Jonathan Cahn: The Dragon’s Prophecy & the War in Israel | Praise on TBN

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Jonathan Cahn: The Dragon’s Prophecy & the War in Israel | Praise on TBN

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to discuss his brand new book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy”, and reveal several prophecies that are linked to the current war in Israel and how you can be ready for the end of days.


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the people of God and the Jewish people have to come together which is happening Israel and the church has to but also if you’re in the image of God the enemy hates you he’s been trying to war against you from the moment you were born he’s been trying to harass you batter you abuse you wound you scar you defile you distract you anything he can do to stop God’s purposes and you have to fight the dragon’s prophecy is unlike any book you’ve ever written tell us why yeah yeah I have never it’s kind of
amazing for me to think about it but I have never written a book focusing on Israel and the end times and and the end times in general I mean I I speak about prophetic things things are that are to happen but this is the first time and in fact I was working on the sequel to The Return of the Gods the Lord interrupted me and said no I actually saw a dragon in my head and and that was the beginning of the dragon’s prophecy this is the only book Eric where I’m actually writing it I’m working on it and things
are happening it’s happening in the world what I’m writing so I had to keep on coming back to the book and rewriting because it kept happening it’s also the only book that I’ve written where I have so much attack I can’t I’m writing about I won’t go into it but I’m writing about the the dragon in Revelation the floods against Israel and as I’m writing it a flood comes against my Congregation Beth Israel then a second flood right then a third flood then thieves break in during
the flood I mean it’s just crazy stuff total spiritual warfare total spiritual and that’s a good sign to me to me I’m glad even coming here today uh it is a good side the enemy doesn’t want God’s people to to read it or to know it or to see it so that’s a good sign so so it’s it’s what if there was I mean everything we’re watching there is a real spiritual war behind it we’re all part of it every single person on earth is part of it and if you’re a Believer even more so and
also the war is not only with Israel and the world but it’s also the church and it’s also each of Our Lives the enemy Wars against each same way so this is going to open up Revelations about that as well how to overcome and one thing there’s one mystery here we’ll get to it but that actually may enable us to know EX exact events yet to come down to when exactly they’re going to happen wow and it’s not a surprise Jonathan you’ve been facing massive spiritual warfare because when you’re talking about Israel you’re
touching the apple of God’s eye and a lot of this book can be linked back to October 7th yeah and that Hamas Massacre of 1200 Israelis tell us about the tie in this book to the October 7th Massacre and the war between Israel tamas yeah well the first thing is that literally I was sharing my Congregation Beth Israel one of the mysteries of this and the Mystery ordained this mystery ordained that there would be an attack on Israel it would happen in it would happen in 2023 would happen in October would happen on a Sabbath day would happen on
a Hebrew holy day it would take place on the first Saturday of October I’m sharing this mystery that on October 6th that Friday night next morning it happens people who were there saying what’s going this what I’m saying this is you know no accidents um and this may even enable us to tell us more this goes back to the first The Mystery of the dragon and you know there is a force of evil and and you know sometimes people are fine with believing in God but not the enemy but you cannot explain Hitler
without the enemy you cannot explain Jewish history you know without that there is an entity and the Bible calls him the dragon and the serpent he is a fallen angel and he exists to stop the purposes of God to destroy the purposes of God then on the other hand you have God creates a people who are there to fulfill the purposes of God to bring God’s purposes into the world you know and so what are you going to have when you have that the one and the other you’re going to have a war and so what we saw on October 7th was part of an
ancient war you know we we kind of rise up and we have our little we have our generation but it’s part of an ancient war that’s been going on in one form or another and it makes no sense in the natural you cannot explain it in the natural it doesn’t matter where they have in in the world where they have no Jewish people there there’s hatred for Jewish people ancient times Medieval Times modern times and it keeps changing you know in some place they said well we’re against the Jews because they keep
to themselves we’re against the Jews because they don’t keep to themselves you know we’re against them because they have no they’re just rootless well we’re against them because they have Israel doesn’t matter doesn’t matter this is a spiritual thing that we’re all involved in and if anything not only do the does Jewish existence show the existence of God it’s testimony but it also testifies to the existence of the enemy so you got this war and then in Revelation you have
