Joseph’s Tears – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Joseph’s Tears – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Is your love stronger than your memory?
In Genesis 45, Joseph’s dream is finally realized. He went from the prison to the palace, but it didn’t come through a straight line. Yet after years of betrayal, hardship, and loneliness, Joseph held on to his stubborn love for family. You see, he was the lover God was counting on. Even when his brothers did him wrong, Joseph only knew how to respond with a radical love offering. He kept his better angels at his side throughout the journey. But what about you? When you finally get the upper hand, will it be revenge or reconciliation you reach for?
I’m going to the book of Genesis chapter number 45 I will read extensively out of chapter number 45 of the book of Genesis verse 15 through 28.
When you have it, it’s our custom to stand for the reading of the word of god.
If you would respect that we would appreciate it.
We have the lord said to me, we have got to get used to these services where anything can happen.
Because we can’t put the glory in a box.
You gotta be able to release what god placed down inside of you, anything can happen in here, shout a man to somebody.
I have a task before me. I solicited your prayers.
As I delve into this text, I do it from a place of great humility.
To discuss with you what he has discussed with me and to hopefully contemplate with you the ideas that he has shared with me that the church might be edified by that, whichever joint supply to the thousands and thousands of people that connect with us.
Through cyberspace, this is a word from the lord that I am heavy with today.
Uh, because it is a prophetic word for somebody regarding how things are going to play out over the next few years in your life.
And I want you to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church uh, to the best of my ability, uh, beginning at verse number 15.
Moreover, it’s talking about Joe of here, he kissed all his brethren and wept upon them.
And after that, his brethren talked with him.
And the fame thereof was heard in Ferro’s house, sang Joseph’s
And it pleased Ferro well and his servants.
And Ferro said unto Joseph Samton, I’m rather this do ye laid your beast and go get you into the land of canaan and take your father and your households and come unto me, and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt.
And you shall eat the fat of the land.
Now, thou I commanded this do ye take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones and for your wives and bring your father and come.
Also, regard not your stuff.
For the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.
And the children of Israel did so.
And Joseph gave them wagons according to the commandment of favoro and gave them provisions for the way.
To all of them, he gave each man changes of arraignment But to Benjamin, he gave 300 pieces of silver and 5 changes of arrangement.
And to his father, he sent after this manner, 10 assets, laden, with the good things of Egypt and 10, she assets laden with corn and bread and meat for his father, by the way.
So he sent his brother in a way.
And they departed, and he said unto them, see that ye fall not out by the way.
And they went up out of Egypt and came into the land of Kanan, uh, to Jacob their father, though.
And told him saying Joseph is yet a lie. Good god of birth, sir.
Joseph is yet alive. And he is the governor over all the land of Egypt.
And Jacob’s heart fainted for he believed them not.
And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them, and when he saw the wagons, which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob, their father, revived.
And Israel said it is enough. Joseph, my son is yet alive.
I will go and see him before I die. Can you say, man?
Go back to the first verse for me there, verse 15.
Moreover, Joseph kissed all his brethren and wept upon them.
And after that, his brethren talked with him.
I want I want to entitle the message Joseph Tears Alright. Joseph’s tears.
Spirit of the living god. Help me.
Without you, I can do nothing. No. But with you, all things become possible.
Take me and use me any way you want to use me.
For the highness of kingdom, the power and the glory, forever, endeavor, endeavor.
My soul says, Amen. You may be seated in the presence of God.
Yeah. Let’s go to work.
It is odd that there is so little preaching done about this part of Joseph’s life.
Because this is the harvests of the faithfulness that came through the suffering of his life.
And yet we preach more about the suffering and the sacrifice then we do the harvest.
We preach about how he was abandoned and abused.
Mistreated and ostracized, but we don’t teach people that he came to an end of suffering.
That not only did he survive, but he thrived.
And that his latter day was greater than his former day.
That in spite of a rough start, and a raggedy middle.
Ultimately, in the end, everything that god promised him. Came to pass.
He he took him around about way to get there.
But he got them there.
This text, which is seldom discussed, is he evokes a myriad of emotions because having gotten there and been sustained and is now the prince of Egypt.
He is a Hebrew boy, the prince of Egypt.
God doesn’t have to raise you up amongst your own people.
God will take you out of your element because sometimes when you’re around your own people, they don’t appreciate who you really are.
God will take you out of your element and take you to a place where your gift can be seen and utilized, and he raised him up there.
This trait also shows us our god working through a dysfunctional family to accomplish his own divine purpose.
Jacobs traveling with as the young people said, it’s tore up from the floor up.
The story starts in the treacherous deceit of Joseph’s brothers, and the plot that caused his father’s head to gradually age prematurely.
Broken hearted and fragmented, raising children that don’t love each other is a stressful thing.
It picks up here toward the end with the kind of promiscuous grace that redeems the guilty and creates a stage for the purpose Joseph was chosen to be made manifest.
It this it exploits before us the magnitude and the majesty of the breath of the kind of person Joseph was.
It was not merely his coat. It was his character.
They could take his coat, but they couldn’t take his character.
He had the kind of magnanimous ability, the voluminous capacity to be able to have the kind of love that was tough enough to withstand the obstacles of his times.
It’s gonna be challenging. Because it’s not easy to jump up and say, yeah.
I got it like that until you’ve had it tested like that. The family had been badly disjointed.
The reconciliation brings Joseph to tears Joseph, who has a chariot behind Ferro, who commands the authority over the finances for the entire nation of Egypt.
Joseph, who is revered amongst the Egyptians.
Burst out in tears in the face of his brethren, in spite of being unjustly treated by them.
In spite of the way they ostracized him and humiliated him, in spite of the way they set out to murder him, literally murder him and decided instead to throw him in a pit.
To be divided by animals or taken captive as a slave, they didn’t care which they stood back to watch him die.
Have you ever had people Y’all don’t understand.
I’m gonna talk to this. Have you ever had anybody that’s goodbye to watch you die?
Set you up and just waited for you to fall and folded the arms?
Of course, you have. You can’t live in this world.
And not attract enemies and haters and naysayers and people who despise you. That’s a part of this world.
Out of 8 billion people on the planet. Everybody is not going to like you.
We understand that, but it’s not just that they hate it in it was that they were also his brethren.
It is not just what they did.
It is who they were.
And yet, Joseph, when he is on top, and he has the power to be vindictive.
He has the power to get even. He has the power to seek revenge.
He has the power to annihilate them He has the power to destroy their lives.
He has the power to cut them completely off He has the power to cut off their food supply and watch them back instead.
