Three Aspects of Grace – Episode 2
Three Aspects of Grace – Episode 2
Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding.
This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of prep Dollar ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world. I am righteous. I am right in his sight.
How did that come? That came through his grace that I am right in his sight. That’s my posture.
That’s my standing. How did it come? Did it? Was it something that I earned?
Was it something that I worked for it? Was it something that I deserve?
No, it’s something that I’ve received by faith. I am righteous through his grace.
Change experience. 2023 is coming to your city.
Join Creflo Dollar in Miami May 19th and in Charlotte, June 9th, unite with the world Changers nation and get Psalm 91 equipped live experience meaningful worship and the life changing message of grace.
This is a revival like none other seating is limited. Register now, text change 2023 to 51555.
Scan the QR code or visit Creflo dollar ministries dot org. This is your world.
So is vow get a better place.
Every I oh you the wind break, we are changed.
If you are going through a trial.
It is to bring to your attention, your self dependence that somehow in your life, you are depending on you rather than depending on God and God is committed to make sure there are some, some trials that will be used to burn away self dependence to finally bring you to a place where you can totally depend on Him.
That’s the purpose for trials. So don’t complain and don’t get all soft and weird.
You know, God help me. No, no, no, no, no. He helping you through that trial you’re going through.
So don’t mama don’t, don’t get upset, ma mama through the trial. Just listen. God trying to show me something.
I must be declaring my, my, my dependence on myself somewhere.
Why did Peter have to go through what Peter had to go through?
Because Jesus was trying to show him Peter, you know, you, you, you have too much dependence on yourself now.
I don’t know, but I ain’t gonna let you die and I’m not gonna do this.
And he said, you know what dude? And, and it ain’t gonna be from long for right now.
You’re gonna deny you even know me.
Peter went from revelation knowledge of who Jesus was to denying who Jesus was trial came.
Burned it off. Now. He depends completely on God.
And I know that’s a big thing now because you give yourself too much credit.
You got an education, you got a degree, you got some money, you know, some impotent people.
In fact, now you think you’re important and the, the worst thing you can do is convince yourself that you’re important.
That’s the worst thing you can do is to go around, look in the mirror and talking and look at yourself like you’re important.
You’re not. And it’s gonna take a trial to help you get rid of that because God can show, let you know you ain’t an importer.
You a little high, strong and they know how to bring you down.
Somebody said, well, where’s the grace at? There’s a grace right now. He loves you so much.
He’s saving you from yourself by delivering you from yourself.
He trying to tell you you’re too important, but you ain’t listening to him, but you will listen to a hard time.
You’ll listen to when that money ain’t coming through.
You’ll listen to when you lost that job, you’ll listen to your wife getting tired of you talking that way.
And she says, Freddie, I want a divorce right now and all of a sudden you like Lord, what’s going on?
He said, don’t handle it with your important self.
God knows how to deal with everybody in his room and you can play all the church games you wanna play.
But God know you. God knows you like nobody knows you. God knows you better than you know yourself.
You might as well get honest with your quit lying. To you, to yourself.
Lord, I ain’t praying for. He like yes you are. No, I’m not. Who you talking to?
You’re talking. Who are you talking to?
Oh he in there? He know you.
He’d been knowing you. He know you in the booth, the back in the corner of the he know you.
And if he tell you you pray for, don’t deny it.
Just say Lord help me, show it to me. show me what I need to do.
Show me how to get out of this situation.
I know the situation where I got so stressed out that my face felt like it was turning and I was gonna get that bell positive because I just had all this stuff going on and I’m, I’m going to the Lord for the help.
That’s the thing to do. Go to the Lord help me. Oh Lord help me.
He said you weren’t supposed to be there in the first place by there.
He means you set boundaries. Why are you over the fence?
I told you not to deal with that. Why you deal with it? Oh That’s easy.
Get back over the feet. Get on your side of the fence, get on your side of the fence, do it like she, he always on side, always on tap side.
I I asked one time, I’m like, why you always on Tampa side?
Because you’re always on my side.
I said, well, where I, where am I He’s heading in the center of the circle yours.
A God help you.
And the Bible says, you know, you don’t need this trials to come.
He says it comes if it need be and I’m, I’m constantly for God like listen, Lord, I don’t want to have, I don’t want nothing that, that need be.
So I wanna volunteer to work with you.
What I, what I need to do get back on the side. Let me hop back over here.
What else I need to do? Lord? Because the Lord be bringing them me be things coming up.
