Jonathan Cahn: The Signs of Christ’s Return

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The Signs of Christ’s Return

Jonathan Cahn shares insights from his book, “The Harbinger II”, about fulfilled prophecies in America that point to Jesus’ return.

“If America upholds God’s eternal standards and follows His unchanging ways, then it will be blessed with His favor…His protection…His prosperity….But if America should depart from the ways of God, if it should disregard His eternal standards, then the smiles of heaven, the blessings of God, will be withdrawn-its prosperity, its protection, and its powers would be taken away. He’s giving a warning to the nation: The day America turns away from God will be the day that begins the removing of its blessings.”
― Jonathan Cahn

We’ve been in this window and in that window, we have not come back to the Lord.
We’ve grown much farther away from God. And that’s why I’ve always been concerned about this period.
And because of another mystery, we’ll get to with the timing, which actually goes, I’ve always been concerned about this time because in this mystery is the timing of where we are right now, this very year was been born.
So I believe that there’s the signs that the window is in danger of closing.
And so that’s when the shaking start resuming. So that’s why we have to take this very seriously.
Uh Jonathan, there was a scripture appointed to be read in the days leading up to 9 11. Yes.
What was? And a lot of people won’t know this, what was that called? The part?
And the Partha is that on a Sabbath Day?
You know, the Jewish people open up the scrolls and they have a scripture that’s appointed from, you know, ages past for that day.
Well, well, just before 9 11 came, now, remember there’s more Jewish people in, in around here in New York than almost any other place in America and most places in the world.
And so it there, so they’re all over New York, they’re opening up the scrolls and what’s the scripture?
The scripture, the scripture where God says warns a nation that has known God been blessed by God and is now turned away from God.
And he says this is what’s gonna happen.
It has a list of judgments that begin and, and so, you know, some of them, I mean, of course it’s to Israel but God applies these things and some things are are just that, but it says an enemy shall come from far, far away land and shall attack you in your gate.
By the way, this is the gate of America, you know, he shall attack New York City, Ellis Island.
Yes, I mean, this is the gate, this is the gate and that’s where judgment begins.
And so he says the enemy will come, he’ll be brutal.
He’ll be, it talks about, it talks about in the middle of the day, there will be a, it says there will be a rain dust upon you.
Remember this place was covered with a rain of dust. It says you’ll be groping around like a blind person.
It literally says, and I’m not saying, you know there’s different applications but God can apply.
It says that below you, the ground will be iron above you, the sky will be copper or bronze.
Well, literally ground zero, it was made up of steel or ally of iron.
And above them, there was this cloud that was made up of copper, you know, and so, and then it says, it says that, you know, it says this, it says that the enemy will come like a sign of judgment in the Bible like an eagle coming up on the land.
You know, eagle come when judgment came to ancient Israel, he uses the eagle as the image eagle.
Well, it says in that scripture, an eagle shall come.
He’ll come like in the Hebrew says, which means a swooping eagle.
He’ll come down to every plane that 9 11 they came from the sky like eagle, they came swooping down and the the the plane that began it all on the back of that plane was an image and the image was of an eagle swooping down the same scripture that was appointed for that day.
And what the scripture is revealing is, that’s the beginning America. That’s the beginning of God’s warning.
But it’s not the end, you know, talking about the parallel between ancient Israel and America.
I think of the ninth of av that, that symbolic date, obviously in the Jewish calendar, the temple was destroyed, the first temple was destroyed and the second by the Babylonians, the second temple by the Romans same day on the same day, same day.
And so that what are the odds? That’s right.
And, and listen, and the Romans are not saying, hey, I’m going to fulfill prophecy.
You know, the Romans and the terrorists are not saying we’re going to fulfill Isaiah nine and 10 and we’re going to have all these things happen or that is even on the same day, you know, so that same thing of judgment.
That’s right, Eric is happening with happened in America. It’s on the same day 9 11. Unbelievable.
Hey, before we move on, a lot of people ask, how does he come up with this?
Where does Jonathan get these revelations?
It’s just amazing because you are unlocking mysteries and secrets that no one knows about.
I guarantee most people watching and we have a very educated audience.
Most people I know I didn’t, did not know the Pentagon was founded on September 11th, that New York City was discovered the island of Manhattan on September 11th.
What are the odds? Tell us about your process here in researching?