He burst into tears. Joseph tears are amazing.
They threw him in the pit, and he didn’t cry.
They stripped him off his clothes, and he didn’t cry.
They ripped his coat of many colors, and he didn’t cry.
They separated him from the love of his father and he didn’t cry.
They sold him into captivity to the many nights, and he didn’t cry.
For Joseph to cry here, he didn’t cry in the house of potiphar when potiphar’s wife lied on him.
And he was he had to leave there under a lie and was falsely arrested, and he didn’t cry.
He went to jail. And he didn’t cry.
He was forgotten by the butler and the banker, and he didn’t cry.
Joseph is not a whip.
He’s not easy to give way to his, but what is it about this situation?
That has brought him to tears.
This is the only time that we readily recall Joseph steers.
I would have cried when they threw me in the pimp.
I might have cried when they took my coat.
I definitely would have cried when I lost my good job. At potifer’s house.
And if it took me to jail, I would have been in tears, but he stood up to all of that.
And didn’t shed a tear.
And now when these hate us out of one period in his life, come back to him at another period in his life.
He sees them, and they are desperate, and they’re in trouble.
And a famine is coming into the land, and they need him.
And either the evil in him will rise up and get revenge, or his better angels will rise up in him.
And he will respond correctly. Have you ever had to wrestle?
You had 2 different ways you could react.
You know the way you should react.
But when you think about what they did and how you suffered, is there anybody in here that had trouble reacting the way you were supposed to He is torn in his thinking.
It is human to remember. How can he forget?
What they did to him.
He said, I know you did it, and you didn’t do it by accident.
You meant it for evil.
Oh, I’m not a child or an office.
I understand everybody’s not gonna wish me well, but it’s not what they did. Is who?
And to protect? You betrayed me too?
Do you have the strength to allow good to come when evil has been done to you.
Anybody can be good to people that are good to them, but the challenge of life is to be good to somebody that you don’t owe them no kind of good.
I don’t owe you nothing. I don’t owe you nothing. I don’t owe you didn’t raise me.
You didn’t love me. You were there for me. Now you’re entitled, oh, you’re nothing. You’re preaching.
You’re preaching. Uh. Somebody in here knows what I’m talking about. Time has passed.
And now you need me. Time has passed. And now you call on me.
Time has passed, and now your hearts have softened. You need me now.
And the challenge becomes given the favor that he’s been given.
Does he have the capacity in his person? To allow the phrase better angels.
I’m gonna talk about that in a minute to to rise up out of him and to guide him so that the best part of him is leading him and not the worst part of him.
The plan of god depends on Joseph finding his better angels.
Abraham Lincoln, who used the phrase Better Angels so beautifully in his first inaugural address on March 4th 18 61 was was a time when our country was on the eve of the civil war.
Initially, those lines were not in there. He added them.
He says, I am loathed to close. We are not enemies, but friends.
We must not be enemies, though passions may have strained it must not break our bombs of affection.
The mystic chords of memory stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and harsh sold all over the Broadland will yet swell the course of the union when, again, touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature.
The better angels of our nature.
The Abraham Lincoln senses as he is leading the nation through the most turbulent, one of the most turbulent periods in the history of this country.
He calls for the better angels and says that ultimately, When all is said and done, we will recognize that we are what people that we are brethren, though our relationship has been strained.
Indeed, it had.
It had been greatly strained, and and his writer, one of his writers who served as Lincoln secretary of say, wanted to change the line and wanted to write, in fact, did write Guardian Angels.
But Guardian Angels implied something from the outside.
What Lincoln was counting on is that in the worst of us, There there is a better of us that is on the inside that if we will allow it, it will rise up and take us through the turbulence of the times we face.
Are you hearing what I’m saying to you?
Not the artistic term of the guardian of Angels doll, but the better angels would arise and protect it now.
Give me give me a moment.
I will get I will get you where you’re trying to Abraham Lincoln didn’t come up with that by himself.
He is quoting from William Shakespeare.
When William Shakespeare writes in Othello in the 1600th century, he writes about a play called Othello.
And in Othello, he writes about the better angels fighting down the evil that was done to him.
Abraham reaches back. Abraham Lincoln reaches back to William Shakespeare’s speech in 1603 and adopts this language, better angels, better angels.
It is hard to live a life that exemplifies your better angels when you’ve had bad times.
It’s hard to have better angels when you’ve been around bad people.
It’s hard to have better angels when you’ve got bad memories.
All of us have to fight every day to get our better angels to stand up inside of us.
It’s not enough for me to talk about Joseph or or even talk about Abraham Lincoln or William Shakespeare, the character and othello.
Let me bring this on down to Paul. Paul said, well, I would do good.
Evil is present with me.
He said there’s a war going on in my members. I could react a lot of different kinds of ways.
I don’t even know how to respond to the moment, that which I would do, I do not, that which I would not do, I do old wretched man that I have.
Who shall deliver me from the complexity of my life.
There’s not a person in this room who has a life that has no complexity.
We smile for people, and we deal with the complexity by ourselves.
We show up as if everything is seamless, but down on the inside, we know we got some complicated It’s some complicated folks up in here.
It’s some complicated people watching me online. You’ve been through some complicated situation.
Complicated situations is when your mind and your emotions get into a fight at both of them are right.
I represent you, and I love you.
I love you, and I’m mad at you.
I’m sick of you, but I’m gonna stand by you.
Oh, y’all, I wanna talk to some people that know what it is to have some complicated Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, god. Oh, god.
And when I think about it, my whole life has been times that had to struggle to find my better angels.
I remember years ago when I was driving on Capitol Street, we were back in West Virginia, and the man cut me off, and I was in a hurry.
And this was a simple thing, but he was he he he took my parking space I had pulled up to park.
And while I was pulling in to park, He shot in in front of me and took my parking space and bumped my car And my 2 boys who are grown now 40, they were little boys.
I locked them in the car because I didn’t want them to get in the fight.
I walked over to his window.
And I reached in the window and said, what’s it gonna take for you to get off of my bumper?
Whatever it is. I got it. I was fully prepared to snatch it.
It was only that much crack in the wood I was fully prepared to snatch his body through that window.
And beat him like a runaway slave over a parking I’m just talking about me.
I know you never had no moments of conflict where your better angels went to bed, and your bad angels said I’m voting.
The worst part about it here is I I went in the dry cleaners.
He backed up off my bumper. I don’t want you to know that.
And I went into the dry cleaners to get my dry cleaning And one of the things that was being dry cleaned was a roll, a preaching road.
And the man looked at me, and I looked at him. I said, yeah.
