JONATHAN CAHN: URGENT MESSAGE | Where We Are Now And What You Need To Know

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URGENT MESSAGE | Where We Are Now And What You Need To Know

“What happened to June is another reminder that whenever a nation or civilization or, for that matter, a life turns away from God, it will never remain neutral. It will never stay empty. It will become indwelled by something else, something other than God. It will become inhabited by the gods. Those who had taken part in the removal of prayer and the Word from American public life could not have imagined what it would lead to. But the empty house could not stay empty. A civilization had turned away from its worship of God. Now the sacraments of a different worship had come in. The door was left open; the house was found empty; the spirits came in; the gods returned and with them, their holy days.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Return of the Gods

This is Jonathan Cohn. Where are we now? What lies ahead?
How can you be prepared and what are we called to do?
A lot of believers are confused, discouraged, angry and fearful.
They don’t know what happened or where we are now or what’s ahead. What are we supposed to be doing?
I want to answer that. Now. We’ve had four years of a conservative administration.
We’ve had a president whose policies were the most pro life in history.
He stood against the killing of the unborn.
He stood for religious liberty for Christian education for the right of parents over their children’s future.
He appointed judges and Supreme Court justices who would be more likely to stand for biblical and traditional values.
He opened the door for Christian ministers and leaders to give him counsel.
He stood strongly for the nation of Israel the most pro Israel president in history.
He became the first world leader since ancient times to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
And he along with the Republicans in Congress sought to hold back a flood of anti biblical legislation and movements from overtaking America.
We can and we should be grateful for all that. But now where are we?
And what do we do? There are those that say the believers should have nothing to do with government or politics.
There are those on the other hand who act as if the political realm is our ultimate realm and our ultimate fight, even if it means calling for an American civil war, both are wrong.
Messiah said you are the light of the world, the light has to shine, it has to affect, has to impact the world around it.