this vision of this Dragon who makes war against this woman who has a crown of 12 stars who gives birth to Messiah that’s Israel and that that is the thing is Eric it’s amazing because it’s not only it’s Yet to Come of Revelation but actually things from Revelation are even spilling over now because the war is happening right now as well so there’s amazing Mysteries that affect all of us it’s amazing how Jewish writings talk about the devil that enemy that dragon that Ser they talk about the devil as
well we think of Jesus Jonathan so much he talked about the devil a lot and the enemy of our souls but ancient Jewish writings predating Jesus also talked about the enemy yeah and to here we are in 2024 and here is again the witness the world against Israel makes no sense you know you think you know after an event like that everybody would rally behind Israel it does the opposite that is not natural and the thing is that you know it’s interesting because the word Satan is a Hebrew word there’s a reason
because it means the one who was against who Oppo opposes he’s against the Jewish people first so there is a mystery here and this is something U and it’s going to be you know it could be kind of a stunning thing and that is that I mean you’ll you’ll I know jive with it but the thing is that we pray for all people God is for you know wants to save all people but think about this the enemy is an imitator he’s a mimic he mimics God so so so what what happened if God’s going to resurrect his ancient people
and bring them back into the world the enemy is going to have his own resurrection and he’s going to bring back an ancient people and the ancient people are the ancient enemies of Israel and they were called the Philistines or the pil and these were the sea people these were the sea peoples they swept over they swept over and they invaded Israel and they were a thorn Contin Goliath you know Samson the stories all that is the the the Philistines so what would happen if he would resurrect this people he has resurrected this people
and it’s not about the people they don’t know what they’re doing but we call them the Palestinians Palestinian means Philistine literally means that and the the the the amazing thing there’s so much to this but they’re actually they’re actually replaying the ancient mystery without knowing it and the thing is that when when Israel the word Israel first came into the world it was the on the pharaoh’s inscriptions you know uh ancient times Israel right after that is when the word Philistine comes in on the
pharaoh’s inscription they come into the world together and so when Israel came back so the enemy starts res another Resurrection when Israel starts coming back in the 18 end of the 1800 Zionist Congress right after that the word Philistine starts spreading in the Arabic language and then in fact the word and you know what the word is I mean you you would know but the word for Philistine in Arabic among the Philistine the word is filastine that’s how you say Palestinian you say it’s filastine that’s how you say it I mean
you know it’s real obvious the thing is that that so at the same moment Israel is coming back in 1948 there’s this other resurrection that has now touched the entire world and this is a war this is part of the dragon’s War yeah and folks the book is called if you’re listening to this fascinating breakdown by the one and only Rabbi Jonathan Khan the book is called the dragon’s prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of times it is a mustre for such a time as this and Jonathan I think it’s
fascinating how history kind of repeats itself as you said the Palestinians today live in the territory in Gaza in particular in which the ancient Philistines Israel’s ancient enemies yes it was it was called pilet in the Bible it’s or Phila and it was it was was strip of land there and now here’s the thing people don’t realize Gaza was there we know that Gaza is this ancient city of the Philistines but the Gaza Strip you know when it officially came back 1948 when Israel came back and they went
to their land then all of a sudden all these you know quot Palestinians are coming back and all a sudden the the population triples and quadruples and now it’s like 10 times what it was it’s all happen happing when Israel comes back so if God is bringing the Jewish people to their Homeland the enemy is bringing they don’t know it their pawns bringing the Philistines to their ancient Homeland and so it’s I mean it’s amazing so and from that land there for the for Israel in ancient times this was
a uh this was a land they feared because because evil would come from it no doubt and it is it was a collision course then and it is a collision course today by the way where can we get the book the book The Dragon’s prophecy is everywhere there where there are books uh from Walmart to Amazon to every book every place you online you can get it right now I’m praying people get it for also for their families that people who don’t know and their lord in in the who need to know and Jonathan you WR and you’ve
unpacked this a little bit so far but the dragon’s prophecy reveals an ancient mystery behind October 7th yes yes what happened in ancient times see now the thing is that and again it’s not the people we got to pray for all people but it’s this mystery that’s overtaking this people and it’s conforming them into the image of the ancient Phil step by step and so the ancient Philistines were a warlike people they put all things into war they hated Israel the Bible speaks about it yeah Bible speaks about a
hatred they trained their children from youth to to be soldiers you know you know remember remember the story of David and Goliath they said well Goliath has been a man of war since his youth you know they tra so it’s all happening and the thing is that so so the thing is that what did they do in ancient times they would invade Israel they would launch raids on Israel they would raid Israeli Villages the Philistines would and they would launch it from the Gaza Strip or you know which is that so it’s