That’s right. Do my robe over my shoulder and walked out the door.
I was embarrassed, but I tried to hide it.
I was ashamed, but I tried to hide it. I got in the car and god said, look at you.
I can’t turn my head up in it. There you are.
Young creature just getting started, and you will fight the man over a parking space.
While you rush to get your wrong so you can preach.
I’m the only one conflicted. I’m the only one complicated.
I’m the only one that struggles with 2 different voices.
I I’m telling you that it is natural to have this fight.
The tax that I read to you, it’s it’s kinda unfair because I bring you into the story at the end of the movie.
It’s a spoiler alert because because at the time I bring you into the movie, you you’ll have to begin to recognize certain things about what is going on.
Joseph’s brothers tried to kill him. They tried to destroy him. They conspired to murder him.
That ultimately left him in the pit. He was traumatized. God knows how long.
And naked and hungry, and alone, and afraid, trauma, Mister Vastat McKinsey said something that I love trouble don’t last always, but trauma will stay a while.
The trouble will end, but the trauma is still there.
They said one to another.
Let’s stand to the side and see what will come of this dreamer behold.
The dreamer cover, and let’s see what will become of the dreamer.
What happens to your dream when trouble comes?
What happens to your dream when delays come?
What happens to your dreams when betrayers come? What happens to your dreams when the money doesn’t come?
When the support isn’t there, when people sabotage you, what happens? See, the enemy wants kill your dream.
None of it would have happened if it wasn’t for these brothers.
Who were his brothers and his killers.
At the same time.
Every person in this room has situations in their family. That’s hard to explain.
I love you, but you get home out of there.
Come on over for dinner, but I can’t forget what you said about me.
On the front.
And Joseph has its ability to be able to deal with this huge situation with the grace that is difficult to explain, and it is here that we come to understand that with with the bombarding of emotions coming at him from all levels, his love is stronger.
Did his memory. You see, when I look at this text, I realize that they are both in a family.
That his brother and have been in a famine for food.
But Joseph has been in a famine for family.
They were starving for stuff.
But he was storming for them.
And suddenly when I realized what made him cry, I realized I have never really done a good job of preaching him because I am distracted by what he went through, but what he went through in the pit, in pottyphur’s house in the prison doesn’t compare with why he went through it.
It is not the what that kills It ain’t the what?
I’m strong enough to make it through the what? It is the why.
Suddenly, I realized that it was not his body plummeting head first through the rocks to the bottom of of the well that was supposed painful.
It was not the lacerations of his skin.
Or the beatings on his back are being sold for 20 pieces of silver that heard of it was not that part of his wife lied on him, that gave him the most grief.
It was at his dream was tied to his family. Yeah. That is true.
And how could the dream come to pass? With the people I love.
Don’t I can’t reap love back. I so love to you. I can’t get love back from you.
I wanna talk to some people who are partially successful.
You got it going on in this part of your life.
But in this part of your life, all the hell is breaking loose.
You got it going on over here, and you’re the envy of everybody.
But over here, you go home and you deal with something completely, or you ain’t in here today.
You didn’t come to today. It must be somebody online. Well, come out, come out wherever you are.
Come out, come out wherever you are. On one hand, it is the best to pass.
And on the other hand, It is a worst of time.
On one hand, you at the top of your game.
On the other hand, There is this nagging, haunting, aching, feeling that will not leave your heart.
It will not go away.
What do you do when your love won’t go?
Away and your common senses. Leave them alone.
Leave him alone.
Is there anybody in here that’s got stubborn love? Today’s law, relentless law.
Is there anybody in here that has ever told yourself I’m not gonna do nothing. I’m gonna gonna say nothing.
I’m not gonna help. I’m not gonna open my mouth.
And all the while you’re saying that you fixing dinner, talking about come on in and get something here.
Is there anybody in here?
This ever been bad at yourself for being too nice. Come on. Talk to me, somebody.
I can’t be the only one in here that got mad at myself and told myself, you’re stupid.
You’re just stupid. You let people run all over you.
Never really realizing that what I hate about myself is what god loved.
Never really realizing that the whole basis of god’s favor of my life is because I have stubborn love.
You’re seeing hearts to have. Stabbing luck.
It hurts to keep on caring even when you’re not treated fairly, but there’s something down inside of you that cannot render evil for evil.
It hurts.
To say, I’m sorry.
When you know you went wrong, it hurts.
To hold your peace when, you know, you’re right about.
Somebody talked to me somewhere. If I’m talking to you, make some noise, say something to me.
If you understand me, I don’t hope to get everybody.
I know this ain’t for everybody because some of y’all too evil to even understand what I’m talking about, but there’s somebody watching me right now that knows what it is to argue with yourself all night long and say what you ain’t gonna do and get up in the morning.
And do it.
Anyway because you got stubborn love.
And now I see why god chose him.
God shows him because god couldn’t trust any of the other brothers to have the radical kind of love that could look beyond what was done to them.
God needed a lover, somebody who would love anyhow so that he could work out his purpose and his will He could not work out his purpose through somebody who was vindictive and spiteful.
And hateful and could not find their better angels.
God said this is a moment that will require your better angels.
In order to get what god has for you right now.
It will require that you summons your better angels and that you stop calling in week.
Who am I talking to?
I got a couple of things that I want you to get out of this.
I want you to get out of this, how do you handle advantage?
Because how you handle advantage determines whether god will trust you with power.
Some people can’t handle power because they’re so vengeful that if they ever get the upper hand, they’re gonna go for revenge rather than reconciliation.
And you’ve been praying for power, and you’ve been praying for promotion, but god can’t trust you with promotion because your heart is not big enough to have the power that you’re asking for.
And the kind of favor that god wants to give you is gonna come to somebody who’s heart is bigger than their head.
Oh, I’m losing them on this Jesus. This is gonna be tough.
Number 2, I want you to understand that love never fails.
It may take a long time.
It may look like it’s been knocked out It may get blooded. It may get bruised.
It may even require stitches. But when the fight is over, love will always prevail.
Can your love survive or fall?
Had taken a fall in a pit, but his love survived the fall.
You can’t grant his children if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t have a relationship if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t run a business if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t have a dream if your love cannot withstand a fall.
Have you ever dreamed you were falling?
You remember that powerless feeling of falling and how frightening it is when you wake up because you’re falling And it feels like things are out of control.
There are going to be some moments in your life that it feels like everything is out of control.
Joseph has gone through a long period. A bad getting worse.
And the only thing consistent is that he was still in love with his brothers and his father.
No. There are some people you have to love at a distance.
