Mr. President, we reflect on the mystery of your life’s journey, rooted in a divine calling. Born on June 14, 1946, your life has been marked by destiny, as it is said that on that very day, a scripture would be proclaimed worldwide. This scripture spoke of bringing forth a vessel of God—a trumpet. President Trump, you were born to be this trumpet, a vessel of the Lord, crafted to fulfill a unique purpose in the hands of God.
God has called you to follow in the path of Jehu, the warrior king. Jehu was appointed to restore and elevate his nation, arriving in the capital with a purpose: to purify it, to “drain the swamp.” In his journey, Jehu formed alliances with the faithful of the land, much like your own destiny has called you to unite with those rooted in faith. And just as Jehu faced and triumphed over a former first lady of his nation, so too did you find yourself in a similar challenge.
One of Jehu’s purposes was to overturn the worship of Baal, a cult that led to the sacrifice of children. In a parallel calling, you have been given the task to dismantle America’s modern-day “Baal”—symbolized by Roe v. Wade, which led to the loss of millions of lives. In a divine timing, you set into motion events that are shifting America back to its roots in faith and morals.
There are many mysteries woven into the story of your life, but it’s clear that before you were born, God ordained a destiny for you to walk. If now you stand on the brink of power, it is for God’s glory. This may be America’s last chance for redemption. But to fulfill this calling, you must seek God wholeheartedly, pursuing His will with all your strength. Just as Jehu was called to restore his nation to greatness by turning its heart back to God, so too is your calling: America can only become great if it returns to God.
You are a trumpet of God, and a trumpet only fulfills its purpose when it is filled with the breath of the one who blows through it. God has lifted you up and desires to fill you with His Spirit, empowering you to act on His behalf. If you fully commit yourself to God, this path could lead to an unprecedented era of glory for America.
The Lord has spoken: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart.” Now, arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is upon you. In the name above all names, Messiah Jesus—Yeshua, Light of the World, Messiah of Israel, and King of all Kings. He remains America’s hope to shine once more with the light and power of the Living God. Amen.
Thank you for watching!
I’m Jonathan Cahn, and I hope this message has blessed you. Don’t forget to subscribe and tap the bell icon to receive notifications when we post new videos. Share your thoughts in the comments, tell us how you were blessed, and share this message with friends. Thanks for watching, and see you next time!
Write Your Prayer
Prayer Wall
Margaret Montreuil - 2024-11-03 16:23:04
My daughter Meghan. Sickness. Rejection. Impoverished.
Peggy Smith - 2024-11-02 16:39:43
To stay whole healthy and strong and fulfill my calling on this earth.
Bob Lorence - 2024-11-02 12:59:56
I pray to added to your list of subscribers please.
Judy - 2024-11-01 02:15:43
My prayer is for our country, the United Sates Of America!. Bring down those who would destroy it! God bless the USA! And her people who believe.
Jack - 2024-10-31 14:55:06
I pray that no Democrats will be elected in this Nov. Election. Only people who worship God and care about World Peace and the safety of all good and careing people, should be elected.
Jack - 2024-10-31 14:10:01
I pray that election will go to the good of all people who believe in you.
Carol - 2024-10-30 18:59:53
An affliction on the lower part of both legs that is creating open sores that don’t heal. It’s been over a year, seen several drs and no one knows what it is. It’s hindering me from doing things that I normally do. Thank you and God bless you
Margaret Montreuil - 2024-11-03 16:23:04
My daughter Meghan. Sickness. Rejection. Impoverished.