You’re like, oh no dinner that you everybody.
I’m saying that say out loud, I’m right with God.
I’m pure and holy and I’m forgiven a sin right now, right where I sit, I am all right.
So now let’s deal with this first part by grace of standing before God.
So grace is what provides that right posture.
You know, you can’t have a wrong posture when the, when the bible removed the anointing.
And Isaiah describes it as removing the yolk around the neck and taking the burdens off the shoulders.
Now, I imagine the posture of a person who has the yolk around their neck and the boat burden on their shoulders.
They’re walking like this. But he said, I, I’ll come to remove the burden, they can stand up straight and I’ll destroy the yoke.
It, it completely destroys that old posture.
So God knew the first thing I got to do in order for them to, to receive Him grace is got to get them in the right posture.
So the first work of grace provides a standing before God. So this is fully accomplished.
The moment a sinner believes on Jesus as the one who satisfies on his behalf, the demands of God’s justice.
You believe the guy who has satisfied God’s justice.
Now, things that constitute believers, standing are gonna be accomplished by His grace.
The things that are, that constitutes a believe, believe of standard is gonna be accomplished by his grace.
Now let me show you what I’m talking about.
Look at Ephesians chapter one and verse seven, I’m gonna show you uh three or four scriptures on, on this to see it to me.
I thought, well, this sounds elementary. You gotta be careful about how it sounds.
It’s one of those things that sound easy, but maybe the biggest challenge to this grace walk.
Ephesians chapter one verse seven in, in, in the uh N L T. Alright. Now check this out.
He says he is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his son wants this and forgave our sins.
So listen by grace, I am free and forgiven of sins. He purchased that with his blood.
I am already free. Say I’m free. I am already forgiven of sin.
Say I’m forgiven, OK? So that standard now that standing was accomplished by his grace, by grace.
I am free by grace. I have been forgiving that standing. I have because of his grace.
Here’s the second part, Romans 3 24 in the N L T Romans 3 24.
And I’m, I’m being repetitive on this.
We’ve heard, we heard so many other things repetitive that we say them and they’re wrong, but we’ve heard them so much.
It’s gonna require me saying stuff over and over again.
So you can hear it so much so we can start getting rid of all of that wrong stuff.
He says yet God in his grace, God in his grace freely makes us what right in his sight.
He did this through Jesus Christ when he us from the penalty for our sins. So notice I am righteous.
I am right in his sight. How did that come?
That came through His grace that I am right in his sight? That’s my posture. That’s my standing.
How did it come? Did it? Was it something that I earned? Was it something that I worked for it?
Was it something that I deserve? No, it’s something that I’ve received by faith. I am righteous through His grace.
Here’s the third one. Colossians chapter one.
Colossians chapter one verse 21 22 in N L T.
Now watch this gives a whole list here.
He says, this includes you who were once far away from God.
You were his enemies separated from Him by your evil thoughts and actions. Verse 22.
Yet now he has reconciled you. He has reconciled. You say I’m reconciled. See my, my posture is I’m reconciled.
I have been restored back to friendship with God.
The enemy, the enmity has ended between God and man because of his sins.
I am standing restored back to God.
That means God is not mad at me yet.
Now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ, in his physical body as a result.
He has brought you into his own presence and you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault.
So what has been accomplished though is great.
I’m reconciled. God’s not mad at me. God’s not gonna try to get me.
You know, people, God gonna get you. God don’t like ugly.
He gonna get you and you ain’t you tired of here, aren’t you tired? Ain’t, ain’t you tired?
God gonna get you. He gonna get you. God don’t like ugly, honey.
If God was gonna get me as many times, you gonna tell me he was gonna get me out of being God right now.
But he’s not why? Because you’ve been reconciled back to God. You watch this.
You have also been by his grace put in his presence.
Do you realize that God’s presence is with you all the time now that you’re saved?
His presence is with you. It is not because you feel something, whether you feel something or not, that’s why said we gotta do things by faith because it’s not based on you feeling something.
Somebody says, oh, I had chill bumps when I was praying this morning.
Oh, I know, I know God heard my prayer this morning because I had chill buffs it.
Listen, you gotta get to the point where you don’t have no chill bumps and you still know God was with you when you was praying.
See, that’s that religious stuff that it can’t be real unless I feel something.
That’s the, that’s what’s been, that’s what deceived us. I have the presence of God.
I have an in me and he says, I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.
