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Regeneration Nashville Live! – October 9, 2023

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For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10 (NKJV)
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 (NKJV)
There’s something supernatural in the atmosphere.
And, uh, I believe that god wants to challenge us today that, We’re gonna burst some things by the Holy Spirit.
When Zion travails, she shall bring forth children.
And, boy, I’ll tell you what, I I’m feeling something in the Holy Ghost.
Um, just been a a real visitation of the presence of the lord today in this building.
And, um, I don’t know if you realize it, but we are, uh, this is a We’re in a special move of god.
Hallelujah, there’s something in the something happening yesterday at prayer meeting.
I mean, I looked out, looked like Sunday morning crowd.
People just calling on the name of the lord and seeking the face of god and This is what god has been waiting for.
And so, um, I wanna just released to you today.
I’m I’m gonna take a couple of verses out of Romans chapter 8. Verse 24.
We’re gonna read that one. And then I wanna go over to, um, the book of Hebrews and read a very familiar portion of scripture in Hebrews chapter 11.
Uh, I have an idea of what the lord wants to do today, but, um, I’m not sure where we’re gonna wind up.
Romans chapter 8 and verse 24,
uh, 4. We are
saved by hope. But hope that is not that is seen is not hope for what a man seeeth Why does he yet hope for Hebrews 11 chapter 11 verse 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.
And it’s the evidence of things not seen.
You can be seated, I believe that one of the agendas that we are seeing unfold right now in the earth is that the enemy is trying not just with the church, but with mankind to strip humanity of hope.
There is such despair, and it’s it’s not just Christians.
It is literally everywhere that people are being robbed of hope. Samuel’s good to see you.
I release the power of god into your life. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Bind the spirit of death off of you.
In the name of Jesus. You’ve found mocking spirit of death. I curse you in the name of the lord.
I command you to live off that man of god right now in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Come out of him in the name of the lord.
God, I lose the power of thy word into Samuel Brewer’s body in the name of Jesus, and we name him healed.
We command the demon of death to bow down to the name of Jesus hallelujah, and we will release the word of the lord over his life.
We read so much in Hebrews, and we preach it that faith is a substance of things hoped for.
But in reality, faith is a supporting member or a supporting CAF’s member to hope If you lose your hope, you just give up.
When you give up, you you don’t pray anymore.
You might go through just a small outward show of it days slip by where you don’t read the word anymore.
Everything begins to deteriorate. Marriages begin to deteriorate. Relationships begin to deteriorate.
People wind up getting fired from their jobs because they not able to perform at the level they used to.
Next thing you know, they’re taking that into presence trying to just manage life.
But god, hallelujah says this, he says that we are saved by hope, not faith.
We are justified by faith, but we are saved by hope.
The day you stop believing is the day that you die.
He may not die physically for a period of time.
But the what keeps your spirit man alive is hope that when you get up in the middle of the night and go to the rest stream that all of a sudden you just feel the spirit of god, and the holy ghost will flow through you.
And you’re laid back down and you realize that god is still on the throne.
When you get up in the morning, hallelujah, there’s a song in your spirit.
Uh, and somebody is, what are you so happy about?
Because they’re still hoping you, uh, that what god has promised, he is also able to perform.
We declare on the name of the lord that hell will not strip us up our hope that the demon of depression in the encouragement and lies that has come to stick a dagger in your heart, uh, will be stopped by the power of god.
You know, there’s a lot of people who Whether they’re innocent or guilty find themselves in a legal battle.
And many, many times, the courts before they convene to rule on that individual will allow them to go to litigation.
In litigation, they can sit at the table with their adversary And they don’t really win, and they don’t really lose.
They just come to a compromise.
And the reason they will go to litigation is because they’ve been told that if you go to trial, The cost might be great.
The risk that you will lose everything is going to be paramount.
So out of fear of the future, even if they think they’re innocent, They will compromise at the table of litigation and walk out Forever branded.
