Pastor Kent Christmas | Instant In Season and Out of Season | August 7, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | Instant In Season and Out of Season | August 7, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

[Music] you’re watching kcmi TV well praise the Lord uh let’s get into the word of the Lord today and U this week I had a verse just really come up in my spirit that I want to talk to you about and so we’re going to take our text out of second Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 and uh I just really want to I’m going to read the whole verse but I want to just extract just a portion of it says preach the word this is Paul talking to Timothy he said preach the word be instant in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all
Longs suffering and Doctrine and so what I want to talk to you is just the part where he said be instant in season and out of season um we all enjoy the the times in our life where we feel like that we’re just really connected with God and uh things are going well and spirit of God’s moving or we’re flourishing in our calling but what do you do with the seasons to where it seems like God is at a distance where your prayer you know there’s a lot of times when we go to prayer there’s a lot of feeling involved
you can feel God you can man your hair might stand up on your on your arms or you get goosebumps and you can just just feel the unction of the Lord but then there’s those Seasons where you’re not praying by feeling you’re praying by faith and so when Paul begins to write here he told Timothy he said son he said you need to be instant which just simply means be prepared and be ready he said in season and out of season and uh the word season here when he’s speaking he said it literally means opportunity
so he said Timothy he said you need to be ready in times when there is opportunity but he said you also need to be prepared when there isn’t any opportunity and that’s really what I want to talk to you about today is the seasons to where it seems like there’s no opportunity at all in our life whether God is moving Our Lives financially or in our health um and you know I I believe that there’s just even right now I just release to you healing in your body I just speak the healing power of God I’m sick and
tired of the enemy coming against the people of God with infirmity and I bind that thing in Jesus name and even right now while I’m talking to you you lay hands on yourself and I loose Divine Healing on you in the name of the Lord um I I feel like I am qualified to talk about this because I have experienced uh when God shows up and there was no opportunity and I think that God has done more for through men when there seemed to be no opportunity for God to move than when it looked like all the stars had lined
up and everything was in order and it just you know it seemed like God was present and I think the reason being is a lot of times when everything is going well and God does something uh we have a tendency to take part of the credit and yet you and I know that there are seasons in our life where it literally looked like there was no opportunity for an answer no way that God could move and out of the blue the suddenly God just did it and it’s in those moments he does it that way because he gets all the glory there’s
nothing there for us to take credit for and this is why uh Paul is writing to Timothy he said don’t let the seasons where it seems like God is a million miles away and every door is shut there is no opportunity there’s no opening for God to do what you want him to do he said in those Seasons don’t let your guard down you keep on praying you keep on declaring the word of the Lord you keep on professing the word of God and uh this is uh not letting the word depart from your mouth there is uh in the Old Testament there’s a story of one
of David’s three Mighty Men and it talks about him I think it was eleazer but it says that um he had a battle with Philistines and he killed hundreds of them with a sword and at the end of the battle when he had won when they came to to get him and uh to give him rest and try to take the sword out of his hand it said that his hand cleaved to the sword they couldn’t get the sword out of his hand because in that battle he had cleaved to the sword well we know that in the New Testament Ephesians says that
the sword is the word of God and when you’re in battle what the enemy wants to do is get you to release your hand off of the word of the Lord because the sword is our only offense def weapon everything else in Ephesians is defensive the helmet this The Shield uh the feet being shot with preparation the gospel of peace but the sword is your offensive weapon and that’s where when there is no opportunity there is no place for God to move it looks like in the natural that you continue to be ready and you believe that God is still
going to do something God is the god of the suddenly and I want to just go through the scriptures here and give you some example I I love Psalm 75 because it talks about uh that promotion doesn’t come from the the East the west or the South and the next verse it says God sets up men and he puts down men promotion comes from the Lord and when men promotes you it’s temporary when God promotes you it’s permanent nobody can remove you from the position that God put you in and so I’m I’m thinking I was just reflecting on
this yesterday as I was studying for this podcast the men that God showed up in their life when it looked like there was no opportunity and uh but they were prepared they were ready and of course I think one of the greats is King David and you know when when Saul uh God removed him from his kingdom and he said uh I found a man after my own heart we know the story that Samuel went to to the house and uh Jesse’s house you know he went through all those brothers and God said none of them and and Samuel said is there
another you know where David was he he wasn’t with his Brethren he wasn’t in the house he wasn’t eating supper with them uh he wasn’t relaxed they had David was in the back of the pasture somewhere and he was tending sheep and we know this from the scriptures that David was a psalmist and he he wrote songs he praised God and he had learned that when I’m in a place where it looks like there’s no opportunity for advancement all I am is a Shepherd I’m just a servant I’m the least of my
father’s house boy that’s mentioned several times in the Bible and out of the blue somebody shows up and says you’re needed in your father’s house and when he walks in the prophet hits him with the anointing and makes him king of Israel that fast he went from being alone and isolated just taking care of sheep but see his heart was in the right place he was prepared God looked at him and said I can use this man’ and because he would listen to David when there was no reason to when he would play his harp out there
by himself in solitude and sing to the Lord and it moved God and God said that’s the one I want and just within an hour’s time he went from invisible unknown to having the anointing of God on his life and becomes king of Israel that’s how see this is the suddenly of God I think that it’s in the seasons where we say we’re out of season you know uh those times where every door is shut and you just say God where are you are you within a million miles of me and God says oh he said stay ready you know I was thinking of
um of Moses and you know he knew he had to call a God in his life and and at the age of 40 he he’s extracted from his home he’s running for his life from Pharaoh winds up uh in the desert of Midian and meets Jethro his future father-in-law and jeal takes him and makes him a Shepherd tending sheep and for 40 years Moses lived in a dimension where he was out of season there there looked like there was no opportunity and I want to say this there are so many of you that are listening to me today that um you might feel like
you’ve aged out or uh you have no connections listen I’ve been there uh we we have seen the suddenly I I have seen suddenly in my life I’m telling you God changed my Ministry in a 24-hour period um it just through one event that I I did not see it coming I was just keep doing what God called me to do and and Moses is in the backside of the desert and sometimes and I want you to get this in your spirit sometimes um the delay has nothing to do with you you say well maybe I’m not close enough to God
I’m not you know I’m not praying enough or you know whatever and you you the enemy will try to get you to disqualify yourself they don’t have anything to do you it has to do with the purpose that God is going to use you in has not yet come to fruition in the natural realm and see God left Moses God always knew he was going to use Moses that’s why he spared him when he was born in the river and Pharaoh’s daughter finds him the hand of God was always on Moses but Moses thinks for 40 years this is all I
am as a shepherd and yet when prophecy was fulfilled that had been given to Abraham that 430 years would the seed be in Egypt and then there would be a deliverer Moses doesn’t know he’s the deliverer he thinks he’s done he thinks he’s out of season there’s no opportunity and in a moment’s time what’s he doing he’s just staying prepared he’s he’s just doing what God’s called him to do at that point he’s taking care sheep and he turns around and there’s God in a


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