So when He’s not there, he’s broken that promise. He says, I’m not gonna leave you and forsake you.
But your religious oh Lord help me, Jesus.
Yo, that dog can’t tell you nothing because you think you know more in Jesus Christ.
I’m crucified man raised from this. You don’t write about bottle mouth.
If I tell you that now I receive that because my class tells me and my semey school that I’ve got to, I’ve got to perform these five acts in order to deserve what God wants to do to me.
It’s a lie. Can’t you read? He just said it. Can’t you read? We all read together.
That’s all we doing. We read, we read, we read, I don’t know what else to tell you if you don’t listen to hear a born again Christian say I got to go and pray until the presence of God.
Come on me, honey, you should have walked in with him this morning.
Ok? Let me just gonna freak you out.
Even if you go to the bar and just got stupid for a minute and come back and you buy this idea because of, because you can’t accept your standing.
Well, God can’t be with me. Well, why can’t come by? I got drunk last night.
Oh He was right there with you. You remember when that glass slid over there?
Huh? Let’s look at some of your stuff for you didn’t leave the holy ghost when you decided to go to the bar.
When you went to the bar, he went with you, you stop by a motel or whatever and what we call her last week miss you, you met miss that in room 666.
You didn’t go up that you didn’t go up in that room by yourself.
He went with you.
I I I see some of you look smart that what I’m saying to you. You smart.
You already got ahead of me.
Mm mm mm And you gotta see the, the, the comments on the line right now and that ain’t what my Bible say.
You don’t know how to read your Bible. That’s why I’m talking to you about this stuff, right?
Now because if you know how to read your Bible, I talk to you about this stuff right now.
But anyway, so alright, you want scripture, I’ll give you a little simple one.
Goodness and mercy shall follow you days of your life.
When you went to the bar. Goodness and mercy went with you when you went to the hotel.
Goodness and what messi went with you and when you came back to church, goodness and mercy went with you.
The only difference was is you just change your mind about that stuff.
And goodness and mercy say we’ve been here the whole time and we’ve been, we’ve been working on you the whole time.
We saw you when you got drunk, we saw you when your S M M K.
But we’ve been working on your praise God.
And now you don’t want none of that brass pastor tried to tell you to put you in the next day and now you don’t want Miss Kitty because Marsha Dion showed up and called y’all see, you gotta understand that goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
That’s his presence, that’s his presence.
I I need to look at this like what is going on with your boy?
And and the Satan has made that so difficult for people to receive, receive what their posture.
Thank you, receive what their stance.
Yeah, you keep fighting him on who you are, bro, you are because Jesus said you are, do you know one of the definitions for righteousness is declared righteous?
You know what God told me? He says, you know, one.
He says, you know one reason why you’re righteous because I said it, oh, that’s the big fight.
Um, especially amongst church people who’ve been in church all day life, struggling to receive your God given posture.
Now you watch the number of times this week where you’re gonna be tested, where your position, your stance and your posture is concerned.
And you gotta ask God help me to see it, help me to notice it because I’m gonna start actively fighting against anything that tries to talk me out of who I am and who I’ve been made to be through this grace of God.
And I, I, I thought even studying this, I thought, I thought, well, you know, I mean, God, that’s, this is a pretty easy message here by God that He says this is not about how they intellectually perceive what you’re saying.
He said, I’m telling you, this is a deeply rooted issue that I face all the time trying to allow my limitless love to bloom in their lives and they keep building up boundaries around own kind of rejecting grace given posture.
If you should fall, not saying that you will.
Because here’s, here’s one thing I do know when you fall, you will arise and God’s gonna take you to the next level.
You’re not gonna be being defeated by that thing all the time.
That’s not how that’s gonna happen.
You’re gonna wake up one day and there are several things that used to be a part of your behavior that don’t exist anymore.
You gonna have to back up like whoa, whoa, when did, when did it happen?
You were so busy walking in your grace, given posture that it started transforming your behavior.
See what we’ve done as Christian is when you do something bad, you say I’m a bad person, you immediately relate your bad behavior to your identity and then you back up on grace, given identity.
And now you say that identity is now based on performance.
And now you start preaching the gospel of performance and it starts changing your grace given identity.
We can’t let that happen anymore.
I am the righteousness of God now I’m pure and I’m holy now, I’m deliberate from sin now and watch this and I am the Tabernacle of God’s presence.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t abide in that box.
There are, don’t it, don’t, it doesn’t buy it.
His presence lives and you, that’s why you can hear him with your inner ear.