People looking at them not knowing where they innocent or where they guilty.
Can I tell you that the enemy right now is challenging the church To come to the table of litigation that we wanna talk to you, the enemy says, Because if you take this route and you sing about Jesus, if you take this route and you run-in the middle of worship, If you take this route and you step out and build an $18,000,000 building by fade, uh, the cost could be great?
So why don’t you sit at the table of compromise?
Uh, and we’ll do a little bit of give and take, but I got news for the enemy today.
Uh, we are not sitting down. Uh, we are not compromising up. We’re not giving an edge.
So we are declaring, that what god has declared is our portion to cannot be taken away.
It’s an ancient tactic.
My god judge, Emily Stanley, for what he’s done.
The Bible says, you say, well, pastor, we shouldn’t say that.
Sometimes the Bible says mark those who cause division among you.
And when you take pastors who stand in the pulpit and declare that they are bible based and then they become woke, and their executive pastor has a lap dance, uh, in their lap in a night club, uh, by a transactional law, and then stand on the puppet on Sunday and tell me you love Jesus.
I got news for you. That is wrong.
We need to get the house cats out of the pulpit and get the line of Judah back on the platform and declaring the word of god.
I got news for the devil. You don’t wanna mess with me.
Oh, I got the Holy Ghost Fire in my spirit.
You may miss with somebody, but you won’t could do our house up and step into our dominion, and you are gonna lose.
There needs to be a fear of the saint in hell.
Hallelujah has been so long since the world has been terrified of the church.
We’re gonna change our city.
We are changing our city. You know, why there’s been so much resistance against what we’re doing is because the enemy sees in Matthew chapter 4, when the devil is encountering Jesus.
He already knows who Jesus is, and he already knows the capabilities of Jesus, or he wouldn’t have tried to kill him when he was two years old.
And he tries to get Jesus to sit at the table of litigation.
And tell him, listen, you keep going down this route, and I see a bloody death for you.
I see a day when you’re gonna be so tortured and so messed up and so humiliated that you’re a at Isaiah said you will be unrecognizable.
Are you sure you wanna go here? Why don’t we talk about this?
I’ll tell you what, I will give you the kingdoms of the world, and did you give me a little bit of worship?
What you think would have happened if Jesus would have dropped his here and said, uh, worse if you satan, and you you looked at satan yourself, okay.
Where’s my king of the the devil would have said you are a moron.
Uh, I not only have your king of the I got you. Uh, listen, you will bow down.
To the enemy. You will lose.
Uh, this is a holy ghost, uh, apostolic, uh, impacting vision of the lord in this hour, and god has declared, uh, that the church, uh, shall declare the manifold wisdom of god, uh, to the ages, uh, and to de Doctor.
We will not make the enemy tremble.
You know why Jesus Race Deb last us from the den?
Because he needed a trophy.
You look at a big game hunter, you go into their house, You know, you can meet them in the airport, and they can tell you I’m a big game hunter.
I’ve got one of the biggest rhinos that was ever killed in Africa. Weighed £4020.
11 feet long. And you can sit there and go.
I don’t believe that because you haven’t seen it. But you walk into his house,
and you see that thing mounted.
And all of a sudden, you become a believer because there’s a trophy there.
One of the problems with the church is we don’t have any trophies.
We wanna talk about raising the dead, and we wanna talk about opening the eyes of the blind.
You know why we’re still talking about John Gee Lake and Catherine Coleman because they had trophies on the hallways of their houses.
Hallelujah, they had stories to tell.
That blind people left scene and gorders fell off and cancers were coughed up.
Uh, and healings were manifested by the presence of the lord. And the lane would take off walking.
Oh, my god. Give us some trophies, hallelujah, in the house of the lord.
If you could walk through hell today, you would see hell decorated with trophies Visa.
And they handed me the devil would say, see that preacher right there. He was a powerful man.
Uh, but I got him. See that woman right there, she was gonna be used that was used by god in a mighty way.
