Own Your Lesson – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Own Your Lesson
As believers, we should seek the same kind of bond that Peter had with Jesus. But keep in mind, our connection with Him isn’t just for Sundays — it’s a DAILY commitment that shapes our lives! We all make mistakes. And while we aim for our actions to reflect our intentions, we sometimes slip up. But despite our missteps, God offers redemption! Challenges will arise. But remember that He won’t abandon you. Instead of viewing setbacks as defeats, see them as lessons. Embrace them, share your story, and keep moving forward!
Speaker 1: Okay. Ask for verse 15.
Speaker 1: My subject is own your lesson. Own your lesson.
Speaker 1: And at this point in the text, Peter and John have had the upper room experience.
Speaker 1: They’ve gone to the temple they ran into a man by the gate called Beautiful, a lame man who they have healed.
Speaker 1: Peter has preached thousands have been saved.
Speaker 1: And the sanhedrin Council at the time are concerned that they’re gonna have another Jesus issue.
Speaker 1: One of these issues where you’ve got a revolutionary upsetting the standard and the status quo of how things have gone.
Speaker 1: And yet they’re in a predicament because they understand coming fresh off the heels of crucifying Jesus that they can’t just go and chase any and everybody.
Speaker 1: When we enter into the text, they have called them into the council to try and threaten them.
Speaker 1: And then they asked them to leave so that they could have a minute to confer amongst themselves.
Speaker 1: And verse 15 begins, it says, but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council.
Speaker 1: They conferred among themselves saying, What shall we do with these men?
Speaker 1: For indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it verse 17 says, but so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely threaten them that from now on, they speak to no man in this name.
Speaker 1: So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus.
Speaker 1: But Peter and John answered and said to them, whether it is right in the sight of god to listen to you more than to god, you judge.
Speaker 1: For we cannot, but speak the things, which we have seen and heard.
Speaker 1: So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way of punishing them because of the people since they all glorified god for what had been done.
Speaker 1: For the man was over forty years old. On whom this miracle of healing had been performed.
Speaker 1: Holy Spirit. I need you. God, we acknowledge your presence, your sovereignty.
Speaker 1: Jesus, we invite you to take your place on your throne.
Speaker 1: We have gathered here, yes, to be with other believers, but we have gathered here, sacrificed to be here taking time to connect with you because we live by your word.
Speaker 1: And so, god, I pray you would speak a word in this room is only you can do, that you would allow your presence to be so full in me that it overflows into what comes out of my mouth.
Speaker 1: God, I offer you my studies. I offer you my meditation that I may serve these your great people.
Speaker 1: God, let it be you and you alone.
Speaker 1: And I think you got that you’ve already seen this moment in heaven, so we surrender. We sacrifice.
Speaker 1: We lay down our vision to pick up your own.
Speaker 1: No nerves, no fears, give me pace and patience. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen.
Speaker 1: I often wonder though I see in scripture, especially in John over and over again, where John goes, I of his way to say that he was the disciple whom Jesus loved.
Speaker 1: And I often wonder to myself, whether or not John was true in his perception, not that he wasn’t someone who Jesus loved, but to go out of his way to say he was the one whom Jesus loved, suggested me that he felt a little bit favoritism in his relationship with Jesus.
Speaker 1: And while I certainly believe that that is the birthright of any of us who are believed we should feel like we are the favorite one.
Speaker 1: You know, on the outside looking in, I do wonder though if he and Peter had a unique bond that has not fully been explored because when I look at the dynamic between Peter and Jesus, I see over over again, how he allowed him insight and access that he didn’t necessarily give to the other disciples.
Speaker 1: When I look in the scripture and I think to myself, what is the most powerful interaction between Jesus and Peter there are so many different moments that come to mind.
Speaker 1: He healed his mother-in-law. He went out of his way to make sure that his mother-in-law was healed.
Speaker 1: He also allowed him the opportunity to exercise whether or not he could walk on water.
Speaker 1: We often talk about how Peter failed at walking on water as if we have jet skis on our feet, but the fact that Peter even had the odd dacity to ask whether or not he could do it.
Speaker 1: And Jesus said, if you have the audacity to ask, I’ll create the opportunity for you to do it To me, there’s something powerful about their relationship that he knew that he could ask something of Jesus and that Jesus would fulfill it Now, maybe he didn’t keep the faith and maybe he could have worked harder, but he had a certain audacity that I don’t think we can underestimate what is the most powerful interact perhaps it’s at the amount of Tabar when he has the mounted transfiguration moment, and suddenly this Jesus that they have been following is now dazzling white and shining, and it is undeniable that Jesus is not just a good man.
Speaker 1: He’s not just the anointed one, though, they thought that he was, but this is something that you’ve never seen before.
Speaker 1: This is a glory that the world has yet to be holding.
Speaker 1: He allowed Peter, to be a part of that moment, was that the most powerful interaction? Maybe.
Speaker 1: Maybe it was the moment where Jesus asks, Peter, who do you say that I am?
Speaker 1: And when Peter responds, he receives a new name because at the end of the day, Jesus tells him that this revelation is what I’m gonna build my church on and flesh and blood did not reveal this to you Peter and Jesus had a thing.
Speaker 1: I like Peter, and just because they say he had a custom spirit on him because I am delivered.
Speaker 1: And not just because he cut the ear off because I to and delivered.
