Living Water

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Living Water

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is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of prow Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world as you continue to seek Earthly things and seek the things that the world seeks because you thinking that that water is better than what Jesus has and what Jesus has for you is the holy spirit on the inside of you that’s going to lead and guide you he has the grace of God that’s going to teach you and all these kind of things but you prefer that other kind of water instead of drinking
this living water and I’m talking about even physical water you still going to be thirsting again he says but when you drink of him then you will never be thirsty again praise God download and stay connected with the changing your world podcast with Klo dollar keep the word of God at the Forefront of your mind with these powerful and uplifting messages with each message that you download and stream you gain revelation of the fullness of God’s grace the changing your world podcast brings you life-changing wisdom right at your
fingertips no matter where you are subscribe today on Apple podcast Spotify or your preferred podcast platform this is your world so let’s vow to make it a better place let every heart than me to know you love is here to St oh it’s time we live a new life oh let us love shine right in you we saved by his grace so we Embrace Your Love today we are Chang if you have your Bibles uh we’re going to be studying tonight the Book of John chapter 4 you’re going to really really enjoy this St John chapter 4 and
I want to start off tonight reading it I want to handle tonight more scripture by scripture because this is pretty pretty big uh John 4:1 says when therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made a Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples did he left Judea and he departed again to Galilee so now he’s on his way where to Galilee but he must need needs go through Samaria now he didn’t go through Samaria because it would make the trip
shorter he said I’m on my way to Galilee but the will of God is for me to go through Samaria there’s a Divine appointment there now here’s what you got to get as a child of God is when God instructs you to do something and that’s the will of God for your life you probably need to do it amen but he will instruct you where geographically where to go I mean yesterday I was dealing with that whether I’m supposed to go here whether I’m not supposed to go there and he will speak to you it’s not funny but and and
you know I I went to bed last night saying all right God I I need to I need to hear from you I’m just focused ready to go to sleep cuz I figur God can really speak to me at that time and he just start pouring out all of these illustrations in the Bible and in my mind I had the nerve to say yeah but Lord what do you want me to do and he says I’m talking to you now I want you to look at get these scriptures and see if God is talking to you he says I it is the will of God for me to go go uh to Galilee but do it
through Samaria all right he says then cometh he to a city of the samarians which is called shikar near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph now Jacob’s Well was there Jesus therefore being with wearied please note that he was wearied with his journey he sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour there cometh a woman of the Samaran to draw water now let’s pause here just for a moment couple of things about the Samaran um Jesus passed through Samaria because it was God’s
will to have him uh interact with a woman there it was was more than the fastest track like we said but there was something that was between the Samaritans and the Jewish people they didn’t see eye ey there was strong racism there now the deal you have to deal with in every conflict is probably going to be over politics race and religion okay those are the three areas of conflict and there was a huge conflict between Jewish people and Samaritans they hated one another and that’s even translated all the way up to
today so you didn’t you didn’t see Jewish people mingling with Samaritans and vice versa but now the issue here is that this woman was not only a Samaritan woman she was a woman and in this situ in this situation you’re going to find out she offered Jesus a cup of water had he taken that cup they would have viewed him as unclean so you got to ask yourself why would you show up at the well to talk to somebody who is going to who could mess your reputation up who could cause you to be unclean even the disciples said
was shocked when they showed up and said why are you talking to this woman she was she’s cast out and she’s unclean but Jesus oh my God is’t it amazing that God will send the grace his grace to anybody he wants to send it to remember Grace is a person his name is Jesus and Grace showed up in the life of somebody who didn’t qualify now later on we’re going to make a comparison between Nicodemus and this Samaritan woman because this is John chapter 3 and then right in John chapter 4 he’s trying to
show us something some similarities between those two and then there were some differences between those two all right so he goes on here and he says um verse 7 there cometh a woman of the Samaria to draw water Jesus saith unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat then saith the woman of Samaria unto him how is it that thou being a Jew askest drink of me which am a Samar which am a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans so you get the picture of
what’s going on here Jesus answered and said unto her if you knew the gift of God now he was referring to himself Jesus is the gift of God Jesus who is Grace he’s the gift of God he says if you know if you know it’s the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee Living Water now we’re going to break all that down tonight because I don’t know about you but over and over again people have Ted and preached this but they’ve not done it in
in an area of Grace bace so I made some notes I want to make sure I cover some of this uh the Samaritan woman considered ceremonially unclean which we read there in verse 9 and again I already said to touch the cup uh offered to him would have made him unclean so Jesus had every reason to avoid this woman you know you got to watch out because save folks will give you every reason to avoid people they’ll say don’t don’t go there y’all don’t know what they did don’t go there y’all don’t know what they talking
