Jonathan Cahn: Exposing the Secret War and The Dark Trinity

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Exposing the Secret War and The Dark Trinity

Jonathan Cahn joins Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to discuss his new book, The Return of the Gods. Cahn takes his readers on an unforgettable journey into the mysterious secrets of ancient Middle Eastern parables and inscriptions — secrets that may shed light on the cataclysmic occurrences taking place right now in America and across the earth.

Is it possible that these ancient mysteries hold important clues to the wickedness assaulting our world today, from the evil and troubling images that confront us on our computer monitors and television screens, to the breakdown of society and culture, the attack on our communities, families, and children, and the alarming present-day transformation of America and the world?

We don’t war against people, we war against Principalities, but God wants you to be victorious.
We are not on the defense.
We are to be on the offense and we are here to be like the apostles workers.
They dealt with it too and they were victorious and we need to just be equipped.
We need, I think we think you’d rather know than not know.
And I don’t say this slightly and it’s not an exaggeration to say we are locked in a struggle right now for the soul of America.
And I believe, and we can be victorious in God. That’s all he’s looking for.
And I’m sure many people are watching who have people in their family who are very much taken by this taken.
And it’s not only for believers, it’s for them to, to wake up because whoa I don’t want, I don’t want this.
The return of the Gods is the most explosive book you’ve ever written.
Now, you wrote The Harbinger which sold over one million copies and counting.
But you say this is the most explosive yet. Why do you say that?
What does the return of the Gods reveal? Yeah.
This is a mystery that affects everything that’s happening right now, in our world, in our culture.
What if that behind everything we’re seeing the changes of America, the, the, what’s happening to the Children?
What’s happening to the media behind that is an ancient mystery that goes back to the tablets of ancient Mesopotamia.
What if the gods that we hear about, you know, gods and we think, ok, that’s fiction.
Well, that they are in one sense, but what if there’s a reality to them?
What if they are actually they are actually beings linked to this and what it, what are they, who are they?
And what if they returned to our day? Now, what would happen?
What if they are the invisible agents behind all these changes that are taking place, taking place in the classroom, taking place on television, taking place on our computer screens, uh taking place in the Supreme Court.
What if it lies behind things like the, the sign of the rainbow?
Like, like what’s happening to gender, what’s happening uh in everything that’s affecting everyone?
What if one of the Principalities or gods actually uh actually manifested in New York City not far from where we are right now.
Uh What if that’s happening? And the the thing is, here’s the thing is it is happening. It is real.
It is right from the Bible.
It explains, I mean, when people, when we were talking before, when I first was sharing this, you know, the, the one who, who was speaking to me said this is every, this explains everything.
Well, we’re all dealing with it. Everyone who’s watching right now is dealing with it.
Every family is dealing with it. Every relative of that is dealing with it.
We are all dealing with it in our lives.
And so this, the return of the gods is to remove the veil and to expose this, that we can see because, you know, we can’t win if you don’t know what you’re fighting, you know, um and to empower God’s people and uh we’ll, we’ll be able to, there’s so much to unpack, we’ll be able to touch or give a taste of it.
But I believe this is one of the most important things I could ever ever bring forth. Jonathan.
They say the first rule of war is to know your enemy. This is a spiritual war.
What is the mystery of the spirits?
Number one and number two, the book is titled The Return of the God’s plural.
We know there’s one God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jesus Jacob.
But there is something deeper behind, as you said, these ancient demonic pagan entities. Yeah.
Well, the Bible speaks a lot about the gods.
You know, it says, who are you, who is like you among the gods?
You know, the Lord says, I will execute judgment against the gods. Has a lot to say about that.
And So, so what are the gods?
Well, first of all, all over the world, there were gods, I mean, all over the world, every culture, it’s kind of strange phenomenon was worshiping gods every culture.
So, so why? And what, what is it, why is it you universal? Well, the Bible gives the answer.