Speaker 1: One of my favorite moments, I think, perhaps the most powerful moment between Jesus and Peter is in John 13, though there are other moments in the synoptic gospel that all that also covers it This moment in John 13 sticks out in my mind because it is the end of the last supper.
Speaker 1: And Jesus has made clear his journey toward the cross.
Speaker 1: They have had the first communion.
Speaker 1: And I imagine when I try to depict what it was like to be in that room, that there was a real seriousness, a real sobriety, between Jesus and the disciples at this moment.
Speaker 1: And I think the most powerful interaction that we see between Jesus and Peter takes place when Peter asked in John 13 whether or not he could follow Jesus where he was headed.
Speaker 1: I didn’t give them this scripture, but I want to read it to you for the sake of you fully understanding.
Speaker 1: It’s in John 13 verse 37, And it says Peter said to him, lord, why can I not follow you now?
Speaker 1: I will lay down my life for your sake.
Speaker 1: And Jesus answered him, and he says, will you lay down your life for my sake?
Speaker 1: Most first of all, y’all better. Okay.
Speaker 1: Most assuredly, I say to you that the rooster shall not crow till you have denied me three times.
Speaker 1: To me, this is the most powerful interaction between Jesus and Peter.
Speaker 1: Not the moment where he had the opportunity to walk on water, not the moment where he was at the mount of transfiguration, not the moment where he healed his mother-in-law, not the moment, where he gave the revelation.
Speaker 1: This to me is the most powerful interaction because this is the moment in which Jesus tells Peter something about himself that he did not know he was capable of.
Speaker 1: This is the moment where Jesus gives Peter insight about Peter that Peter himself doesn’t even know exist.
Speaker 1: We love these moments where Jesus sees us as greater than we see ourselves.
Speaker 1: Where our future and our destiny and our gifts and talents are more powerful than we could even imagine.
Speaker 1: We love it when we feel like we’ve been sleep on ourselves.
Speaker 1: But very rarely do we dig into those moments where Jesus tells us something about ourselves that doesn’t quite measure up to who we see ourselves as.
Speaker 1: Like I’m loyal.
Speaker 1: Like I have integrity, like you can count on me.
Speaker 1: This is the most powerful interaction because Peter thinks highly of himself as a disciple.
Speaker 1: He sees himself as one who can easily follow Jesus no matter where he goes.
Speaker 1: I don’t care how dark the road is gonna be.
Speaker 1: I can be with you, and yet, Jesus says that you cannot live up to your own intention.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Because who we intend to be And the impact of who we actually are sometimes have distance.
Speaker 1: Your intention and your impact.
Speaker 1: We are responsible just as much for our intention as we are per hour impact.
Speaker 1: So it doesn’t fully matter what you mean if what you mean didn’t come out in the way that you delivered which is difficult for us to comprehend because, yes, you cannot control the way that a person experiences you And yes, they need to do their own work, but that does not give us license to just do and say whatever we want to say, well, I didn’t mean it that way.
Speaker 1: If they took it that way, that’s on them. No. No. No.
Speaker 1: You are responsible for making sure that the way that I impacted you, the way that I said it, that I can stand by it in intentions and in the presence of god, I am responsible for making sure that my intention and my impact align.
Speaker 1: Which is why relationships become so challenging for us.
Speaker 1: Not just our relationship with Jesus, but also our relationships with others.
Speaker 1: Because there’s a certain level of humility required for us to make sure that our intentions are constantly aligning with our impact as much as possible when we’re parenting.
Speaker 1: I like that when we’re loving on one another.
Speaker 1: I have a responsibility to make sure that this all aligns because I recognize that in this season of my life and the influence that god has given me, and everyone if you know one person, you have influence that that influence could be the very thing that makes or breaks who god is calling them to be.
Speaker 1: I am responsible for my impact because I never wanna say or do anything that robs you from becoming who god has called you to be.
Speaker 1: I recognize that when you recognize that you have been the villain, and somebody’s story, it changes.
Speaker 1: Everyone has been the victim, and we could shout all day about who did you wrong.
Speaker 1: But if we were really honest, there are some of who had been the villain in other people’s story and not because I meant to, but because I was so blind to the way that my words come out.
Speaker 1: I was so blind to own brokenness that hurt you in the process when you become aware that I can sometimes act in a way that even I don’t agree with.
Speaker 1: It makes you listen differently when someone everyone is saying the same thing that you don’t know how to talk to people.
Speaker 1: Maybe there’s nothing wrong with their ears, is I’m wrong with your mail.
Speaker 1: And you mean well, but you’re not always doing well.
Speaker 1: I think that Paul unpacks this in great lengths in Romans 7.
Speaker 1: He says, for I do not do the good I want to do.
Speaker 1: But I do the evil, I do not want to do. Wait a minute.
Speaker 1: I don’t do what I wanna do.
Speaker 1: My intention is not showing up in my action.
Speaker 1: I do the very thing that I don’t want to do, my impact. There’s a distance.
Speaker 1: This keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not wanna do, it’s no longer I who do it.
Speaker 1: But it is sin living in me that does it.
Speaker 1: This word sin when you look it up in the Greek, it means Hermiti.
Speaker 1: It means to miss the mark.
Speaker 1: I’m, okay, I’m gonna say this.
Speaker 1: Sometimes in church, not this church, Other churches.
Speaker 1: We talk about other churches.
Speaker 1: We reduce send down to maybe who you’re sleeping with and whether or not you lie.
