Jonathan Cahn’s Reaction to the War in Israel… Was This Inevitable?
Jonathan Cahn’s Reaction to the War in Israel… Was This Inevitable?
Thursday, October 26, 2023 – First Words of The New Covenant
The first words of the New Covenant that Messiah gave His disciples after His resurrection was, “Peace be unto you.” But Messiah didn’t speak English, so what He said in Hebrew is “Shalom aleichem.” Shalom doesn’t just mean peace. It means fullness, well being, completion, wholeness, perfection, blessing, prosperity, and healing. The Old Covenant was based on trying to get there, trying to live up to the Law, trying to measure up, trying to get to the place God wants you to be, longing for the day of Messiah’s coming. But the New Covenant is based on Shalom. In other words, it’s here. It’s come. It’s finished. You’ve arrived. You can stop striving. You can rest, be well, whole, healed, fulfilled and blessed. Messiah began by saying, “Shalom be to you.” The first thing in the New Covenant is “Shalom.” Not just Shalom, but Shalom to you. But you have to receive it and come into the blessings of the new. Receive and experience all Messiah has for you, peace and blessing in Him. It’s as simple as two words. Shalom Aleichem.
What Jonathan Khan just predicted is going to blow your mind.
And a rare interview where he discusses things that I’ve never seen him talk about in other interviews, including what his action was like when he went on the Glenbeck program.
We’re gonna dive into that and a lot of the revelation surrounding the mysteries of the Josiah manifesto as well as his reaction to what’s been happening in the nation, Israel, and whatever you do do not miss the end of this conversation.
Truly gonna your mind. Here he is, Jonathan Cotton.
Jonathan Cohn.
It’s so good to have you back on encounter today.
Always great to be with you from the first time. It’s always a joy.
Well, we’re so excited about talking about this revelation that you that you’ve uncovered in this new book, which is outstanding.
Though, and it’s almost like you you have this kind of Joseph anointing to see forward to hear the plan of god and to prepare It’s like you lay out a template for us for what’s coming.
So we’re gonna dive into that here in a moment, but first, we have to address what’s been happening in the nation of Israel.
I wanted to talk with you specifically.
How important is it for us to pay attention to what’s happening in Israel?
And how does that play into god’s prophetic, uh, schedule for the end?
Yeah. Well, it is always it is crucial because, you know, Israel is the the ground of god’s purposes.
Israel is the the landing strip of god. Israel’s the time piece of god.
So what happens in Israel, uh, it has to do with the whole world no matter what?
What happens in Israel? What has happened in Israel has changed the world, and what and what will happen in Israel will change the world.
So everything that happens in Israel, there there’s something prophetic in in some way reaches and touches the whole world.
And the thing is that, you know, they are it it’s never enough the story.
I mean, it may have, of some seasons where it looks like it has peace. But then it comes back.
You know, the lord said that your piece is hidden, and and we know until the end.
And so, you know, this is an age old Conflicts is an age old war that we are watching.
I mean, this is ultimately the enemy trying to destroy Israel. He’s always has for not a person.
He uses people, but it’s, you know, 4000 years trying to wipe them off.
That tells you how real god is and how real the enemy is. You know, So we’re watching this thing.
And and interesting because in ancient times, you know, it was Gaza.
You know, this is where the Philistines were pretty much, and this is where attacks came from.
And know, the word and for those who don’t know, the word Palestine basically means Palestine.
It’s it’s from that word. You know, so it’s the same ancient, you know, a battle, you know, even, you know, Alan, even that during this time when the, uh, when Gaza launches invasion, and then they they celebrated, you know, they they rejoiced and celebrated there and around the world.
And, you know, that’s what they used to do in ancient times.
That’s why David says when when they killed, uh, Saul and Jonathan, that’s what he says. Don’t celebrate Palestine. Palestine.
You know, the palestidians don’t celebrate in the strip. He’s talking about the Gaza Strip.
You know, the, actually, you know, Isaiah, same thing. He said, you know, King Ahas died.
He said Palestine talking about talking about talking about the the Gaza Strips had know, do not celebrate over this because that’s what they did.
So we’re in this ancient thing, and I will tell you one one other thing interesting to kinda bridge it, if that if I will.
Um, that is that the Josiah manifesto just came out, which will I know we’re we’re gonna talk about.
That’s the latest book. Um, and it opens up all these mysteries as you were saying.
One of the mysteries that opens up as we’ll we’ll we’ll go we’ll touch on is the 50 year mystery.
And that is that these These events have been happening the 50 year course of the Jubilee and we’ll get into it, but they’ve been happening exactly 50 years from 5th, you know, 50 years ago, events took place.
You know, if you go, you can start in the past, but he, um, from 1967 to 2017, 1970 to to 2020.
And in the book, I go up to 1973 and 2023, and and the the events that happened.
And so I share I was led to share this on for last Friday well, I will say I will say the last Friday before the invasion.
It was the it was the what was it that? It was the date night before.
And so I’m sharing all about the 50 year mystery, the 50 year mystery, and how it goes up to 1973 2023.
The next event in that mystery was the Yom Kippur war.
It turned out that the day that I shared this Friday night, when I’m sharing all about the 5th year mystery, it was the 50th anniversary of the yom kippur war.
