean to do it so forth and so on.
And, and then, uh, from that day forward He walked everywhere, hand in hand bragged on her, everywhere he went, bought her gifts and so forth.
Watch this for 50 years before five. Oh, yes. Because of prayer.
Tell you doing more fighting than you’re doing praying. And that’s wrong. Amen.
Listen, the Bible says, pray unceasingly pray. Always. That that means every little thing you do.
I’m gonna pray about this first. So why do you want this book? Because I need the will of God.
See, I don’t, I’m not sure what to do.
So I need the will of God now, why the will of God?
Because faith comments by what, hearing and hearing, what by the word of God and faith makes prayer work.
So I don’t need to just pray. I need to pray in faith.
So I need to pray in confidence. When you go into something, you need to know you’re gonna win.
When, when you know you’re gonna win folks, you go sky high. Your, your confidence is strong.
Your, your voice doesn’t quibble and, and same into that you don’t be getting, you know, all kinds of, no, no, you’re walking into it.
You know how you’re gonna come out.
I’m gonna have it so that you are so confident in prayer that nothing will excite you when I say that, I mean, nothing will get you alarmed.
Nothing because you can take prayer and undo things. You can take prayer and reset time.
I don’t know what kind of situation you’re going through but take impossible out of your mouth because whatever you’re going through, God got you covered.
I said, God got you covered and it doesn’t take two years for it to turn around.
I see some things I say, hey, how you doing? Well, I’m going through.
I said, well, now you’re going through last year this time. Well, I’m still going through.
You need to get through because see you, you’re not meant to endure that kind of uh of uh of whipping uh from the devil and all that stuff for that long.
You, you’re not made like that. You gotta come out somewhere and get some air man.
He’ll try to make you think you got to wait it out.
No, you don’t have to wait it out. Faith always overrides time. All right.
Do you have that? So notice, let’s just finish this and finish this with first Corinthians first John chapter five verse 14 to 15.
And this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we want have the design that we have a petition that we desired of him.
Now what we did last time talking about that.
Um Talking about that, that, that bread is the fact that the enemy is negotiator.
He’s a deceiver and he’s had many of us to get saved.
But we’ve left our goods and we’ve left the goal. We left the healing.
We’ve left the joy, we’ve left the business, we left whatever God had for us.
We left it because we didn’t know it came with it.
But God said something to them.
He said, now you’re gonna go but you’re not going out empty. Say amen to that.
So what I did is I gave you a scripture. I gave you mark 11 23 and 24.
Let’s go to that. Please Mark 1123 and 24.
Look what it says and verily I say unto you that, whosoever shall say to this, what mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart.
But shall believe that those things that He said shall come to pass.
He shall have what whatsoever he said okay.
Now, why am I covering this?
Because what has happened to the church is that we’ve been trying to pay for something that already belongs to us and what belongs to us?
For the most part is in the wrong hands. Stay with me.
Mark 1124 is a primary scripture for receiving what God has already given you.
This scripture is not about what’s possible.
It is not about that.
It’s all about what’s not possible.
God is taking you into a battle.
You can’t win.
God is leading you to a piece of property you can’t afford you hear what I’m saying?
Now, the enemy doesn’t want me to tell you this, but I’m gonna tell you anyway.
I am not talking about some greed. What I’m talking about is jubilee.
I’m talking about you getting back into the right hands. What belongs to them in this earth?
Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me.
You were never to come out of bondage.
A bondage says you were unsaved when you got saved. Healing came with that. Yeah.
Same into this long life came with that.
Say men watch this whole house saved, came with that.
Now I’m gonna have to use my faith and this prayer whatsoever things you desire.
When you pray, come on, believe, not pray and pay, pray and believe.
Now I’m gonna believe something. What the impossible. There’s not gonna be possible.
I’m not looking for something that’s possible. Most of what I impose again is impossible.
Come on, you got a bad diagnosis from the Dr. Okay.
It’s time for Mark 1124 because I’m gonna believe I’ve received this thing and let me tell you God’s gonna transfer my healing into my hands and he’s gonna do it as soon as I show him some faith.
And this is my verse right here. Once I believe I’ve received it, that’s it. Now, almost start thanking God.
I’m gonna start thanking God because he is now going to provide for me everything that I need in this earth.
Watch this, whether it’s in this earth or not. I know.
Listen, ST I’m talking spiritual now and I’m, I’m trying not to go beyond what you can tell.
But this verse got nothing to do with your feelings. This verse has nothing to do.
As soon as you put feelings in there, you’re gonna put your natural mind in there and you’re gonna say, wait a minute.
What about no, it’s nothing. What about this is beyond anything that you deserve and you did for yourself.
This, this is out there where God has all your stuff that the devil is sitting on it because he thinks you don’t have enough spirituality to come get it.
And I’m telling you right now, once you receive it, God’s gonna fight your battle for you.
Somebody said, well, that’s impossible. That’s where I want it. I want to put it right there.