exactly the thing and so in fact when you read Bible colge and it talks about that they raided it and they committed atrocities this is nearly 3,000 years ago this was happening and now it’s happening again today in 2024 you got to if you want to understand the you know what’s happening you can’t go to CNN you got to go to God you know and and and the thing is that that actually there’s a mystery because the Bible speaks about these raids and it gives two lands that and one is the neev and the other is
called The Shea which and when you where they two converge is exactly where October 7th happened where that Festival was where the villagers were it’s in the exact pinpointed land that the Bible indicates so and the other thing is what would they do the Bible says they would take captives they would take the Israeli captives back to the Gaza Strip we’re watching this mystery of and people don’t realize it for the most part Jonathan you make great point and you’re unlocking these mysteries in the
dragon’s prophecy this is Cutting Edge again some people are looking at October 7th in the aftermath kind of in the natural but this is an ancient spiritual battle and by the way you write in the book that Hamas this vicious terrorist organization actually appears in the Bible yeah Hamas is a is a is an acronym the Islamic resistance movement and so it becomes Arabic word that means Zeal and fervor but it’s one of the strange words that has a unique prophecy or or property to it and that is that it’s
also a word and so this Hebrew word in Hebrew it doesn’t mean Zeal and fervor it means evil violence and destruction so I mean like the fact that they chose it I mean this they didn’t even realize it and the thing is that it’s in the Bible so when you look in the Bible under Hamas you will you will see things like like save me from the man of Hamas you know Lord save me in the song or Hamas has risen up as a rod of evil on the land or there is Bloodshed covering the land because Hamas fills the city
or Hamas you know you know they they do everything in hiding and they have their tunnels and darkness it says Hamas dwells in the dark places of the earth and and then you have things like rid Hamas from the land and and the promise in the Kingdom of Messiah that in that day Hamas shall no longer be heard in your land it’s all there there are no coincidences this is so clearly Jonathan a spiritual battle you outline it in the dragon’s prophecy and by the way a big question for you the big one The Book of Revelation Revelation 12 yeah
and a link to Hamas October 7th yeah well okay yeah it’s amazing because it’s almost the other thing that’s happening is is like end time prophecy has been accelerating you know um and you know we see it with the apostasy in but now with Israel it’s accelerating there are several flash points prophetic flash points that we crossed with all these things but it’s like Revelation is spilling over now in Revelation it says the Dragon Number One persecuted the woman I mean the word persecuted you
think of the Jewish people persecuted here’s the source of it also it says he had anger the word is orido he had a rage against Israel I mean against the Jewish people well that’s been that this is what that was that was the day of the dragon’s rage against Israel I mean it wasn’t them it was demonic what happened but the thing is that it says that he launched a flood specifically launched a flood out of his mouth to flood away the woman now he’s been trying to flood away the Jewish people for two he overwhelms
them tries to do this well this was also a flood that came on the land but the thing is there’s actually what happened on October 7th has a code word OS had a name for it it was called operation tuon tuon is the Arabic word for the flood flood literally the flood Came Upon that now now let me just tell you something this is there’s a story Eric that we learned by the way we Eric and I enjoy this we’re not just do AE we enjoy this um and that is that there was a story we learned as children which almost every
day which was which which actually has a secret here and that is the story of Samson in the story of Samson the Philistines take an Israelite captive they mutilate him take him captive bound to Gaza City ultimately to Gaza they put him on display kind of like what happened there they Rejoice over it which kind of what happened there um they have a celebration a festival and then as the festival is happening you know the story Samson pushes and he strikes down the Philistines the Temple of Deon well he amazing thing is okay so
now we have the Israelites being taken again to Gaza they have celebrations in Gaza and it’s actually day of Festival but it’s almost like an ancient Revenge that the dragon uses that they people don’t even know because what happened is now they strike Israel and it as they were struck by Samson on the day of their Festival they strike Israel on the day of its Festival in the Bible the word it uses for the Philistine Festival is the word Sim Joy Sim so they stri Israel on the holiday called Sim Sim
Torah and the other thing is that it says that you know the number of people the only number it gives the people that were slain it says about 3,000 the IDF identified the Invaders on October 7 it said it was about 3,000 it was like the return of the gazin it was like a Revenge that they didn’t even realize but the enemy does folks you’re not going to hear this anywhere else the book is called the dragon’s prophecy it’s amazing it’s Cutting Edge and again it’s written at a time when we have so