Uh, but I shicked her up, and I caught her.
And the enemies standing there are so proud of of what he’s done.
Now but before the lord comes back, I wanna walk you through the house of the lord.
Uh, I wanna say, see that right there, see that demon hanging in the spirit. He came in one day.
Yeah. And he thought he was gonna wipe us out, but we killed him in the name of chief.
And see that cancer right there with the enemy came in like a flood.
The spirit of the lord raised up a standard against you. And I got him.
Uh, there he is home the hallways of the church. Uh, god cannot put a weapon in your hand.
Go after your enemy.
When you go back to the, I think it’s Genesis, maybe 14, possibly 15.
God speaks to Abraham.
And he says, yes, he says, Get out of your house and from your kindred because I’m gonna make you a great nation.
What was the lord saying? He was saying this.
I’ve already decided that I’m gonna do something with you that’s gonna change not only your time, but millenniums.
But he said, I cannot do it with where you are.
Because you are too comfortable in the land that you were raised.
So he said, in order for me to fulfill what I’m gonna do with you,
I am challenging you to move
Now god physically send angels and move lot.
But he didn’t send anybody to move Abraham.
He said, Abraham, he said, this is on you.
If you want for me to do what I’m telling you I’m gonna do, I can’t do it where you’re at.
I need you to go somewhere else.
We named the vision of this new sanctuary destination miracle.
I should have figured it out when we did it.
That if we named it Destination Miracle, it was gonna take a miracle
to get us to the destination.
But when we
COVID was the best thing that ever happened to a regeneration Nashville.
And the internet and social media just became a huge blessing to our church.
And I was sharing with our team for for a lot of years with, um, before we were iteration.
Nashville, we were resting place. And we only, you know, 150 people Um, I did the books.
I mean, I, I made the deposits. Mike, you know, he just did a little spreadsheet.
We might have had one employee part time.
Um, many, many times I went in and turned on the lights. On Sunday morning.
Most of the time, I turn on the lights. I’m up fours in a bathroom.
And we, you know, we average 30, $40,000 in our checking account, in our general fund.
And then god would you know what?
It just out of the blue, he’d come and say, give it away.
And we’d give it away and not know how we were gonna make you know, my salary, because I was the payroll.
So I I thought in those terms, And then all of a sudden, I’m just gonna I’m talking to you about things that are com coming to me in prayer.
There are some seeds that you and I have planted, but we planted them 30 years ago.
How many are are understanding what I’m saying. We planted them decades ago.
I was thinking about the little church that I used to pastor in Olympia, Washington, and just, uh, a single frame building and you know, forty, fifty people and, um, thought that’s where I would always be.
And all of the years we evangelized and pre to to hardly anybody and all of that.
I was planting seed. But, see, we think that when you plant seed, you’re supposed to pretty soon have a harvest.
But people
who are great in the kingdom don’t know they’re great.
The moment they know they’re great, then they’re not great anymore.
Because when you’re in the will of god, you’re just doing what’s normal.
What I’m looking at right now, we planted 20 years ago.
30 years ago. We just never saw the harvest.
And there are seeds that you have planted That and and Pastor Nick talked about this prophetically.
You know, remember when, Timothy Dixon was here, and he made me sweat when he said, uh, he had a vision about Big Kent, little Kent.
I finally figured out what that was. You saw a little Kent worship today.
Powerful, prophetic word of the lord.
But There are there are seeds that we planted that you have forgotten about.
You just thought, well, you know, I just did it, but you’ve lost your hope.
You buried it. Listen. Seed is never buried.
It’s planted. Barrying something means it’s done.
Planting something means it’s the beginning. Of something that is yet to come.
But there are seeds, hallelujah, that Would you and I are now beginning to see come up?
And for all of those years, I was conditioned to thinking in terms of 30, $40,000, leasing a building, And then through COVID and and the church took off and and all of a sudden, you know, we have thousands of online members.