And I wasn’t even planning that. I didn’t even, you know, wasn’t thinking about it.
And that was the next event in the mystery that is foreshot that’s it’s in the Josiah manifesto. It’s foreshadowing.
And so, uh, that night, Over in Israel, it was it was night here.
It it began 50 years again to the exact date.
It’s the continuation of a mystery that’s opened up in the Josiah manifesto.
Wow. So if you had a hold of the book, you would already have a hint of this coming.
If you were if you were If you if you had it and you’re looking and you’re and you’re applying and say, okay.
What what’s the ramification? You could actually say, wait a minute. Is something gonna happen on this day?
And it did.
Wow. And and it’s not that you’re predicting it. You’re simply laying out the pattern.
The prophetic pattern that’s been laid out in scripture.
And I was thinking as you were talking about this from from Adam until Abraham’s birth was 1945 years.
And then it was 75 years from Abraham’s birth until He’s called out, uh, from the ear of the Counties.
And then from the last atom, Jesus, until 1948, we have the birth of the nation of Israel.
And here we are 75 years later. Do you have any insight into the prophetic significance of that in particular?
Is there something about the calling out of Abraham Well Uh, 75 years later. And then what’s happening now?
Well, it’s interesting. Um, there is a there is a lot of that.
It’s kind of like, it’s repeats and also it’s kind of there’s also inverse in the inverse of these things.
Um, well, you know, we we just we’re we’re celebrating the, mean, obviously, the 75th anniversary, um, all these I don’t know if things happen, you know, continuously, Alan, according to these things.
I don’t we we can’t always you know, say the meaning or the significance of what sometimes we can.
Um, but I don’t know. We shall see, you know, but it is certainly I mean, 75 years from that 50 years from from the actual thing.
And, you know, I’ll I’ll let me throw this.
This is not and and this is actually don’t know if we talked about it when we first did our first interview, but, you know, one of the books I did was called the oracle, and the oracle are are the, you know, all these mysteries, the in of the Jubilee in a different way.
But, you know, when you look at 1st in 1967, that was, you know, that was the regaining of Jerusalem.
You know, but it never got the the it never got the the actual legal recognition from the world, which is part of restoration, never was recognized by anyone.
Go 50 years, and that takes you to 2017.
And that’s where the Jerusalem declaration first time in since ancient times it is given by President Trump.
Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
That was major. You know, the holding major.
But all that, but I and and it has not stopped.
And so the latest in this, that was that was the 6 day war.
And then that was the, you know, 50 years later.
Well, 6 years, after the or 7 years after the 6 day war came the Yumkipur war, which was a tragedy, you know, in the beginning.
And so now we have the we have 2017, we have the recognition of of Israel, Jerusalem, and then 7 years later, we have a tragedy, you know, It’s kinda like the enemy, you know, hitting back.
Yeah. That’s that’s fascinating, uh, as you dig into this and begin to pray about it.
In your book, and you tell me if I’m jumping ahead or if we need to go back, you do mention a specific prayer that’s prayed during the feast of trump.
It’s the only reason I’m jumping to this Um, is because we’re now on the tail end of we’ve gone through the feast of trumpets, feast of tabernacles, and on the on the great day, the last day of the feast is when these of the feast of tabernacles is when this broke out.
Um, can we talk a little bit about that prayer in particular, uh, that you mentioned in the book at this point.
I think that’s significant. The ancient prayer that’s chanted on the feast of trumpets and how that connects with 2020 and potentially where we are right.
Yeah. Well, there’s a we may have to set some groundwork. I mean, some some foundation on it.
But we, yeah, we could go back. But I’ll I’ll
tell you, be it’ll be a a a hint because, uh, the prayer is to at that time is to pray that god undoes all, like, undoes evil and the evil of the decree.
It’s it’s specifically it is. Is that through prayer repentance on on the feast of trumpets and the days of all, to undo the evil and the evil of a decree, and we’re gonna see that it actually actually, I mean, in so many ways it all converges with these mysteries.
No. Absolutely. Okay. So then we’ll go back now because it’s all gonna start to come together.
It will.
At this fascinating testimony of your trip to Cuba, Fidelic Fidel Castro, and this jubilee revelation.
So dig into that for us. Tell us that whole testimony.
Well, well, the the Josiah, the the Josiah manifesto was kind of like, and you know if Alan, if you look through it, it’s it’s kind of like taking on a prophetic journey with all these pieces, puzzle pieces, of these mysteries that that we’ve been living through, and then they all come together to open up a key, which has to do with which is the the manifesto, which is is god giving us a blueprint of of the future of what we need to know as as for this this hour and for the end times.
Is he actually, again, that’s all these bits are gonna open up key to this revelation, which is the last part of the book, which is the the manifesto, which is the blueprint and the guide that, um, so the it begins with a journey to Cuba.
I was to go to Cuba because Fidel Castro has opened up the island for 1 month for to give Christians religious freedom for 1 month.
And so
I’d never heard this, by the way, until your book. I didn’t even know that he had done this.
Yeah. And he and I was asked to go by the Christians to go there and open it up.
With the sound of the show far to to inaugurate it.
So I did, and I ministered throughout the island that, you know, was traveling with this.