Speaker 1: But when we see sin as missing the mark of who we are called to be, it humbles us because we recognize each day that I wake up.
Speaker 1: There are moments where the thing I wanna do, I don’t do. I don’t wanna talk to you crazy.
Speaker 1: I don’t wanna shut you out. I wanna be open. I wanna be honest.
Speaker 1: I wanna be vulnerable, but the thing that I wanna do, I do not do.
Speaker 1: And it is sin that is doing it in me.
Speaker 1: What if we saw those moments where we missed the mark as not as just being human?
Speaker 1: But as is actually sending, missing the mark on who god has called us to be as a partner who god has called us to be as a parent who god has called us to be as a leader who god has called us to be as a friend.
Speaker 1: I know it’s not one of those sexy messages, but I’m telling you that you have to recognize that there is a possibility that you are missing the mark.
Speaker 1: And if I’m missing the mark, what is it that needs to happen within me?
Speaker 1: Where I do not compromise the mark because it requires too much communication and it requires too much humility, and it requires a skill set.
Speaker 1: And quite frankly, they don’t even deserve the version of me, uh, who I would be if I actually met the mark.
Speaker 1: So now I’m meeting their mark instead of his mark, and they have become my lord.
Speaker 1: Instead of him, my lord, I am who I am, regardless of who you are, sometimes I apologize not because you deserve it, but because I didn’t deserve to miss the mark in that way.
Speaker 1: Yeah. You may have deserved that custom, but I didn’t deserve
Speaker 2: to abandon mission in order to get down on your level, because when I get down on your level, I am no longer the mark.
Speaker 1: And I can’t miss just because you missed.
Speaker 1: There are some people I don’t wanna be even with.
Speaker 1: I’m sorry.
Speaker 1: I don’t I don’t wanna be on your level. I tried that. It didn’t work for me.
Speaker 1: I don’t wanna be on your level. I didn’t like who I was. I don’t wanna be on your level.
Speaker 1: It left me bitter. I don’t wanna be on your level.
Speaker 1: It left me I don’t wanna be on your level. The generational curse
Speaker 2: can’t get broken if I stay on your level. They’ve been doing this in my family for generations.
Speaker 2: God has called
Speaker 1: me 2 different So, yes, I’m sorry
Speaker 2: that I abandoned myself. And, yes, I repent God because I missed the mark when I went off, and I read them for but I came home dirty because I missed the mark.
Speaker 1: Paul doesn’t just leave us there in Romans 7.
Speaker 1: He tells us in Romans 8. That, yes, it is singe dwelling in me.
Speaker 1: I am missing the mark because the sin that is dwelling in me, but in Romans 8 and 2, he lets us know for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Speaker 1: That means that though I have missed the mark because sin is dwelling in me, there is also something else dwelling inside of me.
Speaker 1: And the spirit of god dwelling inside of me is going at war with the sin that is living inside of me.
Speaker 1: You can’t tell
Speaker 2: it, but you sitting next
Speaker 1: to somebody in a war zone because the sin that is dwelling within me is that war the spirit of god that is in me.
Speaker 1: And I just wanted to let you know that you may be in the midst of the battle, but the spirit of god does not lose.
Speaker 1: And sometimes god allows that sin to come to the surface so that the spirit
Speaker 2: can get it on the front line.
Speaker 1: Cause if you get your sin on the front line and you the spirit of god over that sin.
Speaker 1: Now god can go to war
Speaker 2: with the thing that’s going to war with your destiny.
Speaker 2: Now god can go to war with the thing that’s the war with your family. Yeah. Bring it out.
Speaker 2: Bring it out. Bring it out. Cause I got peeled with something that’s bigger than the sin dwelling within me.
Speaker 1: The spirit of god That’s why I don’t wanna just be in a room with the spirit.
Speaker 2: I gotta lift my hands and receive it. That’s why I
Speaker 1: don’t wanna just be around the spirit. That’s why say things like fill me up
Speaker 2: until I overflow because I recognize that there is some stuff in me that’s gotta get out of me if I’m gonna be who god has called me to be.
Speaker 2: I realize I got some abandonment issues. I got some rejection issues. Deeming the fight,
Speaker 1: and I can’t do it on my own.
Speaker 2: Some of y’all sing, fill me up. You singing a song. I’m making a request to god.
Speaker 2: Fill me up god till I overflow. I want to run over if I can sing out and run you out of this building because we would take about 10 seconds to ask god to fill us up until I overflow.
Speaker 2: Cause got sin dwelling in me. I got pains, well, and give me. I’m carrying generational sin.
Speaker 2: This sin didn’t even start with me.
Speaker 2: I’ve got my great grandmother seeing down on the inside of me, but I got a spirit of god that can sit out of my bloodline.
Speaker 1: It’s called overflow. It’s gonna overflow.
Speaker 1: You get filled with the spirit. Sometimes I lift my hands.
Speaker 2: I don’t even feel like it. I’m tired. I’m depressed.
Speaker 2: I’m worried, but I lift my hands because this spirit makes utterance on my behalf.
Speaker 2: When I can’t say a word, just lift my hands because it’s all my gut, and it’s all I need.
Speaker 1: This is a job for the spirit.
Speaker 1: This is not a job I can think my way out of.
Speaker 1: This is not a job I can play my way out of.
Speaker 2: This is a job for the spirit. This sin is a job for the spirit.
Speaker 2: This addiction is a job for the spirit. This lust is a job for the spirit.