All of a sudden, you know, the money began to to come in without any solicitation and and, walking to to Mike’s office, and we’re looking on in the checking account, and there’s $5,000,000.
So we were able to
to go out and and and do what we’ve done.
Not thinking in terms of there’s gonna be a day come when you’re gonna look at the account and it ain’t gonna be $5,000,000.
There’s gonna be a half finished building with no money in the bank.
But, see, that’s where god says.
If you wanna be an Abraham and not an Abraham, You gotta be willing to lead familiarity and are comfortable place and step out into a land.
They said, where are you going, Abraham?
He said, I don’t know where I’m going now, but I know one thing when I get there, I I will know where it is.
Uh, and in the meantime, uh, I am looking for a city which has foundations of who’s builder and maker is god.
What are you looking for?
Couple days ago, the Lord spoke to me.
He said, you can either keep pulling on me to come into your realm, and I can watch what flesh can do.
Or else you can allow me to pull you into my world and you can watch what I do.
Yeah, someday. Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah. Listen.
You cannot allow what’s in you to be defined by what’s around you.
You could not allow what the natural system says to define what the word of god has already declared.
And when we stand in that building, uh, and I say it with great conviction.
Now, and there is no debt on that building. Now I don’t know how god’s gonna do it.
Uh, but I hear the lord say it now. I’m already moving on in and women, uh, around the world.
Uh, god is making a challenge in the Holy Ghost.
Uh, either you can write a check for a 1000 you know, or you could step out by faith and say, god, I don’t know how this is gonna happen now and do something that’s radical.
Raising. Yeah. Because when you get out of where you’re at, god brings you to where he is.
When you go back and you
read this story of Abraham, Genesus 12, he tells him to leave.
Genesis 13 It says that after lot in Abraham separated, and lot chose See, this is what people who live by the flesh, they allow their eyes and their natural to determine where they’re going.
And when Abraham said, look, pick where you wanna go.
The Bible said He saw the well watered plains of sodom and Gomorrah, and he picked them And then the Bible says, gone spoke to Abraham, and he said.
Fact, it says this
in Genesis 13, it says, in Abraham, dwelt in the land of canaan.
See, god could not do with Abraham.
What he wanted it to do in Hey Ren, because the seed that was in his loins wasn’t gonna be born in a heathenistic environment.
It was gonna be birth in the inheritance.
And when Abraham got in Canon, then god begins to talk to him.
He has, in a general way, made promises prophetically to Abraham that your seed shall possess the land.
But now he says Abraham, he says, walk through the land. He says everywhere your foot trots.
He said, I’m gonna give it to you and to your seat. What is god doing?
He is declaring at that moment that the land of Canon, that still belongs in the natural to the heathen that when a righteous man in obedience to god, steps over into territory that has the enemy’s name on the deed.
Uh, that in heaven, god will transfer the deed. Uh, just like be heard in the spirit.
Uh, one moment, it belongs to the enemy. The next moment, it belongs to the kingdom of god.
Uh, hear me by the spirit of the lord. Now, god said I am opening the windows of heaven.
Now, and the lord said the heavens that have been opened over the house will never be shut again.
Uh, I’m gonna astound you. Uh, I’m gonna amaze you. Uh, I’m gonna call her to be so much blessing.
Uh, god’s why are you asking me for 4,000,000? Why don’t you ask me for a 100,000,000?
Because the vision of god now is the joy of speak of all. It is amazing.
Uh, it is exceeding. Uh, it is un incredible by the spirit of the lord.
Now, break and believe off of you in the name of the lord.
And I loosen you, uh, the power of the word card. Uh, is god only a card of 4,000,000?
Is he only the card of a finished building in Rivergate, or is he not the card of the eight is he not the ancient of danger?
Is he not the god that could call things at or not?
And so they were, uh, can he know performer that which he has promised.
We’re not saved by faith.
We’re saved by hope.