The Bible says in the book of Deuteronomy and in the Psalms says they worshiped or they even sacrificed their Children to the gods.
But the word, it uses the word, the, the that, that’s in the book, like what are they?
The, the word means entities, beings, spiritual beings. Now in Ancient Babylon, they said they could be good or bad.
But in the Bible says, no, they’re only bad.
So it, it’s the, so it wasn’t just these figments of people’s imagination. Now they was imagination and all.
But it’s, it’s, it’s that word.
Now, when it was translated by the rabbis into Greek, they chose the word ammonia, which we get the word demon from it.
And that is that the word that actually Paul uses when he says the same thing, he says what the gentiles the pagans are worshiping what they’re doing.
They’re actually worshiping the Monia or the these entities behind the gods are entities.
So what it’s saying is that, that again, not that the mythology is true, of course, but that, that sometimes that, you know, the mythology of man could follow what these things are.
And these entities, demonic can actually use the mythologies because what’s the, what’s the point to bring worship away from God?
I mean, so you would expect this. So the Bible says there’s something very real going on.
So the question is what would happen if these things that were there in the world?
If they, if they return, which, which, which we’ll get into?
Yeah, I mean, look, you had golden calves, you had idols of wood, obviously, they’re not gods, Jonathan.
But as you lay out in the book, there are spirits and Principalities, demonic spiritual influences behind these idols.
Yeah, the God, the gods were the masks.
I mean that, that, so when we say the gods, so the Bible speaks about this as entities.
So that’s the first piece of the mystery.
The next part is, is that, is that, you know, there’s a link in the, in the world between the gods and these cultures that worship them and spirit possession because actually you find that all over the world, do you find that phenomenon of they all describe possession?
Why? Because they’re given to the gods of the gods are spirits behind them. They’re given to the spirit.
So when you look at pagan, the pagan world, you see all the signs of possession and the closer someone was to a god like the oracles and the priests and priests, the more they they, they manifested the signs classic signs of possession, you know, foaming.
You know, shaking all that was part of pagan worship.
But it’s not only that, it’s also that the entire culture can be possessed, an entire civilization can be possessed.
And that’s gonna be very important when we talk about what’s happening now. But that happened back then.
So you have, you only have not only individual possession, you have civilizational possession. A nation can become possessed.
And that’s what we’re gonna get into.
I think of the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Romans, the Greeks, Jonathan, all these pagan deities uh that they worshiped.
But eventually you lay out in the book that they were in the grip of this, of this is really demonic possession of a culture of society, of civilization.
But eventually those gods departed. That’s one reason the book is called the Return from Gods.
That’s right, where they return from, where did they go? How did they eventually depart from the ancient world?
One answer, Jesus, one answer, Messiah and God, you know, in that, in that he came into the world, you know, now the only, the only part that wasn’t, you could say wasn’t possessed is, was Israel.
And when Israel turned away from God, they went into it too.
But even what we call western civilization, our a quote civilization that was possessed back then.
So what happened was God came, Messiah came, he had the power of in the Greek.
It says to cast out, cast out the spirits.
Well, that also means the gods too because the gods were linked to the spirits, you know, and so what happened is when he sent the gospel into the world, they were going into the pagan world.
So you have a clash of God and the gods, the spirit and spirits.
And that’s why when you read the book of Acts, what you’re seeing this clash, you know, Paul is, is followed by a possessed woman.
You know, there’s an, there’s an uproar in a city over the gods.
And, and so you have, you have a clash, you have persecution.
Now the war against Christians was the war of the gods.
They were told they would say, you know, worship the gods and we won’t kill you.
You know, it was a war of gods.
In fact, the great persecution of Rome started by that oracle, this possessed woman in the temple gave the word to do it.
So it’s a war. So what happened is with the Gospel triumph and the gods departed, the temple became empty, they were gone, they were rich.
So if the gods are departed, that also means the spirits were departed.
This was the greatest mass exorcism in the history of the world.
And every time the Gospel came, that’s what happened. So you have this and it’s unique.
