National Prayer Service – Jack Hibbs

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National Prayer Service – Jack Hibbs

Join us for a time of national prayer for the victims, the families, and the community of Nashville, Tennessee.

Our nation has certainly lost its way and we may be lost as a nation, even as our enemies are at the gates. However, as a people of faith, we can choose to turn back to our nation’s beginnings and to Him who is mighty to save.

As a people, we must receive the conviction of sin and offer to God a heart of repentance so that we might turn to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

By God’s grace and invitation, we can stop this. Together as a people, let us rend our hearts, asking God to forgive us of our sins and pray that God would forgive the grievous sins of our nation.

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well good evening everybody and thank you for coming tonight um we have got a lot of moving parts to this evening we have the ultimate obviously is for us to pray and to intercede for our nation and this is one of those things if you know the word of God both Old and New Testament that prayer is one of those experiential attributes that we have with the Lord to interact with him in such a way and it’s also one of the least utilized opportunities prayer is something that actually is the true practice of of getting ready for heaven to commune
with him and you know if we have a concert there’ll be ten thousand people here but if you call a prayer meeting yeah there’ll be a handful and that has historically always been true for the last two thousand years but there are events taking place in our country our community and our world that I do believe that you’re going to see a change in people being brought to the point of realizing I must cry out to God to just be sustained just to live
us to get serious before the Lord to intercede to cry out to him many of you are going to learn how to pray tonight which is a great thing um but God has blessed us this evening in a way that he’s taken this prayer meeting beyond the walls of the church which the church really doesn’t have walls anyway the real Church and there are churches joining us all across the United States tonight there are churches who will be uh they’re going to be recording tonight and we’ve had churches tell us that they’re going
to be playing it next week and their services I just got word that there’s some Churches who canceled their Wednesday night service tonight to stream live are gathering together tonight so we welcome all of you here together in prayer this evening and so um it’s just only now Wednesday and in the last um 96 hours our nation has been rocked by a series of events and well let’s put our eyes to the screens second floor no locked door where did they go in
first floor first floor first floor hold there y’all somebody hold there hit that door [Music] rifle first rifle first blue go go go go go go go go go move I’m with you go away [Applause] [Music] put that stuff go go keep pushing let’s go
[Music] shots fired shots fired shots fired move [Applause] right right right thank you push with lpbo push the lpbo go right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so that’s how school started for Nashville Tennessee in the Franklin area at that church there as the kids were in school Christian School
at their wonderful church that they attend um our good friends Marty Goetz and Jennifer live in the area there um the pastors daughter uh one of the three children of the age of nine was shot dead when you heard the initial shots first it was the three children being shot dead and then the three adults being shot dead um and you know just so the Monday started that way and um this is something that is increasing in our nation and it is evident that we are starting to see profound indicators that we need God’s mercy and
Grace in our country let alone to pray and to support our police officers um this is not an issue of gun control uh notice that it was guys with good guns that stopped the demoniac with a bad gun okay so this is an issue of the heart this is an issue of the Soul this is only what Jesus can fix there’s no legislation that can fix this you can’t legislate morality you can’t create a new heart in somebody only Jesus Christ can do this our country is in need of God and um again all of this is to prepare us for
the gravity of this evening uh the next thing is uh what happened uh in Mississippi uh looked at the screens please it’s unbelievable it’s hard to believe that this is not a Hollywood set but this was a series of tornadoes on a scale that some are saying has not been experienced before remembering that God says to us that he’ll watch over any nation that puts him first by his grace he’ll Shield us from such things but when we leave off from the Lord we leave ourselves vulnerable to what Satan would love to do to every
single one of us and next you guys is the weather reporter uh public television weather reporter you guys have that we got a new scan coming in here as we speak oh man like north side of Amory this is coming in oh man [Music] dear Jesus please help them amen okay we got a new skin coming in here as we speak we just thought we’d repeat this just so you got it right north side of Amory this is coming in oh man [Music] he’s saying that because that blue chunk right there that blue chunk is is what you do not want to see
and so on air on broadcast he calls out to Jesus and uh when he was in the midst of a catastrophe he was questioned as to his uh judgment and should he have done such a thing and uh he refused to apologize uh to to praying for the Lord and not only has the next issue been going on now this normally we wouldn’t include in the National Day of Prayer as we are today but many people have said and it’s been uh said in love that Israel is the 51st uh state in America um but Israel is literally at this hour