That’s why instructions can come from inside.
You got an advantage over the world.
They depend on outside information we live by inside information and listen.
You gotta start walking before you believe it.
If all you’re gonna do is play mental in intellectual acrobats with what I’m teaching you, bro.
Go get out here. It, it ain’t it, it’s not designed.
Grace is not even designed grace is a provision for the spiritual part of your life that failed in the Garden of Eden.
Grace is God’s provision to take care of that new creation on the inside so that it may supply from the inside out and just like food and water and sunlight was provision for the grass and the animals and even human beings.
Grace is provision for the that spiritual realm that’s working on the inside of a man and you keep trying to do something with it.
These oh yeah, let me finish.
So we’ve got, we are reconciled. We’ve got the presence of God.
We’re holy, we’re blameless.
And I like what he says and we stand before him with no single fault.
Oh my goodness. Think of that.
Think of you reminding yourself why the enemy is trying to use something you did or you missed a mark and he’s trying to fault you.
And God says I’m not blaming you because when I see you, I see you with no faults.
Amen. Amen. So, so when Jesus said this, he said, I ain’t concerned about the devil.
Why? Because he can’t find nothing in me.
The reason why stuff keep happening in the lives of the church folks is you keep giving him something to find in you because you won’t receive, you won’t receive who you are and who grace gave you.
He find nothing in me. You remember when Paul Paul had to mitigated the audacity to, to make what I thought was an egregious remark when he said I have wrote no man, I have defaulted no man.
And what was the other one? Did nothing rolling on me.
You know what, how can he say that when there are so many scriptures about him?
Going and, and, and, and, and, and reaping havoc and causing people to be killed and stoning folks.
He’s the one behind Stephen stoning the nerve to sit up there and say I’m wrong.
No man, I, no man.
You see right here, here’s a record of you and I’m thinking, oh, what was he doing, Paul from that point on would never measure himself by what he did in the past or whatever happened to him?
Paul only measured himself by the grace of God and the posture that was given to him by God’s grace.
Have you ever wondered what God made available to you through grace?
Creflo dollar reveals the provision contained within this unique gift from God in his series grace, God’s provision for the believer.
It is grace upon grace that removes fear and it gives assurance, it brings stability and direction to your earthly life.
God says I’m gonna cause my goodness to get on you when you don’t think it ought to be on you and it’s gonna change your mind about the dumb behavior that you did.
And I’m gonna have you walk in grace upon grace upon grace until you can’t hold it.
Take it no more because his mercy kept showing up when you know you didn’t serve it.
And grace upon grace, upon grace, upon grace for a love gift of $25 for cds or $35 for dvds.
This four message series can be yours today.
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Take the first steps on the path of righteousness today calling all world changers and those who have been changed by the message of grace.
It’s homecoming time. We’ve been on the road spreading the gospel and now it’s time to bring it home.
That’s right. Grace. Life 2023 homecoming is upon us and will be an experience like no other God just showed up one day in his mercy and his grace because he knew it concerns you.
We have a better covenant with better promises.
We are inviting the entire world changers nation home for a three day weekend, July 13th through the 15th at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia.
When we get a revelation of who’s with us, we know that we are never alone because you know what I know that the Lord has my back join us for life changing revelation during this soul stirring weekend, filled with all the excitement of the Lord.
This is a conference you don’t want to miss. Welcome home world changers.
We wanna be sure we are living according to what God has taught us about giving.
And we understand that giving and receiving is a spiritual law. It’s a reflex of God’s love.
And I’m so glad that Taff and I begin to understand how to walk in this principle.
But we give not out of necessity, we give out of a cheerful heart.
We give because we’re grateful and we’re thankful to what God has done.
You know, I, I want you to pray about uh becoming a giver into CRE Dollar ministries today.
And if this ministry has blessed you in any way, consider sowing a seed of any amount and we will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your support and God bless you.
Your financial donations into this ministry work all over the world to change countless lives.
If you’d like to support our efforts to save the lost, you may call in or visit Creflo dollar ministries dot org today.
God bless you. Change experience. 2023 has officially kicked off.
Join Creflo Dollar in the city that never sleeps at the New York. Change experience on Friday, April 28th.
Make your song 91 confessions in person.
Join us for uplifting worship and change your lives with the message of grace.
Get ready for a revival like none other seating is limited. Register for free.
Now, text change 2023 to 51555 or log on to w W W dot Creflo dollar ministries dot org.
