Living Life on a Divine Plane Pt. 2 – Episode 4

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Living Life on a Divine Plane Pt. 2 – Episode 4

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Here’s what I like about the divine plane.
It sounds really hard for the flesh but it’s it’s pretty awesome for grace.
Grace will help me on the divine plan.
If you’re interested in the divine plan, grace helps you get to
the divine plan. Grace helps me to treat people better than myself.
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To make it a better place.
Let every heart than me is now.
You uh, uh, unchanged.
While the outward expression of godly living in taught by grace cannot always be distinguished from the mor morality of human life.
There are standards of godly living that are beyond the conception of the natural mind, the divine plane.
A standard of godly living that’s beyond the conception of the natural mind, the divine plane.
And therefore, it’s of a higher order than the, than the, than the moral, the best moral teachers or philosophers, they are even higher than the highest standards of the law that came by Moses.
I want to know about this high standard.
So go to Matthew 22 verse 3739.
All standards of conduct under the law were summed up in 2 commandments.
Here is the standard of conduct, conduct under the law that came from Moses, and it’s under these 2 commandments.
1st 37, and then verse 39, here was the standard of the law.
And I wanna show you the difference of where we live today. Verse 37 says Jesus Matthew 22 verse 37.
Jesus said, thou shall love the lord by god, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
1st 39. He says, and the second is like unto it. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.
Now remember, under, in Matthew, Jesus is responding and talking as a prophet under the old covenant. Okay?
And look at what he said.
He’s he’s he’s come to fulfill the law, and he’s come to fulfill this law.
Now she’ll love the the lord by god with all by heart, with all by soul, with all my mind.
Now some of you are saying, well, what’s wrong with that?
You can’t love god with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. I tried it.
It’s hard. The truth about the matter to to lo to love god with all your soul, there’s so much going on in your soul.
He don’t have all your soul.
With all your mind, your mind ain’t totally always 24 hours a day dedicated to god, The only person that could fulfill that was Jesus.
And then he said something that really got me.
He said the second is like unto it. Thou, thou shalt love thy neighbor and watch this.
Look at the standard of this love, like you love yourself.
So that means I might not really get real, real true love because you’re gonna only love me like you love yourself, and I discovered you don’t love yourself.
So this this is a condition
of these 2 commandments that Jesus was set as fulfilling the law. But that love for god,
uh, Love the lord your god with all your
heart, all your soul here. It’s only a human level. Love.
It is with a human heart soul, and mine.
To love one’s neighbor as oneself
is also only human. Because the love of self is human.
All standards of life However, under grace are summed up by Jesus.
In these words, go to John 15. Verse 12. June 15 verse 12. Mhmm.
This is my commandment.
Yeah. That you love one another. What’s the standard? As I have
loved you.
So I am loving you, like Jesus, loved me.
And Paul repeated this thought in Ephesians 5 and 2. Turn there real quick.
This is huge.
You know, I notice every time I teach you on love, and nobody be haunting and screaming on love, because it’s it’s it’s like, You got you got anything else for the diagram because, I mean, you know, you know, you don’t even know what I’m going through, and you telling me to love.
I will love her as soon as she apologized to me. That’s what that how it is gonna happen.
That’s got that how it is gonna happen because I ain’t no punk.
And who called you a punk? Why why do you oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
you don’t love yourself. So your love is limited. Your love is limited.
You you’re you’re trying to treat other people like you treat yourself. You don’t treat yourself good.
Jesus said, and walk in love as Christ also half loved us.
So the standard of our love now is is him.
And had given himself for an offering, and he gave himself a sacrifice to god for the sweet smelling savor See, the love of Christ for the believer is a divine love and was even unto death.
That’s on a much higher level. That’s on a much higher level.
This love is a divine love and even on to death.
I mean, to tell Somebody said, love you to die for you. Oh, I don’t know about that realm.
I don’t know about that. I I mean, ask yourself, is there anybody you know that you would die for?
And he said that love should go to that place.
That’s That’s a high level.
He’s asking us to love on a dev that’s that’s a divine level of love.
That’s not a human level. That’s a divine level.
And so as I was kind of researching this divine plane, I was bumping into this stuff that was kinda hard on my flesh because it takes it to a divine level.
I love you and willing to die for you is divine level love.
So I paused and said, do I really want this love?
I finished this sermon months ago. But every weekend,
I kinda, you know, oh, that’s a that’s a loved one. I don’t know.
If I don’t teach it, they won’t expect it from me.
The divine plane. The divine plane.
Oh my goodness. The love of Christ
A love even unto death.
So when the believer is called upon to love as Christ’s love, he is asked to love with a divine love and nothing less.
You see, the golden rule
says this uh, go to go to Matthew chapter 712.
All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them?
Uh, that’s interesting.
Therefore, all things whatsoever you would that that man should do to you, what you want what you want and will for somebody to do to you, do you even to them Do you even so to them for this is the law and the profit?
So it made it plan where it comes from. How you want people people to treat you.
All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you. Alright.
I want you to do to me, and then I’ll be willing to do to you what I want you to it on a level, but it’s not on
a divine level, a divine plane.
