Just Give Me Jesus: Part 2 | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Just Give Me Jesus: Part 2

Hebrews chapter five tonight, I’ll read starting in verse six and we’re in part two of this message.
Just give me Jesus as he also says, in another place.
You are a priest forever according to the order of milk. Yeah.
Mm. Yeah.
Though he was a son yet he speaking of Jesus learned obedience by the things which he suffered.
Verse 10, called by God as high priest according to the order of milk is a deck.
Yeah. Paul Digs or I think it’s Paul Digs a little challenge and their father, we pray that none of us tonight would be dull of hearing the word being to have lard.
The word means to actually have lard in the ears. That’s pretty gross picture. Lord.
Of course, may our hearts be tender Lord.
If it’s possible, may our hearts have ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the church.
And father, we pray that this sweet time. I love Wednesday nights.
Lord, I pray that our time together right now would be anointed by you that you would as it were allow this family to be gathered around the table as we walked through the word together, we pray now in Jesus name and all God’s people said, amen.
You may be seated. Hebrews chapter five church. It is technical. We’ve covered the first five verses.
We looked at that last time together and tonight will go as far as we possibly can this evening.
But a little bit of uh introduction into this section that we’re looking at beginning at verse six.
And so I want you to kind of put this picture before your, your eyes if you would or your imagination.
And that is that the Bible, the word of God God’s revelation to us is his giving manifestation of his will.
Now listen carefully, please written in black and sometimes letters in red on the pages of paper is the actual expressed will of God kept by God made known to the world.
And for thousands of years, it’s been delivered in this mode, right?
Certainly in the West from the days of the Gutenberg Press and its history of the Bible.
I don’t know if you know this or not.
The Bible was the first book to be read aloud around the world. It was the first book on audio.
The Bible. The Bible, the Bible was the first book to be placed on a U S spacecraft and this is kind of cool in recent history.
The Bible was the first book placed on an Israeli spacecraft. That’s pretty cool that they would copy us anyway.
No, I’m kidding. Not. Really.
But really, I mean, that, that’s kind of, I mean, we got the Bible from them, but what a great witness.
But you think about every year the Bible is the most purchased book of all books every year.
Did you know that? He said? No, no, I thought Harry Potter was. Yeah. True.
If you read the New York Times bestselling list, there’s always a number one, right?
You always see number one, you see number one, maybe it’s this or maybe it’s that and you say no, no, that’s number one.
The reason why that’s number one is because it’s actually number two, the Bible has never posted anymore.
They haven’t posted the Bible for probably 50 years as being the number one selling book because it’s always the number one selling book and everybody just got tired of looking at it and they assumed that’s just the way it is.
But it’s the number one selling book around the world every year.
The word of God, why it is the revealed expressed will of God? And what is that? Will of God?
It’s summed up very simply that is that Jesus Christ is Lord truly it is.
He said it wasn’t about salvation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because Jesus Christ is Lord isn’t about Bible prophecy.
Yes, because Jesus Christ is Lord. Isn’t it a message covering thousands and thousands of years?
Yes, because Jesus is Lord. He’s the star figure of it all.
And I want to add this, by the way.
Um As we look through the Book of Hebrews, I think it’s appropriate right now with all the data that’s being dumped onto the world scene and what is known as the Twitter files, right?
Everybody’s all these journalists and everybody’s hey, how about this?
The Bible God dropped this right out of the clouds, so to speak, the Jesus files.
The book is the file all about Jesus all to New Testament and regarding that truth and that reality, there is this, what is it?
A self announced a biblically prearranged proclamation that the last days of church history on earth.
And in fact, the last days before Christ returns, there would be um a waning a diminishing Of the church’s influence.
Now, for some of you who study Bible prophecy, you know that there’s how many letters written to the church by Jesus in the book of Revelation seven.
And what’s amazing when you study those seven letters to the seven churches?
What’s amazing is that those seven letters to those seven churches, not only speak to actual factual churches that were really in existence, then you can go today and go to the archaeological sites of those churches.
But what’s amazing is they describe the personality and characteristics of the actual church that was there then.
But it also describes the actual characteristics of any believer at any given time of their walk with the Lord Jesus.
But here’s the real kicker, those seven letters of the seven churches are actually, um, I don’t want to get too weird into this, but I won’t use the word code but they are, um, Kairos, uh, Kronos and Kairos are the two Greek words to mark time or to understand time.
And the Book of Revelation, the seven letters of the seven churches is very watch Kairos and what they reveal timely, but it’s Kronos laid out seven churches that span the last 2000 years of time.