That’s why Western civilization is unique. It was the only civilization that was exercised.
But now the question is what would happen if they returned?
And there’s actually a mystery that at a parable that Messiah gave that actually unlocks the key.
The book is called the return of the Gods as you can tell so far.
This is a groundbreaking fascinating book, four hour times and it can be yours for a gift of just $25.
You see the information there on your screen. Pick up the return of the gods.
Jonathan tell us about the house of spirits and why that’s so central to unlocking this mystery that you unpack in the book.
Remember that the Lord gave a parable?
And you said, if a spirit departs from a man, it goes around roaming looking for a place.
But if it finds no place, he says, I’m going to return to my house.
We’re talking about, the guy goes back, finds it all clean and, and order and empty.
And so he says, you know what, I’m going to bring my friends goes out and he says, brings seven spirits worse than the first and comes in.
Now says the man, now the latter state is worse than the beginning.
The man is worse now in being repossessed than he was before he even got cleansed.
Now, when people look at this, ok. That is a warning. Yes. You don’t turn back from knowing God. Yes.
But he says, so it will be with this generation. He wasn’t talking about just one man.
He’s talking about a civilization. And so when you take this to the biggest, biggest application.
You have a culture that again, we said was possessed by the spirits of the gods was exercised.
Western civilization became. Now here’s the warning if that culture that has known God ever turns away from God, if it ever turns back, the spirits will return to it.
The gods, the same gods that the spirits that are represented by the gods will come back that were cast out will return and they will return to repossess the house to repossess the civilization.
Now think about America. Think about now you want this, you want to understand people saying what’s going on, how this is so crazy.
This is what’s going on. And, and the thing is that what it says when it comes back, it’s gonna be worse than before.
When you look at civilizations that have turned from God like Russia was demonic. Look at Germany, turn from God.
Look what happened. Well, now it’s happening to America and the entire Western world and to whom much is given much is required.
The book you just use contains so much scripture, scriptural background here as well. Jonathan, it’s great.
Here’s more about the return of the gods.
Is it possible that behind the events, moments and changes that are transforming America and the world and affecting our lives is a mystery.
Could this mystery go back to ancient times to the incense offerings of Ancient Rome?
The processions of Ancient Babylon, the tablets of Ancient Assyria and ceremonies of Ancient Sumer.
In his most explosive book ever, Jonathan Khan pulls away the veil and reveals the shocking and astounding secrets.
The return of the gods by New York Times best selling author, Jonathan Khan is so astonishing and revealing that no description here can possibly do it justice.
Could there be more to the news and what’s happening in the world than you see with your eyes?
the return of the gods by Jonathan Khan will take you into an entirely new realm of mystery.
You will be taken on a journey from the temples of ancient Mesopotamia to the halls of the American government to uncover the mystery of the gods who are the gods?
What exactly are they? And is it possible that these ancient entities have returned to the modern world and specifically America?
And are they right now transforming our culture, our lives, our Children, America and the world, did this mystery even determine the rulings of the Supreme Court?
And the exact dates they were handed down as their ancient sign appeared all over America.
And the world did an ancient God actually manifest on the streets of New York City.
What is the dark trinity? Who is the possessor, the enchantress, the destroyer and the transformer?
Where is all this heading? What does it have to do with you?
And what do you need to know in view of what’s coming, prepare to be blown away?
As you open, Jonathan Khan’s most explosive book ever, the return of the gods.
We are talking to our good friend, the one and only rabbi Jonathan Kahn about his brand new blockbuster book, the return of the gods, Jonathan.
If the gods, these unclean demonic spirits have indeed returned as you lay out in the book in great detail, how would they return in the modern era?
We’re, we’re not necessarily seeing people worshiping golden calves, obviously, and idols of wood, how would they return?
It seems much more subversive today. They’re returning to a, a civilization that has known God.
You know, that, that quote, a quote Christian civilization. So it’s a whole different thing.
