Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling Patterns of God’s Work in History

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Unveiling Patterns of God’s Work in History

Jonathan Cahn brings an exciting message to TBN’s Praise about incredible patterns in history that show God’s work in motion!

“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger

have to go from being status quo to a radical people, a revolutionary people,
a a a people who don’t care what the world says. You’re gonna do what god says no matter what.
A bold people. You know, Elijah was not defined by the times.
He said, I don’t care what you call me. I’m gonna follow God.
And we have to be that candle in the night.
You know, you know, that that candle in the night is gonna light up the world.
And and god, you know, this could be the greatest times.
This could be the most exciting times, but we have to do it god’s way.
That’s why I believe that paradigms in there. And, you know, we’re saying these are the of Elijah.
Well, it’s time that we become the Elijah of the day.
The book goes back nearly 3000 years to the times of the Bible brings it up to the modern John, as you said, Donald Trump, the 2016 election, all of these things, there is a paradigm.
Yes. Okay. There’s a there’s
a huge cast of characters in the book, we have the holy man.
We have the king, the queen, the air. Mhmm. Let’s start with the king and queen.
Who were the original king and queen in the paradigm?
Alright. To set the stage with that, the the big picture is we’ve got a a nation, the nation of Israel that has known god, but it’s falling away from god.
Now it’s falling away, calling good, evil, evil, good, driving god out of the public squares.
lifting up its children following this god named baal or bail. Uh, well, well, we’ve watched that in America.
We’ve watched it in the the whole world has been affected, but certainly America and the west.
but we have also known god. We’ve watched the culture turn away from god, drive him out.
We’ve watched good, cold, evil. We’ve we’ve watched a sexual revolution as in the Bible, and we have offered up our children.
You know, the modern form of bale worship is abortion with millions of children. So so that’s the big picture.
But but the paradigm gets exact or specific.
And so what you have is about 25 years ago, first of all, in our culture, we had something called a culture war, and we’ve watched as things accelerated.
fall accelerated, that that anti biblical values prevailed.
Well, so in the days of Israel, you have this culture war, and you have this time of acceleration.
and you had people rise to the throne who were warring against god.
One of them in the in the paradigm, he’s called the king.
And we know he he was called Akhab, or we know him as Ahab. Ahab rolls up.
He knew god. He knew of god. He knew the biblical culture, but he warned against his ways.
He he was the 1st king to endorse Bamwood. 1st king to endorse child sacrifice.
1st king to endorse sexual immorality. And so he he he had this war against god.
Now he’s a He’s a wavering person. He’s diluted. He’s compromised. He knows the right one day. He’s up.
One day. He’s — Yeah.