and has been increasingly coming apart at the seams uh there is a uh antifa lead billion billionaires have sponsored um the Anarchy that is on the streets of Israel right now we’ll show this video clip real quick because we’re going to have time in prayer including Israel Israel’s spiraling out of control with thinner turmoil violent protests erupting of Israelis on their own government the unprecedented demonstrations reaching a Breaking Point the rare Uprising blocking roads and disrupting trains clashing with police who fired
stun grenades and water cannons it’s all happening as thousands of people across the country took to the streets on Wednesday during a nationwide day of disruption for two months Israel has been experiencing regular protests against prime minister netanyahu’s plan to reform the courts which he says is necessary to curb what he calls activist judges as Israel copes with its own internal unrest it is also dealing with a wave of violence with the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank Netanyahu calling for peace and saying people
should not take the law into their own hands the turmoil putting pressure on Israel’s government across multiple fronts as the country braces for more violence Matt Bradley NBC news so Israel is spiraling out of control because anarchists are demanding for uh Netanyahu to step down because Netanyahu has now demanded as prime minister that the courts be reformed because they’re so corrupt sound familiar and so um these are serious times and so with us to give us a very brief commentary and prayer uh if all of our
technology is working right tonight across the uh across the United States um a good friend a warrior a princess warrior loves this nation loves Jesus most but I’ve asked Michelle Bachmann uh congresswoman Michelle Bachmann to speak on socialism and Michelle are you are you with us [Applause] I am Pastor Jack thank you so much thank you it’s all yours thank you God bless you Brothers and Sisters in Christ what a wonderful time to gather together Pastor Jack asked me to speak just a minute or two on socialism and
then also pray it is really the issue of our time we have an ideology that formed the basis of the United States and our overriding narrative and our reason for being was based upon Godly principles of government I’m the dean of a graduate school of government we know from our primary source documents that our Founders intended this nation to reflect Godly values what’s happening right now is a complete switch in ideology we’re seeing a refutation of freedom and instead what’s being put into place is
socialism and what does that mean I wrote down a brief definition of socialism socialism is theft by government it’s governments stealing from its own people individuals work they make money and the government takes whatever money amount of money they want or any Goods that we create or any services that we create to use or give away however they choose what is the Practical effect of socialism is that individuals lose control over their lives and government gains control over individuals all we have to do is look at the living
laboratory of the last 100 years where have we seen socialism many countries we’ve seen it in uh we’ve seen it in Russia we’ve seen it in China we’ve seen it in Venezuela we’ve seen it in Cuba we’ve seen it in many many nations as well as African nations and other nations we’ve seen socialism and what social the fruit of socialism has been misery and poverty but the worst fruit has been death by government there’s a great book by a man named R.
J Rummel Called Death by government and he and others a book called The Black Book of Communism documents that governments become brutal when they take authority and control over individuals well over 100 million people were murdered by their own governments in the last 100 years this is unprecedented in all of human history and that’s why I ask you to join me now in prayer oh Father you have given us our inheritance in the United States one of the greatest inheritance of any people group ever in history in this country where we were
able to enjoy the benefits of Liberty and all that went with it but Liberty not just as licensed Liberty under the freedom of your principles a Godly framework of government oh Father we ask for forgiveness and confession of sin for not following your ways for instead father making everything else God in our country except for you so we repent of violating the first commandment because there is only one God and it is you government isn’t God nothing else has got materialism isn’t God and so we confess that sin
Lord we pray we cry out to you we ask you Oh Holy Father for deliverance from the socialism that has come into the United States by the lawlessness that has come into our nation by our own government yes God and we ask that you would deliver us from this Lawless socialistic government that is bringing a system we no longer recognize so father we recognize that this isn’t just a matter of voting anymore that’s right this is a spiritual battle yes and so we cry out to our God yes to deliver us in this moment and we thank you o God
that our times are in are in your hands and we trust you father in all things in Jesus name amen amen God bless you Michelle thank you so much she’s so right about that you think whenever a government has control the people the people never got better go search your books go search history when a government is in control there’s always a king or what is viewed as a divine right of kings and there are the peasants and America because we don’t know our history as Michelle pointed out our young people today are embracing what is
being told to them regarding a socialistic agenda that the government knows best and in many ways you already know that there are times when even our children or perhaps you have been schooled by those who are in charge of how they know better about your life they know better about how you should spend your money they know better as to how you should spend your time and this is sweeping our land and again over and over again tonight as you hear from these people that will lead us in prayer is that this is all the Fallout