Speaker 2: That when the spirit gets finished with me, I might be in rehab.
Speaker 2: When the spirit gets finished with me, I might be in therapy, but no matter where I go, it’s gotta start in the spirit, because the spirit’s gonna finish this thing.
Speaker 2: Because I gotta be free.
Speaker 2: I gotta be free. I can’t do it back.
Speaker 1: I can’t do it in bondage. Gus says some
Speaker 2: of you, I can’t promote you because I’m a be promoting a bound version of you.
Speaker 2: And where you go, you got to be free to create. Yeah. You gotta be free to think.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Speaker 2: You gotta be free to speak truth to power.
Speaker 2: And if I sent you in there bound up, you mess around and compromise when I’m calling you to set a new standard.
Speaker 2: I
Speaker 1: What I love about Jesus is that I am not just in relationship with him as someone who goes to church on Sunday.
Speaker 1: I’ve been trying not to say things that’s gonna get me in too much trouble.
Speaker 1: Not too much. I’ve been in trouble, but not too much trouble. You know what I mean?
Speaker 1: Church is not the center of my relationship with god.
Speaker 1: It’s the icing on the cake. I love it for sure.
Speaker 1: But I am in relationship with Jesus.
Speaker 1: So when I come to church, it confirms what happened in my relationship with Jesus.
Speaker 1: Church is a good place to start if you don’t know how to get your relationship with god.
Speaker 1: But if you’re connected to a church that doesn’t build relationship with Jesus.
Speaker 1: You just got a different dealer out of a different corner, but you need to be a part of the kinda This is now when
Speaker 2: you go out of here,
Speaker 1: you need to make some disciples.
Speaker 2: When you go out of here, you need to wreck trump when you go in here.
Speaker 2: You ought to be able to change something because I am not your dealer.
Speaker 2: I am one meant to thrust you into the world.
Speaker 1: My relationship with Jesus it sets the mark for me.
Speaker 1: How do you handle power? How do you handle failure?
Speaker 1: How do you handle betrayal? You set the mark he sets the mark for me.
Speaker 1: I I’m a terrible mark.
Speaker 2: Don’t let me be your mark.
Speaker 1: I gotta point you to him. He sets the mark for me.
Speaker 1: How do I speak to people? Jesus, help me to understand.
Speaker 1: How do I deal with this when they’re talking about me, Jesus, you set the mark.
Speaker 1: I wanna go off Jesus. You tell them I turn the other cheek.
Speaker 1: How exactly does your neck move in such a way? Cause the way my hands are set up.
Speaker 1: Jesus, you gotta help me because I’m so used to defending myself. That I don’t
Speaker 2: know if I can trust you to defend
Speaker 1: me, but you set the mark for me. That even when
Speaker 2: it looks like I’m on
Speaker 1: the cross, even when it
Speaker 2: looks like I’m lost, God, I believe in your resurrection powers of Jesus.
Speaker 1: You set the mark.
Speaker 1: And because Jesus sets the mark for us, we have a parameter We have boundaries.
Speaker 1: We have a template, and we have a high priest who understands exactly we’ve gone through.
Speaker 1: I know what it’s like for someone you trust to betray you.
Speaker 1: We gotta hide priest who understands that how you’re promoted one minute then talks about the next.
Speaker 1: I gotta priest who understands that. I serve a Jesus who understands he is my kinsman redeemer.
Speaker 1: That means he be came like me in order to redeem me, he is my mark.
Speaker 1: And to be in relationship with Jesus is to not just lust after his power.
Speaker 1: It is to also hunger for his correction.
Speaker 1: It is to know that this is gonna be a cycle of me hitting the mark and missing the mark and hitting the mark and missing the mark.
Speaker 1: And so when Jesus and Peter are having this conversation to me, it is the most powerful because it is one of the only times I think in scripture where we see someone who says, no, I can meet the market.
Speaker 1: Jesus says, no, you can’t. You can’t be who you wanna be in this moment.
Speaker 1: And part of the reason why he has to trust him is because Peter is walking into something he’s never seen before.
Speaker 1: You’ve never seen what’s about to happen. You’ve seen me cast out devils.
Speaker 1: You’ve seen me talk to the sadducees.
Speaker 1: And the Pharisees, you’ve seen me heal people but what you’re about to see, you’ve never seen before, and you cannot trust that that version of you will show up in this mess.
Speaker 1: So when you’re walking into something new, it’s a mistake to say you got this.
Speaker 1: He’s got me, but I don’t know if I got this.
Speaker 1: So I move with humility because I’m probably gonna mess this up, but he’s still granting me an opportunity to move with him.
Speaker 1: In spite of the way, I’m gonna mess it up. So I move letting him lead the way.
Speaker 1: You don’t know how you’re gonna act on that job.
Speaker 1: You don’t know what marriage is gonna be. Like, you don’t know about raising those children.
Speaker 1: You don’t know about retirement. You don’t know about starting a business, and don’t let Instagram convince you that you such a boss that you don’t realize that you also go fail a little bit.
Speaker 1: And that’s okay.
Speaker 1: Because the journey is hitting the mark and missing the mark.
Speaker 1: Jesus is crucified and resurrected.
Speaker 1: He walks the earth for 40 days.
Speaker 1: I can imagine considering that he would ultimately be ascending and taking his seat at the right hand of the father, that he had a lot to do in 40 days.