he’s repenting. Next day, he’s persecuting Elijah. So he’s he’s a a a mix of things now.
what now here’s the thing. About 25 years ago, Tom, we had a culture war.
And we have a man who rises to the national stadium, by the way.
It’s not about people. starting in the early nineties. Starting in
the early nineties. We gotta we gotta pray for all the people that but this is a sign.
He rises up. It’s Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton will the mystery of Bill Clinton is he will follow paradigm of Ahab.
He will he’s born in a a a biblical culture, knows of god, Bible bell. Bible bell of gllet.
But he but he endorses. He for he’s the 1st president in American history to champion abortion.
First president to champion many things, such a morality, many things and and wars again.
And he goes back and forth. His personality is the same way. it’s it’s wavering and all that.
Well, here’s the thing. There there’s a there’s a chapter in the book that’s called The Days of the King.
And it says, how long was Bill Clinton on the national state?
Well, he rose up to power in 1979 was his first national exposure. He became governor of Arkansas.
He he that lasted all the way to president to 2000 You got
You got 2001. Put it together. You have 22 years of Bill Clinton.
Open up the Bible to 1st King 16. It says King Ahab Ahab reigned in Samaria for a period of
years. Wow. You touched on this in the harbinger.
Your your first bestseller, your first book a few years ago, can you talk a little bit about some of the similarities between the United States today and ancient Israel?
Well, the United States was actually actually founded after the pattern of ancient Israel.
The Puritan said, we’re gonna follow this pattern. And John Winthrop who speaks about the city on the hill.
We get that. You know, he says, if we follow Israel. We follow god. We’ll be blessed like Israel.
We’ll be the most, well, we have been. But they they forget the rest of what he said.
He said, but if we turn away from the god of Israel, Then the judgments that came on Israel will be replaying them.
Well, the the harbinger and the paradigm are saying we are replaying it now. The fall right now.
What is the mystery of the goddess? Well, that was what we just did. Yeah.
That that’s part of a big part of it.
And there’s also the nemesis. The nemesis. Yeah. Okay. Well, here’s what happens.
That one of the figures in the time of Ahaben and Jezebel, a guy arises up chapters called the nemesis means the enemy rises up becomes an arch enemy of the nation.
He comes from the middle east to speak to Semitic Tong. He threatens the threatens the nation.
I’m gonna gonna destroy it. I’m gonna bring destruction. I’m gonna invade it in the time of Ahab.
Now did anybody rise up who became the arch enemy of America in the days of Ahab?
That’s what the paradigm would In the day or Clinton, when the days of Clinton, a man rises up.
His name is Ben Lodden, comes from the east, threatens destruction, speaks to Semitic Tong, Arabic, And actually, the paradigm actually gives the parameters of his name.
The ancient enemy was named Ben in Arabic. That’s been as in Bin Laden.
And and not only that, but but in the in the and we’re gonna see a full thing later on about what happens to him, but but what happens is that in the in the paradigm, is god delivers this enemy into the hands of Ahab, but Ahab releases him.
Let’s say that’s what god says, you know, you’re gonna bring this is gonna be calamity now.
Well, could that have ever happened?
Well, the 911 commission determined, and we’re not talking about the motives, but determined that that Bill Clinton actually had Bin Laden, but decided to release him.
Not once, but nine times that brought calamity on the land.
Same thing. Jonathan, as someone who’s studied terrorism extensively reported on it extensively on the watchmen and for years going back.
I can tell you that during the Clinton administration, that’s where Osama Bin Laden really made his splash on the world stage, and There were several occasions where he was in the sights of the United States and president Clinton for whatever reason did not follow through there.