I know you can’t reveal too much but in researching and uncovering this incredible information.
Well, well, this all Eric, this all began here, began in New York in the southern.
We’re in the southern end. I was standing at ground zero.
I saw a tree and something said, something said you have to seek this out.
There’s a mystery here, I’m gonna show you.
And so it did and that became the first puzzle piece of the next book.
So it just started coming and then when I needed the next and every book, most of the books have come like that.
Um And, and when I like, OK, OK, here’s the next one, here’s another one. OK.
Lord, we, we, and, and, and then, and then I need like the next key, someone will say something like the word will come or someone will say something or I’m typing on my computer and something comes up that I wasn’t looking for and it’s the next thing.
So I could not, I could not reproduce it or something often. Like, same with the paradigm.
Same with this, this something. I, I’m on my bed and something comes in my head and says, look, this, this, this, I said I can’t, is that true?
And I get up, my wife is still sleeping. I get up, go in the other room.
I go on my computer and I, I look at the web and I said, my God, that’s true.
You know. So the Lord, I could not reproduce it. Just go, it’s just God, I could not reproduce it.
I mean, of course, I’ll research once I get it, but I could not reproduce it.
It’s the spirit of God and, and it’s a wonderful thing to see.
And thank God that we have these revelations. Jonathan.
Now, for these times we’re living in, there’s a famous version of scripture called The One Year Bible. Yes.
A lot of people probably have the One Year Bible.
Uh What happens when you open it up to what we’ve been calling the Harbinger verse Isaiah 9 10. Yeah.
For those that no, the one year Bible has a, has a verse for every day of the year, you know, has a portion of scripture.
So if you, so if you open up, you go to the age Isaiah 9 10, which is talking about the the judgment strike, enemy attack on the land, beginning of judgment for a nation that verse the bricks of falling, open it up.
Look on the top of the page and it will have a date. The date is September 11th.
So the one year Bible literally joined together. Now, now listen, keep this in mind.
So that means on the day 9 11, all over America believers were opening up their Bible before it happened and reading about the had to do with the strike on the land about the sycamore tree falling before it happened.
And in fact, the one year Bible came out in the 19 eighties.
So it was there for over 15 years, Eric that every year on 9 11 across America across the land, they’re opening up the Bible on 9 11 to read about the the strike and the beginning of judgment appointed on 9 11.
And for that to happen, I mean for that to happen, you know, this is another amazing thing for that to happen.
You had to have Genesis was January 1st, you know, and then at the end, you have the Old Testament, you have Malachi.
So what it means if you just take the Bible’s algorithm, it’s going to pinpoint that 9 11 for the day of attack.
And I mean, who could put that together?
But I’ll tell you one more about and this is part of the un unrevealed, but it’s about now, but the one more about that is that not only that, not only were they doing that but around this city before the attack came, you know, there was a sound that was all over, that was the sound from the Bible.
We talked about another program of alarm. The watchman watchman sounds.
And what does it mean when you hear that watchman sounding in the city, it means an attack and enemies coming, attacking the city.
So all over New York City, the ancient alarm of the Bible was being sounded long before the Pentagon knew the intelligence agent all over it.
Why there’s a particular portion of the Hebrew year where in the morning the Jewish people are commanded or told to sound the so far and there’s only a few days when they do that and also pronounce words of judgment at the same time.
So it’s happening one of those days was 9 11.
So when 9 11 they’re doing it and the thing is, er, it had a certain time when you had to do it.
It’s, it’s linked to dawn and sunrise.
So, listen dawn and sunrise began around say 6 30 here in New York.
So 9 11 starts beginning, the terrorists are heading to the airport. But where does the sunrise?
Where does the sunrise begin? Where does the dawn begin? Begins in Maine?
That’s where the first terrorist began as the sun was hitting.
And the show start sounding, they’re crossing into the security heading to the gate of the airport.
Then the sunrise moves to Boston. And so then the, then the chauffeur starts sounding the alarm in Boston.
The terrorists go to Boston, then the sunrise moves to New York City.
So the trumpets are sounding in New York City and the terrorists go there and then it moves to Washington DC and the trumpets starts sounding there and the thing is they go from 6 30 then they go for about four hours.