Can’t come back, first of all, can’t come back all at once.
Can’t come back saying, hey, we’re gonna mess you up.
It’s gonna come back, step by step by step first by a little thing, a gentle.
And the thing is what’s gonna open the door is if that civilization starts turning away from God.
And when you can see the real marker is a, at the beginning of the 19 sixties, you start seeing the turning, putting God away, putting prayer away, that is what’s gonna open the door.
And the thing is that the, when you look at, you know which gods are gonna return, uh Well, the same gods or the same Principalities that were in when Israel turned away from God, you know, because we’re in that pattern that they’re gonna return.
And, and with Israel, there were three primary gods among others that were, that, that, that epitomize everything one I call in the book and that return God is called the possessor.
And you call these, by the way, the dark trinity. Yes, it’s a tri that’s right. The dark trinity. Yeah.
The first is the called the possessor. The second is called the enchantress and the third is called the destroyer.
So these are the three primaries gods that have returned as, as look at you, you mentioned rightly, Jonathan beginning in the 19 sixties, a bit of a national backsliding away from God really began.
Then prayer remove in the schools, the so-called sexual revolution you dig into it in the book. Yeah.
Well, the first, yeah, first you open the door, the door is turning for God.
But when you open the door, the house is never gonna stay empty. That’s what it’s saying.
And so what happens? You have the first one called the possessor in Hebrew.
His name was Baal or Bail, which means the possessor or the Lord or the master or the owner.
And what he did or this principality is he was the alternate substitute gods.
He was the God of the turn away from God. I’m gonna be your new God.
I’m gonna make you prosperous. And he’s the one or this principality that drove God out out of the public square, out of the palace out of the children’s education.
So what do you see in America? Do you see a spirit that starts driving God out?
Step by step by step, started small people said, ok, it’s taking prayer out, look at where it has come because again, you empty the house.
If we empty the house, you’re gonna, something else is coming in.
And so what comes in is this spirit of bail? The main pig? Indeed.
It seems Bale was the most prevalent in ancient times.
Yeah, he’s, he later on, he’s actually associated with Zeus, you know, in the time of the time of the Greeks and the Romans.
So he was the king of the canon like God, he’s the first one.
He’s like that first spirit that comes in. He don’t and, and then he brings his friends.
And so in the Bible, it says, it says he caused Israel to forget God.
So, so he, so what’s happening is there’s a spirit that has caused America to forget God to forget that it ever knew God.
You know, if you knew back then in the sixties where if people knew where it was gonna end up, you know, what, what’s the thing is this, these are pagan gods or pagan spirits.
So if they come to a Christian nation, their mission is to take a turn a nation that is quote Christian and turn it into a pagan nation, pagan.
That is what we have been watching for the last half century when you’re saying what’s going on, that’s what’s going on.
And it even says he caused, he caused Israel to turn away from the commandments.
We literally have struck down the 10 commandments in America. We, we banned it.
The spirit of Bail is in all these things.
We are watching, we’re watching this nation and this civilization becoming pagan.
And you have written many times, Jonathan and really uh many of your books about the parallels between Israel’s trajectory with the Lord and America’s trajectory with the Lord are our shared destinies in some ways.
So I guess it’s no surprise to you.
Obviously, that some of the same problems that plagued ancient Israel are now plaguing America.
When with the Harbinger and the other books, it’s speaking about the signs that happen.
Now, this is speaking about the actual spirits that are in there and they’re in America now.
And, and it actually goes deep because because the the process of bail, taking a, taking possession of a culture is that that the, the, the it’s deep because for instance, in the pagan world, you had many gods, you didn’t have one God.
So you didn’t have one truth. You had many truths.
You ha you can make your own, you can make your idol. I created my own reality.
That is what we are watching. When people says your truth, my truth.
If I say, if I say I’m a tree, you have to accept that because there’s no truth because that’s pagan.
That is totally pagan. I, and, and when you also take away God, everything becomes God, sex becomes God, nature becomes God.