And that is what’s in the power That’s exactly what it has.
And then comes
Yeah. Yeah. Well, here comes what happens, and, yeah, that’s exactly what happened.
And linked to kind of filling the gaps. Um, it’s gonna get eerily precise.
There is a scandal that takes place on the days of Ahabages, but it’s not just apostasy.
There’s a there’s personal scandal. They try to take a vineyard of a guy named Naboth They break the 10 commandments.
They they spill blood. Well, that would mean that in the days of the Clintons, it will also be times of scandal.
Well, we we don’t have to say anything. There there were.
But the big scandal was was the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He was impeach. But here’s the thing.
When ahab fell and the the scandal and the the fall of ahab, it was linked to the Biblical tribe of Levi.
Could a presidential scandal actually be linked to the trouble Levi? Well, here’s the thing.
The name Levi from Levi, you get the name levin. From Levin, you get Lewin. From Lewin, you get Lewinsky.
The very the very name of the scandal is named after the tribe that brought down Ahab And and, literally, Monica Lindsey was a descendant of those same people.
Yeah. The tribe of Levi. Let me ask you before we go on. where do you get your research?
What is your writing process? How does this come to you? This is amazing.
From the harbinger to today, you can’t reveal too many details. I know.
Tell us this is incredible. No one has this information. You’re hearing it right here on TBM.
That’s the only place you’ll see it. Um, how does this come to you?
It well, it came this came like the harbinger.
I mean, the before before the beginning of January, I didn’t this at all. January
Well, around it yeah. It just came. It just came. And so get it’s getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Some things were were gonna gonna share are gonna be how these go to exact days.
I didn’t know any of that.
When, I mean, when it was coming, I didn’t know about the dates, the 22 years.
That came at the end just like the army. Sometimes I’d be in my bed. I’d be in my bed.
My wife’s sleeping, and these things come to me. And I’m saying, oh, that can that be?
So I sneak out. Yeah. I turn and go to the bathroom.
I put on my laptop because every everybody’s asleep. The dog’s asleep. The children are asleep.
And I’m typing in saying, is this true lord? And it’s like, woah.
I’m in I’m there in the bathroom blowing away. You know? You know, Yeah. That’s true. It’s true.
What one thing I’m we’re gonna share is gonna be from that.
Yeah. God is literally downloading this information to you, uh, unless and right. Incredible facts.
And and the thing I love about Jonathan is you’ve done your research. You’ve done your homework.
Like you said, everything is footnoted backed up. It’s amazing. Yeah. Tell us about the mystery of days.
Yeah. Okay. Now here’s the thing that’s gonna get early exacts. Okay. And here’s the thing.
When the scandal is exposed, when it’s exposed when they have, you know, he comes to the vineyard and who’s there?
Elijah. He exposes says says, you know, you have done this, and now the end of your reign is gonna come.
Well, from the moment of the exposing of the scandal to the end of Ahab’s reign, okay, the Bible says there’s 3 years, a 3 year period.
Okay. So now what could that be with with with the Clinton years? When did the Clinton years end?
We know the exact date. It was January 20th. You can look it up 2001. That’s that’s the exact date.
So if you go back 3 years from then, couldn’t lead you to the king’s scandal?
because you got the end. You got the scandal. You got the end. You got 3 years.
Go back 3 years. It takes you to January 20th, the exact day 1998.
The Monica Lewinsky scandal that rocked the world was uncovered on that day.
When the the scandals expose, uh, Ahab, repents for a moment.
And so, Gaza, because he repented, I’m gonna there’s gonna be a calamity that’s gonna come, but I’m gonna delay it again 3 years.
So — True.