Now on a divine plane, it’s not based on, you know, And that’s that become that has become a problem.
We kinda get upset because when people don’t treat us the way we wanna be treated, then we, we got a problem.
I’m mad at you because you didn’t treat me like I would have treated you.
I I would’ve called you and prayed with you, but you never called me.
So I’m mad at you because I expect something from you that you didn’t performed.
Now we can’t handle a relationship because I’m basing your care of me based on what I would do.
And that’s just that’s really not fair. You, you really shouldn’t get in relationships
and, and, and, and that relationship goes on because, you know, I won’t let you be who you are.
You need to be who I think you need to be. We got it all.
But Jesus takes it on the divine level, Philippians chapter 23, and then just stay there in in verse 5 to 7.
Look, uh, look at this in the NLT. Uh, flipping is 2 and 3.
Man, I you should’ve did this for me. Why?
Because I
would’ve did it for you. That’s not good enough, dude. That’s not good enough.
Sometimes in relationship, we expect for people to fulfill our formulas, and we wanna cut out their heart.
I wanna do things out of my heart, not cause you make me do it because that’s what you would do.
I ain’t you.
I ain’t you.
Well, if it was me, Then I would do I I I ain’t you.
Okay. Now that may be good or bad.
I don’t know. I know what’s this. Don’t be selfish. Here’s a higher level now.
Watch this. Don’t be selfish. Don’t try to impress others.
And there’s a huge spirit around that says that everybody, everybody works hard to be something.
Everybody wants to be noticed. Everybody works hard to be important. Everybody.
Don’t be selfish. Don’t try
to impress others. Be humble. What is that
thinking of others as better than yourself. That’s the divine plane.
Thinking of others as better than myself, that’s the divine plane. Here’s what I
like about the divine plane.
It sounds really hard for the flesh but it’s it’s pretty awesome for grace. Grace will help
me on the divine plan.
If you’re interested in the divine plan, Grace helps you get
to the divine plan. Grace helps me to treat people better than myself.
Not to treat people the
way I wanna be treated, but to treat them better than the way I wanna be treated.
How can I come up with a way up better?
See, Grace will help you to come up with a way better.
This is where people can see the distinction between the grace that we live and the desire to want to be validated by other people.
I want to live on the divine place where when when I, when I walk away from you, you think, boy, that’s something different about that dude.
He’s treating me better than he would treat himself.
This is church stuff I’m talking. Know some of you think,
well, it’s optional. I’m gonna stick with the selfish level. Selfish level feels better.
I wanna treat people better than myself.
I want to treat people better than myself.
I don’t want to look down on anybody.
And that and the thing I love about it is you can’t do this by yourself.
You’re not gonna be able to walk in this by yourself.
And so it shows a greater need for you to be dependent on the spirit of grace to help you to live on the divine level.
That’s why I I I have I finally resolved it and was was why I’m teasing it because it wasn’t that better.
Uh, that that’s why I want it because in doing so, in in going towards the divine level, it puts me in a position every day.
I need you Jesus. I gotta depend on you Jesus. I gotta depend on you Jesus.
Uh, you’re selfish isn’t driving up. I mean, I wake up in the morning’s selfish.
I know you don’t. Because you’re spiritual, but I wake up in the morning’s selfish.
I’m hungry. I won’t talk to nobody do nothing.
Don’t and then, hey, hey, you know, hey, don’t talk to me right now. I hadn’t had my coffee.
I’m hungry. I I need this whole thing is about developing your dependence on god so he can do the work.
But we keep limiting the opportunities to depend on him more.
I can’t I can’t that level on my own impossible.
That level with the spirit of grace? Yes. Yes. Oh my goodness.
Look at
the next verse. 1st 4. Uh, don’t look don’t look out only for your own interests.
You know, I’m trying to, uh, listen, I’m trying to look out for me and mine.
I’m I’m looking out for me, myself, and mine.
It doesn’t take the spirit of grace to help you with that.
You can do that all by yourself.
Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.
When is the last time you took an interest in somebody else other than yourself?
Because what this does,
it says, ah, I can’t do this.
But you can Can you help me to take interest in somebody else other than me?
This whole, this whole deal is about the defeat of self dependence.
This whole Christianity deal is about the defeat of self dependence.
And and I, I thought, well, yeah, I can do this.
And that was the whole deal of why the law came up because, you know, law law came into being because, you know, Moses came down and and the the word, uh, to Israel, and And here’s what they responded.
They said, oh, we can do this. And and god was like, freaking out, are you serious?
Do you not see now by now that you need me?
And when they made that declaration, oh,
we can do everything. God said. The next chapter was the introduction of the law.
The next chapter was I’m gonna give them a law that’s impossible for them to do,
to break them down where they can’t do nothing butts in
And then they’re gonna recognize that they need me. And then his mercy kicked in. He says, well, all right.
I gotta give him something else along with the law.
I’ll give him the sacrificial system of bringing animals to the altar so I can bless them through the sacrifice.
Cause I already know that this law I’m giving, they’re not gonna be able
to keep. People don’t even realize that.
You know, we got the big movies, Tinker Mammits.
Oh, here’s the law of God.