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We’re in this together no matter where we are, we are world changers. See you online.
Thank you, partners and friends, your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world. I am righteous. I am right in his sight.
How did that come? That came through his grace that I am right in his sight. That’s my posture.
That’s my standing. How did it come? Did it? Was it something that I earned?
Was it something that I worked for it? Was it something that I deserve?
No, it’s something that I’ve received by faith. I am righteous through his grace.
Change experience. 2023 is coming to your city.
Join Creflo Dollar in Miami May 19th and in Charlotte, June 9th, unite with the world Changers nation and get Psalm 91 equipped live experience meaningful worship and the life changing message of grace.
This is a revival like none other seating is limited. Register now, text change 2023 to 51555.
Scan the QR code or visit Creflo dollar ministries dot org. This is your world.
So is vow get a better place.
Every I oh you the wind break, we are changed.
If you are going through a trial.
It is to bring to your attention, your self dependence that somehow in your life, you are depending on you rather than depending on God and God is committed to make sure there are some, some trials that will be used to burn away self dependence to finally bring you to a place where you can totally depend on Him.
That’s the purpose for trials. So don’t complain and don’t get all soft and weird.
You know, God help me. No, no, no, no, no. He helping you through that trial you’re going through.
So don’t mama don’t, don’t get upset, ma mama through the trial. Just listen. God trying to show me something.
I must be declaring my, my, my dependence on myself somewhere.
Why did Peter have to go through what Peter had to go through?
Because Jesus was trying to show him Peter, you know, you, you, you have too much dependence on yourself now.
I don’t know, but I ain’t gonna let you die and I’m not gonna do this.
And he said, you know what dude? And, and it ain’t gonna be from long for right now.
You’re gonna deny you even know me.
Peter went from revelation knowledge of who Jesus was to denying who Jesus was trial came.
Burned it off. Now. He depends completely on God.
And I know that’s a big thing now because you give yourself too much credit.
You got an education, you got a degree, you got some money, you know, some impotent people.
In fact, now you think you’re important and the, the worst thing you can do is convince yourself that you’re important.
That’s the worst thing you can do is to go around, look in the mirror and talking and look at yourself like you’re important.
You’re not. And it’s gonna take a trial to help you get rid of that because God can show, let you know you ain’t an importer.
You a little high, strong and they know how to bring you down.
Somebody said, well, where’s the grace at? There’s a grace right now. He loves you so much.
He’s saving you from yourself by delivering you from yourself.
He trying to tell you you’re too important, but you ain’t listening to him, but you will listen to a hard time.
You’ll listen to when that money ain’t coming through.
You’ll listen to when you lost that job, you’ll listen to your wife getting tired of you talking that way.
And she says, Freddie, I want a divorce right now and all of a sudden you like Lord, what’s going on?
He said, don’t handle it with your important self.
God knows how to deal with everybody in his room and you can play all the church games you wanna play.
But God know you. God knows you like nobody knows you. God knows you better than you know yourself.
You might as well get honest with your quit lying. To you, to yourself.
Lord, I ain’t praying for. He like yes you are. No, I’m not. Who you talking to?
You’re talking. Who are you talking to?
Oh he in there? He know you.
He’d been knowing you. He know you in the booth, the back in the corner of the he know you.
And if he tell you you pray for, don’t deny it.
Just say Lord help me, show it to me. show me what I need to do.
Show me how to get out of this situation.
I know the situation where I got so stressed out that my face felt like it was turning and I was gonna get that bell positive because I just had all this stuff going on and I’m, I’m going to the Lord for the help.
That’s the thing to do. Go to the Lord help me. Oh Lord help me.
He said you weren’t supposed to be there in the first place by there.
He means you set boundaries. Why are you over the fence?
I told you not to deal with that. Why you deal with it? Oh That’s easy.
Get back over the feet. Get on your side of the fence, get on your side of the fence, do it like she, he always on side, always on tap side.
I I asked one time, I’m like, why you always on Tampa side?
Because you’re always on my side.
I said, well, where I, where am I He’s heading in the center of the circle yours.
A God help you.
And the Bible says, you know, you don’t need this trials to come.
He says it comes if it need be and I’m, I’m constantly for God like listen, Lord, I don’t want to have, I don’t want nothing that, that need be.
So I wanna volunteer to work with you.
What I, what I need to do get back on the side. Let me hop back over here.
What else I need to do? Lord? Because the Lord be bringing them me be things coming up.
You’re like, oh no dinner that you everybody.