It went all the way across the island from the east to the west.
And the last event at the end of the month, and there are a million things happen.
We won’t, I won’t won’t won’t be able to go through it, but the thing is that the last event was in Havana.
And it was in Revolution Square. And Fidel Castro shows up.
And at that and and at that, through all that, I was invited to go to the presidential palace, uh, uh, uh, that that is where he he is the center of his power.
But before I even went to Cuba, I was given a word that it was gonna happen.
That I was it said you will enter the king’s palace.
So I was already prepared for that, and it happened.
So I came there And I and I I knew I was to give him.
So I gave him 3 things. 1 was a Bible which were banned in Cuba.
Um, and secondly, was a, uh, was a prophetic object linked to the Jubilee, which is which was the show far with an and it with a scripture inscribed on it.
And so I gave that to him.
And then I gave I gave And then the last one was a prophetic word, which I wrote down on on a sheet, and I gave it to him.
And it was all about the Jubilee. I was led to talk about the Jubilee.
Juba throughout the island, Jubilee Jubilee kept coming up. And I gave that word to him.
Well, it turned out that what I gave him was really prophetic that it actually was giving him exactly how long he would have before he would be removed from power.
In fact, it gave the exact if you it gave the exact year, the exact day, and the exact hour.
And it all goes back. And if you trace it, if you go back, to the to the very day that he came to power.
In the very hour, he came to power and the dictator before him Batista fled It goes to that, the fiftieth year, the jubilee, the fiftieth day, and the exact hour to the to when he came to power.
So this is opening up, and there’s so much to that, but this is o beginning opening of the mystery.
The mystery of the jubilee that it’s not only the way we think about it, that we think the jubilee which is is part of the truth, and we think that it’s, you know, it’s only restoration.
Well, it is restoration. If you lost your land, you got it back.
But if you took somebody’s land, the year, Jubilee is taken away from you.
so the the Jubilee is also it it is it is a year of restitution as well and of reversal.
Either way, good or bad.
You know, Castro took power that that and took a nation and took what didn’t belong to him.
And in his Jubilee, it was actually taken away.
And this mystery, the other side of the jubilee is actually gonna affect America and the world, particularly America, and has already affected and altered our lives.
Now how does this then dovetail into the revelation of Josiah and the pattern that you found in the Josiah manifesto?
Well, it’s gonna it’s gonna it’s gonna go through a whole whole thing.
Let me let me go, uh
Take it out. It’s good. It’s
good. Yeah. Well, the thing is that that what happened is the first thing is that is that with when this, you know, this thing of the Jubilee, it actually has affected America.
Um, and affected our lives. Because first of all, the the Jubilee, you know, says that, you know, if you took if you lost something, you get it back.
If you took something that’s taken away, And the thing is that, uh, America took something.
In 1970, it began taking something didn’t belong to it. It began taking the lives of its children.
We began that’s when abortion on demand began. 1970 is what happened.
If you go to the Jubilee, which is, you know, 50 years later, that takes you to the year 2020.
That’s the Jubilee of abortion in America. And what hap anything happen?
What happens is a play comes to America, comes to the world, but particularly focuses on America and What is it?
We took life. And then in the year of Jubilee, life is taken.
The prophet Jeremiah said that if you take the children’s lives, it’s gonna come back.
Your life is gonna be taken, but he also says one of the ways it’s gonna come back, the judgment in the form of, uh, in Hebrew, he says, Dever Gadol, which means a great plague.
And so, literally, uh, Dever Gadol comes, but the thing is, It’s even more because the exact day that abortion re began its entrance in America was January 20 1970 when the bill that would ultimately lead to Roe versus Wade be was presented before the New York legislature.
Well, if you go forward 50 years January 20th, 2020. That’s the Jubilee. Anything happened.
That’s the exact official day that the plague enters the land.
50 years to the very exact day that we be that we began turning to the killing of children.
And if you remember, Alan, you know, when it all hit, that was the beginning, but when it all hit, it was in March.
When we got shut down, Trump went on on the air. We were he announced America is quarantined.
Um, you know, uh, it was the day that they they called it the pandemic.
Stock market crowd, lockdowns fell. Our lives changed. You know, that was March 11th.
If you go back 50 years, It would take you to March 11 1970. Anything happened?
March 11 1970 is the exact day that we legalized the killing of children on American soil.
It was 50 years to the exact day that now this death come back on us.
You know, now now I’ll give you another thing about the the mystery. And this is just the first mysteries.
And that is that, you know, Jeremiah said that what you’d he spoke over the valley of Hinnom where they offered their children.
And he said, what you did here because that it’s gonna come back. Death is coming back to this valley.
And so it comes back to the place where the children’s blood was shed.
Does America have a valley of him? Well, he does. It’s New York.
New York is weird not only it’s spread to the nation, New York is the pioneer.
New York is also the abortion capital of America.
More children have had their blood shed in New York than any other place.
And so when the when the 50 years later, this death come, this play comes, and where does it focus?
It focuses on the little tiniest liver of New York.
In fact, Alan, so much so that one out of every 2 cases was in New York at that time.
1 out of every 2 was in the little sliver.