Ideology becomes God. This is behind, woke, this is behind. I mean, even behind, I won’t get into, we won’t.
But an ancient mystery linked to our, our addiction to computers, computers are linked to this, uh, uh, virtual reality, new age.
All this is linked to Bale and the pagan is the pagan of America 19 sixties.
The door was really open to this.
Jonathan did Bale, uh the sign of the possessor physical sign, did it manifest itself in America?
Yeah, right near here. Yeah. Yeah, right near here. And we’re in New York City. Just a reminder.
This is the one of the, the signs of Bale actually was a bull, a bronze bull all over, all over.
The, all over Israel was the, it was a sign and it was linked to, you know, they went to bail because they said, well, you’re gonna help us be prosperous, you’re gonna help our fields.
Well, what happened is in a, in the 19 eighties, a sign appeared right near here.
They, uh they put down, they laid out, it was a massive massive bronze bowl, the sign of bail and the sign in the Bible of a nation that once knew God and is now turned away from God and is now subject to, to bail and right by Wall Street, by the financial, which is about prosperity.
We call it a bull market, that’s a bail market, you know.
And so, and so, and there, and there’s so there’s actually, I won’t go into it because we don’t have the time.
But even, even a, a part of Bale’s temple was recreated and erected right near where we are in New York City and in Washington Bulls and bales folks, you’re not going to hear this anywhere else.
I guarantee the book is called the Return of the Guy Odds.
And it can be yours for a gift of just $25.
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Hey, we’re talking about the dark Trinity. The possessor Bale number one, the second member of this dastardly trio.
The enchantress tell us about her actually in, in can mythology.
She is known as the, the wife or lover of Bale, but she appears everywhere.
She appears in the Bible as she’s called a start or, or actually a a a and you see bail and ash to and then that order first or Yeah.
So first is bail, then comes as to and what was she? Well, she’s known as ishtar as well.
She’s also known as when she went to Greece. She became Aphrodite, she became Venus was very dark, dark thing.
She was the goddess of sexual immorality, sexuality. Divorce from marriage.
She was actually known as the great Harlot, the prostitute goddess.
And so when she came, comes into a culture, what’s gonna happen?
What, what we, we expect that as bail comes in the turning from God first, then we would expect something to happen to sexuality.
A revolution. And that’s exactly what happens. Starting in the sixties. The sexual revolution starts.
This is the power, this is the, the principality that will seek to possess a nation by turning the Christian sexual values, values of marriage into pagan sexual values.
That’s exactly what we have been witnessing ever since. So this starts taking over our culture.
It’s the second part and it goes the the enchantress is, is a goddess of prostitution as you describe in the book, John, a goddess of drunkenness even and, and many, many vices.
But all coming back to to sex promiscuity and gender confusion and gender. It’s gonna get to that.
Yeah, it’s gonna get to that. Yeah. So she but it starts first with taking sex out of marriage.
Remember she’s the prostitute. Got it. So what does the prostitute do? Take sex out of marriage?
Puts it into the marketplace? Puts it into the culture.
So we’re watching the Sexualization of America and of the West.
And what that means is she was a, you know, she was detrimental to marriage.
So we’re watching marriage become weakened. We’re watching marriages getting destroyed, broken homes, broken Children because that’s what it does.
But even I’ll give you a little mystery here that, that and again, we can only touch on the things that are in the book.
But the, the word for the prostitute back then in Greek is the word or porn, we get pornography actually comes from this goddess.
The first pornography was from her. She put that, you put the images of naked women.
She also the po pornographic literature came from her.
We talk about the word erotic of happening to, to the world.
Well, well, that comes from the Greek word eros, eros was, was a God who was born of this goddess.
It all comes back one last member of that dark trinity, the destroyer.
Before we go in about a minute before the break, Jonathan who is the destroyer, it always, it goes right in progression first turning from God, then sexual sexual immorality.