did Clinton never repent? Well, he did, but he didn’t do it right away. He denied it.
But for months, for for, yeah, he for months, but then he finally, he repented of the scandal at a White House Gathering of ministry.
He said, this is my repentance. You can look it up. He says, my repentance. I repent.
What happens if you take that that day and go fast forward 3 years to the day.
It leads you to a date. It leads you to September
11 2001.
Wow. That’s a

The day of the calamity. And when did it when did he repent in the morning?
When did it come in the morning? When when was the fir when when did that White House begin.
That event began 8:30, pinpoints the the hour of 911.
When did it end 10:30, it pinpoints, you know, the last event of 911 was the fall of the North Tower at 10 29 to the minute.
So the thing is, listen, I told you at the beginning that if we had known this, the paradigm, you could actually have put this in your planner to the date and to the hour.
Yes, you can. And it it fits exactly to the pattern, to the paradigm, Jason. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton.
Uh, Monica Lewinsky, Osama Bin Laden. We were talking about King and the queen. Okay.
After the king’s reign, what becomes of the queen?
Well, you know, people think that, you know, Ahab ends and sojezebel That’s what I think.
But that’s not what happened. Ahab’s reign comes to an end, but Jezebel goes on on the political stage after him.
So what does that mean? And and, again, it’s not about the the the character, but it’s about where they are here.
What happens is that Ahabs, the, well, the the rain of the Clintons comes to an end, a a bill Clinton.
But then for the first time in American history, the first lady goes on.
Hillary Clinton goes on on the political stage. Never happened before, but it’s in the paradigm.
then what happened to Jesabel?
Senators secretary
of state. She dwells. Jezebel dwells in the halls of power. She’s not the queen anymore.
She’s not the fur she’s the former first lady. but she exerts influence. So she stays in the capital city.
Well, Hillary Clinton stays in the capital city same same thing of the paradigm.
And at one point, she seeks to become the leader of the land in 2000 But in the paradigm, he doesn’t go to her, it goes to a younger man, which brings the next mystery.
In the book, he is called the air.
The air. Yeah. And now this is gonna be air. His name is Jerome, King Jerome. Yeah.
He is gonna have the mystery. He’s gonna contain the mystery of Barack Obama.
Now how so Joram is an heir to Ahab. He’s gonna follow basically the policies of Ahab.
And so what we have in the Obama years basically is following the same the same policies of the Clintons.
From there, he he moves it for it.
And the thing is that when Jerome comes to the throne, he he’s not alone.
He’s there with the former first lady in the palace. Well, that’s exempt.
When Barack Obama came to the white house, he came with a former first lady. Never happened before.
right. That’s right. As a council to the throne.
And then and the now now during the days of the of of, actually, of Joram, Something happens to that nemesis we spoke about, that arch enemy.
It’s in the days of Durham. We we spoke at the beginning about even Bin Laden is in the paradigm.
He’s following the paradigm of this ancient guy named Ben Hadad.
And who is an ancient enemy, and he threatens the nation, and he brings destruction on the in the days of Ahab, and we’re or and right after the nation of Israel.
Yeah. Nation of Israel. So now we have in America. We have Bin Laden following this ancient mystery.
But so what happens after he brings destruction?
Well, you know, we thought we were every thought we were gonna catch them right away, but it went dead.
It was cold for for years years years.
And and then finally, finally, you know, it was actually through his courier. See, he he couldn’t he couldn’t move.
He couldn’t leave. So he used a courier. They they identify the courier They follow him back to that compound.
That’s how it happened. So now here’s the thing.
In the paradigm, the nemesis, the ancient enemy, his end comes because of his career. Same thing.
And what happens is and actually, the paradigm gives to what’s gonna happen because what what it has is this ancient enemy, Beneda, that Ben Benoit’s following.
He’s laying in his bed when the assassination begins.
Well, Bin Laden, is laying in his bed when those snakes stand above that. And that’s right. And that compounds.
And then then if you read the assassination, what happens is they come the guy comes into the bedroom and and executes him in his bedroom.
Well, that what happened to Bin Laden, he was executed in his bedroom. Yes. He was.
But not only that, the paradigm Could he actually give the timing?
Well, here’s what it says that when this this enemy brings the structure on the he will have, according to the ancient paradigm, he will have 10 years to live 10 years to live.
This happened when it had been allowed and do it. 2001 at 10 years comes to
2011, 2011
is the end of Bin Laden. It is. Uh, according.
I mean, you know, so that’s what they that’ll and and it happens during when does it happen in the paradigm?
happens to the reign of Durham. That means Obama.
And when he’s in the in the palace with the former first lady, and that’s exactly what happened.
You all saw the pictures. course. But but now here’s the question.
How long was Barack Obama on the world stage or national stage? How long? Well, nobody knew about him.
for years. I mean, outside of Chicago, nobody knew until one moment.
When he spoke at the democratic convention, 2004, he was the keynote address, and they said, okay.
he’s gonna become president. 2 years later, he’s running for president, and then he’s president. I mean, wrap it.
So so that’s the beginning. How long? How long did he have? Well, his last year as president was 2016.
So you got 1004 at that beginning to 2016. He’s on the national stage. Okay. How many?
12 years when Obama spoke at the last convention to nominate Hillary Clinton, he said, First words were 12 years ago tonight.
12 years of Barack Obama. Open up the Bible to 2nd king’s 3, Joram, his prototype.
Jerome reigned in Samaria for
a period of 12 years. There’s too much information in here.
It’s it’s meticulously footnoted sourced too much incredible information to ignore. I’m sorry. Jonathan talk a little bit more.
The Bible talks about to whom much is given much is required. ancient Israel, obviously.
Well, the people of the Bible, the god’s chosen people in America.
We’ve been less more than any nation that of the world.
I know
we’ll talk about this a little bit later in the show too, but


talk about that.
Well, well, that that is, yeah, that’s that’s the principle of the Bible, and that that kinda joins the harbinger to the paradigm because because what it was is that that if you’re blessed by god, the more you know of god, the more you’ve been blessed, the more you’re accountable for it.
And when judgment comes, even though you we’ve been very safe when judgment comes, it comes.
It comes, you know, and and yet god warns.
And one of the things about this, so the paradigm is warning, it’s saying, listen.
This everything you’re seeing when we talk about Obama, we talk about Hillary Clinton. We talk about Osama.
We talk about Trump in a moment. But the thing is that it’s telling you that, listen, God’s in control.
And, also, we’re in this paradigm, which is of a nation that new god is falling away from god and is in danger of judgment.
That’s why we need to get right. That’s why we need to know the signs of the times.
It’s crucial for all of us.
And by the way, just bears repeating, I think, Jonathan, that no one none of the actors in the paradigm are the the cast.
That’s — None of them know that they’re actually — That’s