Speaker 1: But Jesus goes out of his way. To go and get Peter.
Speaker 1: I won’t touch this too much because Bishop Jakes preached a message called Anne Peter.
Speaker 1: That is so memorable. You should just don’t stop watching this message to go see it.
Speaker 1: But it’s a good time.
Speaker 1: He goes to get Peter once he’s ascended because Peter is so disappointed in himself for missing the mark that he’s gone back to fishing.
Speaker 1: Because when we missed the mark, we quit.
Speaker 1: Some of us silently quit, but we back out.
Speaker 1: I love that Jesus goes out of his way to go get Peter because it shows us so much about who Jesus is.
Speaker 1: Because when Jesus says follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men, He didn’t change his mind just because Peter missed the mark.
Speaker 1: And you don’t get to quit just because you missed.
Speaker 1: You don’t get to quit just because you missed You changed your mind, but god didn’t change his mind about you.
Speaker 1: I came here to preach to somebody. Who’s thrown in the towel because you missed. Yes.
Speaker 1: You may have lost the marriage, but that doesn’t mean that you get to just quit living with inter integrity.
Speaker 1: You may have relapsed, but you don’t get to just quit because you relapsed. You don’t get to just quit.
Speaker 1: You don’t get to just throw in the towel. You don’t get it just say ministry is not for me.
Speaker 1: You don’t get to just quit because you messed up.
Speaker 2: If he called you to it, the phone is still ringing and doesn’t matter where you hide, and it doesn’t matter where you go.
Speaker 2: You don’t get to just quit. I don’t know who told you it was okay, but I
Speaker 1: came here to tell somebody If
Speaker 2: I don’t do anything else in this room, I came here to let somebody know you don’t get to just quit.
Speaker 2: You don’t get to just back You don’t get to just let somebody else do it.
Speaker 2: God says I called you to do it. Peter said, there’s other disciples. Why would you need me?
Speaker 2: I’m not worthy enough. Don’t have what it takes.
Speaker 2: I messed up too bad, but you don’t get to just Quinn.
Speaker 2: You gonna have to put on your big boy draw and get back out on the front line because I’m not finished with you yet.
Speaker 2: I’m not finished with you yet. Demons aren’t done trembling. The devil is not done being destroyed, and I called
Speaker 1: you to break something in the earth.
Speaker 2: You don’t get to just quit. I know you tired.
Speaker 2: I know you ruined baby, I’m tired too, but I’ll call to this, and I don’t get to just back down.
Speaker 2: You don’t get to just quit. Yeah. They’re probably talking about shit. Yeah.
Speaker 2: You probably in pairs, but we don’t have a high priest who doesn’t understand why a slight to be talked about, to be humiliated.
Speaker 2: And if he didn’t get off the cross, you can’t get off yours. Sorry.
Speaker 2: But not sorry. Because how can we go to war 4 generation If we’re teaching people, if it gets hard, you can back off.
Speaker 2: If it gets hard, do something else.
Speaker 1: You don’t get to just quit. I gave you that child.
Speaker 1: You don’t get
Speaker 2: to just quit. Gave you that. Remember when the marriage started?
Speaker 2: And you knew it was me, and you knew it was God. You don’t get to just quit.
Speaker 2: Remember when you were starting the book, and it made sense. Now you got a writer’s block.
Speaker 2: You don’t get to just quit. I called you to this.
Speaker 1: If I didn’t call you, you could back out.
Speaker 1: But because you felt something when I said your name, Oh, god.
Speaker 1: I prophesy right now in this room that somebody’s feeling is coming back. That feeling of that first salvation,
Speaker 2: that feeling of the first time you called me, that feeling of when I first thought that I really can do all things through Christ, who stripped sends me.
Speaker 2: I hear god saying that old thing is coming back, that old school anointing, that old school breakthrough, that old school trust, that old school faith, I hear god saying this coming back.
Speaker 2: If it’s coming for you, I want you to lift your hands so that when the glory falls in this place, it doesn’t just hit your heart.
Speaker 2: I wanted to get down in your bones.
Speaker 2: I wanted to get down in your womb until you start birthing again.
Speaker 2: I wanted to touch such lungs until you start breathing again. Hand these dry bones live.
Speaker 2: God only you know it. But if you’re breathing this through.
Speaker 1: We’re going somewhere.
Speaker 1: We’re going somewhere. I feel you, God. I feel you’re breathing.
Speaker 2: I feel you’re moving. Feel you’re shifting. I feel you’re breaking. I can’t just go on as normal.
Speaker 2: I gotta take a minute and acknowledge when the king of glory is here.
Speaker 1: I know when the king of glory steps in, that something’s gotta break.
Speaker 1: I’m trying to break somebody out of being numb.
Speaker 1: I’m trying to break some died out of pain, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, up my sicker, they may shake it out of their own boat sitting
Speaker 2: up my seat. Brink it. God. Brink it. Do it only you can do. Somebody’s coming back.
Speaker 2: Somebody’s getting in the game. Somebody’s gonna take one step.
Speaker 1: This is not the time to quit.
Speaker 1: This is not the time to quit you think all the enemy has to do is get you You think all the enemy has to do is wage war with you.
Speaker 1: All the enemy has to do is make you indifferent.
Speaker 1: Because if you are indifferent, you will be stagnant.
Speaker 1: And if you are stagnant, you have no where you have no authority, you have nothing to reach towards.
Speaker 1: Peter.