Then what happens is they, Israel started offering up their Children as sacrifices to the gods, particularly the God mole and Molik is the destroyer.
And so what what this is a pagan thing. This was common in the pagan world.
But what it means is if we are continually following these gods, if they are coming back, if we are being pagan, we’re gonna end up actually offering up our own Children.
And like clockwork, it happens, we legalize abortion.
We have killed 60 million Children and we won’t have time to go into the mystery.
But even when you look at the, I bring it out in the book that the ancient ways of offering up the Children to male and are actually being reproduced right now without even people realizing, I mean, it’s unbelievable that, that people should know Jonathan, what went on in ancient times and during Bible times, male this idol, people literally would sacrifice their Children.
The Bible called it passing through the fire. I mean, and, and you detail it. Yeah. Yeah.
It, it’s the same way it happened with priests.
I mean, we have our own former, same way, actually, actually more poor Children.
Basically, minorities were killed because of this God and it’s happening the same way here. It’s, it’s following like clockwork.
It, it’s, it’s, you can, you can say how could they ever do that? We’re doing it.
We’re following the, these are, this is what the gods do.
This is what the pagan world uh did and that’s what we’re doing and 60 million, 60 million here in the US.
Folks here is more on Jonathan’s brand new blockbuster. The return of the gods.
Is it possible that behind the events, moments and changes that are transforming America and the world?
Is it a mystery? Could this mystery go back to ancient times?
Could there be more to the news and what’s happening in the world than you see with your eyes in his most explosive book ever?
Jonathan Khan pulls away the veil and reveals these shocking and astounding secrets.
The return of the gods by New York Times best selling author, Jonathan Khan will take you into an entirely new realm of mystery.
You will be taken on a journey to uncover the mystery of the gods who are the gods?
What are they? And is it possible that these ancient entities have returned to the modern world?
Where is it all heading? What does it have to do with you?
And what do you need to know about what’s coming? Prepare to be blown away as you open.
Jonathan Khan’s most explosive book ever. The return of the gods.
Are you confused by the gender confusion?
The gender madness that we’re seeing right now, including in America’s schools.
Jonathan may have the answer to it in his brand new book, The Return of the Gods.
We’re gonna go back to a member of that dark Trinity, Jonathan, the goddess, the enchantress and her role role in some of the gender madness we’re seeing right now in the United States and the Western world.
Yeah, there was another side to this goddess called ishtar or Ashar or in and that was that something strange?
She, she says in, in the time I had looked at the actually ancient inscriptions to see this.
Uh and she says, I am a woman, I am a man.
It says in a hymn to this God is, it says she’s the one who has the power to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man.
She is the one who does now.
Now it’s amazing because this has been, this has been, this has been growing until we are right now where we are.
But it’s, it all began also in the sixties. The first part is she’s going to seek to defeminize women.
She’s gonna seek to, to masculinize women that and, and that’s the spirit in the culture.
I mean, in every way you don’t need a man, compete with a man. That’s what she did.
She, she was a goddess with actually masculine qualities to her, a fighter. She would, she would compete with that.
So you see, and which also tears apart marriage. So all this, all this is all together.
Um And you know, with that, she also, she also um is going to feminize men.
And so, and so that’s what you would take away the lead.
You know, there’s, there’s a spirit that hates men and, and there’s a spirit that hates men if they’re leading or whatever it is.
And if a woman masculine, the, the society applauds it.
If, if a man acts acts masculine, then he’s, he’s, you know, he is condemned.
That’s something that’s really strange, but that’s the spirit of the goddess. That’s what she does.
And she’s been doing it, she’s doing it to Children, she’s doing uh boys are being trained this way.
Uh Girls are being trained this way in every way this has affected our culture.
That’s just the beginning of her, of her transformation.
Well, Children, Jonathan at the age of who are five years old are being told today that they can choose their gender, whether they want to be a boy or a girl.
This is, this is I I this is the spirit and you know, and it started out like that and now it, it started out originally just saying, hey, you know, be more like this woman.