And in fact, it reached a milestone on on, uh, the peak on April 10th when it had more cases of this plague in New York than any other nation on the planet, including China.
And so it re it was April 10th. That was the milestone.
Go back 50 years April 10th, 1970, anything.
April 10 1970 is the day that New York legalized abortion in New York.
So again, 50 years to the exact day.
And and I’ll I’ll one other thing about this, the Bible speaks about the gates that judgment comes to the gate.
what I was gonna ask you about next. The east and the the the east and the west gate. Yeah.
Tell us about that.
Well, the thing is that the the the, you know, when Jeremiah gave that prophecy over over the valley of, you know, He did it at the gate.
It says the potter’s gate. They killed their children by the gate, and we know this is linked to judgment.
Does America have a gate? Yes. And again, it is New York.
And so New York is not only the gate where abortion came to to the continent, but it’s the gate through which it came because you know, in the 1st 3 years of abortion from 1970 to Roe versus Wade, the majority of abortions were performed in New York.
And from people who came from other states and then they spread it back.
It spread from New York to the nation. 50 years later, guess what happens?
The plate comes, and you know what they just discovered, Alan, when they looked at the the genetics of the of the DNA of the the virus.
They found that if you had COVID, the majority of cases of COVID came from the gate of New York where we killed our children just 50 years exactly before.
And then the, uh, then, you know, in in the year 1970, what wasn’t New York was number 1, but there was one other game to the continent that opened up for abortion.
That was Washington State. 50 years later, when the play comes, guess where it also comes from.
It comes from the gate of Washington State. That’s where patient 0 came in.
And so the thing is that if you had the virus, The virus bore the markers on itself.
The markers pointing to the 2 gates of America where we began killing our children.
It’s stunning. And we got we’ve gotta ask yourself, what other gates do we have open? Yeah.
Are there are are there other places that this has been opened up to us?
And and you you even dig into, um, what happened on January 6th with the Capitol Building and how that’s significant.
Yeah. Maybe talk to us a little bit about that.
Yeah. And I’ll and I’ll mention, yes.
And and one one thing, one last thing with the you know, with with the first point, and that is that when Jeremiah spoke about this happening, you know, he said what’s gonna come is gonna match the, basically, what you did to the children is gonna match it.
So the question was I put in in the July manifesto, the questions asked, you know, what about the numbers?
It turns out, Alan, in the first 3 years of abortion, 1970 to Roe, what happens is how many children were killed?
1,300,000 children were killed in that 3 year period. 50 years later, you have another 3 year period.
And it it’s it matches every year matches these the jubilee of those 1st 3 years.
And in that period of time, how many Americans were died of were struck by the plague? 1,300,000.
The plague struck the same number of the children that were struck 50 years before.
Listen, guys, I gotta tell you I don’t mean to interrupt you, but this is one of the this is why this revelation is so evangelistic.
It will reach people
are far from god. You have got to get a hold of this book, which is why we’re putting the link in the description of this video, you’re gonna it’s it’s it’s one of his most thrilling works to date.
that’s saying a lot after uh, after his last work. So I didn’t mean to interrupt, but please
please get this for your
unrivaled ones, Ethan.
Thank you all. And it looks like this.
I know you’ll put up, but this is this is the Josiah manifesto. That’s what it looks like.
Um, so, yeah, January 6. Okay.
One of the mysteries and one of the other thing Alan is that because we’ve done this a few times now.
Is that in the in this book, several of the mysteries that began in the other books actually kinda, uh, continue to to be fulfilled and are kinda coming they’re kinda coming in for a landing and they’re they’re kinda converging in this book.
1 and one of the books I wrote called the har the paradigm It speaks about how there is this mystery behind the leaders of our time and the events of our time that they’re ancient leaders.
They’re actually following it in the time of Israel’s uh, fall from god.
They were actually they were these ancient leaders. Well, I’ll just mention this to set the stage of January 6th.
There is a mystery there. And that is that First of all, Trump is following him.
I’m not he does not that he knows it, but he’s following the the prototype of a man in the bible called jehu.
Jayu was a man who was wild, unpredictable.
You never knew what he was gonna say or do next.
Trump Um, he he was a he wasn’t a politician. He was a fighter. Well, Trump fights with everybody.
You know, that and in fact, I believe in the original Hebrew, it’s it says that that Jay who had a Twitter account, but I’m we’re not getting into that.
Um, so the thing is though, so Jay who begins this race to the throne, this the Bible describes it as insane.
Um, the word is any that he to the throne. Well, so does Trump begins a race.
He was actually propped. Jehu and Trump were opposite over.
But I thank you that you have prepared him for such a time as this.
Lord, you your hand on this man, and I thank you for it.
Lord, I thank you that he’s fearless. I thank you that he’s fearless and he’s courageous.
And I thank you for the boldness that you have.
They they and and the unlikely people, it’s not about Trump. It’s not about politics.
It’s unlikely, but he was ray they were raised up to defeat the the the, basically, the political establishment of their time because the nation was falling and it was to basically hold back or or give a reprieve.
Well, and they were unlikely people. We don’t even know where Jayhu was at with god.
We don’t know that, but we don’t know where Trump was at, but he was used of god.