So what the Bible says, but hope that is seen It’s not hope.
See, we wanna walk by faith.
But we want gone to do an instant.
I mean, we have we have believers around the world that could write a check and pay it off.
I don’t believe that’s what god wants.
I believe that god is challenging people around the world. Take a leap of faith.
In fact, I’m hearing this in my spirit.
God is saying that I am challenging people who have never given big.
See, there are some people that they have the spirit of giving. That’s why they’re so blessed.
They just every time there’s a need, they step up to the plate. God’s saying, I’m not reaching to them.
I’m reaching to people that have never done it.
Halleluhi that are taking the risk, that are not willing to sit at the table of litigation because the cost is too high.
The risk is too great, but they’re willing to challenge by the spirit of faith.
So now, Abraham, Abraham is in the land of Kanan.
And Genesis 17, in fact, maybe I’ll just turn over there because This is such a great story.
Genesis chapter 17, and the lord is is speaking verse 1.
And when Abraham was ninety years old and nine, The lord appears to Abraham, Senator to him.
I am the almighty god. Walk before me and be thou perfect, and I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly.
Abraham fell in his face, and god talked with him.
I’m just curious.
How many by their race in the hand, are asking god for Jesus to just come and give you a divine encounter.
So so I’m not crazy because, you know, I know I know lots of ministers where Jesus coming up here to them.
Kenneth Hagen, uh, John G.
Lake Smith Wigglesworth, the list goes on and on where they’ve had an encounter with Jesus.
And I ask for that all the time.
I ask the lord, and I say, god, I’m asking that you would send angels to me and let me see them and that they would instruct me.
I’m asking for dreams, open visions, envisions in the Holy Ghost.
And I’m asking Jesus that as you did to some of these great men and women of all that you will come and appear to me and that you and I will talk and that you will tell me of things to come, and you will instruct me and equip me for the purpose that you call me.
That’s what you have to do. Why? Because I have hope.
And so here, god likes to talk to people.
To the leather, to the 7 churches in revelations, he always ends with this.
He to have an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying unto the church.
People that lose their hope don’t hear god anymore.
We’ll be going down the road, and I’ll be talking to my wife.
And I’ll look over and realize she was on her phone.
I didn’t realize this, but iPhones made people deaf.
And I was, you know, I’m sharing a thought or telling her something really good.
And I look at her and go, You have not heard one word that I just said.
She goes, what? What? What’d you say?
It’s a humorous, um, so I’ve learned if the phone’s in her hand, I ain’t talking to her.
Because it affects something in her ear canal that But in the spirit realm, people that don’t have hope can’t hear god anymore.
There’s people in this building or people that are listening to me right now.
You’re not hearing a word I say. You’re tuned out.
You’re gonna leave and go. Oh, it’s alright.
And then some of you’re gonna leave and go, my god. Have been changed. Why?
Because we are hearing what the spirit is saying into the church.
And so Here’s Abraham, and he’s ninety nine years old, and god is is talking with him.
And Um, verse 4, he says, my covenant is with thee.
Then I like this, he says, and you’re going to be a father of many nations.
Then he says, neither shall thy name anymore be called Abraham.
But I’m changing your name to Abraham for a father of many nations I had made the.
And he said, I’m gonna make you exceeding fruitful.
And I’m gonna make nation of thee and kings shall come out of thee, and I’m gonna establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee and their generations.
And, nevertheless, in covenant. So, uh, be, uh, to be a god into the end to thy seat after thee, and I’m gonna give into the end to thy seat after the land where up there are stranger, and all the land at Canon where you move by faith is an everlasting possession and I will be their god.
God said Abraham, thou shalt keep my covenant.
Therefore, thou and thy seed after thee, And he talks about the covenant it is circumcision.
And then verse 15, God says unto Abraham, as for Say Rai, thy wife, thou shall not call her name, say rye, but Sarah shall be her name.