What do you mean by that?
It is clear that when you study church history for the last 2000 years, you can see the periods of time that each letter lived out its existence.
And now we’re in a period of time.
That is clearly the last letter to the of the seven churches is Jesus’s letter to the church at where Leo Decia, a church that is actually not even a church.
It’s so departs from what is New Testament Christianity that Jesus is on the outside of the church, knocking, trying to get into it.
He’s, he’s begging for someone inside to listen to him.
He calls them lukewarm and they’re a worldly church and many scholars and I agree with them say that it’s an unsafe church, but he’s yelling.
I say yelling passionately fervently. He’s yelling anybody in there, I’m knocking, let me in and I’ll eat with you.
We’ll sit down together even in a dying church or a dead church.
Jesus is looking for somebody alive. Right now. We want to be a Philadelphia in church.
That’s a missionary church. That is a compassionate church. It’s a small church, but it’s a powerful church.
It will not deny his name or his word. And I love that.
But here’s the thing you and I pick, we decide every day what, what, what manner of church we’re going to be.
So just keep that in mind as we look to this study.
Um This is a very technical portion of scripture.
You’ll see why in a moment as, as we look at this three things I want to say before we dive into the first point.
Uh There are three key markers in our days that you and I need to be aware of.
Okay this year, this decade, this millennia number one, realize this, that, that the church’s glory days are probably quite possibly over when I talk about the church’s glory days.
So what do you mean by that? We’re living in an age right now with the church.
The church is extremely fragmented and what you and I want to be an association with is what’s called the remnant.
Are you hearing me? There’s churches on every corner that doesn’t mean you’re gonna get the gospel.
And so that’s what I mean by what I’m saying, the, the church’s glory days is when the church was on fire in full of the gospel and it affected not only its community but its culture in the world.
And I’m guessing now I’m not gonna be too far off.
But it seems to me that the church being effective seemed to have died out much.
Ah, I don’t know, maybe in the early, maybe, maybe the twenties or thirties, 19 twenties, 19 thirties, The church in America was its most, most dynamic and healthy.
From about, um, 1650 to about 1790, the church was most on fire, most productive.
But each nation can give a report to some degree of that.
But I say that because I personally believe that when we talk about the last days and living in the last days, you know, we’d love to talk about it and we’d love to say, oh, Jesus comes soon.
Oh, look, look at the news, the Lord’s coming back.
Well, we also have to take the entire Council of God and the entire council of God says that in the last days, Jesus said it when I return, will I find faith on the earth?
Jesus said, when I return, will you be ready? We’ll be watching.
Will you really be believing that I was coming back? So did you keep your garment?
A Nzpa tid by the world?
I’m coming back for my bride to pick her up if listen, if we want to believe because we ought to.
And it’s taught in the Bible that he’s coming soon.
We also have to take the pill that also says that it’s gonna be a layout to see an age where few people will care about the Bible, few people will be reading the Bible.
Few people will want to obey the Bible. And we’re getting into portion right now.
That’s intriguing because in this day and age, it elevates the person of Jesus Christ.
And I don’t know anymore if our nation wants to even hear about Jesus anymore. That’s how Leo to see.
And I think we are. And so as we look at this, look at verse six and mark this down in your notes.
The title being Give Me Jesus or just give me Jesus is that verse six teaches us that we need to consider who He is.
And we’re gonna be learning about this right now. Verse six, consider who Jesus Christ is and mark this.
He is the epicenter of all theology. When I see theology, I’m talking about biblical theology, Jesus Christ.
In other words, when we pick up and read the Bible, we are to read the scriptures, looking for Jesus in every page.
Think of it. Now, that’s a big claim.
But I just want you to think about that for a moment.
Verse six says and begins by saying as he also says, in another place, God is speaking in another place, you are a priest forever according to the order of who milk is a deck.
And you have to mark that name down because it’s very, very rare.
It only appears in three books of the Bible and I’ll be close.
I might be spot on, but it might be, the word might pop up about nine times. Depends.
It’s not many, not much in the entire scripture of the Bible milk acidic.
So, here, right here right now we look at the epicenter of the Bible. What is the Bible saying?
What is the theology of the Bible?
Well, the announcement is, it’s about a person, I’ll just play with you this way in a sarcastic way.
It’s about a person who has a forever priesthood, but it’s according to a character found in the Bible by the name of Milk is a deck.