about and and and we’ve created a society where it’s okay when somebody says you know that they going to me you you going to look bad if you go there all right now watch this he says and and and and I want to before before we read into it let’s let’s make this comparison between Nicodemus in John chapter 3 and the Samaritan woman here in John chapter 4 first of all Nicodemus was a powerful Jewish man who had the potential to validate Jesus’s Ministry okay you got to understand yeah we know who Jesus was
now but back then it was like you know he’s a prophet okay and so he could have validated his ministry not that Jesus needed it but Nicodemus was educated Nicodemus was wealthy he was respectable and all that kind of stuff the Samaritan woman on the other hand Jesus stood to gain nothing from that the interaction with the Samaritan woman why would you show up you you will gain nothing Jesus’s reputation could have been uh lifted up by Nicodemus while his interaction with this Samaritan woman could have hurt his
reputation and Nicodemus had um he had the right e the eth ethnicity he had the right uh group the right religion he had all of the right things of somebody that you would want to hang around you know I thought about this the other day if a famous person got saved you thought it was a big deal but if a person who was just out in the street got saved you wouldn’t say nothing about it okay I just mentioned that okay so you got to watch that you see what I’m saying would you would you would you go out your way for a famous
person that’s in a movie but won’t go out your way for somebody that’s in the street we need we need to check that okay and so here’s this uh here are the similarities here between Nicodemus and this woman now both situations were inconvenient both of them was Nicodemus showing up late at night it it’s it would be understandable if Jesus said this is not a good time it was both inconvenience then he interacts with this woman after a long journey hot exhausted thirsty he could have said it ain’t it’s not the time
right now give me a chance to rest a little bit so in both cases the similarities were it was an inconvenient time he’s dehydrated just finished this journey but Jesus wasn’t concerned listen to me he wasn’t concerned about his reputation nor was he concerned about his personal comence uh Comfort why because both Nicodemus and the woman they both needed him both of them needed Jesus both of them needed the grace of God and Jesus wasn’t afraid to show up uh would you be willing to show up if your reputation is on the line so you’re
going to have to learn that you going to be talked about anyway but you’re going to have to make your mind up if you’re going to live by Grace Grace shows up in places where most people don’t think it should be there there on and you you got you got to get ready for that and I feel like part of my my last day Ministry is showing up in places where I’m not supposed to be there if everybody else done kicked you out called you a dog mess you up dog you out I’m probably going to be the one God called and say I
need you to go there cuz I’m I’m like he is right now I don’t care nothing about no reputation right now I don’t even care all right but what I do care about is that I can be a carrier of God’s grace to get it where it’s supposed to be all right now listen to this Jesus goes out his way for the Samaritan woman now lots of Christians in today’s world are separated or separate uh well let me say it like this and and I’m not being um rude but people are desperate for validation yeah they’re and and I’m not
talking about desperate for validation from church they’re desperate for to be valid validated by the world you want somebody in the world to validate you and you’re in pursuit of that validation to the point where you might Overlook the Samaritan woman type okay and so let’s go on here in verse 10 he starts dealing with this gift of God and like I said he says if you knew the gift of God and he was the gift of God and so what is he going to be talking about here with this living water I want to say this and I’ll keep
reading Earthly things that you look to for satisfaction will never truly satisfy you that’s the Living Water okay now I want to give you an illustration before I continue to read um most of the people just like Nicodemus when he was talking about being born again they they were taking it literally you got to understand this the setting the setting here they they didn’t know what you and I know today they took it literally you know Jesus said you must be born again nicod and Nicodemus responded what do I need to go back into
my mother’s womb and come out again he took it literally well the same thing happened with this Samaritan woman when she’s talking about drinking Living Water she thought it was you know you know um actual water that was coming out of the well but that’s not what Jesus was talking about see what he was getting ready to show this woman is that you can drink this literal water and you’re going to be thirsty again it’s almost like you’re out in the middle of the ocean you’re out in the middle of
the sea see isn’t it something and you’re thirsty surrounded by water you can’t drink my God and if you’re thirsty surrounded about sea water and you drink the sea water then what’s going to happen it’s going to make you more thirsty and you’re you’re trying to consume nothing that won’t sustain you and eventually drinking the sea water eventually it’s going to lead to death so likewise as you continue to seek Earthly things and seek the things that the world seek seeks because you
thinking that that water is better than what Jesus has and what Jesus has for you is the holy spirit on the inside of you that’s going to lead and guide you he has the grace of God that’s going to teach you and all these kind of things but you prefer that other kind of water instead of drinking this living water and I’m talking about even physical water you still going to be thirsting again he says but when you drink of him then you will never be thirsty again praise God I know let’s read on here I
think we got the hopefully the foundation of all of that and I want to make sure we got that foundation so we can dig into this he says so the woman sayth unto him sir thou H has nothing to draw with and the well is deep so she’s still thinking it’s literal uh from when then hast thou that living water so where’s the living water at okay art thou greater than our father Jacob which gave us the whale and basically she knew he was greater because he’s got some water better than the water in Jacob’s Well and verse 13
Jesus answered and said unto to her whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again Jacob’s water but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him I’m going to give him some water that he will never thirst again I’m going to bring satisfaction I’m going to bring true satisfaction and what I have to bring to your life you’re never going to be be thirsty again so I’m not talking about the water in the well baby I’m talking about me I’m here to give you something to end your thirst Grace