And I’m gonna bless her and give thee a son of also of her, and I’m gonna bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations, and kings of people shall be of her.
And then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart.
Shall a child be born into him that’s a hundred years old?
Shows Sarah, that is ninety years old.
Give birth God was speaking, and he and when he looks down at at Abrams, He said, I’m gonna anoint his seat.
I don’t know if Sarah and Abraham, uh, say Ryan and Abraham were having relationship physically or not.
Because when god first talks to Abraham. He’s seventy five years old.
Now we know that he’s in good shape.
Because the Bible said that after Sarah died, that Abraham had 6 more kids.
So either he was already past the age of being able to father children, which is probably true.
And his wife is 65. And god is speaking to them.
And as they get older, finally the lord addresses specifically, he’s talked about seed But now he addresses it specifically, and he says this.
He said, you are going to have a son.
Well, the problem is Abraham or Abraham has already had a son, but her name was Sarah.
He got tired of waiting, or else his wife wanted to through a surrogate woman She just wanted a child in the house, and she leans.
She never really says that god told me I’m gonna have a baby.
She says, gone has withstood me from bearing or having children. You go in.
Maybe she did it because she felt sorry for Abraham. I don’t know.
Because she sees in his heart how much he wants a son.
She says, go in and go into Hagar, and Hagar gives birth And so now when god begins to talk to Abraham, he says, that
you’re gonna have a son And out of his seed, you’re gonna be the father of many nations.
And Abraham makes this statement. He says, god, Can Ismael live?
Will you do it with Ismael?
But, see, that was Abraham talking.
And god looks at me and said, it’s not Ishmael. Why?
Because the New Testament says this Paul’s writing, he said, Ismielle was born by the flesh.
And Isaac was born by the spirit. We are not a typical church.
We are not a normal church where e even when we run thousands, we will never be normal.
We will not birth just to be a mega church.
We were birthed hallelujah to be a vein or a channel that the glory of god begins to flow through about the period of the lord.
That’s why you’re here. You never know from 1 Sunday to the next. What is god gonna do today? Yeah.
And god is going to astound up the problem with too many people when they lose their hope is they want god to change his me else name to Ayseka.
And god said, I will not name what you birth by the flesh. Uh, it’s spirit name.
Uh, that’s not easy. Uh, quit naming what you have purged, uh, that by the name of a vision that god has declared out is yet to come.
Uh, we are not a ishmael.
And this is why Israel, though they are in war, hell will never win, never wipe them out because Hamas is born of the flesh, and Israel is born of the spirit.
And god will never let what is born by the spirit. Be terminated by what is born by the flesh.
God at the Senate Angel army down, uh, to stop this He will, uh, but there is no way on god’s earth that ishmael will ever wipe out Israel because greater is he that is enough, that he that is in the world, uh, and it’s not the flesh that rules up, but it’s the spirit that rules.
When he’s ninety nine years old, god looks at him and he says, I’m getting ready to do now.
He said, about this time next year.
He said, You got 3 months to get your wife pregnant.
And then she’s got 9 months to have a baby.
Because a year from now, there’s gonna be the sound of life in your tent because I have declared it But god then looks at Abraham, he says, I’m changing your name.
Because what I’m getting ready to do cannot be birthed out of something that could not have faith for what I’m declaring.
And god looked at him and said, I can’t do what I’m gonna do with a neighbor.
But I’m getting ready to do it with an Abraham. And he changed his name.
And when he changed his name, He said, now, you’re getting ready to have a son in a year.
And Abraham Abraham standing there, and he said, but gone, he said, Look.
She’s ninety. God said, well, you’re looking at, say rye.
And he said, I’m looking at Sarah.
He said, you’re still looking to the eyes.
Of the natural. But he said, I’m looking through the eyes of the promise.
And he said, don’t let what surrounds you.
And what you see with your natural eyes define what I’m getting ready to do.
And he said, Abraham, he said, next time you look at her, and you say, honey, Don’t say, say Rah, baby.
