Life Changing Decision | Joyce Meyer
Life Changing Decision
No matter what your past or what you’ve done, Jesus’ arms are open wide ready to receive you. If you’re ready to begin a relationship with Him, believe in your heart and pray this prayer.
God is saying to you today:
“You have the power to make a difference in the lives of others. “l am the vine; you are the branches. Remain in Me to bear much fruit. You are chosen and called for a purpose. Walk boldly in it.”
Maybe you’re the person watching by TV, or even listening to this on some recorded device or on your ipad or your computer or whatever and you’ve lived a miserable life, you’ve been away from God or maybe you’ve been backsliding.
I wanna tell you that the ribbon is full of the trees full of ribbons for you tonight.
Not just one, but it’s full and the Father’s arms are open wide.
And to be honest, your sin has already been paid for it.
You don’t have to beg God to forgive you.
All you need to do is say I’m sorry for my sin.
And I want to enter on a better course of life.
I want to turn around and go in another direction if you’re here tonight or you’re watching by TV.
I’m gonna invite you to pray with me. You know, receiving Christ is so simple.
You don’t really have to do anything except just surrender, just say yes, yes.
I want a better life. I want Jesus.
You know, so many people are so afraid of what they’ll have to give up if they serve God.
Well, you might have to give up misery, depression. I don’t know, hangovers.
I mean, there probably are a few things that you might need to give up, but trust me, you wanna give them up anyway.
And the good news is, is when Jesus comes into your life, you won’t ever have to do anything by yourself again because he’ll always be with you to help you do everything that you need to do.
So if you need your sins forgiven, if you want to be assured that you’re gonna be going to heaven when you die.
And you want to have a life here on earth where you can serve God and have some joy and some peace and have a friend like you’ve never had before.
Then I want you to just slip your hand up and let me see where you’re at.
Come on all over the building. I want to see those hands.
Come on, come on all over the place. Awesome.
Amazing. Now, see, we have people here tonight that are in different.
There’s people that have never received Christ, there’s people here that have been backsliding, but there’s a lot of just good old religious folks here.
And by that, I don’t mean that insultingly.
You, you love God, but you gotta let it man.
You gotta let him in to your whole life, not just your Sunday morning life, but let him invade your life.
Let’s have a holy ghost invasion in your life. Amen.
Now, ok.
Listen, if you did not raise your hand, but you wanted to, I’m gonna ask you guys that raise your hand.
There was a lot of you.
I’m gonna ask you to do something that I’m not gonna bring people down the front because there’s too many.
But I am gonna ask you in just a moment to stand up and let me pray for you.
And you say, oh, I don’t wanna get up.
Well, you know what If you won’t take a stand in here, there’s no hope of you going out there and taking one.
So if you meant it, I want you to stand up right now so we can pray with you.
Come on up, up, up everybody that raise your hand. Let’s get up.
Yes, amen.
You say the party has started all of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents now watching by TV.
There are people you’re tracking right with us.
You gotta pray the same prayer God’s coming into your life.
I want you all just to pray this with me right now. Let’s all pray together together.
Father God. I love you Jesus. I believe in you.
I believe you died for me. You paid for my sin.
I’ve lived a sinful life and I’m sorry for my sins, forgive me.
I want to turn my life around, but I need you to help me.
Come into my life, live in me.
I give myself to you right now and I receive you as my very own.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for saving me.
I believe that I’m on my way to heaven and I’m gonna enjoy my journey with you.
Amen. Amen.
- The Sarcastic Prophet | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 10 19, 2023