So it ends about 10:30 a.m. Well, 9 11, the last event was the north power came crashing down, it crashed down just about 10, 29 and then the trumpet stopped sounding and the word and the warning for now is when the trumpets were there, but nobody was listening and God is sounding the trumpet, I believe even the Harbinger two is a trumpet is a trumpet.
That’s what I believe to do it for.
I’m sounding the trumpet but we haven’t heated it, but the trumpets are sounding and we have to take heed.
Some people at home might say Well, that’s pretty interesting. But why does it matter to me?
What does the ancient mystery reveal and what would happen to America next?
Why should everyone at home care about these incredible facts? Oh, yes, because it’s affecting everybody.
It’s affecting your life right now, affecting us, you know. Yes.
The thing is that, well, one thing is that if you remember in the har, one of the things that happened is the, on the day after 9 11, the leader of the Senate, Tom Daschle actually proclaims the verse of judgment of Isaiah 910 has no idea what it means.
He says this is the verse, you know, the bricks have fallen and he has no idea talking about the first line of judgment on online.
And then, but then at the very last words of his speech, he says, this is what we will do.
He says we’re gonna do Isaiah 9 10. It was prophetic, it was prophetic. So, so we have done it.
We have what’s happened with the with the template is the nation is given a space of time.
It’s given a window of time to come back to the Lord and, and either come back to the Lord revival or, or go go away from the Lord and you head to destruction, you head to calamity, you get to shakings and destruction those the window.
And so we’ve been in this window now and in that window, we have not come back to the Lord.
We’ve grown much farther away from God and that’s why I’ve always been concerned about this period.
And because of another mystery, we’ll get to with the timing, which actually goes where I’ve always been concerned about this time because in this mystery is the timing of where we are right now, this very year was pinpointed.
So, so I believe that there’s the signs that the window is in danger of closing.
And so that’s when the shaking start resuming. So that’s why we have to take this very seriously.
Yeah, tell us about the ninth of Tamuz. What is that about?
That’s, that’s one of the chapters in the harbinger view.
Yeah, this is now, this is in the realm, another realm of the book is what’s happened since the harbinger.
That’s still coming. True. Well, you know, there’s a AAA day in the Bible, that’s a day of judgment.
It’s called the ninth of Tamuz. And, and that is on the ninth of the month of Tamuz.
Uh the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Babylonians.
So once that happened, the Bible records, it, once it happened, that’s it.
I mean, once they, it was the defensive protective walls are breached, it’s over.
The judgment didn’t happen then, but it was the beginning. So they breach it. Ok.
So it became a day of mourning and weeping, you know, for years and it’s still today a day of tragedy.
Well, you know, a while what happened in between the time of the warning and where we are now, you know, since I wrote the Harbinger.
Well, we did, we crossed a major, a major crossing point and that is that the Supreme Court struck down as we know it, it struck down the biblical definition of marriage.
Big, very big. Well, it was striking down a hedge the day it was June 26th, 2015.
But on the biblical calendar, it was the ninth of Tamuz.
It was the day that the wall is removed, that the protective wall, the wall, the hedge that is protecting the civilization is removed.
And that’s what happened from whom much is given much is required.
And America has been blessed more than any nation in the history of the not an official covenant nation like Israel, but this was founded on Godly principles.
It was founded after the pattern of Israel by the ps.
And, and you know, one of the things that the people always realize is that John Winthrop, who, who spoke about the city on the hill, we shall be a city on the hill.
And you talk about that in the book, he said, we will be blessed more than, and we were, we haven’t, but they forget that he won.
He says, but if you turn away the judgments that came on Israel are gonna come upon you.
Basically, I’m paraphrased and that’s what the, that’s exactly what this is.
All the judgments and the patterns of Israel are coming upon us.
And Moses warned the people of Israel and basically his last talk or his last speech to the Jewish people.
He gave that same warning about what would happen to Israel, right?
If they turned away from the God of Israel.
And Winthrop quoted, basically quoted from Moses’s speech to warn America and that was the appointed word that that was leading the leading the days up to 9 11 was moses’ warning.
Hey, we’re unlocking these ancient mysteries and bringing them alive now for such a time as this and these prophetic times in which we’re living, one of them is the 19 year mystery.
Ok. Let me, let me, let me do one thing before that. Ok. Ok. Just to give an idea.
Also, sure, two things that happened up to that will lead up to that lead up to where we are.