much confusion so much demonic hatred against Israel and the Jewish people Jonathan cuts through all of that with Biblical and prophetic truth you can pick it up wherever books are sold Jonathan perhaps and hey you’ve written a lot of important books maybe your most important and timely yet and that’s saying something and I wanted to ask you about this principle you write I hate to call it principle you write about in the book of satanic desecration yeah and how that applied to October 7th yeah and also from what you said I mean you know
I just want to write whatever the Lord you know the Lord interrupted me he said okay this is the one that has to go out but we’ve never had such a swell of of of Interest I mean so much we’ve never seen it before for this one so I think it is the time and I appreciate your words um yeah the enemy is a desecrator I mean he he takes what is of God and he desecrates it I mean Abomination you know you know it’s all that’s what he does he takes something that’s holy and desecrated so it’s no accident on the
day of October 7th that it was the holy day of the Jewish week it was the Sabbath the Shabbat day of peace day of blessing so he turns the day of blessing and peace to a day of warfare and and conflict and sorrow and the thing is and and when you look I won’t go into it but there are laws for the Sabbath and it’s like every single law of the Sabbath that is in the in the Jewish world was broken specifically I mean law of you can’t you can’t trap you can’t trap anything you can’t Slaughter you can’t
bind you can’t move I mean every single one I mean just you know the major ones but the other thing is that on the Sabbath Jewish people welcome the Sabbath into their homes there’s a special prayer you know and come in enter enter God come in with your angels well so on that day s it was a satanic entrance into the homes of Israel on the Sabbath where they had to keep them out and the other thing is you know they call you know you know there’s a name for the enemy’s kind of whole quote Unholy days they call a gathering of
satanic gather is called a black a Black Sabbath and the thing is the name for what happened October 7th in Hebrew the isra Israelis call it the Black Sabbath now that’s one the other at the same time it’s a holiday and again we say sim Torah rejoicing so what does the enemy do he turns the day of Joy biggest Joy day you know and he makes it a day of sorrow but then he has his own Simka day and that is this is that on Simka Torah you’re supposed to go out in the streets and dance and sing so instead the
enemies of Israel go out into the streets and dance and sing and celebrate the shedding of Jewish blood as the hostages were paraded through the streets and gods and civilians were beating them taunting them mocking them cting like they displayed Samson I mean and by the way by the way you know this is the Bible speaks about it he David says don’t let the the the the Philistine daughters Rejoice over this there’s another there’s a they said they would have celebrations when something bad happened to Israel it’s happening
again and not that they’re planning it it’s just happening and the other thing is on the Singa Torah it is it is traditional you give out candy on F you know what they did all throughout the Palestinian territory and the Arab world they gave out candies it was the devil’s holiday and then there’s one that’s going to going to lead us to even the Jubilee that you and I talked about yeah this was not October 7th the first time that Israel suffered a sneak attack on a holiday since it was miraculously reborn
in 1948 talk about the jubilean mystery that’s right you and I have spoken before about the good the good of the Jubilee mystery that is the Jubilee if you lost your land you get it back the amazing thing is when you look at the resurrection of Israel God did all these things on this 50e sacred calendar won’t go into the detail but the first one 1867 the land is released things start count 50 years takes you to 1917 bow for a declaration the Jewish people going to have the land the Turks flee but they
don’t have Jerusalem 6 50 years later takes you to 1967 6 day war Jerusalem Jerusalem but they never in Jubilee you get recognized you get legal rights never had that every refused but count 50 years takes you to 2017 and Trump issues the first Declaration of Jerusalem since ancient times so you have all that happening but the enemy is going to try to desecrate that so he’s going to take the Jubilee of God and instead of taking it from a a victory and a blessing he’s going to take it from a Calamity and that Calamity was
called the the Yom kipor War that’s the one time Israel was caught off guard it’s shake it has shaken Israel to this day it looked like Israel was going to be destroyed so this was the youngker bo it was a tra it was a Calamity they won but it was a Calamity and so and it looked like they win so what happens if the devil makes his own Jubilee count 50 years from that day that will take you to 2023 so it means there’s going to be another Invasion and it’s going to be the devil’s he going to catch Israel by
surprise again it’s going to be a ground evasion it’s going to happen on the Sabbath day it’s going to happen on a Hebrew holy day it’s going to and one of the the the the moadim of Leviticus as the first one was so this and it’s going to happen on the first Saturday of October and and so I mean it’s that exact that is how you know you can’t understand without knowing God’s way the book opens up the signs of the end of days now we’re getting really deep what are some of them yeah well and let me
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