Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Word to Donald Trump!

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Margaret Montreuil - 2024-11-03 16:23:04

My daughter Meghan. Sickness. Rejection. Impoverished.

Peggy Smith - 2024-11-02 16:39:43

To stay whole healthy and strong and fulfill my calling on this earth.

Bob Lorence - 2024-11-02 12:59:56

I pray to added to your list of subscribers please.

Judy - 2024-11-01 02:15:43

My prayer is for our country, the United Sates Of America!. Bring down those who would destroy it! God bless the USA! And her people who believe.

Jack - 2024-10-31 14:55:06

I pray that no Democrats will be elected in this Nov. Election. Only people who worship God and care about World Peace and the safety of all good and careing people, should be elected.

Jack - 2024-10-31 14:10:01

I pray that election will go to the good of all people who believe in you.

Carol - 2024-10-30 18:59:53

An affliction on the lower part of both legs that is creating open sores that don’t heal. It’s been over a year, seen several drs and no one knows what it is. It’s hindering me from doing things that I normally do. Thank you and God bless you

Nancy Kunsak - 2024-10-31 02:59:30

I have prayed for total healing

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