I’m saying that say out loud, I’m right with God.
I’m pure and holy and I’m forgiven a sin right now, right where I sit, I am all right.
So now let’s deal with this first part by grace of standing before God.
So grace is what provides that right posture.
You know, you can’t have a wrong posture when the, when the bible removed the anointing.
And Isaiah describes it as removing the yolk around the neck and taking the burdens off the shoulders.
Now, I imagine the posture of a person who has the yolk around their neck and the boat burden on their shoulders.
They’re walking like this. But he said, I, I’ll come to remove the burden, they can stand up straight and I’ll destroy the yoke.
It, it completely destroys that old posture.
So God knew the first thing I got to do in order for them to, to receive Him grace is got to get them in the right posture.
So the first work of grace provides a standing before God. So this is fully accomplished.
The moment a sinner believes on Jesus as the one who satisfies on his behalf, the demands of God’s justice.
You believe the guy who has satisfied God’s justice.
Now, things that constitute believers, standing are gonna be accomplished by His grace.
The things that are, that constitutes a believe, believe of standard is gonna be accomplished by his grace.
Now let me show you what I’m talking about.
Look at Ephesians chapter one and verse seven, I’m gonna show you uh three or four scriptures on, on this to see it to me.
I thought, well, this sounds elementary. You gotta be careful about how it sounds.
It’s one of those things that sound easy, but maybe the biggest challenge to this grace walk.
Ephesians chapter one verse seven in, in, in the uh N L T. Alright. Now check this out.
He says he is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his son wants this and forgave our sins.
So listen by grace, I am free and forgiven of sins. He purchased that with his blood.
I am already free. Say I’m free. I am already forgiven of sin.
Say I’m forgiven, OK? So that standard now that standing was accomplished by his grace, by grace.
I am free by grace. I have been forgiving that standing. I have because of his grace.
Here’s the second part, Romans 3 24 in the N L T Romans 3 24.
And I’m, I’m being repetitive on this.
We’ve heard, we heard so many other things repetitive that we say them and they’re wrong, but we’ve heard them so much.
It’s gonna require me saying stuff over and over again.
So you can hear it so much so we can start getting rid of all of that wrong stuff.
He says yet God in his grace, God in his grace freely makes us what right in his sight.
He did this through Jesus Christ when he us from the penalty for our sins. So notice I am righteous.
I am right in his sight. How did that come?
That came through His grace that I am right in his sight? That’s my posture. That’s my standing.
How did it come? Did it? Was it something that I earned? Was it something that I worked for it?
Was it something that I deserve? No, it’s something that I’ve received by faith. I am righteous through His grace.
Here’s the third one. Colossians chapter one.
Colossians chapter one verse 21 22 in N L T.
Now watch this gives a whole list here.
He says, this includes you who were once far away from God.
You were his enemies separated from Him by your evil thoughts and actions. Verse 22.
Yet now he has reconciled you. He has reconciled. You say I’m reconciled. See my, my posture is I’m reconciled.
I have been restored back to friendship with God.
The enemy, the enmity has ended between God and man because of his sins.
I am standing restored back to God.
That means God is not mad at me yet.
Now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ, in his physical body as a result.
He has brought you into his own presence and you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault.
So what has been accomplished though is great.
I’m reconciled. God’s not mad at me. God’s not gonna try to get me.
You know, people, God gonna get you. God don’t like ugly.
He gonna get you and you ain’t you tired of here, aren’t you tired? Ain’t, ain’t you tired?
God gonna get you. He gonna get you. God don’t like ugly, honey.
If God was gonna get me as many times, you gonna tell me he was gonna get me out of being God right now.
But he’s not why? Because you’ve been reconciled back to God. You watch this.
You have also been by his grace put in his presence.
Do you realize that God’s presence is with you all the time now that you’re saved?
His presence is with you. It is not because you feel something, whether you feel something or not, that’s why said we gotta do things by faith because it’s not based on you feeling something.
Somebody says, oh, I had chill bumps when I was praying this morning.
Oh, I know, I know God heard my prayer this morning because I had chill buffs it.
Listen, you gotta get to the point where you don’t have no chill bumps and you still know God was with you when you was praying.
See, that’s that religious stuff that it can’t be real unless I feel something.
That’s the, that’s what’s been, that’s what deceived us. I have the presence of God.
I have an in me and he says, I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.
So when He’s not there, he’s broken that promise. He says, I’m not gonna leave you and forsake you.