And so the thing is that when as Jay who comes up, he makes a an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
So did trump and then actually Jay who asked one of them to become his partner and get in the chariot and ride in the rest of the race.
So did Trump with Pence. But now the other thing is that that before Jay who could have come to power, he had to stand face to face against the nation’s former first lady.
So did trump? And and and the thing is that and and the nation’s former first lady, by the way, was for child sacrifice.
She was for bail worship. So the nation’s former first lady in America was also the the key champion of abortion in America which is Hillary Clinton.
Well, interesting thing, you know, everybody was saying that Hillary Clinton was gonna swamp every poll just about, but the paradigm in the Bible said no.
The the the the the Jay who is gonna win, and and that the the former first lady is gonna have a downfall.
Well, that’s exactly what happened. But also just to note to show you how, like, kinda eerie it is or stunning.
And that is that, you know, uh, the Hillary Clinton was on the national stage for 22 years with her husband.
Uh, from governor to the end of his present 22 years.
On her own, she was in public office for 12 years, and then she ran for public office for 2 years, 14 years on her own.
And so when you look, the ancient prototype, the queen, the ancient former first lady who, by the way, name was Jezebel, She was on the national stage with her husband for 22 years and on her own for 14 years.
Until she came head to head with Jehu. And so, I mean, it’s amazing.
So so this is gonna set the stage for January 6th.
And January 6th, and this was not in the paradigm because this came true after the paradigm, but it was it the the templates in the paradigm.
You know, but it came true after the paradigm came out.
And so I put so it’s in the Josiah manifesto, and that is this.
That that at one point, Jay Hu calls for a an assembly for people to come from all of the nation to the capital city.
So did Trump. Uh, the the people of jehu go down and they surround a great capital building.
Well, the people of Trump surround a great capital building.
And by the way, We’re not condoning where we’re not I’m simply this is gonna reveal.
And that is that so the people of Jay who, at one point, there are proceedings going on in that great capital building.
And then at one point, the people of Jeho storm the great capital building.
And so did the people of of Trump. Um, at least many of them.
And the and now the thing is that there’s so much to this, Alan, but I will say this that that I that I put in the Josai manifesto, but the thing is that that At the end of that week, the Capitol Police announced the numb how many they had arrested on-site.
It was the first arrest. It was the people on-site. Involved in that. And they it made headlines.
They said we’ve arrested the headlines. Said 80 men, they’ve arrested eighty people.
In the book of 2nd kings, it gives a a Hebrew phrase, which which the Hebrew is Shmunim Ish.
It’s talking about the the people who entered the the great capital building in the town of Jeju, and it translates to eighty people.
80 people. Same exact number.
Now, this has to do with something because the it has to do with a war between Jehu and the Temple of Bail.
And the temple of bail is where they were offering up their children.
Well, you know, in America, the we have a, you know, we do have also a temp we’ve had a temple of bail which is Roe versus Wade.
It was the vessel that allowed 60,000,000 children to be offered up.
And so what this so so Alan, this is This was also, you know, foreshadowed in the paradigm, but it only came true after.
And and that is that what it’s saying is the man who walks in the footsteps of jehu is gonna be the one because it was Jehu pulled down the temple of Vail.
So the one who walks in Jehu’s footstep is the one who’s gonna pull down the modern temple of bail, which is Roe versus Wade.
And Trump was responsible by putting into the Supreme Court.
Those three people he pulled down the temple a veil.
Wow. And if you continue the narrative, if I’m not mistaken, Jay who’s in, he was consumed with pride, and the hand of god was removed from his life.
And you gotta wonder whether or not we’ll see that portion of it played out in near future?
Yeah. Well, there there’s a number of mister people ever close to everybody asks me, okay, what’s gonna happen in the next It’s interesting.
You know, I mean, because the Bible says and I said, listen, I said this in the paradigm.
The Bible says Jengu was a mix. He was not the answer. He was a mix.
He was used by god to create a window which god’s people could have used for revival.
Well, that was back then. We don’t know that there was any revival. And Trump was there.
It’s not the answer. It was a window to the answer, but there wasn’t a national revival.
And we the only thing that’s gonna save America is a is a re a real revival of the nation, uh, turning back to god.
Nevertheless, you know, Jay who was still used, so we don’t know what’s gonna happen Jagu, there are some interesting things about it.
I’m for another time, which might the the in their Josai manifesto, it might give a clue of what’s gonna happen in this this next political thing.
But, um, the thing is that, you know, interesting because there’s a it’s a spiritual war, ultimately.
I mean, it’s not, you know, Trump isn’t the answer. He was used.
And he can be used again, but the point is god is the only answer.
And the thing is that that but when he was putting in you know, his nominations of the of, like, remember the Kavanaugh nomination and all hell broke loose on Capitol Hill because of the issue of of abortion.
That was the issue. Oh, they were concerned And so at that same moment, an object appears in Washington during those hearings on capital on the the mall facing the capital building while it’s going on.
And the object was a recreation from the Middle East.
It was the art a bail, which is the which is the very thing linked to the temple of bail, that was the what that was the very thing that was allowed abortion that basically, Jay who kinda pulled down and Trump was basically in the act of pulling it down by nominating Kavanaugh.
I thought this is a spiritual thing going on. Alan.