Speaker 1: Doesn’t get to just quit.
Speaker 1: When we find him in my text, Peter’s back is against the wall again.
Speaker 1: Probably very similar to the way it was when he first denied Jesus.
Speaker 1: Where he recognized owning his identity.
Speaker 1: Could be life for death.
Speaker 1: When we find him in acts 4, he’s having to pull from the lesson that Jesus said, you don’t get to just quit.
Speaker 1: I was I would have put all these scriptures for you to look at, but when Jesus tells him you don’t get to just quit He says, do you love me?
Speaker 1: Yeah. Peter says, yes, I love you. I missed the mark, but I still love him.
Speaker 1: I missed the mark, but I can’t deny he’s been good.
Speaker 1: I’m not good, but you’re good. And you’re too good for me.
Speaker 1: So, yes, I love you.
Speaker 1: Jesus says, if you let me feed my sheep, do the thing I called you to do.
Speaker 1: Three times, he does this. The same amount of times that Peter denied him.
Speaker 1: Jesus says I wanna give you a chance to own me. Do you love me? Feed my sheep.
Speaker 1: Do you love me? Feed my sheep.
Speaker 2: Do you love me? Feed my sheep.
Speaker 1: You don’t get to just take this loss.
Speaker 1: You gotta eat this loss until this loss becomes a lesson.
Speaker 1: Because if you eat this loss until the loss becomes a lesson, when you get tested again in this area, you won’t make the same mistake twice
Speaker 2: because you see, I ate a loss like this before,
Speaker 1: and I learned my lesson
Speaker 2: that even I ate this loss. I’m not gonna do the same thing over and over and over again.
Speaker 2: God a man failed you, won’t But if you tell me you’re calling me again, if my back is up against the wall again, I’m gonna own the lesson that allowed me enough the chance.
Speaker 2: God is not just testing you to fail you. God is testing you so that every loss becomes a lesson.
Speaker 2: And when that and becomes yours, you can own it in front of the very enemy
Speaker 1: that made you lose it in the first place.
Speaker 1: And when we see Peter, owning this blessing is so powerful to me.
Speaker 1: Because he’s standing in front of a council that is trying to teach him a lesson too.
Speaker 1: They’re trying to teach him a lesson to keep his mouth shut.
Speaker 1: They’re trying to teach him a lesson to stay out of the way.
Speaker 1: They’re trying to threaten him. So you gotta know that there are many people trying to teach you.
Speaker 1: And not everybody trying to teach you is trying to get you closer to who god has called you to be.
Speaker 1: So you gotta be careful who you allow to teach you when you’re trying to own the lesson that god gave you because somebody’s trying to strip you from the lesson that you need to own.
Speaker 1: And Peter has enough wisdom and insight to understand that you’re not even the person giving me the test.
Speaker 1: You just look like the person testing me, but I know because I know that this isn’t even about you.
Speaker 1: You gotta look beyond the circumstance and understand that this looks very similar to something that I failed at before.
Speaker 1: This looks something very similar to something that got in before.
Speaker 1: And I could take on the lesson.
Speaker 1: Of my enemy and shrink.
Speaker 1: I could fall for the lesson of my enemy and be prideful and boastful.
Speaker 1: I could fall for the lesson of my enemy. But lose my family.
Speaker 1: Because the real test wasn’t whether or not you could be like the fellas.
Speaker 1: The real test was whether or not you could be a husband.
Speaker 1: The real test wasn’t whether or not you could be successful.
Speaker 1: The real test was whether or not you could maintain your integrity. That wasn’t the real test.
Speaker 1: You gotta make sure what’s the real test here because I wanna own this lesson.
Speaker 1: The San Hedran Council doesn’t understand that they are testing someone who had been robbed before.
Speaker 1: Some of you Y’all learned your lessons the first time, but some of us We learn by losing.
Speaker 1: And when god gives you the grace, to learn again after you’ve lost.
Speaker 1: You don’t just give that up without a fight.
Speaker 1: When god tells you you’re still worthy regardless of what happened to you, you don’t just give that up without a fight.
Speaker 1: I’m not talking about when you heard it. I’m talking about when you learn it.
Speaker 1: When you own it when it becomes a part of who you are. You see, I fought for this lesson.
Speaker 1: Somebody does think you’re arrogant. You’re not arrogant. I just fought for this lesson. It’s not that I don’t care.
Speaker 1: I just fought to finally believe that I am who god says I am.
Speaker 1: It’s not that it doesn’t hurt me. It’s just
Speaker 2: you can’t have my lesson.
Speaker 1: I’m trying to own
Speaker 2: this lesson. My family’s depending on me owning this lesson.
Speaker 1: My children are depending on me owning my lesson. You just can’t take it.
Speaker 1: You can me, but you can’t take my lesson. You can hurt me, but you can’t take my lesson.
Speaker 2: I may be crying, but you can’t have my lesson. I fought for this baby. Bullied for this baby.
Speaker 2: I cried for this baby. I’ve spent 10 years to press for this baby.
Speaker 2: I tried to blow my brains out, baby. You can’t just take this lesson.
Speaker 2: I believe that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. And, yes, I went through the divorce.
Speaker 2: And, yes, they may have touched me, but I fought to own this lesson. And you just can’t take
Speaker 1: it when you walk out the door. This is my lesson. This is my lesson.
Speaker 1: God gave me this lesson. Jesus went out
Speaker 2: of his way. He had anything he could be doing in 40 days, but he went out of his way.