from a nation turning its back on God and you’re going to hear that over and over again tonight well listen um in in military in the U.S military there’s what is termed as a a battle buddy it almost sounds like an action figure but I I have one of those in my life and you only need one and he’s a brother that is no stranger to you I will give my life for this man because I know he’d give his life for mine and I love him with all of my heart if anybody’s got his pulse on the spiritual direction of this nation
it’s my brother Tony Perkins and Tony uh welcome tonight and uh we’re all here we got a full house Tony we love you and uh please speak to us well thank you Pastor Jack and and thank you for taking the lead to call the nation to prayer at a time like this I was up on Capitol Hill earlier this evening met with several members of Congress actually spoke to the member of Congress who represents Nashville and just talking with a number of those members who understand we’re at a point where there’s no as you mentioned
earlier there’s no legislation that will solve this and they said that themselves and they’ve been mocked for saying that they’ve been ridiculed for saying that America needs to return to God we cannot continue to see this type of Devastation these types of tragedy over and over and continue to have the same response or we just need more laws that’s not it we have rejected the God who gave us the freedom and this country and establishes as we as he has and as you pointed out scripture is very clear on this when you
look at Israel when they rejected God’s statutes when they I rejected his word his law he finally said after a certain period of time all right guys it’s over right and you know I was thinking about this and today it was very interesting that you’ve asked me to pray for both government and military military leaders our top military leaders were on Capitol Hill today you know what they were defending they were defending the military’s new policy that will fly women across the country to get an abortion
the defending their work policies but not their mission they we are a distracted people yeah and as a result our children have become the targets of the enemy as Governor Lee from Tennessee said last night this is pure evil we battle not against flesh and blood we’re battling against evil and that’s what we’re up against and I was just thinking as as these reports are coming in we’re reading more and more yeah as a former police officer understanding what I just saw in that video those guys that went through that
not knowing what they were going to see when they turned the corner we see it because we see the reports we see the after effects of this and it’s kind of like what Nehemiah got when he got a report from his brother that had just returned from Jerusalem he said I sat down and wept and I mourned for many days I was fasting and praying before the god of heaven and I said I pray Lord God Of Heaven o great and awesome God you who keep Covenant and mercy with those who love you and observe you and and your Commandments please let your
ear be attentive in your eyes open that you may hear the prayer of your servant that I pray before you now day and night this is the moment for the church to be praying to be planning for God to move and to be participants in this move of God that I’m praying and believing will happen let’s pray father yes Lord we join our voices together across this nation recognizing Lord we don’t have enough money that can fix this problem we don’t have enough pieces of legislation we don’t have enough police
officers to make us say we need God in America again and let the mockers mock yes Lord let those who want to ridicule let them ridicule Lord we will not be silent we know what your word says your word says for us to return to you that your favor might be upon us again as we repent of our sins and we return to you Lord we repent we repent for the years of abortion that have taken place in this nation that have made our children vulnerable in the wombs of their mother so why should we be surprised when they’re vulnerable in the rooms of our
schools God we have opened the door to this evil God forgive us and Lord cleanse us and return your favor to this nation again I pray Lord you would stir the heart of every believer that we would be like Nehemiah that we could not sleep we could not rest because we’re praying and we’re interceding for this nation may we not wait for someone else yes but Lord may we take that responsibility May the pulpits of America Proclaim truth may they this Sunday may they Proclaim thus says the Lord amen without hesitation
without fear without timidity but with boldness and courage proclaiming Your Word in Brokenness and humility but resting upon you and your truth Lord I pray that you would continue to bring men and women Lord into government that will stand for righteousness men and women who will stand for righteousness in our military and I pray over them right now because they’re under assault they’re being driven out they’re having to hide their Faith Lord may they be able to boldly Proclaim their faith and may you protect them yes
Lord as they do Lord I pray that you would raise up a standard of righteousness and we would see this wave of evil yes pushed back in our nation as we turn to you for we pray and ask this in Jesus name yes amen amen God bless you Tony love you man I got to tell you um you saw that backdrop behind that uh that window of his and I want you to know that uh often I’m in Washington DC and he is the one who I’m with and you guess you just need to know that uh some of the hope that I gain is being in that room that
Tony was in there and behind or in front of him as a a conference table and um Tony will be the first one in that room to take his cowboy boots off and get flat on his face facing the U.S Capitol and pray his heart out and let me tell you he doesn’t invite us he just does it and you find yourself in a manner of moments humbled and on your face with them in prayer you always think of Washington DC as being a cesspool and it is it is the famous swamp but there are God’s people there a handful but they’re in the Gap and Washington is


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