One is one is, remember the harbingers Eric, remember the tree, the judgment tree. Yes.
Yes, I don’t remember that. Well, well, what happened is, it says the sycamore has been struck down.
We will plant, we will plant the cedar or the rez tree in there.
Well, on 9 11, a sycamore tree was struck down at 9 11 around here.
And the people in New York do the exact thing that Isaiah said, they plant another tree and it’s have a ceremony and it’s, it’s defiance and they plant the same tree that the Hebrew denotes, which is the tree, they plant it in its place.
So they have no idea. It’s a sign of judgment.
And they say, hey, this and this is a sign we’re coming back strong.
This, this was they called the tree of hope. It’s like a symbol of America. Well, what happened to it?
What happened to it? Uh a biblical sign of judgment in the Bible is that, is that God says I will cause the tree to wither.
Well, the tree of hope at ground zero that has been, has been withering and withering away and a sign of a nation that is right now that, well, I’m gonna go far, not far from where we’re sitting, we go farther than that.
It’s been withering away and it’s a sign of a nation that has been that has, is withering inside.
It’s been withering, you know, spiritually America. Um And then it says I will cut off its branches.
Well, you know what Obama, the president came down to ground zero and he read a scripture on the anniversary, but he changed the world and I’m not saying he knew what he was doing, but he changed the word.
It says, God will break the bow, he’ll break the weapons and bring peace, he’ll break the bow an hour, he’ll break the bow.
Obama changed it to, he will break the bow and the White House when they put it in writing, they change the scripture about breaking up the bow is a sign of judgment on the land.
Is a sign of national judging you.
I will break the branch, I will break the bow, the bow well across the street.
He’s saying this is that tree and they start breaking off the bows of that tree.
And then the final sign is the fall of the tree because you know that is when it talks about the fall of the cedar, the great that’s talking about a big judgment coming.
Fall of Sycamore. That’s why fall of the cedar. That’s strong.
Well, well, what happened is the tree at ground zero fell and was destroyed and it was destroyed on a Hebrew holy day, it was destroyed on Passover and on that night that it was destroyed, the moon turned blood red, all these sides of the Bible and the sign of a nation that fall.
And the sycamore was 9 11.
The fall of the air tree is speaking, there’s going to be something greater that is yet coming and I’ll throw in one more and then we’ll get to right where he is.
And that is that in the last days of Israel and there’s so much we’re just touching on it, you know, but the last days of Israel, Ezekiel is taken into the temple and he says, look, I saw the image, it was a false God.
I saw the image and God said, OK, now judgment is coming.
One of the signs is that images of gods appear in the land and then you know, it’s a sign of judgment.
Well, America will never admit it follows other gods but it does, you know, and you know, we won’t call them that.
But could that could a sign of a God appear?
Well in this city where we are right now in this city, the image appears an image of a false God is.
So it had to be the biggest false God in the world. It’s the head was 3/300 feet hot.
And where was it? They projected it.
I’m looking at a version they projected it on to the Empire State building symbol of America.
The God was the God collie, the God of darkness.
So here they’re using light to project for the God of darkness is woe to those who a nation that sets light for darkness, who did this?
And why did they do those people watching?
Probably have no idea that this happened and you can, you can go on the line and you can see it.
Yeah. No, it’s all crazy that people don’t know why they’re doing it.
They did it for some reason, it had to do with a statement about endangered animals.
For some reason, they put it in image of a pagan de Yes, yes.
And so, and she’s there, the tongue is sticking out dripping with blood.
And, and, and on that day, Eric, it was a Saturday night, Saturday, they, it was a day.
They open up the, it was a Sabbath.
They open up the, what was the appointed word, the appointed word for the day that America put up the image was do not make an image of a God or judgment will come.
And so all over New York City is this God looming and, and it’s the God of death and destruction over New York City.
Wow, the gate has been breached. The towers have been knocked down.
This is biblical, not just the twin towers on 9 11, but as, as you show in the Harbinger two, Jonathan, this happened in ancient Israel as well.
It’s replaying, it’s uncanny, it’s replaying.
It is literally replaying and replaying and it takes us to where this goes right to where we are now.
And the thing is that when I look back, Eric, I alluded to at the beginning, but I read and anybody can do it.
I read the chapter things to come and I’m not saying I know I’m just following what?