I want to put it because healing came with this deliverance came with this debt free, came with it.
I was supposed to be debt free when I got born again back in 19th office or something.
The moment you get born again, debt free is your right.
But you’ve got an enemy sitting on it and he refuses to let you go and you’re gonna have to move him and you cannot move Him without faith.
And this is a verse that you’re gonna use because soon as you activate this faith, verse, God just heard you.
Now he’s gonna get in here and fight that battle. You are not fighting an intellectual spirit.
He don’t care how much education you got. He can still try to put something on you.
Now, we need to look at this thing just like it is and this is what it’s gonna be.
What it’s gonna be is Satan’s got my stuff and I want it. I don’t want it tomorrow.
I want it right now. Say amen to that.
That’s the devil trying to tear up your marriage, that the devil trying to put your son on drugs that the devil got you fearing to walk down the street, that the devil trying to keep your, your car trying to keep your house, the devil doing that God has given you the land.
Now we’re gonna get their saints.
But we’re gonna have to just get crazy faith to get there because you got people that trying to talk you out of it and it’s led by the devil.
This con the con man himself trying to keep your bread. But bread comes with this.
I said bread comes with the bread of healing the bread of deliverance, the bread of debt free.
Only believe.
Well, I trusted you were blessed by that powerful teaching.
Well, from Genesis to revelation. We see God’s desire to prosper His people today is offering day on the broadcast.
And I’d like to share a key principle that will build your faith for increase.
You are under a covenant of increase with God.
God says in psalm chapter 1 15 and verse 14, the Lord shall increase you more and more.
In verse 12. He says, we are on God’s mind. What does that mean?
Have you ever called somebody when you called them? They said I was just thinking about you. Well, guess what?
Right now God’s just thinking about you. Praise God. What is he thinking about?
He’s thinking about how he can bless you, how he can increase you. Why?
Because he promised it to Father Abraham. He said, Abraham, I’m gonna bless you and your seed.
So just as Abraham obeyed God and he got blessed, the more he obeyed, the more blessed he became just like at the wedding of Kana.
In John chapter two, when Jesus showed up at the wedding and the mother of Jesus and they, they have no wine, you’ve run out of wine.
And he said, what is that to me? She said, whatever he says to you just do it.
And what is his servants do? They did what he said? And wine increased.
I’m saying that increase mainly comes through obedience to God.
Here’s what the Bible says in Isaiah chapter one in verse 19.
He says, if you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
Think about me, I came here with $200 to my, in my family with me and no place to stay.
There’s just open her home to us.
But notice what I’ve been just obedient all the way, obedient all the way when God tells me to do something, I do it and notice increase has come.
We’re televising the over 200 nations of the world. We are running this bronco.
Why just obeying God in Luke 6 38 it says give and it shall be given unto you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into your bosom. So what are we doing?
We’ve been doing sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping and we’ve been obeying God and look what God God has done in our lives.
Now, he’s gonna do the same thing for you, whatever he says to you just do it. That’s your responsibility.
And so as you do this, I’m expecting increase to come in your life.
Let me pray for you right now.
If you have the offering in mind or have it in hand, let me pray over it right now.
That the same God that bless me is gonna bless you.
Praise God Father, we just praise you and thank you now for all of our partners, all of those who are watching us by television or media.
We pray Lord that is a sow their seed today that you are the God of increase, that you will increase them more and more them and their Children.
Father, we pray, pray that maybe they might not have but a little.
But you said you can sew a little and receive a lot that you were measured back to them.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Father.
We pray that you meet all their needs according your riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
Now we consider these things done and we give you praise for it in Jesus name. Amen. Praise God.
Well, this is all we have for this week is Bill Winston.
Say we sure do love you, join us next week again for another exciting series of teachings.
We love you and keep walking by faith. I was getting some barbecue one time.
I still remember that stick up for a few years ago and I was getting it.
It was over there in the hood.
I mean, it was good but it had some good barbecue over there when I went over there to get it.
I went and the lady was before she was in when she got her order and then she turned away and she looked, looked at her order and looked in the bag and, and, and, and then she said, excuse me, hello, excuse me.
I’m gonna just say it like she said it okay. Do Brad come with this?
Let me ask you this. Do healing. Come with this.
Come on, come on, let me come with this free. Come with this.
Get my kids off of drugs. Come with them. Satan is a negotiator.
He’s trying to let you get saved without your money trying to let you get saved without your healing trying to let you.
But those days are over. Bread comes with this. I said bread comes with this.
Do not leave bread on the table when you’re full package has been paid for and it’s waiting for you to receive in pastor Winston’s powerful teaching entitled Do bread come with this to order on CD or DVD.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or call 1 807 1 119327.
Do not allow the enemy any longer to negotiate all the benefits that are righteously yours.
As a born again believer, there’s no question, bread and everything else comes with this salvation.
Get your copy of do bread. Come with this today.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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