Speaker 2: To teach me this lesson. Nobody in your family was saved, but Jesus went out of his way to make sure you know that I love you, that I call you my own.
Speaker 1: So you can’t just take this from me.
Speaker 1: Because I’ve already lost it once.
Speaker 1: God says I wanna give you a lesson. That cannot be easily broken.
Speaker 1: I wanna give you a lesson that cannot be easily taken away from you.
Speaker 1: And in X Four, we see Peter owning this lesson.
Speaker 1: I’m owning this lesson. You got the power to kill me, you think.
Speaker 1: Don’t let the illusion of power. Misrepresent who actually has power.
Speaker 1: Because even if god allows you to be the one that takes me out, it’s because that was in his plan not yours.
Speaker 1: If god allows me in front of this enemy, he still has the ultimate say so.
Speaker 1: You have the illusion of power over my destiny. But you do not have the real thing. And I
Speaker 2: am sorry that I gave you license to believe that you had the authority over my destiny, but telling you right now that I know when it’s all said and done who
Speaker 1: holds my tomorrow. You can tell
Speaker 2: me you’re gonna try kill me.
Speaker 2: I’d like to see you try because if you can get past, it’s because my god opened the door.
Speaker 2: And even when he sways me, I’m still gonna trust him because whatever dies in me, he knows how to bring it back to life.
Speaker 1: You didn’t hurt me. You were on assignment.
Speaker 2: You didn’t hurt me. You were working for me. You didn’t hurt me.
Speaker 2: God was choosing you to show me what was in me.
Speaker 2: And now that I know what sent me, I knew how to send them to the next version who you are.
Speaker 2: I feel like reaching in this place.
Speaker 1: I eat I eat my losses for breakfast.
Speaker 1: I eat my losses for dinner.
Speaker 2: I celebrate my success, but I eat my losses, because I’m trying to figure out what is the loss trying to teach me, about who I am, about who god is, about who you are, and to eat.
Speaker 1: I ate them. I ate that. I ate that.
Speaker 1: Okay.
Speaker 1: EX4.
Speaker 1: We see Peter standing in front of this council.
Speaker 1: I’m a read this. We out of here. Take my time.
Speaker 1: Take my time.
Speaker 1: Says Peter says, whether it is right in the sight of god, to listen to you more than to god.
Speaker 1: You judge. I know who really holds the authority in this situation.
Speaker 1: The same Peter who denied is now standing up to this council because he has decided I won’t miss the mark here again.
Speaker 1: I love it. I love it. I love it.
Speaker 1: They thought, well, we’ll threaten him again, verse 21 says, so when they had further threatened him, because I don’t even understand what you just said there.
Speaker 1: I’m a threaten you again.
Speaker 1: But the truth is they didn’t really have a way to punish him.
Speaker 1: Because of the people.
Speaker 1: And I know we like to be islands.
Speaker 1: And I know we like to believe that we don’t have to be in community and relationship.
Speaker 1: But there are moments where yes people talk about you, but then there are other moments where people affirm the gift of god down on the inside of you.
Speaker 1: And if you throw out all the people, you’ll miss the people who god’s gonna call to the witness stand on your behalf.
Speaker 1: They said so that people in verse 21, can you put it on the screen for me?
Speaker 1: Because of the people since they all glorified god for what had been done.
Speaker 1: You’ll know that you’re owning your lesson appropriately.
Speaker 1: When the people are glorifying god, for what happened through you.
Speaker 1: No. No. No. That’s better. That’s better than we’re giving credit for.
Speaker 1: Because what this says to me is that it started off.
Speaker 1: Peter was concerned that he couldn’t live up finished going out of his way for him.
Speaker 1: He got back in position, and god let him know in the moment with the people that because you owned your lesson, you are living up to the mark that I had in mind for you because people are glorifying god because you hit it out of the park.
Speaker 1: I wanna let you know before we get out of here that there are some things in this earth that only you can do.
Speaker 1: And there are some lessons in this earth that only you can own.
Speaker 1: And sometimes those lessons, they look like loss.
Speaker 1: Don’t let a law scare you out of position.
Speaker 1: And you don’t have to know how you’re gonna win.
Speaker 1: You don’t know how you’re gonna own after this loss.
Speaker 1: But if you dare to trust that Jesus, when out of his way, so that you didn’t quit in the area where you have been called.
Speaker 1: Don’t give up.
Speaker 1: And the place that you have been called because it’s not just about you.
Speaker 1: My glory is connected to this.
Speaker 1: My glory is connected to this, and my glory must invade the earth.
Speaker 1: When I was praying about this message, I have to tell you.
Speaker 1: These are the kinds of times that makes young preacher say, I don’t know what to say because I’ve never seen this before.
Speaker 1: God says you own who you are. In every season.
Speaker 1: Even when you don’t know what to say, even when you don’t know what to think, even when your opinion, you gotta own who I called you to be in every season.
Speaker 1: And if you own your part, I’ll take care of mine.
Speaker 1: Peter said I can’t help, but to speak about what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard I’m not asking you to make nothing up.
Speaker 1: I’m not asking you to be more eloquent anything.
Speaker 1: God says I just need you to speak what you’ve seen and what you’ve heard.
Speaker 1: That’s your lesson.
Speaker 1: For everything he’s allowed you to see.
Speaker 1: Not just the pain that keeps you up at night, but the ways that he may through the pain.