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The light of God as the light of God, we are to address, touch, affect and impact every realm and that includes both the cultural and political realms.
So yes, we should do everything we can to shine the light of God on the political realm.
But there’s a balance. Messiah also said that we are in the world but we are not of the world.
And he said my kingdom is not of this world.
So we have to equally hold true to the fact that this world is neither our home nor our kingdom.
We are to touch and minister to it. But remember that we are not of it.
We are of a different and higher kingdom, a higher cause, a higher fight, a higher purpose, a higher mission, a higher end and a higher king.
Our first cause is to love, serve and glorify God to love others and to spread the gospel of salvation and bring in as many as we can into the kingdom of God.
Everything we do has to serve that end and if something we’re doing or any cause goes off or if we forget our purpose, our fight and our witness, then we have to step back and regain it and come back to our first love.
We should support whatever will support the ends of God, but no earthly agenda or kingdom or government or person is that end, we’re to pray for and fight for God’s purposes.
But after all is said and done, we have to remember that his ways are higher than ours and no matter who it is that sits in the White House in our nation’s capital, the most important thing is who it is, who sits on the throne of heaven and we know who that is and he remains seated on that throne.
For those who read my book, the paradigm.
It speaks of Donald Trump as a who who was a wild impulsive, unlikely man, not a politician but a fighter, but he was raised by God despite himself to be used to oppose an ungodly administration and anti God government, a former first lady and an agenda that meant the killing of the unborn of that nation, allied himself with the religious conservatives of the land.
And he came to the capital city with the agenda of draining the swamp who was raised up and used of God.
He held back the tidal wave of apostasy that was threatening His nation.
He gave a reprieve a window for the people of God to the will of God.
He extended the nation’s time before judgment.
But if you read the paradigm, you’ll also see that Je who was not the answer and there are warnings given he was used in what could have been the answer.
His reign was a reprieve, a window of time in which revival could have come.
But as far as we know, revival never came.
And after the nation continued in its course of apostasy from God until it came head to head with a judgment that was waiting.
And that is another mystery that I wrote of in the harbinger and the harbinger too, the mystery of judgment.
So too, in these past four years, with all the victories in the political realm, we have not seen a parallel victory in the realm of revival of America as a nation.
It hasn’t moved closer to God as a nation.
It’s moved farther away, spiritually, culturally, socially, morally, America has continued in its race to judgment.
You see, the window is not the answer, but it’s the means to an answer.
The window is given for revival without revival, without returning to God. America is lost.
And now the political realm threatens to coalesce converge with those spiritual cultural, social and moral forces that are seeking to seal America’s fall from God and what stands in the way only these things, the prayers of God’s people, the hand of our God and a vote, an election in the State of Georgia.
If you’re watching this after that vote, it doesn’t matter because what I have to say to you regarding the days ahead will still be relevant.
But if you’re watching this in the weeks before then pray for the future of America’s government and pray for those two senate races because they’re the only thing in the political realm that can or will hold back the radical agenda.
I just spoke to you about it’s all hanging on two senate votes in Georgia.
If the Republicans lose these two seats, they’ll lose the Senate and thus the entire government and the political flood gates will be opened.
So if you’re watching this before that vote, I’m urging you to pray as never before I spoke of the window.
Well, this is the remaining window, pane of that window, pray as fervently for the will and hand of God.
Secondly, if you’re watching this before that vote and you live in the state of Georgia, then pray as never before and vote no matter what vote and no matter when you’re watching this and no matter what happens in Georgia and America, what do we do now in the harmer I wrote of the template, the biblical template of national judgment and that begins with an initial strike on the land.
Then a span of years, a window of time for the nation to come back to God or accelerate its fall away from God harden itself in its apostasy And progress to judgment.
It was that template that led me for years to watch and mark the year 2020 as the year of potential great shakings.
And that led me To set the Harbinger 2 to write it and set it to come out in the same year 2020.
That’s why we’re there. So what lies ahead?
We’ll either see continued shakings and judgment and America’s decline in ultimate fall or the ceiling of America’s apostasy and the coming of persecution.
And it can be that both of these take place at the same time.
What is the only good scenario for America?
There’s only one revival, repentance, return and revival and revival can only begin with that one thing repentance.
And the only one who can lead in revival is you and me. The people of God.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways.
I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.
It is still good and God can still bring revival.
He can bring revival no matter who sits in the halls of power.
We must each commit to praying for revival as never before, but not only praying for revival, but actually beginning to live in true revival.
And beyond that, if all these forces succeed in causing darkness to prevail in this land, remember who you are, you are the light of this world.
You don’t fear the darkness. You don’t hide from the darkness, you don’t give into the darkness, you shine your light into that darkness and you overcome the darkness.
And if the dark gets darker, that’s your cue that it’s time for you the light of God to shine even more bright, more strong, more on compromise, more pure, more on fire, more boldly and more revolutionary.
You see the darkness cannot stop the light.
If that light will shine, then it will only the darkness will only magnify the light.
It may be more challenging to shine.
But the light that shines in the darkness is the light that lights up the world.
These are the same days in which stood Moses, Elijah Jeremiah, the apostles and Messiah himself. The graves are vanishing.
It is time to make them vanish in your own life.
It’s time to draw the line in the sand and say here I stand, I’ve chosen this day whom I will serve.
It is the Lord, my God. You see kings and kingdoms, they rise, they fall.
But the name of our God will stand forever.
And the name of Yeshua Jesus, the Messiah, the light of the world is the same yesterday today and forever.
If the dark should get darker, then it is also time that you and I have a high honor for standing for God in a day when it means something, you only go around once you only once.
Do you walk this world? Make it count? Go for the best. Go for the highest, go for all out.
And the spirit of God will rest upon you and the Lord will lift you up.
The days in which the bad goes from bad to worse are the same days when the good goes from good to great, you be that one for the king you serve is still on the throne and the kingdom of which you are part is still advancing.
And the redeemer, the savior, the messiah, whom you follow and whom you love has never changed his name.
That is yet still the name above every name that is named and he still loves you.
Stand strong, stand tall, stand victorious for the Lord says to you darkness will cover the nations, but the Lord will rise upon you.
So a rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the, the Lord is risen upon you in the name of Jesus, the anointed one, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords, the light of the world and the lion of the tribe of Judah.
This is Jonathan Khan Shalom.

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