He gave you something that you can’t He gave you something you can’t keep, and he gave you something that you were gonna surely fail in.
And the wages are seen as death.
And there were hundreds of thousands of people that failed dead, that died over the issue of the law.
They created a golden calf, and a whole bunch of people fell fell in the earth.
And all of a sudden I thought, boy, it’s pretty important for us to, uh, figure out how to depend on you.
So I’m developing in my
spiritual life and my spiritual walk
to really get rid of everything I think I can do without him.
Because for me to finally get to the point where I can do things without him, and I don’t need him, is called ungodliness.
Because now I’m living a life disregarding god.
I don’t even need god to bless what I do now because I’ve so disregarded him. Wow.
And religion is just slowly putting us back into the very thing that’s got us in this situation before where we’re just disregarding god, and we don’t need god.
And god helps Rose who helps themselves.
And then everything that deals with god and religion, you gotta insert yourself in.
You know, god will take the you take the 1st step in god take another one.
And god was like, dude, you are not me. I am god all by myself. I don’t need nobody else.
And you you’re I I’m here for you.
You, you human species were the ones to eat of that fruit in the garden and declared your independence from me.
And me and my mercy have been just trying to show you.
I gave you all these books in the old testament to show you failure after failure after failure, after failure
until you needed me. Um, so you happen when you depend on me.
Lock you up in the lines, Ben. And put a seal on the door where nobody would open it.
You ain’t what what you gonna do? What you gonna do?
You can’t run and get a gun, you’re locked in. What’s your gonna do?
You can’t go with no food to feed the line. You is the food.
But sometimes when you’re put in a position, Well, you can’t do nothing, but depend on god.
That’s when he shows up and you’re lined in and shut the miles of the lion.
That’s when he shows up in your fiery furnace, and everybody Yeah.
I and David David’s time God coulda killed the bear.
He didn’t. God coulda killed the lion. He didn’t.
Yeah. But for a man and I bought you. Excuse me.
That ain’t a word I’m just talking to the lord. Right? Phil. Some
For a man who depended on god Oh, boy, who depended on god. I killed the line.
I cured the bear. What is this uncircumcised Philistine? You know what he was saying?
Here’s how I killed the lion and the bear. I have a covenant with god.
And with my covenant with god, the line was taken care of, the bear was taken care of, and this Philly sting gonna be taken care of.
And I’m gonna cut his head off and hold it up so everybody can see the work of god, the power when you depend on god as the only one that can help you.
And I believe god
wants you to cut the head off of all of the circumstances and situations in your life, and he wants you to hold that head up and say, look at what god has done.
Look at what god has done. They said I couldn’t do this. They said this wouldn’t be done.
They said that wouldn’t be done, but I’m holding up evidence of the power of the almighty god when you trust and depend on him.
What a path, man?
What a path to wake up every day and see your selfishness trying to get ahead of the day.
You have to pull it back and say, No. I I I need you, god.
I I was standing before a window this morning just looking up, and I said, uh, I I gotta have you today.
I, I don’t even wanna think about finishing this day in victory, but I letting you know I can’t do it without you.
I mean, I could do it on a regular standard name, myself on the back up is over with, and it’ll still be insufficient.
I don’t wanna do that. I strive for that divine plane.
If and when I get to heaven, not if, but when I get to heaven, it’s gonna be like, if they were to ask me a question, like, why should we let you in?
It will not be all of the things that were accomplished in my life by me.
My answer would be, because I depend on Jesus.
It’s the only one that can help me.
And right now I need him to help me to get through these gates right now.
If I up to if you you ask me any more questions.
Don’t let me call on my savior now. You don’t wanna meet your boss.
I know your boss personally now. Look at verse 5.
Verse 5 through 7. You know, to to even teach on this, you know, I’m like, I’m dependent on the utterance to to do this.
You know, it’s like, okay, well, I’m we’re talking about going to a divine plane. Uh, you know,
why would anybody even care?
Or I don’t wanna hear this. And and and I’m like, well, but you need to.
You know, I’m on and and and if y’all don’t give me the utterance, I’ll show it to you.
He says, you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Stop. What?
Having any of the same that Jesus has is seriously, I’m gonna be able to do
that in my own ability. Jesus had a superb attitude. Crap Vodone.
Does your lifestyle reflect who you are in Christ?
God wants us to live on a divine level, but that’s impossible with our human ability.
In the series living life at god’s altitude, creflo dollar leads us on a journey of discipline through grace.
The very purpose of grace is to produce, in the believer,
a life on that divine plane. Thinking of others as better than myself? That’s the divine plane.
Grace helps me to treat people better than myself. Not treat people the way
I wanna be treated, but to treat them better than the way I wanna be treated.
Only Christ can take you there. You can’t do it.
You can get all three messages today for a love gift of 20 US dollars for CDs for 30 US dollars for DVD.
Simply visit and click e store, scan the QR code, or call the number on your screen to get yours before they run out.
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I am who god says I am. I can be who god says I can be, and I’m gonna go where god says I can go.
Laura Pickett. We don’t see things as they are. What we see are things and as we are. Chrislyn McNair.
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The preceding program was brought to in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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