I mean, this is a spiritual award that we have been in.
That’s why it’s so important not to make a political figure the answer.
When you think of, for example, the serpent on a pole, which I believe was called Nehushton.
Um, there was a time when the when the children of Israel made it an idol, even though there was a time when god said, look to it.
And you’ll be healed. They began to look to it a little too much.
And as a result, it had to be taken down and destroyed.
And we don’t want that to happen politically as far as political figures are concerned.
We must do everything we can
To be active in culture, but at the most important core of it all, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Is the answer for America, which is why we’re thankful for you.
Um, having these opportunities, do you find yourself, by the way, before we dig deeper into some of these mysteries?
What are some unusual doors that have opened to you?
We know we see you on all these Christian programs and all this kind of stuff, but to have the number one bestseller of all non fiction.
There’s gotta be some people reaching out to you, some doors that are opening. What’s what’s it been like
once you has has opened doors, you know, um, you know, in the secular realm, interesting door.
I mean, one well, one is he’s opened up doors to, uh, Washington to congress to congress, uh, members of Congress, um, to, uh, political presidential candidates um, to, uh, you know, Capitol Hill, where he’s opened the door for me to speak to leaders and members of Congress, and to other events and meetings with that and also to, uh, I mean, I’m amazed when I, I keep hearing it of how the books have gotten to Capital Hill and gotten to, I mean, to, I mean, you know, uh, people in power, you know, um, and all I mean, he’s opened the door for me to speak at the United Nations.
I mean, it’s crazy. Things I never would have expected, but, you know, god just does that sovereignty.
The United Nations. I didn’t know that has is that coming, or is that already passed?
That that has been.
What was that like? What was happening at the UN?
Well, there were there was a there was a a gathering. Well, I actually it was actually twice.
Um, there was a gathering about the persecution of Christians, you know, around the world.
Um, and they asked me to speak to address it. So I did
Tonight, America stands at the crossroads.
And as Elijah came to the summit of Mount Carmel to make a declaration, we’ve come this night to Capitol Hill to declare that our god is not bail.
Our god is not prolact. Our god is not government. Our god is not money. Our god is not power.
Not pleasure. Our god is not political correctness or any other man may think.
We’ve come to this hill to declare that there is only one god, and he is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He’s the god of Israel and of all nations.
He alone is the rock upon which this nation has come into existence.
And from this high place, we make this declaration. We will not bow down our knees to bail.
We will not bow down our knees to political correctness.
We will not bow down our knees to a morality that is as shifting as sand in the wind.
We will not bow down our knees the laws and precepts of rebellion or the sacred powers of moral apostasy.
Wow. What a privilege and honor.
And then to see you not just in political world, but programs like Glenn Beck. Yes. And others.
What was that like?
Glenn Beck, you know, you know, pray for Glenn Beck. He has a he has an open heart.
And, you know, so many things are parallel where he’s for. He’s for he’s for god.
He’s for the purposes of god as he can, as he sees it.
He’s for, you know, all these things and for Christians.
Um, he he, uh, read or somebody gave him the return of the gods, the last book.
And he put me on his radio show 2 days in a row.
Uh, he put me on his television show, and it we had, like, I don’t know what’s like it.
An hour of going, and he was totally, you know, this is his heart.
Well, what happened is something came into our culture, and it’s not staying empty.
And so what came in is this, the first spirit is that Bail’s always the first. He’s kinda like that.
The spirit that comes in back, he says I’m gonna get my friend. So this is the opening.
Bail caused Israel to turn away from god.
To he he’s the it’s the principality that takes a culture that has known god, like ancient Israel, modern America, and and converts it or seeks to convert it from a Judeo Christian nation into a pagan nation.
And that’s exact if you wanna know what’s been happening to America and much of the world, It’s exactly that.
It’s a process of paganization, and it’s a repossession.
Um, it reach it reaches what’s cool about that is because it know, it has a crossover audience.
It’s not only it’s, you know, um, and just by being on that program, the return of the gods, which debuted as a best seller, you know, on on New York time, but it but this is months months later.
You know, it went back on the top best seller list just from just from the people watching Glenn Beck.
So it’s praise god for that. You know?
Yeah. That’s amazing. To see warriors come alongside the body of Christ.
And and I don’t know if this speaks to the funniest factors, as a matter of fact, this kind of righteous indignation that’s rising among people from different streams and different camps and different places And you speak to this in the book.
Talk to us a little bit about the phineas factor.
Okay. Um, the phineas fact, when when I heard that and there’s there’s so much to this, but when I heard that, uh, Roevers Wade was overturned.
I was in the airport, and I hope I look at my cell phone, and my cell phone pop what pops up on my cell phone is the scripture about Finius, and I didn’t I didn’t I I didn’t call that up.
It just came up. And I said, Finius, Fineas was the one who when Israel turned away from god, a plague came on the land.
And and and he is the one who took a righteous action that turned away the plague.
So I wondered it made me think, wait a minute.
You know, wait a minute, lord, what are you saying here?
Because what happened was I looked back and the plague of COVID, you know, was I told you it was this 3 year period.
That matches the 3 years of abortion and matched everything.
We just saw the dates, the places, the numbers, everything.
And the thing is that and the buy it goes with the what the Bible says.