This is very interesting. We’re talking about Jesus Christ here in his ministry to us who the Bible says his ministry is patterned after this, this man, this person and you can read 100 books and the scholars will differ on the meaning of who this guy is.
But here’s the fun part. You can read 100 books, but they don’t waver far from each other’s conclusion.
And this is what’s cool about what we’re looking at.
But I gotta tell you it’s Wednesday night and I hope you wanna consider some depth to what we’re looking at.
I took that path and studying for this.
I gotta be honest with you, we could have just glazed right over and kept going and then you could have asked me in the foyer whose milk is a deck?
Well, we’re gonna take a look at who milk is a deck is.
And one of the reasons that drives me to do so is that there’s a certain cult that is very powerful in the United States, not so much in the world but in the United States.
And they believe that they, and their priesthood is after the order of Malta’s a deck.
You’re not in your head. You know what I’m talking about.
That is one of the most egotistical and arrogant and flawed conclusions that you could come to.
But this is a very famous cult as I don’t know how many adherents to it, but it’s a flawed theology.
Why? Because the epicenter of all theology is Jesus Christ himself.
And the Bible tells us that we might understand the high shelf or the high standard of who he is.
So the author of the book of Hebrews quotes Psalm 1 10, 100 and 10, verse four.
You want to mark that down in your margins of your Bible right here in chapter five, someone 10 verse four says the Lord has shown and will not relent.
You are a priest forever according to the order of milk acidic markdown. Psalm 1 10.
Here’s the reason why that’s important. Every Jew knows that the 110th psalm is regarding the ministry of the Messiah.
This is fascinating milk acidic. What is going on here.
First off is that the priesthood that is of this man milk acidic is a forever priesthood.
So, church, listen up, you might, you might have thought prior to coming in here this morning that Jesus’s priesthood would be the only one that’s forever I’m being.
Are you, do I have your attention? I’m trying to get your attention right now.
There’s this one by the name of Milk Acidic and there’s an order of his priesthood and it’s forever and what we’re looking at in chapter five likens Jesus to this one.
Milk is a deck. So do we have two priests that have a forever covenant or forever promise or forever ministry or priesthood?
And that’s the question. Watch this.
It’s Jesus and, or it’s Jesus and you need to know the difference.
If you don’t know the difference, you’ll wind up falling into a cult, you’ll wind up getting messed up.
And here’s how that works. Milk acidic. The name, it’s a compound name in Hebrew.
The word milk acidic. Malik means king and Zedek means righteousness.
In fact, some of you might hear it in one of the names of God Jehovah to zip canoe.
Have you ever heard that term?
It’s one of the names of God Malik, Sadiq is announcing whoever we’re talking about.
Watch is a king and he’s righteous. He’s the king of righteousness and he has a forever priesthood.
And if I get through my notes tonight, we will find out that this one milk acidic who’s the king of righteousness has a priesthood and that he, when he encountered or when Abraham encountered him, he was the king of Salim or the king of Shalom.
What does the word Shalom mean? Peace? Salim Salem.
We would say Salem in our English Salem, he was the king of Salem, which means that he was the king.
When Abraham met him, met him of a place that would later be called Nauru. Sell them.
The king of peace.
Sounds kind of Christmasy, the king of righteousness.
one who has a compound meaning of a name. Think of it.
The name of God in the Bible is Yeah. Y A H we have Yeah.
Ho Ova, right? You got, we all know this, right?
You know, we, you know we C J you mean Jehovah witnesses?
Well, they are but go ahead and keep your j because there’s no J in the Hebrew language.
It’s too bad that their cult leader didn’t know that when you started it. Isn’t that funny?
There is no Jehovah. It’s Yahoo Ova. Why? Because the name of God is Yeah.
So when we say Jehovah to Sitka New, we’re saying it wrong. It’s Yahoo oval. Why?
Because it’s based on the name of God. Yehoshua, Yehoshua Jesus’s name, Joshua’s name means God our salvation.
That’s it, God, our salvation, not you and you and God’s salvation. Not what you can do. Salvation. God’s salvation.
He’s the one. So hang on to your seats and you’ll fall asleep, I’m sure.
But we need to know this. So whoever we’re talking about here, and I find this fascinating.
He’s considered a man. He’s referenced as such.
His existence is shrouded in mystery.
In other words, God has let us know just enough about Him.
Listen, this is God has let us know just enough about Him that he’s to either a be kept mysterious or he’s revealed to us right in front of us.
And we need to identify him as such.