Now it’s come to this, you know, uh uh you know, she had a, she had a priesthood, the, the priesthood of the God is, was this, listen, it was men dressed up in her temple as women.
Those were the priests and they would go around acting as acting as women.
And so she is the goddess of Androgyny, not combining male and female. Blurring the lines between that.
It’s part of destruction and that’s what she did.
And so, and so you, you have now again, men dressing up as women.
That’s the return of the goddess is that, that used to have that in the pagan world.
You had it really central. Now it’s prevalent pagan world. Yeah, exactly.
And now it, it, we don’t realize it’s been out, but now it was the God that, that stop us.
Now it’s back and it’s all over. That is the spirit of the goddess.
And, and not only that, well, not only that, now, we talk about, you were just alluding to it, transgenderism that listen, she was the God of transgenderism.
She, she actually kind of morphed between the male and female.
She had an assistant that went to male and female back and forth.
And actually she, her priests were, many of them were surgically altered.
They actually were surgically altered, which affected their hormones and affected all the things that are happening.
Now, those were her priests. And you remember, we talked about the spirit. What happens when the spirit comes back?
It’s worse. Well, back then, that was the priesthood.
She’s seeking to do this to an entire generation of Children, to Children.
That’s how, that’s how it’s even more than it ever was. She actually had people dancing in front of her.
Some of these transition, people with scalpels celebrating this. This is this is back because the gods are back.
Well, Children in America right now in real time, folks, we told you this book was explosive.
Jonathan, you did not exaggerate. It is a book for our times and you need to pick it up for a gift of only $25.
You can have it. You see the information there on your screen.
I can’t uh recommend the book strongly enough again for such a time as this to make sense of the times we are living in right now.
Perilous times, Jonathan, no doubt, but Bible Times as well.
And we will tell you more about that before we’re through.
Um the return of the gods also reveals an ancient mystery.
We’ve talked about New York City a few times, but we have another N Y C.
It break that down for us. Yeah. Yeah.
All this that we, that we have that has transitioned basically American pun intended. Yeah. America.
Um It, the Pride movement, the rainbow, all the the gender movement all began in New York City and there was an event, event that happened right nearby where we are.
And it was basically uh there was a police raided a bar that was of, of same sexuality and, and there was a revolt or riot.
They called it Stonewall. Every parade you see goes back to that as a celebration of that.
But what is amazing is that when you look at that night that all the signs of the goddess were there, of her return was in that night.
And there’s so much that we, I can only just touch on some.
This was 1969 69 that the summer of 69 8, there’s so much here.
I’ll, I’ll give you an example that the ancient text say that the goddess her where she kind of rules is in the was the bar or the tavern.
Stonewall is an, it’s a bar, it’s a tavern. That’s where, that’s where she was and that’s where she reign.
One of the signs when she comes into battle.
When the goddess comes into battle, she rides lions in her mythology in pictures, lions and she puts her head on the line.
She puts her foot on the lion’s head saying I am, I am so powerful.
I’m on the lion’s head, the lion’s head. The first thing you would see would be the lion’s head.
Well, before this happened this war, it was basically a, a culture war. It was gonna happen with the goddess.
The first thing that appeared on that street was a, was a place called the lion’s head right next to Stonewall.
Then Stonewall came and, and there’s something called, you know, we speak about in the ancient times that there were like or priestesses who would be killed by these spirits, you know, kind of they be avatars in a sense, they be, well, there actually was someone the the there was a person who triggered everything that night and it was a woman and it was a mystery woman and she actually triggered the whole revolt.
And that woman embodied the goddess ishtar she would all the characteristics of that ishtar was called the Storm.
It says you are the loud thundering storm, you are the storm. The woman’s name was Storm or Storm May.
And, and I mean it, I mean, I’m just scratching the surface.
There’s something called the dance of the goddess that when she’s at war, she dances, there’s a dance in the middle of that, that riot there, a dance breaks out and they actually the the the men who are dancing as women are actually actually chanting words that go back to the tablets of ishtar on that very night.