There are some people who are so unsafe to love.
That that that you have to love them at a distance because because who they are at this stage is not who they’re gonna be coming at that stage.
But for right now, I have to love you. Give me 50 feet.
I love you, but give me 50 feet. You you crazy. Give me 50 feet.
You’re going through some changes, give me fifty. I own come on. Is there anybody in here?
Got somebody you love, but you gotta give them some The third thing I wanna ask you is, do you have the grace to accommodate people changing.
Or are you still angry over something that’s twenty years old?
Do you have the kind of grace to accommodate that I might look like the same person, but I’m not the same person at this stage in my life that I was at that stage in my life.
So much time had passed that they didn’t even recognize Joseph.
Some of you have been holding a grudge so long that you can’t even remember the details.
You just remember the hanger. And you’re still mad.
And god wants your better angels so that you can walk in the favor that he has for you is gonna require that your better angels arise, and you stop trying to be your own defense.
Because anger often is a camouflage that love wears.
To keep from being exposed.
And and in order for god to deal with you, number 4, you gotta have emotional honesty.
Even if it makes you feel vulnerable.
To to be emotionally honest, Joseph is emotionally honest, he cannot help the fact that he loves it.
He cannot control their behavior. He can only control Yes. He is.
Number 5, it brings him because of that, he can bless them. They curse him.
I had a pastor call me the other day.
He said there’s a young man leaving in my church and He said he’s taking some of my members and he’s going away.
And, uh, and I I gave him a stage. I gave him a platform. He betrayed me.
And he did took some of my memories in 11. He said, what should I do?
I said, give him a love offer.
I said, give him a love offer.
He said, a love offer. Why would I give him a love offer?
I said, because you are too big to have unnecessary enemies.
He gonna have enough to fight without you.
You don’t have to fight him. Life is gonna fight him. Life is gonna change him.
Don’t add your name to the list. You take the high road.
As Michelle’s here, when they go along, we go Oh, y’all ain’t talking to me. Talk to me somebody.
Talk to me somebody. This family has been ripped apart, and they are a part of god’s divine purpose.
This family is important because god is going to use this family to start the nation of Israel.
And they had been ripped apart for years.
And the thing about a rip Whenever something is torn, both sides get damaged.
I don’t know who I’m talking to.
Whenever something is ripped, both sides get babbie. You go home bleeding. But you think you’re the only one bleeding.
You go home and cry. You think you’re the only one crying.
But if it’s a rip, both sides are gonna cry. Both sides are gonna suffer.
They may not show you, but there’s no clean way to have a rip You don’t have a straight side and a rip side.
When something rips, it rips on both sides.
Joseph Cote was ripped from him, and his family was ripped from him.
And both sides were filled with pain.
And god was getting ready to do something so amazing that he was looking for somebody who was big enough to do it through.
Joseph understood something that god had brought him into favor to be a channel to bless them.
That the only reason god putting in the power is so that his power would be used for the posterity and the continuation of the legacy of god.
If god can get it through you, he can give it to you.
If god can trust you that your flesh won’t give it away, I’m talking to somebody who’s been talking to god about what he’s about to do in your life.
If god can trust you, that the higher he takes you, you’ll still reflow and pull up somebody else.
If god can trust you, that as he opens up doors, you’ll reach back and open up a door for somebody else.
If god can touch you. Look at somebody or type on the line, something is about to happen.
God wouldn’t be talking to me like this if something wasn’t about to happen.
If something wasn’t about to shift, if god was about to raise me up in some kind of Egypt, in some kind of promotion, when coming in my life, and god has given me this test so that I’ll be ready to handle what he’s about to do next in my life.
There’s a reason I’m listening at this message today.
God is about to raise me up from the prison to the palace. Who am I preaching to?
Get ready for a switch Get ready for a turn. Get ready for a change. Get ready for a move.
Get ready for a switch right now. Holland, somebody, something is about to happen.
Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen.
Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen.
Something is about happen. Something’s about to happen. Something’s about to happen. Something’s about to happen.
God wouldn’t be counseling me. About power.
If I was gonna stay weak, there’s something that’s about to switch in my life that got to be ready to receive.
Give him 60 seconds of crazy. Holy goes.
What I want you to see?
Is that all of a sudden, the wealth of Egypt was transferred.
To the house of Jacoby and the Bible said that favorold told Joseph, give him the best of the land.
Load up the asses and the camels.
I’m going to sent him so much blessing than before he ever even gets to me.
And the lord said to me, to tell you if you can get the right attitude, god is about to do a switch in your life until the wealth of the unjust is going to be later for the just If I’m preaching to you, give god a praise.
I don’t care where you are.
Sitting on the couch, sitting in the dining room table, or in this building, I want you to just turn around in a circle and say god is about to turn it around.
God is about to turn it around. He’s about to turn it.
He’s about to turn it. He’s about to turn it.
The lord is about to the lord is about to turn it.
Somebody stop.
It will change. It will change. It will change.
The pandemic couldn’t take it. The race riots couldn’t take it.
What god has for you is for you.
I repute every devil, every power spirit that tried to cancel out your blessing. God said it will change.
It will come to pass. If I’m preaching to you, shout about it.
If I’m preaching to you, shout about it.
If I’m preaching to you, I about it.
If you’ve been in a battle, shower the it.
If you had a hard time, shout about it. If you fuck the enemy, what’s gonna kill you.
Out about it. God didn’t keep you alive without a purpose.
The reason you’re still here, fulfill your camel with blessings.
Type of the line my story is about to change.
You saw me in the pits. You saw me in pottypal’s house.
You saw me in the prison, but you’re about to see me in the palace.
My entire life is so end better than it started.
If you had a bad start, give god a good praise.
Y’all are playing with me.
I said, if you had a bad spot. Give god a good praise.
These are not Tears of sorrow.
These tears joseph had are happy tears.
How can you say they’re happy tears? Because the Bible said he kissed them.
See, once you know that what they did didn’t stop you.
Once you know that what they said didn’t kill you once you find out that god can get you there anyway.
You see Joseph was the love child of Jacob and Rachel.
Finally meant everything. And god said, I am going to restore.
Listen to this.
Jacob thought Joseph was dead. He was sure he was dead.
He said Joseph is dead, and Civic had his cough.
And now they want Benjamin, he had accepted that Joseph was dead.
When his sons came back with their camels loaded down with blessings Joseph couldn’t hardly believe that what he had given up on.
Could steal. Happened.
So Joseph, He got his old legs up, and he stood straight up.
And he said, I gotta go.