And he is this legend that I would say that is throughout scripture though his name is mentioned so few times he’s forever present in the Bible.
By the way, I find this fascinating, the ministry or the priesthood of milk acidic or the order of the priesthood of milk acidic precludes precedes all other priesthood is mentioned in the Bible.
You said, what about, what about Aaron? What about Levi? They weren’t even born yet?
We’re going back in time with this guy to the days of Abraham.
Do you know with abraham moses? Ain’t gonna come along for about four or 500 years.
God declares Abraham righteous because Abraham puts his faith in God. Are you hearing me?
Was Abraham circumcised? Nope, he became circumcised later on, God declared him righteous when they met Abraham?
Put his faith, Abram, put his faith in God. What about, what about Abram? Uh Abraham knowing the law.
Did he have the 10 commandments again?
Moses wasn’t even born yet and yet he has a priesthood.
This guy is a priesthood that’s forever. Oh Yeah. So who are we talking about here?
Mark it down, write this down.
This is known in theology as a Christopher Jones or Theophile means Christopher is a, is a manifestation of the second person of the Trinity.
We know him as Jesus, the son of God.
I, I need, I need to stick to the Bible here.
This is gonna be fun. Hebrews Hebrews chapter six verse 20 says where there, where the forerunner has entered for us.
Even Jesus, even Jesus watch this haven’t become high priest forever according to the order of milk is a deck.
Hey, everybody so to speak. Look at Jesus, look at Jesus. He’s the one.
And if it helps you understand this, my Jewish friends, right? Think about it.
The book of Hebrews, it’s not written in the book of Canadians.
It’s written to the Hebrews that have claimed Jesus as Messiah.
The author is dialing down, pressing hard to, to say to them, make sure that you understand your base.
I just, I don’t know, I don’t know how to communicate what I’m, what I’m about to say.
It’s just so awesome to me that if you take, if you’re, if you are a person who says you’re Jewish, are you saying you’re Jewish or are you really Jewish?
Because a true. Jew is one who worships God in spirit and in truth, listen, this gets amazing.
So whenever I was bored at you, do you know what it gets?
Kinda, it’s kinda dicey because the word Jew or if your name is Judy or if you’re a guy and your name is Jude, like Jude Law, you know that guy.
If your name is Judith, it comes from the word Jew, which means a worshiper of God Jubal to worship God.
Jubilee rooted comes out of, to worship God. A Jew, a Jew is someone who worships the Lord.
So how is it today that we have people who say they’re Jewish but they don’t believe in God, right?
We all know someone like this. The truth is you’re not Jewish.
How dare you say that my family is Jewish and Hebrew and going down the line and all this stuff, the way God makes it very clear that the first Jew that ever was, was a gentile.
Yeah. You know what I’m talking about?
Abraham was first Abram, a gentile who became a Jew. How do you become a Jew?
You become a worshiper of God. Look, everybody, I don’t have this in my notes. Look it up for yourself.
Make sure I’m right on this one. It’s Romans chapter two verses 28 29.
I think it says someone something to the effect that He is not a Jew who is one outwardly whose circumcision is of the flesh, but he is of, he is a Jew whose circumcision is not of the flesh, but is of God whose circumcision is of the heart who worships God in spirit?
That’s a Jew. Do you hear me? Listen.
And I’m trying to provoke my Jewish friends right now. That might be watching.
If you really want to be a Jew, then you need to worship the God of the first Jew Abraham.
And this God of the Bible revealed himself to Abraham.
And we’re gonna see this if I keep going.
Hebrews chapter seven, verse Winces for this milk acidic king of Salem priest of the most high God who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him.
I’ll explain this in a moment to whom in fact, while I’m reading this, uh there’s a beautiful oil painting we have from the getty that has, it’s about, it’s about Abraham bowing down and giving tithe tithe.
It’s, this is the first time with this man is the first time tithing has ever mentioned in the, in the Bibles, in the Old Testament.
And he’s, and he’s giving a tithe to milk acidic, watch this.
And Abraham returning from the slaughter uh was blessed by milk acidic verse two, Hebrews seven verse two to whom also Abraham gave 1/10 part of all first being translated king of righteousness and then also King of Salem, meaning king of Peace without Father, listen to this without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of days, but made like the Son of God.
Stop right there. You say Jack, that means He’s not the son of God. No, no, no.
It, it means that Jesus, the son of God is being revealed in the old Testament to Abraham ahead of schedule.
Can I put it that way ahead of the prescribed program that at Christmas time, a baby would be born in Bethlehem, the son of God.