Look at her and say, Sarah.
Hallelujah. You know what that means? It means I’ve got me a wife that god named.
And when god names it, hallelujah, it changes by the spirit of the lord.
And when god named Sarah, Hallelujah, when he changed her name, She physically, evidently, did not look any difference, but she didn’t have to be pretty.
She didn’t have to look like she was twenty. To fulfill the promise of god.
Uh, but when the name change, uh, the holy ghost went back in side of her womb begin to touch the ovaries, uh, and the lining of the uterus, uh, hallelujah, and her breasts, and something begin to be released by the spirit of god.
And about 3 months later, not, but Sarah, who did not abram, but Abraham had said something’s going on inside of Mia and that old man took a shout, and he said, I know what that is.
Uh, there’s an eyes leak. Uh, there’s a baby in your womb. Cannot tell you. God named this church.
Uh, god named you. And when god said, uh, there’s something coming up out of your belly. Yeah.
Did he not say out of that belly? Uh, jumping in the flow of rivers of living water.
What’s your feeling a is a Sarah anointing. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Don’t settle. Either we can sit
in a boat Tell our grandchildren how we watch somebody named Peter Walk On Water.
Or else we can begin to shed our unbelief.
Instead of telling about somebody else.
When you say, see that trophy right there? We killed that spirit of unbelief.
See that demon of debt right there? We killed that thing.
We hung it on the hallways of faith in the name of the lord.
See, the enemy is always gonna challenge you to be satisfied with what has been.
Because when you become satisfied with what has been, you will stop looking for what can be.
You know why Eliisha could do have a double portion?
Of the greatest prophet that ever lived, Elijah, because 20 years of washing your life’s hands and watching him raise the dead.
Called fire down from heaven on Mount Carmel, and the incredible miracles that he did.
Was not enough.
And Elijah looked at Elijah and said, I want what you got.
And Elijah looked at him, and he said.
Why don’t you just stay here? Stay. I’m I’m headed.
I’m headed to Bethel. You just stay here. He lied, she said, ain’t no way.
Because he could sense something.
And then he said, well, why don’t you stay here at at Gil Galen?
He said, I stay in. Well, why don’t stay here in Jericho. He said, I stay in.
You know, why? Because watching what somebody else did wasn’t enough for Elijah.
He said, I want because he knew that god was getting ready to take elijah.
And what elisha did not want was to sit with the rest of the unbelieving school of prophets and talk about what used to be.
But he wanted to move on into another dimension. Hallelujah.
Listen, the enemy is trying to get you to live in your past accomplishments.
And we can talk all we want about what used to be and what used to happen and the miracles that used to take place, or else we can be as an Elijah to tell him you ain’t getting out of my sights.
Wherever you are, I’m going, where you are I am, where you’re your people, my people, your god’s my god.
Hallelujah. There’s something in the spirit of the lord.
And when the spirit of god begins to move, uh, all of us sudden without warning, the fiery chariot and horses, uh, comes and takes Elijah.
Uh, and Elijah sees Lisha standing there. And he’s watching. He’s thinking, uh, I’m so glad.
Uh, I didn’t stay in Gil Gal, Bethel, or Jericho. Well, hallelujah.
Listen, We can be content with 709 Rivergate Parkway with a beautiful building, uh, and thousand people and say we made it or else we can walk in there and say, this is just the next step.
Something that god is up to. Uh, I don’t know what the lord’s up to.
Uh, but I could tell you this by the Holy Ghost. It not a culmination.
We’re not gonna arrive there and say it’s over.
We did it, but we’re gonna walk over to that dimension of foreign season, uh, and we’re gonna say, McArthur, what’s next?
Hallelujah. What do you get ready to do next? Uh, what going on in the Holy Ghost.
Uh, I lose the spirit of giving, uh, in the name of the lord.
Now, I lose radical anointina around this Pineda in the name of Jesus.