has come in your presence when you’re Outcast and you’re thrown away and you’re sitting out here in this well in this hot day and nobody cares anything about you and I just need you to to locate yourself I just need I need to figure out how to get you to just just confess and and to make Jesus the Lord of your life watch this now so the woman said something him sir give me this water that I thirst not neither uh come hither again so she already hungry I want this give me this and Jesus said unto her go call thy husband look at
look at him look at him look at him call your husband see he’s so wise call your husband and come hither all right and the woman answered and said I have no husband Jesus said you got that right thou has well said I have no husband for thou H has five husband husbands and he whom thou now Hast is not your husband in that sath thou truly so you spoke to truth so we dealing with truth now all right you’re ready to open up and get some things so the woman sath unto him sir I perceive that thou art a prophet
that’s all she knew that’s the only way she that’s the highest she could know or understand about somebody who did this I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship so she’s still looking at places before Jesus died on the cross you had to worship here and worship there but verse 21 said Jesus said unto her woman believe me this is it the hour is coming when you shall neither Worship in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem you to
worship the father because you you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews but the hours coming now here’s what Jesus was saying I hadn’t died yet the New Covenant hadn’t been released yet so this is a perfect illustration of him fulfilling the law and getting ready for that New and Living Way yeah I know they go to Jerusalem and I know they go to that mountain but oh you don’t understand boy the hour is coming where you ain’t got to do that no more because
I’m going to through my blood introduce a new and a living way and then he goes on and he said he said uh uh for the father well let me go verse but the hour cometh and and and now is when the true worshippers true worshippers true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth true worshippers for the father seeketh such to worship people still don’t know what that is you still trying to make it about music and songs okay what happens when Jesus shows up after his death and after the cross
okay what happens is is we can now get born again and we can now receive the Holy Spirit now that we have the Holy Spirit on the inside of us he can now speak to us on what he wants us to do and lead us and guide us real worship is the individual that says all right Lord here I am what do you want to do with me today where do you want to take me today he says you ain’t got to go to no mountain you ain’t got to go to Jerusalem the holy spirit’s going to move on the inside of you and true worshippers are those who are born again
as a result of the New Testament praise God true worshippers are not somebody now that’s a true worshipper right there cuz she so can’t s now true worshippers are first of all somebody who’s born again and they carry the Holy Spirit and you know the Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water that’s what he said out of your belly so you got to understand the living water is located in your belly well who’s in your belly it’s the Holy Ghost that’s on the inside of you and out of your belly
living water is going to flow and you won’t have to depend on Earthly thing because you going to have living things flowing out of you you’re going to have the fruit of the spirit flowing out of you you’re going to have wisdom flowing out of you you’re going to have all these things flowing out of you and watch once you get the Holy Spirit and learn how to worship as a true worshipper true worship worship Him is Here I Am Lord do through me and what what you want me to do here I am we don’t
practice that look at that we don’t pract you will go right back to worshiping God slow song Jesus and there’s nothing wrong with that but you you go right back to it I heard what he said but praise God come on let’s worship God you don’t come to church to worship God you come to church to be edified you come to church to be built up when you leave the church as a result of you’re being built up you leave preparing yourself to Worship in your everyday lives but when religion hits in it starts teaching you all of these
little weird fables and you think your wor you still thinking your worship is go to the church and worship that’s no difference than go to Jerusalem and worship go to that mountain and worship you don’t have to go to the Dome to worship you don’t have to go to Bible study to worship you can worship surrounded by a bunch of Hell aous Sinners asking God what do you want to do while they thirsting you have Living Water that’s going on inside of you does everybody understand what I’m [Applause]
saying I apologize for you know um God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit we see you see how we take scripture we just say I’m over we don’t look at we worship Him in spirit all right so those are people who are connected to of the holy spirit being led and guided by the Holy Spirit who is also called the spirit of come on Truth okay and there just there’s so many fables that exist in church that I I I I if some of you who were online I think it was yesterday I was talking about scandalous Grace and
how people are out outrage when they hear the truth about Jesus see grace is not a subject Grace is not the curriculum Grace is Jesus so whatever you say when people say I I don’t believe that Grace message you don’t believe Jesus Grace is a person not a curriculum he is a person Jesus is the word wrapped up in Grace and Truth uh nobody I I was doing some teaching today and and nobody nobody nobody is capable please listen to me of delivering the gift of Grace to anybody except Jesus discover the distinction between
just existing and truly living with crlo dollar transformative series The preeminence of Grace versus the law this 133 message series shows how Believers can access Abundant Life through this shift from old test law to New Testament Grace breaking bondages and unlocking true transformation the law conveys no adequate idea of God it offers shame and guilt and condemnation and death the law cannot give you life Jesus is your healing Jesus is your righteousness Jesus is your wisdom Jesus is your everything for a love gift of
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