But your religious oh Lord help me, Jesus.
Yo, that dog can’t tell you nothing because you think you know more in Jesus Christ.
I’m crucified man raised from this. You don’t write about bottle mouth.
If I tell you that now I receive that because my class tells me and my semey school that I’ve got to, I’ve got to perform these five acts in order to deserve what God wants to do to me.
It’s a lie. Can’t you read? He just said it. Can’t you read? We all read together.
That’s all we doing. We read, we read, we read, I don’t know what else to tell you if you don’t listen to hear a born again Christian say I got to go and pray until the presence of God.
Come on me, honey, you should have walked in with him this morning.
Ok? Let me just gonna freak you out.
Even if you go to the bar and just got stupid for a minute and come back and you buy this idea because of, because you can’t accept your standing.
Well, God can’t be with me. Well, why can’t come by? I got drunk last night.
Oh He was right there with you. You remember when that glass slid over there?
Huh? Let’s look at some of your stuff for you didn’t leave the holy ghost when you decided to go to the bar.
When you went to the bar, he went with you, you stop by a motel or whatever and what we call her last week miss you, you met miss that in room 666.
You didn’t go up that you didn’t go up in that room by yourself.
He went with you.
I I I see some of you look smart that what I’m saying to you. You smart.
You already got ahead of me.
Mm mm mm And you gotta see the, the, the comments on the line right now and that ain’t what my Bible say.
You don’t know how to read your Bible. That’s why I’m talking to you about this stuff, right?
Now because if you know how to read your Bible, I talk to you about this stuff right now.
But anyway, so alright, you want scripture, I’ll give you a little simple one.
Goodness and mercy shall follow you days of your life.
When you went to the bar. Goodness and mercy went with you when you went to the hotel.
Goodness and what messi went with you and when you came back to church, goodness and mercy went with you.
The only difference was is you just change your mind about that stuff.
And goodness and mercy say we’ve been here the whole time and we’ve been, we’ve been working on you the whole time.
We saw you when you got drunk, we saw you when your S M M K.
But we’ve been working on your praise God.
And now you don’t want none of that brass pastor tried to tell you to put you in the next day and now you don’t want Miss Kitty because Marsha Dion showed up and called y’all see, you gotta understand that goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
That’s his presence, that’s his presence.
I I need to look at this like what is going on with your boy?
And and the Satan has made that so difficult for people to receive, receive what their posture.
Thank you, receive what their stance.
Yeah, you keep fighting him on who you are, bro, you are because Jesus said you are, do you know one of the definitions for righteousness is declared righteous?
You know what God told me? He says, you know, one.
He says, you know one reason why you’re righteous because I said it, oh, that’s the big fight.
Um, especially amongst church people who’ve been in church all day life, struggling to receive your God given posture.
Now you watch the number of times this week where you’re gonna be tested, where your position, your stance and your posture is concerned.
And you gotta ask God help me to see it, help me to notice it because I’m gonna start actively fighting against anything that tries to talk me out of who I am and who I’ve been made to be through this grace of God.
And I, I, I thought even studying this, I thought, I thought, well, you know, I mean, God, that’s, this is a pretty easy message here by God that He says this is not about how they intellectually perceive what you’re saying.
He said, I’m telling you, this is a deeply rooted issue that I face all the time trying to allow my limitless love to bloom in their lives and they keep building up boundaries around own kind of rejecting grace given posture.
If you should fall, not saying that you will.
Because here’s, here’s one thing I do know when you fall, you will arise and God’s gonna take you to the next level.
You’re not gonna be being defeated by that thing all the time.
That’s not how that’s gonna happen.
You’re gonna wake up one day and there are several things that used to be a part of your behavior that don’t exist anymore.
You gonna have to back up like whoa, whoa, when did, when did it happen?
You were so busy walking in your grace, given posture that it started transforming your behavior.
See what we’ve done as Christian is when you do something bad, you say I’m a bad person, you immediately relate your bad behavior to your identity and then you back up on grace, given identity.
And now you say that identity is now based on performance.
And now you start preaching the gospel of performance and it starts changing your grace given identity.
We can’t let that happen anymore.
I am the righteousness of God now I’m pure and I’m holy now, I’m deliberate from sin now and watch this and I am the Tabernacle of God’s presence.
It doesn’t, it doesn’t abide in that box.
There are, don’t it, don’t, it doesn’t buy it.
His presence lives and you, that’s why you can hear him with your inner ear.