To my son, Joseph, and connect with him before I die God said, I’m not gonna let you lead this world until you see what I promise you.
Come to pass in your life. I don’t care what the doctor said.
God said, I will keep you alive.
Until I show you until I show you that what you dream was not a joke.
It shall come to pass. It shall come to pass.
Say it again.
Say it again.
That’s why Joseph. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
When you have it, it’s our custom to stand for the reading of the word of god.
If you would respect that we would appreciate it.
We have the lord said to me, we have got to get used to these services where anything can happen.
Because we can’t put the glory in a box.
You gotta be able to release what god placed down inside of you, anything can happen in here, shout a man to somebody.
I have a task before me. I solicited your prayers.
As I delve into this text, I do it from a place of great humility.
To discuss with you what he has discussed with me and to hopefully contemplate with you the ideas that he has shared with me that the church might be edified by that, whichever joint supply to the thousands and thousands of people that connect with us.
Through cyberspace, this is a word from the lord that I am heavy with today.
Uh, because it is a prophetic word for somebody regarding how things are going to play out over the next few years in your life.
And I want you to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church uh, to the best of my ability, uh, beginning at verse number 15.
Moreover, it’s talking about Joe of here, he kissed all his brethren and wept upon them.
And after that, his brethren talked with him.
And the fame thereof was heard in Ferro’s house, sang Joseph’s
And it pleased Ferro well and his servants.
And Ferro said unto Joseph Samton, I’m rather this do ye laid your beast and go get you into the land of canaan and take your father and your households and come unto me, and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt.
And you shall eat the fat of the land.
Now, thou I commanded this do ye take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones and for your wives and bring your father and come.
Also, regard not your stuff.
For the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.
And the children of Israel did so.
And Joseph gave them wagons according to the commandment of favoro and gave them provisions for the way.
To all of them, he gave each man changes of arraignment But to Benjamin, he gave 300 pieces of silver and 5 changes of arrangement.
And to his father, he sent after this manner, 10 assets, laden, with the good things of Egypt and 10, she assets laden with corn and bread and meat for his father, by the way.
So he sent his brother in a way.
And they departed, and he said unto them, see that ye fall not out by the way.
And they went up out of Egypt and came into the land of Kanan, uh, to Jacob their father, though.
And told him saying Joseph is yet a lie. Good god of birth, sir.
Joseph is yet alive. And he is the governor over all the land of Egypt.
And Jacob’s heart fainted for he believed them not.
And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them, and when he saw the wagons, which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob, their father, revived.
And Israel said it is enough. Joseph, my son is yet alive.
I will go and see him before I die. Can you say, man?
Go back to the first verse for me there, verse 15.
Moreover, Joseph kissed all his brethren and wept upon them.
And after that, his brethren talked with him.
I want I want to entitle the message Joseph Tears Alright. Joseph’s tears.
Spirit of the living god. Help me.
Without you, I can do nothing. No. But with you, all things become possible.
Take me and use me any way you want to use me.
For the highness of kingdom, the power and the glory, forever, endeavor, endeavor.
My soul says, Amen. You may be seated in the presence of God.
Yeah. Let’s go to work.
It is odd that there is so little preaching done about this part of Joseph’s life.
Because this is the harvests of the faithfulness that came through the suffering of his life.
And yet we preach more about the suffering and the sacrifice then we do the harvest.
We preach about how he was abandoned and abused.
Mistreated and ostracized, but we don’t teach people that he came to an end of suffering.
That not only did he survive, but he thrived.
And that his latter day was greater than his former day.
That in spite of a rough start, and a raggedy middle.
Ultimately, in the end, everything that god promised him. Came to pass.
He he took him around about way to get there.
But he got them there.
This text, which is seldom discussed, is he evokes a myriad of emotions because having gotten there and been sustained and is now the prince of Egypt.
He is a Hebrew boy, the prince of Egypt.
God doesn’t have to raise you up amongst your own people.
God will take you out of your element because sometimes when you’re around your own people, they don’t appreciate who you really are.
God will take you out of your element and take you to a place where your gift can be seen and utilized, and he raised him up there.
This trait also shows us our god working through a dysfunctional family to accomplish his own divine purpose.
Jacobs traveling with as the young people said, it’s tore up from the floor up.
The story starts in the treacherous deceit of Joseph’s brothers, and the plot that caused his father’s head to gradually age prematurely.
Broken hearted and fragmented, raising children that don’t love each other is a stressful thing.
It picks up here toward the end with the kind of promiscuous grace that redeems the guilty and creates a stage for the purpose Joseph was chosen to be made manifest.
It this it exploits before us the magnitude and the majesty of the breath of the kind of person Joseph was.
It was not merely his coat. It was his character.
They could take his coat, but they couldn’t take his character.
He had the kind of magnanimous ability, the voluminous capacity to be able to have the kind of love that was tough enough to withstand the obstacles of his times.
It’s gonna be challenging. Because it’s not easy to jump up and say, yeah.
I got it like that until you’ve had it tested like that. The family had been badly disjointed.
The reconciliation brings Joseph to tears Joseph, who has a chariot behind Ferro, who commands the authority over the finances for the entire nation of Egypt.
Joseph, who is revered amongst the Egyptians.
Burst out in tears in the face of his brethren, in spite of being unjustly treated by them.
In spite of the way they ostracized him and humiliated him, in spite of the way they set out to murder him, literally murder him and decided instead to throw him in a pit.
To be divided by animals or taken captive as a slave, they didn’t care which they stood back to watch him die.
Have you ever had people Y’all don’t understand.
I’m gonna talk to this. Have you ever had anybody that’s goodbye to watch you die?
Set you up and just waited for you to fall and folded the arms?
Of course, you have. You can’t live in this world.
And not attract enemies and haters and naysayers and people who despise you. That’s a part of this world.
Out of 8 billion people on the planet. Everybody is not going to like you.
We understand that, but it’s not just that they hate it in it was that they were also his brethren.
It is not just what they did.
It is who they were.
And yet, Joseph, when he is on top, and he has the power to be vindictive.
He has the power to get even. He has the power to seek revenge.
He has the power to annihilate them He has the power to destroy their lives.
He has the power to cut them completely off He has the power to cut off their food supply and watch them back instead.
He burst into tears. Joseph tears are amazing.
They threw him in the pit, and he didn’t cry.
They stripped him off his clothes, and he didn’t cry.
They ripped his coat of many colors, and he didn’t cry.
They separated him from the love of his father and he didn’t cry.
They sold him into captivity to the many nights, and he didn’t cry.
For Joseph to cry here, he didn’t cry in the house of potiphar when potiphar’s wife lied on him.