fulfilling the paradigm in the modern day.
That is right. That’s exactly right.
I’ll I’ll give you a quick example, which is is gonna be in in the book when we talked about this backstage.
I’m not gonna go into it, but I’ll just say this. There was this about not knowing.
There was actually a speech made at the democratic convention on the day that Hillary Clinton was received it, and the guy didn’t know what he he’s saying all these things, and he didn’t realize what he was doing.
He was pointing to a specific verse in the Bible about Jeff Zabelle and Jeju.
And it was actually speaking about the end, and he he had no idea, but we won’t go there.
That that but there’s much we can do. But here but here’s what happened.
So so there’s the downfall of of Jezebel.
Now how long was Jezebel on how let me let me rephrase all that.
How long was Hillary Clinton on the national stage?
Well, It was 1979, first lady of Arkansas 2 2001 for that’s that’s all first lady of America.
22 years with her husband, Then she was there for 8 years 4 years as the secretary of state and senator.
Senator. 12 years. Then she retired from public life for 2 years, came back on the stage for 2 years to try to run for president.
Okay. So we got the at 12 +2 14 years.
So we got 22 years with her husband, 14 years alone, or on her own.
So hope see in the open the Bible, and put it together. Jezebel was with her husband. How long?
22 years on the stage and on her own 14 years. Wow. Exactly.
I’d love to just see your process, your brainstorming sessions. You’re waking up in the middle of the night.
This is coming to you. You’re in the bathroom, as you said.
Well, that maybe you don’t want that image.
I think that was I think it just went to the the world. This one out to the world
right now.
Yeah. But but some big revelations happen in that room. but I’m so that’s you, Sarah.
I was on the computer. I wasn’t set. I was just, like, alright.
So See, god, one of the things the paradigm is saying to you is that god is in charge of everything.
Even when it looks like it’s out of control, boy, is it in control? Still sits on the phone.
And and that’s not just That’s not just for America. It’s for each of our lives.
And the thing is that if there’s a paradigm for America, there’s a paradigm for each of our lives.
The paradigm, and people are watching all There’s a paradigm for your life.
Gosses, I know the plans I have for you, but the only way you can find that paradigm, that perfect plan is to go all out for god.
And that that brings it to the near the end of the the book, there’s a there there’s actually a paradigm inside the paradigm, which is for the people of god.
For everyone here in the audience, everyone watching at home, How can they be?
I guess you would say modern day Elijah. Yeah. What play a role in this paradigm? Well, that is
the thing there that we we were saying before that the paradigm actually has contains a paradigm for the people of god of how to live, how to prosper, how to overcome, how to do what how to find god’s will.
And it’s called the Elijah paradigm because Elijah’s in the paradigm, and he’s given that.
And and we can’t go through what’s in there, but to say a few things.
One is you know, in in past times, when you had a Christian culture, you could call that the David paradigm because we’re King David.
He righteousness ruled in the land. Now you don’t have that anymore. You got Unrighteous ruling.
So if when that comes, you have to enter another paradigm. That’s the paradigm of Elijah. We have to go.
Elijah wasn’t status quo. He was radical. We have to go for being status quo.
to a radical people, a revolutionary people, a a a people who don’t care what the world says.
You’re gonna do what god says no matter what. A bold people.
You know, Elijah was not to find by the times. He said, I don’t care what you call me.
I’m gonna follow God. And we have to be that candle in the night.
You know, you know, that that candle in the night is gonna light up the world.
and and god, you know, this could be the greatest times.
This could be the most exciting times, but we have to do it god’s way.
That’s why I believe that paradigm’s in there.
And, you know, we’re seeing these are the days of Elijah Well, it’s time that we become the Elijah of the day.
That’s what it’s about. That’s what it’s about. That’s a good show.

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