Either you can stay in the boat or else you can wake up by the holy ghoster and say I’m giddy now, and I’m stepping over into another dimension by the glory and the power of god.
Stand with me.
You will never see the glory of god.
As long as you’re trying to name Mishmiel Eise.
And the greatest conflict in the earth that you’re watching right now.
Is the result of what was born by the flesh, prosecuting, what was born by the spirit.
Ishmael is attacking Isaac. Why?
Because the inheritance doesn’t belong to the flesh. Belongs to the spirit.
I’m being prompted by the spirit of the lord, but I see people selling houses.
And sending the money in.
I’m making no apologies for this, but I’m telling you by the Holy Ghost.
God said that there is a level of giving coming that’s not just an abram offering.
But this is a Abraham offering.
Hallelujah that the lord says that there’s something broke loose.
And the wealth of the sinner, the lord says that I’m getting ready to release in the earth.
I’m releasing to men and women that have radical faith.
And the lord says, don’t worry about that if I do this and god didn’t come through, I’m ruined.
God said, I will not forsake you.
And the lord says that as you begin to release supernatural from around the world, that god says that I’m gonna make this not a 30 fold, not a 60 fold, but it’s a 100 fold return by the spirit of god upon the kingdom of
the lord. Hallelujah Karabobo sun dying. Now in the name of the lord, uh, god said I’m changing your name.
In the name of Jesus, hallelujah, there’s many of you.
The lord, he changed Abraham’s name to Abraham when he was almost a 100 years old.
And all of a sudden, they’re walking around. Uh, listen.
Isaac never looked at his parents and called him Abraham and say rye because he was the child of Promise.
And when he looked at him, He could call them what god called them. Abraham and Sarah. Hallelujah.
For it was out of a name change. Uh, that the supernatural was released in the Holy Ghost stuff.
And so right now in the name of the lord.
Now, may god get in your spiritual womb and begin to cause barrenness to be broken in the name of Jesus.
Uh, we break the spirit of barrenness offered you, uh, and I’ve released right now in the name of the lord that there are gives, uh, new anointing, uh, new visions, new divine encounters with you, uh, in the holy ghost, uh, at card will begin to move in an unprecedented way.
Prepared partners come quickly. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah caught up up on Sunday.
We need a prayer partner come on because I get ready to invite the church.
How many of you are hearing something in the spirit?
Stop asking God to use what you birthed to ishmael to perform the promise and start telling god, change my name.
That I can release
by the spirit.
Our greatest problem is we have too many ishmael churches.
Too many ishmael worship teams. Too many ishmael preachers.
And we need some isis loose
in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah.
You market you watch this.
The land that Israel’s on In fact, the day’s gonna come when Israel’s going to begin to reclaim land back.
Kallelu, your wife, because the name Abraham is on it.
The name Isaac is on it.
I am the god of who, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not Abraham, Ishmael, and Jacob.
I am the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And have scar begins to physically restore God.
We loose and anointing right now over the nation of Israel.
And we bind this ishmael attack in the name of the lord.
And we declare that by tomorrow, this war is brought to an end, and death is stopped at god that you put the fear of god in the enemy, in the name of the lord.
Now very quickly, get out of your seats.
And I want you to begin to respond to the spirit of the lord.
I want you to tell god, lord, change my name. Come on. Come on. Very quickly.
When god begins to speak, there’s something in the atmosphere. There are stirring waters of the Holy Ghost.
This call begins to speak today. Hallelujah.
Name of the lord, in the name of the lord, in the name of the lord, in the name of the lord, hallelujah.
Who are you talking? Get up close as you can. Come up. Move it off.
Let’s get up as close as we can.
The anointed and a dog that’s getting this and this service the very beginning. It’s still here.
It’s stronger than the name of Jesus, hallelujah. Lord, we thank you.
We thank you for paying in the name of the lord.
In the name of the lord, god forbid, they get your release.
Some godly rain from heaven and Come on and say it.
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