But the son of God existed forever and he appears throughout the Bible of Old Testament era, anytime he so choose.
And there are many accounts of this Christopher Jones that is called, I believe milk acidic is a manifestation of the pre birth.
Bethlehem, Jesus Christ, you can’t get away from it.
People will tell you well, wait a minute, the reason why it says he’s the king of pieces because he’s a type and it says that he doesn’t have a mom or a dad or a beginning or an end of days.
That’s because they didn’t keep records in those days. Are you kidding me? God knows everything.
God doesn’t have to keep records. He’s got it all right there, right? Think of this.
There’s a correlation here, but it’s the same person. Let’s keep going.
And it says that this gets fun. Verse four.
Now consider how great this man was to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave 1/10 part of the spoils.
I should stop right there. So there were nine kings, all Canaanite kings five together on one team, four on another team and they went to war against each other.
And as they were worrying, one clan uh were victorious and as they were heading home, they captured some guy by the name of lot, remember him and his whole family, cattle, everything, wives, kids, everything, money.
And Abraham word came to Abraham. Hey, your nephew got captured by these marauding Canaanite armies. He what?
And the Bible says that Abraham took 3, 318 of his soldiers of his, of his warriors.
Now this is interesting Because when you look at the army that was victorious, there was a whole lot of them.
So abraham goes to bed with 318 guys. How is that possible? It’s impossible. Unless God’s on your side.
We have to remember this.
Everybody I know sometimes we feel like we’ll just never, we’ll never get a break.
Oh, we may or may not get a break in this world. That’s not the point.
The point is if we’re big a number and we’re strong in our own strength, God ain’t in it.
Well, we got enough money to do it. Mm. That’s scary. Is God in it.
I hope you’ve learned by now that at this church.
Have you ever seen, have you ever seen a little thermometer over here for giving?
Have you ever seen those in churches.
The thermometer here, we’re almost reached our goal.
You know what you need to adjust your goal? Who sets the goal?
Are you hearing me? It doesn’t take an Einstein to say that you should, you should operate within the means by which God provides c but where’s the faith?
Listen, there’s a lot of faith that’s exercised when you, when you minister within the means that God has given you.
Here’s the reason why God is the only one Where you can take 10 bucks.
I don’t know how this works.
And young couples listen to me right now and ask any of us oldies around here when we first got married and we, we did, we did something very wrong.
We tried to work out our budget on paper as a, as a brand new husband and wife.
We sat down and we did all the numbers and we concluded we better move in with our parents.
But back in those days, that wasn’t possible because when you left you cleaved.
Mhm. And so Lisa and I would get the mail like you get the mail and we’d bring our two checks together, we’d open it up and we would tithe from our income and then we would open up the bills and pay the bills and then when everything was paid, then we went to the grocery store to eat and let me tell you our daughter Rebecca recently heard this story.
She almost started crying. We used to go shopping with a little file of coupons.
Does anybody know, raise your hand if you, if you’ve ever so young people today, I don’t know if they know that or not.
I don’t know if that’s even a thing, but I don’t know.
There’s no way that I can explain to you how we ever, uh, never once went hungry.
Mathematically, we were going to starve to death.
But it worked out every time I remember one time we had one, we had one car for years and years and years and Lisa was a stay at home mom and, and the car that we did have broke and we don’t know what to do.
I gotta get to work. I gotta borrow somebody’s car. Uh lived in Chino Hills, worked in Newport Beach.
How am I gonna do this?
And nobody knew nobody know Lord, we got a problem and we go out to the mailbox to get the mail and there’s an envelope, blank envelope, open it up And there are $7,000 in the envelope.
now at that time, $7,000 is probably equal to $25,000 today.
And we went, we went to some citrus Ford and we said we need that car right there.
The guy goes, yeah, that car is whatever it was and said, and we told them we don’t have nothing like that kind of money, but we need that car.
We got, we have kids and the guy, it was the cutest thing ever.
I think there was an angel standing behind us because the salesman was sweating.
He’s the one like I don’t know how I’m gonna do this. We don’t care.
Just do it. 7000 cash is what we have to have.
This is it, this is it And it was so cute cause man, they went through gyrations and all this kind of stuff.
We had to talk to this guy. You need to go over and talk to that guy.
And then finally some guy like this, the son of the owner or somebody. What’s the deal?
What’s going on here? Here’s the story. The guy just goes, how much is in that envelope? $7,000.
Here’s the keys. Get out of here and it wasn’t supposed to happen.