Speaker 1: Not just the fear of success, but preach about how he’s a keeper.
Speaker 1: How he protected you.
Speaker 1: Not that that was in dangerous, but I kept you just preaching about what you’ve seen, what you’ve heard And I don’t mean you gotta preach it like I’m preaching.
Speaker 1: I’m saying the next time somebody says something to you about their broken marriage about their pursuit about their purpose, I don’t you to make nothing up.
Speaker 1: I don’t need you to be the next influencer.
Speaker 1: I just need you to speak what you’ve seen and what you’ve heard.
Speaker 1: I wanna pray with you.
Speaker 1: This is a moment more than ever where each of us have Something is saying.
Speaker 1: Yes, we have to qualify it. Lay it before the lord.
Speaker 1: But quitting, quitting can’t be our option.
Speaker 1: Maybe you did fail. I can’t even preach.
Speaker 1: You know, sometimes we really like those messages where it’s like, It was them. It was them. It was them.
Speaker 1: It was them. You leave here, and you’re like, it was them.
Speaker 1: But maybe it was you too.
Speaker 1: And if you can own your lesson, maybe I I wasn’t, I didn’t have the most integrity.
Speaker 1: And now I’m scared to be in a situation that would make a demand on something that I failed at before.
Speaker 1: Couldn’t be present the way I want it to be present, couldn’t communicate, couldn’t be vulnerable, couldn’t be a safe place.
Speaker 1: I failed, so now I distance myself from it. I wanna ask you to come to this altar.
Speaker 1: If you feel most safe at a distance, because you recognize that I didn’t really do it right.
Speaker 1: I didn’t really, I didn’t really win.
Speaker 1: As a matter of fact, I didn’t just disappoint them.
Speaker 1: I think I may have missed the mark.
Speaker 1: I think this was the real sin.
Speaker 1: Like, maybe I’m not sleeping with somebody.
Speaker 1: Maybe I am, but maybe I thought as long as I’m not sleeping with somebody, I could talk to somebody in any kind of way.
Speaker 1: But maybe just maybe the real sin was that I haven’t been careful with my words.
Speaker 1: Maybe I’ve made my relationship with God about performing and checking off boxes.
Speaker 1: But Jesus wants to be in relationship with me.
Speaker 1: In such a way that I start apologizing because I missed the mark.
Speaker 1: Before you make anything right with anyone, you gotta repent.
Speaker 1: For missing the mark with God.
Speaker 1: God, you said, is standard for me.
Speaker 1: And I feel this for somebody.
Speaker 1: Some of you missed the mark, by accident.
Speaker 1: By this, I mean, you didn’t even know where the standard was.
Speaker 1: Because you didn’t have a role model.
Speaker 1: You didn’t have anyone living in front of you in such a way to help you understand where the limits are where the boundaries were, and you missed the mark.
Speaker 1: And you have been vilifying yourself.
Speaker 1: Because you recognize now what you didn’t know then, and you are not sure whether or not you can actually recover.
Speaker 1: But we do not serve a god who lives in the dimension of time, which means that you can repent today.
Speaker 1: For something a version of you did years ago, and you can release relationship and connection.
Speaker 1: And your relationship with the lord.
Speaker 1: I want you at this altar because it is a sign of humility And in a room this size and a parking lot that big, we could say to ourselves, you know what?
Speaker 1: He’ll find me right here. And you won’t be wrong.
Speaker 1: But what happens when we come to the altar is we say, I’m gonna partner with you.
Speaker 1: You’ve already gone out of your way. To make sure that I receive this word from you.
Speaker 1: I’m gonna acknowledge that you went out of your way.
Speaker 1: By moving outside of my comfort zone and outside of my safety and risking the people around me wondering, oh, what’s going on?
Speaker 1: No. No. No. It’s about that this is about me aligning myself with the mark who knew how to humble himself.
Speaker 1: To make himself of no reputation.
Speaker 1: You’re in this room, and maybe you don’t know Jesus.
Speaker 1: I hope that I have said enough in this sermon to help you understand that Jesus is not just about church rules and church politics and Republicans or Democrats or gospel or CCM is not about that.
Speaker 1: This is about relationship. And there is something powerful about being in relationship with the mark that helps you understand where can I grow?
Speaker 1: How can I change? What power is available to me? What authority is available to me?
Speaker 1: What can I speak to disease? What can I speak to principalities? What can I speak over my child?
Speaker 1: What can I prophesy? Because I am relationship with Jesus. On my own, I cannot do it, but with him.
Speaker 1: He gives me access to god in a way that just coming to church doesn’t do.
Speaker 1: I want you to come to this altar if you wanna meet Jesus, because lord knows he’s been waiting for you to turn towards him.
Speaker 1: Family, I wanna pray with you.
Speaker 1: If you wanna meet Jesus, just come while we’re praying. I see you moving.
Speaker 1: I see him moving. Thank you, Jesus. Uh, thank you, Jesus.
Speaker 1: Can we just, for 10 seconds, before I pray?
Speaker 1: Just take a minute and worship, pray reflect, set an atmosphere for yourself.
Speaker 1: I know that everybody’s been in church their whole life.
Speaker 1: This is an opportunity for us to open our hearts and say God, I think this message is for me.
Speaker 1: God, I hear you calling. I feel something in my heart.
Speaker 1: I feel something in my spirit. I feel like maybe you’re not done. I feel like maybe you’re