That’s why instructions can come from inside.
You got an advantage over the world.
They depend on outside information we live by inside information and listen.
You gotta start walking before you believe it.
If all you’re gonna do is play mental in intellectual acrobats with what I’m teaching you, bro.
Go get out here. It, it ain’t it, it’s not designed.
Grace is not even designed grace is a provision for the spiritual part of your life that failed in the Garden of Eden.
Grace is God’s provision to take care of that new creation on the inside so that it may supply from the inside out and just like food and water and sunlight was provision for the grass and the animals and even human beings.
Grace is provision for the that spiritual realm that’s working on the inside of a man and you keep trying to do something with it.
These oh yeah, let me finish.
So we’ve got, we are reconciled. We’ve got the presence of God.
We’re holy, we’re blameless.
And I like what he says and we stand before him with no single fault.
Oh my goodness. Think of that.
Think of you reminding yourself why the enemy is trying to use something you did or you missed a mark and he’s trying to fault you.
And God says I’m not blaming you because when I see you, I see you with no faults.
Amen. Amen. So, so when Jesus said this, he said, I ain’t concerned about the devil.
Why? Because he can’t find nothing in me.
The reason why stuff keep happening in the lives of the church folks is you keep giving him something to find in you because you won’t receive, you won’t receive who you are and who grace gave you.
He find nothing in me. You remember when Paul Paul had to mitigated the audacity to, to make what I thought was an egregious remark when he said I have wrote no man, I have defaulted no man.
And what was the other one? Did nothing rolling on me.
You know what, how can he say that when there are so many scriptures about him?
Going and, and, and, and, and, and reaping havoc and causing people to be killed and stoning folks.
He’s the one behind Stephen stoning the nerve to sit up there and say I’m wrong.
No man, I, no man.
You see right here, here’s a record of you and I’m thinking, oh, what was he doing, Paul from that point on would never measure himself by what he did in the past or whatever happened to him?
Paul only measured himself by the grace of God and the posture that was given to him by God’s grace.
Have you ever wondered what God made available to you through grace?
Creflo dollar reveals the provision contained within this unique gift from God in his series grace, God’s provision for the believer.
It is grace upon grace that removes fear and it gives assurance, it brings stability and direction to your earthly life.
God says I’m gonna cause my goodness to get on you when you don’t think it ought to be on you and it’s gonna change your mind about the dumb behavior that you did.
And I’m gonna have you walk in grace upon grace upon grace until you can’t hold it.
Take it no more because his mercy kept showing up when you know you didn’t serve it.
And grace upon grace, upon grace, upon grace for a love gift of $25 for cds or $35 for dvds.
This four message series can be yours today.
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Take the first steps on the path of righteousness today calling all world changers and those who have been changed by the message of grace.
It’s homecoming time. We’ve been on the road spreading the gospel and now it’s time to bring it home.
That’s right. Grace. Life 2023 homecoming is upon us and will be an experience like no other God just showed up one day in his mercy and his grace because he knew it concerns you.
We have a better covenant with better promises.
We are inviting the entire world changers nation home for a three day weekend, July 13th through the 15th at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia.
When we get a revelation of who’s with us, we know that we are never alone because you know what I know that the Lord has my back join us for life changing revelation during this soul stirring weekend, filled with all the excitement of the Lord.
This is a conference you don’t want to miss. Welcome home world changers.
We wanna be sure we are living according to what God has taught us about giving.
And we understand that giving and receiving is a spiritual law. It’s a reflex of God’s love.
And I’m so glad that Taff and I begin to understand how to walk in this principle.
But we give not out of necessity, we give out of a cheerful heart.
We give because we’re grateful and we’re thankful to what God has done.
You know, I, I want you to pray about uh becoming a giver into CRE Dollar ministries today.
And if this ministry has blessed you in any way, consider sowing a seed of any amount and we will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your support and God bless you.
Your financial donations into this ministry work all over the world to change countless lives.
If you’d like to support our efforts to save the lost, you may call in or visit Creflo dollar ministries dot org today.
God bless you. Change experience. 2023 has officially kicked off.
Join Creflo Dollar in the city that never sleeps at the New York. Change experience on Friday, April 28th.
Make your song 91 confessions in person.
Join us for uplifting worship and change your lives with the message of grace.
Get ready for a revival like none other seating is limited. Register for free.
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We’re in this together no matter where we are, we are world changers. See you online.
Thank you, partners and friends, your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo dollar Ministries.
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