God does that stuff. He’s faithful. He’s, he’s amazing. Yeah.
And I don’t even know why I shared that story. It has nothing to do with this.
It’s what? Yeah. Yeah. Faith.
No, I mean that’s obvious but it’s I don’t get it.
But anyway, so uh so verse six says that he is without genealogy.
Isn’t that fascinating? He is, he is not derived from them, received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises verse seven.
Now beyond all contradiction, the lesser is blessed by the better or greater.
Verse eight here, mortal men receive tithes from there.
He receives them of whom it is witnessed that he lives.
In other words, Abraham, who is a big deal, if he was the biggest deal, right, would have received.
Um, tides from milk is a deck when they met, right? Abraham is the big deal.
He’s the big famous name when Abraham and Milk is a deck made up.
Abraham is the one that gives ties to milk. Can you imagine Abraham who knows?
God bows down and gives ties to Macos a deck? Why?
Because this is a Christopher Jones?
I’m gonna say this now in case we don’t get to it.
Do you remember when the Pharisees and John’s gospel was saying to Jesus, where’d you get your authority?
Why did you say that?
What do you mean if you destroy this temple in three days, you’ll raise it up and they’re questioning him over and over and over again.
And then Jesus just blows the lid off. He just says, you know what Abraham?
And they all the Abraham? Yeah, that’s our man. Yeah. Well, guess what Abraham saw me?
He rejoiced in his day when he saw me And their, their comeback was stunning.
They came back and they said, how is that possible? You’re not even 50 years old yet?
Which is interesting because that’s a whole another study. Abraham had been dead for years for thousands of years.
Why would they say 50 years? You haven’t even come into your place of enlightenment?
You’re not even 50 years old yet. How would you know that?
Because Jesus comes back and answers to them and tells them exactly how old he is.
He said to them, I tell you what before Abraham was I am.
And that’s when they said, all right, that’s it. Kill him, kill him.
Remember when Jesus said I am and they picked up stones to kill him and he said, why are you going to kill me?
Is it because of the miracles? And you can almost see them in a wind up.
Oh, no, no, no. The miracles are fantastic. Those are great. They, they say it.
Listen, if you’re messed up in a cult right now, you deny the deity of Jesus.
Listen to what his critics said. They said, no, no, the miracles are fine. Miracles are fine.
We’re going to kill you right now because you are a human.
You are a man and you have declared yourself to be God. That’s why we’re gonna kill you.
They got it.
So my question to you is regarding what we’re looking at in the book of Hebrews.
This is not a story. This is an actual event, Abraham is encountering Milky Zedek, the king of righteousness, the king of peace, think of it, the king of Jerusalem and Abraham ties to him.
And Jesus says thousands of years later, Abraham and I already met. Is that awesome?
I love that. It’s incredible.
In chapter seven, I know we’re not studying chapter seven. But you need to read this part.
Chapter seven verse eight says, sorry, verse nine, even Levi who receives tithes, this is amazing, paid tithes through Abraham so to speak for.
He was still in the loins of his father when milk acidic met him the vertical priesthood.
That’s listen, my Jewish friends, listen, this is amazing.
Whoever milk acidic is, He meets up with Abraham.
Abraham bows down and gives him 10% of the loot from his victory at war.
And the Bible tells us that in doing so, remember Abraham does this and so in doing so, and this is how the Hebrew mind thinks the Jewish mind thinks when Abraham bowed down and gave tithes.
So that was that as good as Moses doing it and Aaron doing it and all of the tribes of Israel doing it.
Are you hearing me? That’s how they think it’s awesome.
Wait a minute, Abraham represents us all and in doing so, he even represents the priesthood, the Levite.
Remember the priesthood must come from the left vertical priesthood. Aaron think of that.
The ironic priesthood in, in Abraham, Aaron is tithing to milk is a deck.
How is that possible when Israel was to tie to Aaron or the Levite?
Are you hearing me? So the Bible here says when Abraham bows down to milk acidic, it’s actually the entirely vertical priesthood bowing down to whoever this milk acidic is.
I think you know who he is, this is a coming of Christ before he was ever born.
And I believe Jesus makes it very clear. I met him in his day.
It’s absolutely awesome.
Galatians chapter three verse eight says, and the scriptures for saying that God would justify the gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying in you, all the nations shall be blessed.
So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. Look at that verse for a moment.
We probably won’t have any more time. That’s a shame. Watch this verse though.