And he was he had to leave there under a lie and was falsely arrested, and he didn’t cry.
He went to jail. And he didn’t cry.
He was forgotten by the butler and the banker, and he didn’t cry.
Joseph is not a whip.
He’s not easy to give way to his, but what is it about this situation?
That has brought him to tears.
This is the only time that we readily recall Joseph steers.
I would have cried when they threw me in the pimp.
I might have cried when they took my coat.
I definitely would have cried when I lost my good job. At potifer’s house.
And if it took me to jail, I would have been in tears, but he stood up to all of that.
And didn’t shed a tear.
And now when these hate us out of one period in his life, come back to him at another period in his life.
He sees them, and they are desperate, and they’re in trouble.
And a famine is coming into the land, and they need him.
And either the evil in him will rise up and get revenge, or his better angels will rise up in him.
And he will respond correctly. Have you ever had to wrestle?
You had 2 different ways you could react.
You know the way you should react.
But when you think about what they did and how you suffered, is there anybody in here that had trouble reacting the way you were supposed to He is torn in his thinking.
It is human to remember. How can he forget?
What they did to him.
He said, I know you did it, and you didn’t do it by accident.
You meant it for evil.
Oh, I’m not a child or an office.
I understand everybody’s not gonna wish me well, but it’s not what they did. Is who?
And to protect? You betrayed me too?
Do you have the strength to allow good to come when evil has been done to you.
Anybody can be good to people that are good to them, but the challenge of life is to be good to somebody that you don’t owe them no kind of good.
I don’t owe you nothing. I don’t owe you nothing. I don’t owe you didn’t raise me.
You didn’t love me. You were there for me. Now you’re entitled, oh, you’re nothing. You’re preaching.
You’re preaching. Uh. Somebody in here knows what I’m talking about. Time has passed.
And now you need me. Time has passed. And now you call on me.
Time has passed, and now your hearts have softened. You need me now.
And the challenge becomes given the favor that he’s been given.
Does he have the capacity in his person? To allow the phrase better angels.
I’m gonna talk about that in a minute to to rise up out of him and to guide him so that the best part of him is leading him and not the worst part of him.
The plan of god depends on Joseph finding his better angels.
Abraham Lincoln, who used the phrase Better Angels so beautifully in his first inaugural address on March 4th 18 61 was was a time when our country was on the eve of the civil war.
Initially, those lines were not in there. He added them.
He says, I am loathed to close. We are not enemies, but friends.
We must not be enemies, though passions may have strained it must not break our bombs of affection.
The mystic chords of memory stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and harsh sold all over the Broadland will yet swell the course of the union when, again, touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature.
The better angels of our nature.
The Abraham Lincoln senses as he is leading the nation through the most turbulent, one of the most turbulent periods in the history of this country.
He calls for the better angels and says that ultimately, When all is said and done, we will recognize that we are what people that we are brethren, though our relationship has been strained.
Indeed, it had.
It had been greatly strained, and and his writer, one of his writers who served as Lincoln secretary of say, wanted to change the line and wanted to write, in fact, did write Guardian Angels.
But Guardian Angels implied something from the outside.
What Lincoln was counting on is that in the worst of us, There there is a better of us that is on the inside that if we will allow it, it will rise up and take us through the turbulence of the times we face.
Are you hearing what I’m saying to you?
Not the artistic term of the guardian of Angels doll, but the better angels would arise and protect it now.
Give me give me a moment.
I will get I will get you where you’re trying to Abraham Lincoln didn’t come up with that by himself.
He is quoting from William Shakespeare.
When William Shakespeare writes in Othello in the 1600th century, he writes about a play called Othello.
And in Othello, he writes about the better angels fighting down the evil that was done to him.
Abraham reaches back. Abraham Lincoln reaches back to William Shakespeare’s speech in 1603 and adopts this language, better angels, better angels.
It is hard to live a life that exemplifies your better angels when you’ve had bad times.
It’s hard to have better angels when you’ve been around bad people.
It’s hard to have better angels when you’ve got bad memories.
All of us have to fight every day to get our better angels to stand up inside of us.
It’s not enough for me to talk about Joseph or or even talk about Abraham Lincoln or William Shakespeare, the character and othello.
Let me bring this on down to Paul. Paul said, well, I would do good.
Evil is present with me.
He said there’s a war going on in my members. I could react a lot of different kinds of ways.
I don’t even know how to respond to the moment, that which I would do, I do not, that which I would not do, I do old wretched man that I have.
Who shall deliver me from the complexity of my life.
There’s not a person in this room who has a life that has no complexity.
We smile for people, and we deal with the complexity by ourselves.
We show up as if everything is seamless, but down on the inside, we know we got some complicated It’s some complicated folks up in here.
It’s some complicated people watching me online. You’ve been through some complicated situation.
Complicated situations is when your mind and your emotions get into a fight at both of them are right.
I represent you, and I love you.
I love you, and I’m mad at you.
I’m sick of you, but I’m gonna stand by you.
Oh, y’all, I wanna talk to some people that know what it is to have some complicated Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, god. Oh, god.
And when I think about it, my whole life has been times that had to struggle to find my better angels.
I remember years ago when I was driving on Capitol Street, we were back in West Virginia, and the man cut me off, and I was in a hurry.
And this was a simple thing, but he was he he he took my parking space I had pulled up to park.
And while I was pulling in to park, He shot in in front of me and took my parking space and bumped my car And my 2 boys who are grown now 40, they were little boys.
I locked them in the car because I didn’t want them to get in the fight.
I walked over to his window.
And I reached in the window and said, what’s it gonna take for you to get off of my bumper?
Whatever it is. I got it. I was fully prepared to snatch it.
It was only that much crack in the wood I was fully prepared to snatch his body through that window.
And beat him like a runaway slave over a parking I’m just talking about me.
I know you never had no moments of conflict where your better angels went to bed, and your bad angels said I’m voting.
The worst part about it here is I I went in the dry cleaners.
He backed up off my bumper. I don’t want you to know that.
And I went into the dry cleaners to get my dry cleaning And one of the things that was being dry cleaned was a roll, a preaching road.
And the man looked at me, and I looked at him. I said, yeah.
That’s right. Do my robe over my shoulder and walked out the door.
I was embarrassed, but I tried to hide it.
I was ashamed, but I tried to hide it. I got in the car and god said, look at you.
I can’t turn my head up in it. There you are.
Young creature just getting started, and you will fight the man over a parking space.
While you rush to get your wrong so you can preach.