Yeah, and it says it speaks about, ok, the pattern is that if the nation doesn’t turn back with the first shaking, that greater shakings will come upon it.
And, and you can actually read old commentaries on 89 10 and you’re gonna see it.
It’s, it’s like America, greater shakings will come. And I looked at it it says, how will they come?
I said, well, it can take the form of uh of the division of the nation.
America is divided across every level uh disorder.
The order breaks out seeing that now uh the breakdown of infrastructure, we’re seeing it all over the natural calamity, man made calamity, it goes through this whole thing and, and, and the thing is so it’s pandemic.
Well, that’s gonna be another, there’s a whole chapter we called the Yeah.
Um and so, and so all that’s there.
And the thing is that, but it’s not only that in that chapter when I talk about like the next shaking coming, I I use the word crown.
The word crown is the word corona.
Corona is crown, you know, and so here you have this and then, but even the timing because the question is asked in the original Harbinger, it’s, it’s revealed in the Harbinger too, but it says, how long is it between that first shaking?
And then when the, the bigger shaking start coming to land or the destruction, you know, and it says, well, it’s, it gives the dates of the Southern kingdom and the southern kingdom is 605 shakes first invasion.
Then when is it destroyed? 5 86 comes back, you put it, yeah, you put it together and you have 19 years, a 19 year span, 9 11 happened in 2001.
What is the 19th year? 2020 is the 19th year, the year of shaking, 19 year, it’s the 19th year.
It’s the exact pattern, the year of shake.
So the shakings come on and not only that, not, that’s why Eric and I for years, I’m looking and say, Lord and not that I’m not gonna put God in a box.
You can do whatever he wants. But are you gonna, is this gonna follow this pattern?
Is 2020 gonna be the year?
And it was, it is, it’s not finished, but not only that but Jeremiah, the prophet Jeremiah, he prophesized about what was gonna, the judgment was going to happen on the 19th year which it came and he prophesized.
One of those judgment was gonna be a disease, plague and pestilence will come upon the land in the 19th year.
It’s eerie. I’m not saying they did it, but these things just come together.
What is, what is the name of this disease? Corona 19 COVID-19.
It even has the, has the number of judgment and the time span and there’s a whole mystery to this play.
You know, when I first wrote the Harbinger, originally, I wrote it totally nonfictional that and then the Lord said, rewrite the whole thing because I Lord spoke in parables to get more so you can reach more people be easier to read easily.
So I put a story of a man called the prophet, a man called Noriel.
Um and he’s revealing it to him well, they come back now, you know, you know, it’s the prophet returns to Noriel.
You know, that’s why it’s called the Harbinger two.
Sometimes the return, which could mean a million things, including the return, the character, the prophet returns.
Yes, he returns and, or else.
So now he’s taking them to all these places and, and by the way, while, but everything that’s revealed is real.
So, so, but you have a story on top.
So while I’m writing this, listen, I, I’m writing it in January, I start writing January and then all these things start coming on America, come on America, come to America.
But I knew as the Lord of Lord was this.
So this is the reason I have this function, you have to write it, you have to write it because there are things in there that have to be that we have to know and you know, in this and God’s people have to be, they can’t be unaware.
We got to sound the trumpet and we have to.
So I had, and then everything started coming and is affecting the book too because oh Lord, so you have to update the book, change some things, add some things because more was coming.
I mean, the play was even though it was there. So so it’s, it’s just mind boggling.
But listen, God is a God of compassion.
There is so much that what this is telling you, you know, sometimes when when the came out, some people are really scared, you know, but listen, don’t be scared.
The point is, I mean, be scared if you’re not in God’s will, but then getting God’s will, if you’re not in God’s will be scared.
Getting God’s will then don’t be scared.
But the point is the, the, the safest place you can be is to be in the will of God.
You know, you know, we say you want be safe.
Well, from the word safety in Hebrew is the word Yeshua and Yeshua is Jesus.
The safest place is to be in Him.
If you’re in Him, you don’t have fear but just be in Him.
In fact, this is a call to be in, in, in Him as never before.
This is the time for which we were born. We were born for biblical times.
These are now biblical times, everybody, these are even leading to the end times.
You know, these are the to this could be our greatest moment.
You know, the apostles, they had a tough time too.
The prophets set up up on, but they were, they were light. So be a light.
This will be your greatest moment.

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