But the thing is I looked and, you know, when you go back, it the the the decision that overturned Roe versus Wade, because think about it.
You had a 3 year period and it linked to abortion, and the 3 year period ends with the overturning of Roe versus Wade.
That’s the good part, you know, with with all that was happening.
But that I mean, you know, in the third and so the thing is that that I looked, it was Rovers’ Wade was handed down.
The overturning was on June 24 2022. Okay?
By the way, By the way, according to Leviticus, that is the Jubileean year.
That’s right in the middle that that’s the 50th year from Roe versus Wade, which is January 22nd, 2022 to January 22 2023.
That’s the 50th year of the Bible. That it was overturned. The Jubilee also reverses and overturns. Okay.
So but that’s not where that’s not, you know, where that the decision was actually voted on months before.
And the decision, the ruling that would come out that would overturn it, which was written by Judge Alito, was written in January, uh, into the early days of February.
Alright. That’s what sealed it. He wrote it, and that’s what became the that became the ruling.
So the the thing is this. When you look back, Alan, Look back on on where the plate was at.
Up to 2022, January. It actually was at its peak.
At in the January of 2022, the number of cases of COVID in America was not only at the highest point, it was three times the previous highest point.
That’s how gigantic it was. It was gonna go on for years.
And then all of a sudden, it plummets to almost nothing.
Within a few weeks, it goes down to 1 8th of what it was, and it never came back. Okay.
And the thing is that was the exact time when it was January, the end of January, and it was at the which is by the way the animal.
End of January, and it was the begin when he was finishing this.
And by the way, but, well, I’ll even say something that it plummeted that way.
He was the funniest in this in this act. And not only that.
Not only that, but when you look when the CDC came out with the the plumb, the death rate also plummeted right after that.
The death rate was also out of it.
It plummeted, and the CDC gives the last date of before it plummeted.
It says it the week ending January 22 2022.
That was the 1st day of the jubilee of Roe versus Wade. And that is when it plummeted.
And and and one of the, you know, we’ve been praying, you know, people have been praying for ages, you know, you know, for 50 years, god, hear our prayer overturn this.
You know, people thought it was never gonna happen.
The the name of the judge who over who wrote that the ruling that overturned it is Samuel Hebrew for god has heard.
Wow. Come on. The god of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is watching over his nation.
He is watching over his people, his church.
And in a moment, I wanna ask you about what the um, your book reveals about the future.
And I wanna talk to you about 2024, and we’re gonna get in all that just a few seconds right after this.
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I’ll see you there. We’re back here with Jonathan Khan.
Now let’s dig into what this book speaks about, what it reveals about where we are prophetically.
Let’s talk about the Jubileean redemption and the child of the Nile.
Yeah. The thing is that we do we’re speaking about, you know, in all this time, did you believe we said has a restitution part?
Kind of a judgment part, but it also has, of course, redemption.
And one of the redemptions we’re seeing was actually the at or throughout throughout this whole period of the of this plague of this pandemic, god was at work doing something, and which is the jubilee reverses, which we talked about the reversing of abortion.
So in the jubilee of it, But it didn’t just start then.
You know, the, you know, there was a case that came up, Alan, that was called, uh, Dobbs versus Jackson.
It was the case that would overturn Roe versus Wade.
The thing is Roe versus Wade came began not in 73, began in 1970.
Same year that the play then 50 years later, when when COVID came, was coming at the jubilee of Roe versus Wade as well when it began.
Actually, Roe versus Wade began in late January of 20 of 1970. That’s when the play came too.
So all these things are kinda converging But the thing is that at the same time, it was sent to the Supreme Court in the summer of 1970 Roe versus Wade.
50 years later, in that jubilee of the sending, the other case is sent in the jubilee of descending a Roe versus Wade.
Then Roe versus Wade is taken up by the, you know, most court most cases are not taken up.
It was taken up by the court in May 1971.
The Jubilee of that taking up May 2021, the other case is taken by the Supreme Court.
Then Roe versus Wade has its hearing in December of 71.
The jubilee of that hearing is December of 2021. And guess what?
The other case has its hearing in December on the Jubilee of Roe versus Wayne Remember before the before the ruling came out, it was leaked to the press.
Remember that big thing? Yep. Well, go back 50 years just before it came out.
Go back to the years just before Rogue came out, it was leaked to the press.
So even the leak is part of this thing.
But another another mystery is called the is the, uh, a while.
Let me let me say, you know, the book of Esther talks about an evil decree that Hammond came up to destroy death and destruction to the Jews.
It’s linked to the the date, Adar 13, if you look in the book, Adar, that’s the 13th day of 12th month.
13th day of 12th month is linked to a decree of death and destruction.
Roe versus Wade was heard before the court on January 13th, 13th day of 12th month, the day of a decree that brings death and destruction.
That’s what Roe versus Wade was.
But then in the book of of Esther, there’s another decree that they that Mordechai and Esther issue to nullify the 1st degree.
So they issued a decree. And so we had a decree that was gonna nullify that 1st degree of evil and destruction.
Well, the Bible says when did it when did it begin?
When did it go for It says on the day of Si Von 23, Si Von 23.