I’m the only one conflicted. I’m the only one complicated.
I’m the only one that struggles with 2 different voices.
I I’m telling you that it is natural to have this fight.
The tax that I read to you, it’s it’s kinda unfair because I bring you into the story at the end of the movie.
It’s a spoiler alert because because at the time I bring you into the movie, you you’ll have to begin to recognize certain things about what is going on.
Joseph’s brothers tried to kill him. They tried to destroy him. They conspired to murder him.
That ultimately left him in the pit. He was traumatized. God knows how long.
And naked and hungry, and alone, and afraid, trauma, Mister Vastat McKinsey said something that I love trouble don’t last always, but trauma will stay a while.
The trouble will end, but the trauma is still there.
They said one to another.
Let’s stand to the side and see what will come of this dreamer behold.
The dreamer cover, and let’s see what will become of the dreamer.
What happens to your dream when trouble comes?
What happens to your dream when delays come?
What happens to your dreams when betrayers come? What happens to your dreams when the money doesn’t come?
When the support isn’t there, when people sabotage you, what happens? See, the enemy wants kill your dream.
None of it would have happened if it wasn’t for these brothers.
Who were his brothers and his killers.
At the same time.
Every person in this room has situations in their family. That’s hard to explain.
I love you, but you get home out of there.
Come on over for dinner, but I can’t forget what you said about me.
On the front.
And Joseph has its ability to be able to deal with this huge situation with the grace that is difficult to explain, and it is here that we come to understand that with with the bombarding of emotions coming at him from all levels, his love is stronger.
Did his memory. You see, when I look at this text, I realize that they are both in a family.
That his brother and have been in a famine for food.
But Joseph has been in a famine for family.
They were starving for stuff.
But he was storming for them.
And suddenly when I realized what made him cry, I realized I have never really done a good job of preaching him because I am distracted by what he went through, but what he went through in the pit, in pottyphur’s house in the prison doesn’t compare with why he went through it.
It is not the what that kills It ain’t the what?
I’m strong enough to make it through the what? It is the why.
Suddenly, I realized that it was not his body plummeting head first through the rocks to the bottom of of the well that was supposed painful.
It was not the lacerations of his skin.
Or the beatings on his back are being sold for 20 pieces of silver that heard of it was not that part of his wife lied on him, that gave him the most grief.
It was at his dream was tied to his family. Yeah. That is true.
And how could the dream come to pass? With the people I love.
Don’t I can’t reap love back. I so love to you. I can’t get love back from you.
I wanna talk to some people who are partially successful.
You got it going on in this part of your life.
But in this part of your life, all the hell is breaking loose.
You got it going on over here, and you’re the envy of everybody.
But over here, you go home and you deal with something completely, or you ain’t in here today.
You didn’t come to today. It must be somebody online. Well, come out, come out wherever you are.
Come out, come out wherever you are. On one hand, it is the best to pass.
And on the other hand, It is a worst of time.
On one hand, you at the top of your game.
On the other hand, There is this nagging, haunting, aching, feeling that will not leave your heart.
It will not go away.
What do you do when your love won’t go?
Away and your common senses. Leave them alone.
Leave him alone.
Is there anybody in here that’s got stubborn love? Today’s law, relentless law.
Is there anybody in here that has ever told yourself I’m not gonna do nothing. I’m gonna gonna say nothing.
I’m not gonna help. I’m not gonna open my mouth.
And all the while you’re saying that you fixing dinner, talking about come on in and get something here.
Is there anybody in here?
This ever been bad at yourself for being too nice. Come on. Talk to me, somebody.
I can’t be the only one in here that got mad at myself and told myself, you’re stupid.
You’re just stupid. You let people run all over you.
Never really realizing that what I hate about myself is what god loved.
Never really realizing that the whole basis of god’s favor of my life is because I have stubborn love.
You’re seeing hearts to have. Stabbing luck.
It hurts to keep on caring even when you’re not treated fairly, but there’s something down inside of you that cannot render evil for evil.
It hurts.
To say, I’m sorry.
When you know you went wrong, it hurts.
To hold your peace when, you know, you’re right about.
Somebody talked to me somewhere. If I’m talking to you, make some noise, say something to me.
If you understand me, I don’t hope to get everybody.
I know this ain’t for everybody because some of y’all too evil to even understand what I’m talking about, but there’s somebody watching me right now that knows what it is to argue with yourself all night long and say what you ain’t gonna do and get up in the morning.
And do it.
Anyway because you got stubborn love.
And now I see why god chose him.
God shows him because god couldn’t trust any of the other brothers to have the radical kind of love that could look beyond what was done to them.
God needed a lover, somebody who would love anyhow so that he could work out his purpose and his will He could not work out his purpose through somebody who was vindictive and spiteful.
And hateful and could not find their better angels.
God said this is a moment that will require your better angels.
In order to get what god has for you right now.
It will require that you summons your better angels and that you stop calling in week.
Who am I talking to?
I got a couple of things that I want you to get out of this.
I want you to get out of this, how do you handle advantage?
Because how you handle advantage determines whether god will trust you with power.
Some people can’t handle power because they’re so vengeful that if they ever get the upper hand, they’re gonna go for revenge rather than reconciliation.
And you’ve been praying for power, and you’ve been praying for promotion, but god can’t trust you with promotion because your heart is not big enough to have the power that you’re asking for.
And the kind of favor that god wants to give you is gonna come to somebody who’s heart is bigger than their head.
Oh, I’m losing them on this Jesus. This is gonna be tough.
Number 2, I want you to understand that love never fails.
It may take a long time.
It may look like it’s been knocked out It may get blooded. It may get bruised.
It may even require stitches. But when the fight is over, love will always prevail.
Can your love survive or fall?
Had taken a fall in a pit, but his love survived the fall.
You can’t grant his children if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t have a relationship if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t run a business if your love can’t take a fall.
You can’t have a dream if your love cannot withstand a fall.
Have you ever dreamed you were falling?
You remember that powerless feeling of falling and how frightening it is when you wake up because you’re falling And it feels like things are out of control.
There are going to be some moments in your life that it feels like everything is out of control.
Joseph has gone through a long period. A bad getting worse.
And the only thing consistent is that he was still in love with his brothers and his father.
No. There are some people you have to love at a distance.
There are some people who are so unsafe to love.
That that that you have to love them at a distance because because who they are at this stage is not who they’re gonna be coming at that stage.
But for right now, I have to love you. Give me 50 feet.
I love you, but give me 50 feet. You you crazy. Give me 50 feet.
You’re going through some changes, give me fifty. I own come on. Is there anybody in here?