Let’s just look at it, Galatians 38. This is absolutely amazing. Are you guys awake and the scriptures?
The Bible and the Bible foreseen? That’s a fancy word for prophecy. Looking ahead that God would justify justify.
It’s not that it’s not, look, look what it doesn’t say that God would forgive the gentiles.
It doesn’t say forgive. Do you know what’s better than forgiveness? Exactly? Justification.
Watch if you throw a pie at me and you know you, I’m so sorry.
That’s okay. I forgive you. I don’t justify you. You see what I’m saying?
I forgive you. God says, I don’t just forgive you.
I declare you just as if you’d never send ever in your entire existence.
How does he do that? Come on, Jack. That’s pushing too, too far.
Wait a minute, how the question is how you should ask, how does God justify the ungodly or how does God justify gentiles or Jews or anybody else?
How does God do that? Answer?
The blood of His son, the blood of His son, the blood sacrifice of Christ was so great that no wonder why Abraham met up with him thousands of years ago because Abraham looked to the future.
Let’s put the verse back up on the screen.
Galatians watch this, that God would justify the gentiles by faith.
That means you put your faith in what God has offered. You.
Look at this, preached the gospel, the good news to Abraham beforehand. How did you do that?
How, how you say, what does it does? It matter?
It really doesn’t matter because God met up with Abraham several times.
He could have just told him what the gospel is.
Hey, while those two angels are going down there to blow up Sodom and Gomorrah and let me tell you something.
I’m gonna come back thousands of years from now.
I’m gonna come back and I’m gonna be born through a virgin and I’m gonna bring the kingdom of God before the hearts and minds of man and they’ll see it but they’ll reject me and I’ll be sacrificed, but I’ll be raised again on the third day.
I’ll be the atone. I’ll be the atonement. He could have told him that way. Right? He’s gone.
He could have said he could have snapped his fingers and Abraham could have had instant understanding of it.
I have a theory.
It’s probably totally wrong, but he preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand.
Sane and you all the nations shall be blessed.
So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.
My theory is this when God told Abraham what God wanted to do and then God told Abraham and Abraham, it says, believed God.
So imagine we all get together and we go outside and we look up and we look at the stars.
Didn’t God tell? Did, didn’t God take Abraham outside? Look up, Abraham still stars.
Your descendants are gonna be more numerous than those stars.
What does that have to do with preaching the gospel?
It is very possible. Yeah, we have to end with this. It is absolutely possible.
Do you remember in the book of Job when God was questioning job and job was just spouting off about this?
That and the other thing poor guy, I mean, he did way better than I’d ever do.
I would have ran home to mom job, took it.
But, but finally he just, and he starts complaining about stuff and, and God’s listening and then he says, you know, basically, are you done now?
So stand up job. I’m gonna ask you some questions.
That’s a scary day when God says, I want you to stand up because I’m gonna ask you some questions and God says, and you will answer me and God says, where were you when I brought forth the heavenly host.
Do you understand job? The constellations?
Do you know the meaning of the Pleiades and Orion?
You know, you do you know tonight, my friend, especially an atheist here, you know, you go outside tonight and you know, you will, I forget where it’s at, but you’ll see Orion in his belt With the three bears with the three Cubs in the sky.
It’s a constellation. God says to job.
Tell me about it an old job while we’re at it, while we’re talking about constellations.
Do you know the meaning of the Maserati Maserati Maserati is hebrew for the 12 constellations.
One for each month. They tell a story when Nebuchadnezzar captured the Hebrew nation for the third or fourth time after invading, it took them captive and twisted by the way, this is what Satan does and I’m not picking on Nebuchadnezzar saying he’s Satan.
I’m saying that when Satan is moving, this is what he does remember. Satan cannot invent anything.
Satan copies everything and then twist it all and messes it up.
It’s interesting to realize that it is possible that when Abraham was taken outside and looked and God had him look at the stars that God showed him or Abraham already had knowledge of The Maserati Maserati is found in the book of job.
It’s the 12 constellations. When Nebuchadnezzar takes the Jews captive, like every good ancient pagan culture did, they enslaved the uneducated and they discovered the bright people that they just captured and they put them to work in scientific or banking or whatever.
That, by the way, that’s so funny. I’m getting off the course. But you know why Jews succeed in music?
Do you know why Jews succeed in business? I’m not doing a Kanye West thing here right now.
I want you to listen. The poor guy failed to recognize something.
I wish I could have shouted out to him.
Do you know why Jews everywhere around the world do really good in diamond work and in industry and in music and in the disciplines we call them banking.