Well, Doms versus Jackson was gonna go forward to undo the evil decree of Roe versus Wade of death and destruction.
It was sent to the Supreme Court on June 15 2020, but on the Bible’s calendar, it was sent forth on the day of Si Von 23.
The day of the decree that nullifies the evil decree that goes forth, and it went forth to nullify.
So in the Bible, you you have the day of a decree of Cavan 23 that nullifies the decree of the 13th day 12th month.
That’s exactly what happened in America.
And not only that, Alan, but you know, on that day, uh, Siobhan 23 became a day on the Jewish calendar that Jewish people pray a prayer Lord to to nullify every evil decree.
And so they’re praying that prayer without knowing at that same day the actual decree that’s gonna nullify it is going to the Supreme Court to do just that.
You can’t make this stuff up.
You cannot make this stuff up. Only god could do it.
And and the other thing is that that now you had you had, um, uh, you know, in the Bible, you have the in the book, there’s a there’s a a park called the child of denial.
There’s a there remember, the first war against children against babies was in Egypt that we know of and that they decreed all the male children get thrown into the Nile.
One of those male children survives in the Nile, and that’s Moshe or Moses.
And he becomes the one when he grows up, that’s gonna break the power of Egypt that tried to kill him and his generation.
And the thing is that so could there be could America have a child of the 9?
And that and the thing is could a child who’s born under that initial slaughter, just like Moses, who could have been killed but was not survived and ends up being instrumental in breaking the power that could have killed her.
And it was it was a daughter It was a baby born right in the, in, in those 1st 3 years, that critical 3 year period of abortion, when she was born, Roe versus Wade had entered the Supreme Court.
She was born right in between exact right in the midst of the 2 hearings of Roe versus Wade when it’s moving to become law.
She would grow up and she would be sent to the Supreme Court, and her name was Amy Barrett.
And she was the 1st Supreme Court justice ever born when under the time when it was legal to kill her as a child.
And so she’s the one used. It’s a char she’s the deciding vote.
She’s the last one that Trump just got in the je who’s gonna pull down the Temple take chooses the ch this child of denial and raises her up and it’s just before he’s out of office, he gets her in.
She’s the last one. She’s the deciding vote. It’s only one vote.
She’s she’s gonna cast that vote, and she’s gonna do it.
It’s interesting because she only could do that because the other Supreme Court justice was suddenly removed, Ruth Ginsburg was taken out just before.
And Ruth Ginsburg was someone who was who was totally for abortion.
She even tried to do something like Roe versus Wade at the time of Roe versus Wade.
And the thing is that so it’s just like, you know, the, you know, COVID, interesting, you know, going back to abortion, it was strange because abortion is a sin of the old against the young.
But the plague overwhelmingly spared the young and struck the generation that did rovers away.
So The thing is, and when did Amy Barrett cast a vote to overturn abortion, Roe versus Wade, when she reached her 50th year, her year of Jubilee.
Oh my goodness. Alright. Listen. I I say it all the time.
The most prophetic voice on the planet apart from the word of god is history.
And if we can learn to decode that pattern then we will understand prophecy often is pattern.
And I wanna continue having we’re gonna continue having an uncensored conversation about this and about what the book says concerning the future, what’s coming over on our premium member site.
For those of you who are watching right now, you gotta go to wincounter
You can start off for a dollar a month.
And, uh, for the 1st month and you become a premium member and we’re gonna talk a little bit more about this book and how you can get access to hours of uncensored teaching uh, from, uh, brother Khan here and this amazing revelation.
And there it is right there. Yeah.
The book was a book. I’ll just say they’re just for everybody that they’re manifesto is literally everywhere, you know, and, you know, Amazon right now, anywhere online.
Walmart has it, but I pray people get it not just for yourself, but as Alan said, get it for people in your life.
Well, even if they’re not a believer, all the more. Like they’ve been part of this.
You can’t argue with it. And also if they are a believer but need to get woken up because we’re just talk about some of the mysteries, and there’s much more, but it’s also gonna lead to the the blueprint for the future.
What do we need to know to to survive and stand and prevail in this day and the last days.
So for people in your life as well.
That’s what we’re gonna get into. That blueprint for the future. And, listen, I’m serious about this.
The link is in the description. Get multiple copies of this book.
It will grip men and women who are away from god.
And pull them into recognizing that god has a plan, uh, for this age and for them, and they’ll give their life to Jesus Christ.
Bill Jonathan Khan, thank you so much for being with us on the counter today.
I can’t wait to have you over in the premium section of our website.
And, uh, any any final words for our audience,
Well, listen, god is real. We just we just touched on some. There’s so many mysteries.
We just touched on some of them, but god is real. The god of the Bible is alive and well.
He’s actually behind. He’s actually in charge of everything. Be less the main thing.
Be right with him and be encouraged. Be strong because he you’re with god. You’re gonna prevail.
Amen. Amen. Thank you, brother. Let’s head over to the premium section.
Does he watching online, go to encounter
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You can start 1st month for just $1 and I think you’re gonna be blessed by it.
We have a whole community, a Discord community where we’re just imparting everything we can into. Go check that out.
We’ll see you there. God bless. Attention all revivalists and passionate believers.
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- The Power of Godly Meditation – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 5 4, 2023