Got somebody you love, but you gotta give them some The third thing I wanna ask you is, do you have the grace to accommodate people changing.
Or are you still angry over something that’s twenty years old?
Do you have the kind of grace to accommodate that I might look like the same person, but I’m not the same person at this stage in my life that I was at that stage in my life.
So much time had passed that they didn’t even recognize Joseph.
Some of you have been holding a grudge so long that you can’t even remember the details.
You just remember the hanger. And you’re still mad.
And god wants your better angels so that you can walk in the favor that he has for you is gonna require that your better angels arise, and you stop trying to be your own defense.
Because anger often is a camouflage that love wears.
To keep from being exposed.
And and in order for god to deal with you, number 4, you gotta have emotional honesty.
Even if it makes you feel vulnerable.
To to be emotionally honest, Joseph is emotionally honest, he cannot help the fact that he loves it.
He cannot control their behavior. He can only control Yes. He is.
Number 5, it brings him because of that, he can bless them. They curse him.
I had a pastor call me the other day.
He said there’s a young man leaving in my church and He said he’s taking some of my members and he’s going away.
And, uh, and I I gave him a stage. I gave him a platform. He betrayed me.
And he did took some of my memories in 11. He said, what should I do?
I said, give him a love offer.
I said, give him a love offer.
He said, a love offer. Why would I give him a love offer?
I said, because you are too big to have unnecessary enemies.
He gonna have enough to fight without you.
You don’t have to fight him. Life is gonna fight him. Life is gonna change him.
Don’t add your name to the list. You take the high road.
As Michelle’s here, when they go along, we go Oh, y’all ain’t talking to me. Talk to me somebody.
Talk to me somebody. This family has been ripped apart, and they are a part of god’s divine purpose.
This family is important because god is going to use this family to start the nation of Israel.
And they had been ripped apart for years.
And the thing about a rip Whenever something is torn, both sides get damaged.
I don’t know who I’m talking to.
Whenever something is ripped, both sides get babbie. You go home bleeding. But you think you’re the only one bleeding.
You go home and cry. You think you’re the only one crying.
But if it’s a rip, both sides are gonna cry. Both sides are gonna suffer.
They may not show you, but there’s no clean way to have a rip You don’t have a straight side and a rip side.
When something rips, it rips on both sides.
Joseph Cote was ripped from him, and his family was ripped from him.
And both sides were filled with pain.
And god was getting ready to do something so amazing that he was looking for somebody who was big enough to do it through.
Joseph understood something that god had brought him into favor to be a channel to bless them.
That the only reason god putting in the power is so that his power would be used for the posterity and the continuation of the legacy of god.
If god can get it through you, he can give it to you.
If god can trust you that your flesh won’t give it away, I’m talking to somebody who’s been talking to god about what he’s about to do in your life.
If god can trust you, that the higher he takes you, you’ll still reflow and pull up somebody else.
If god can trust you, that as he opens up doors, you’ll reach back and open up a door for somebody else.
If god can touch you. Look at somebody or type on the line, something is about to happen.
God wouldn’t be talking to me like this if something wasn’t about to happen.
If something wasn’t about to shift, if god was about to raise me up in some kind of Egypt, in some kind of promotion, when coming in my life, and god has given me this test so that I’ll be ready to handle what he’s about to do next in my life.
There’s a reason I’m listening at this message today.
God is about to raise me up from the prison to the palace. Who am I preaching to?
Get ready for a switch Get ready for a turn. Get ready for a change. Get ready for a move.
Get ready for a switch right now. Holland, somebody, something is about to happen.
Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen.
Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen. Something is about to happen.
Something is about happen. Something’s about to happen. Something’s about to happen. Something’s about to happen.
God wouldn’t be counseling me. About power.
If I was gonna stay weak, there’s something that’s about to switch in my life that got to be ready to receive.
Give him 60 seconds of crazy. Holy goes.
What I want you to see?
Is that all of a sudden, the wealth of Egypt was transferred.
To the house of Jacoby and the Bible said that favorold told Joseph, give him the best of the land.
Load up the asses and the camels.
I’m going to sent him so much blessing than before he ever even gets to me.
And the lord said to me, to tell you if you can get the right attitude, god is about to do a switch in your life until the wealth of the unjust is going to be later for the just If I’m preaching to you, give god a praise.
I don’t care where you are.
Sitting on the couch, sitting in the dining room table, or in this building, I want you to just turn around in a circle and say god is about to turn it around.
God is about to turn it around. He’s about to turn it.
He’s about to turn it. He’s about to turn it.
The lord is about to the lord is about to turn it.
Somebody stop.
It will change. It will change. It will change.
The pandemic couldn’t take it. The race riots couldn’t take it.
What god has for you is for you.
I repute every devil, every power spirit that tried to cancel out your blessing. God said it will change.
It will come to pass. If I’m preaching to you, shout about it.
If I’m preaching to you, shout about it.
If I’m preaching to you, I about it.
If you’ve been in a battle, shower the it.
If you had a hard time, shout about it. If you fuck the enemy, what’s gonna kill you.
Out about it. God didn’t keep you alive without a purpose.
The reason you’re still here, fulfill your camel with blessings.
Type of the line my story is about to change.
You saw me in the pits. You saw me in pottypal’s house.
You saw me in the prison, but you’re about to see me in the palace.
My entire life is so end better than it started.
If you had a bad start, give god a good praise.
Y’all are playing with me.
I said, if you had a bad spot. Give god a good praise.
These are not Tears of sorrow.
These tears joseph had are happy tears.
How can you say they’re happy tears? Because the Bible said he kissed them.
See, once you know that what they did didn’t stop you.
Once you know that what they said didn’t kill you once you find out that god can get you there anyway.
You see Joseph was the love child of Jacob and Rachel.
Finally meant everything. And god said, I am going to restore.
Listen to this.
Jacob thought Joseph was dead. He was sure he was dead.
He said Joseph is dead, and Civic had his cough.
And now they want Benjamin, he had accepted that Joseph was dead.
When his sons came back with their camels loaded down with blessings Joseph couldn’t hardly believe that what he had given up on.
Could steal. Happened.
So Joseph, He got his old legs up, and he stood straight up.
And he said, I gotta go.
To my son, Joseph, and connect with him before I die God said, I’m not gonna let you lead this world until you see what I promise you.
Come to pass in your life. I don’t care what the doctor said.
God said, I will keep you alive.
Until I show you until I show you that what you dream was not a joke.
It shall come to pass. It shall come to pass.
Say it again.
Say it again.
That’s why Joseph. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
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