Um What am I missing something? Creativity. Do you want to know why? Every time they were taken captive?
In fact, have you ever seen the movie?
I mean, it’s kind of, kind of intense, but have you seen Schindler’s List?
Do you remember who his bookkeeper was?
Why, why would you have, why would, why would Hitler have a Jew as a bookkeeper?
Because that’s what they do. How do they know this? It’s what they’ve always done.
How do they always, why do they always do it because they were always getting captured by countries and taken captive?
How does that work? Because the countries like Babylon captured them and said, what are you good in?
I’m good at math. Do my books. We’re good at this.
We sing, we can, we can perform then you’re in the King’s performance group. I’m not kidding. You guys.
In fact, you know this um hey, what are you good at.
I don’t know yet, but, well, let’s take an aptitude test.
He scores off the charts and winds up becoming second to the entire kingdom of Egypt.
His name is Joseph. Everywhere they’ve gone in captivity.
They, by their captors have been instructed to do the labor. Absolutely remarkable.
The pagan cultures changed what God had instituted when the Maserati fell into the hands of the Babylonians.
They gave the Maserati 12 different names of the mass Harith of Hebrew, they gave them Babylonian names because that’s how the enemy works.
Remember Daniel and Hebrew was Daniel, but what was his Hebrew name?
Bell, bell Ship was it Bell Shazzer Belt, Shazzer.
You know I’m talking about Hannah and Michelle and as a writer who are those guys, Hannah and Michelle and Sarah Michelle Bendigo, they changed.
And so the Maza Roth in Hebrew in Babylonian is the word zodiac.
Satan takes what God gives and he turns around and he perverts it.
That’s why in the, in the Nazareth there’s a virgin known as Virgo in Babylonian is um are you hearing me?
Satan takes what God gives and destroys it by polluting it and twisting it and changing its meaning, false doctrine.
It’s fascinating here, we have a man that is revealed to Abraham that Abraham recognizes.
I’m too about my need to Him. He is greater than me.
And that should cause you and I to be a little bit humble that the infinite God would take the time to reveal himself to mortals is amazing.
But for him to reveal himself personally, he loves it.
I’m gonna ask you right now to pray with me.
And I’m just gonna ask you to be reverent and bow your head and not disturb anybody around you.
And I’m gonna ask you right now to say that Abraham had an encounter that shook him to the core would be an understatement.
And I’m gonna ask you tonight.
Have you experienced some form of a seismic spiritual event in your life?
Please scan, search, go over now, takes seconds.
Scan your life.
Have you experienced a moment too where you can say I have encountered the living God in the stillness of your soul right here right now, please.
No one looking around. Has God himself taken hold of your, I’ll say heart, the core of your life.
And has He said to you? You need to bend your knee to me.
I am the one that you need to be fully surrendered to heads are bowed and eyes are closed.
If tonight is the night where you want to tell God that you want to surrender yourself to Him.
Will you lift your hand? I’m the only one looking around.
Will you lift your hand? God bless you anyone else? Oh my goodness. Okay. There’s hands everywhere.
If your hand is, if your, by the way.
If you put your hand up, God bless you can put your hand down.
But if you are somebody here tonight and you’re saying, I think I need to do this.
I think I need to do this. That’s the spirit of God saying you need to do this.
Anyone else right now? Amazing God bless you.
I’m gonna ask the entire church to stand to your feet.
We’re gonna pray this prayer.
Those of you who know the Lord pray it nice and loud with them.
But I gotta tell you, there’s a lot of hands that went up and I’m gonna pray right now first in advance and then I’m gonna bring you in on this Father God.
I pray for the hands that just went up.
Lord, there is no way that their hand could have gone up without you touching their soul. This is amazing.
Their physical hand went up. But that was only possible because you spoke to their soul, their spirit and the real person of who they are took.
Their machine has C S Lewis called us the body being a machine.
The machine moved, the elevator went up the hand that didn’t happen by some bizarre muscular tendon reaction.
That was not some spasm. Your hand went up because you heard truth and God had been dealing with your heart.
And so will you pray this prayer?
And brothers and sisters join with them, please, dear Lord Jesus. I surrender my life to you.
I bow my knee tonight and I proclaim you as Lord and Savior, be the king of righteousness in me, right?
Be the king of peace in me. Lord, set your throne in my heart.
As I proclaim tonight, Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead, my savior, my Lord, my God in jesus’ name, we pray and all God’s people said amen.

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