And by the way, they were attacking police during these riots trying to set them up, set the bar on fire with the police in there.
Another theme we see, unfortunately, in modern America, uh police being targeted, take us back uh to ancient times to biblical times.
And again, just so people know this was not some fringe movement in those times.
This was prevalent throughout pagan society. Christians were an outlier at that time and a hated minority.
To be honest in the early days, especially the Roman Empire.
This was if people can understand what Jonathan is laying out the dark trinity, the enchantress, the possessor.
Uh this was the dominant force in the culture at that time, the quote unquote religious force of the times and it this was mainstream everything you’re laying out and it’s coming back and that, and that’s why we’re saying like, what is this?
What is this, what all the things that were there are coming back?
And even uh even this, I even mentioned what the night of when this all began when all the the stonewall, when all this began was was the exact was even the timing was according to the ancient Babylonian calendar.
It happened on the weekend of the full moon happened by the summer solstice happened in the days of the goddess without even going into detail.
It all happened. Actually, the date of this was sealed, it was actually sealed on a day that according to the ancient Babylonian calendar says it’s a, that day is appointed to cast a spell to cause a man to love a man that’s when it was all sealed.
And, and so it, it’s all, I mean, it is, it is, it is.
I mean, beyond anything that anybody could have made of.
And it’s not that these people knew what they were doing.
We gotta pray for everyone and we’re all in the same boat, but they did know what they were doing.
But this was the return. This is all like clockwork the way this is happening. Jonathan.
This is your seventh book. They’ve all been runaway best sellers you specialize and your anointing is in, I would say unlocking ancient mysteries and making them relevant showing the parallels to today.
I believe this is, and this is the author of the Harbinger folks and the Harbinger too.
And the paradigm, the oracle many more. I believe this is indeed your most explosive book. Simple question.
But I think important. Why did you write this? Why did you feel compelled to write this book right now?
Because we are every, every single person who’s watching television today is being totally affected by this one way or the other gonna have to has to deal with it in one way or another.
And that is that, that, you know, whether it’s family members, whether it’s sending your Children to school, they’re being indoctrinated, whether it’s religious freedom because we’re, we’re gonna get to in the, in the, I know in the next part about what the Gods has to do with Christians, what there’s an agenda here there for that.
So we need to be strong.
I knew when I wrote as a, you know, Lord, you know, to write this, you know, it, it’s touching but you know what if we don’t stand, if we don’t stand for truth and in love, but if we don’t do it, this freedom we have is gonna be encroached and encroached.
The gods only have one agenda, you know, and just like back then you, you, you hit it on the head, the Christians were out, they were, they were, you know, on the fringes.
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening right now.
And yet the gospel is the power, you know, the power that, that actually undid this.
And so that’s why there’s so much warfare just like there was, you know, this is like round two, you know what happened to the Roman Empire.
We are now dealing with that and, and so this is to arm believers to strengthen them, to reveal whoa, you’re not just imagining this is actually happening.
What you’re kind of, we were talking before the, the program that even nonbelievers are saying, well, this is demonic.
Well, it’s actually exact, it’s pre I, you know, we’re gonna see, I think in the next segment how even, even the decisions of the Supreme Court happened exactly according to the Goddess’s calendar.
And we had a big one recently, obviously that was a, that was a, was a good one. Yeah.
So, so, yeah, and, and even, I’ll just throw, uh, one last thing in her, even, you know, we talked about, you know, all these things came back to this thing called they called stonewall and celebrated the stonewall.
Well, well, in, in the, in the ancient writings of the goddess, it says, call the God.
You are the stone that breaks the stone wall. And that night they were trying to break this on.
So this is exact. It’s real.
God is, these are real because God is real and you, we are in this battle and it says we don’t war against people, we war against Principalities, but God wants you to be victorious.
We are not on the defense.
We are to be on the offense and we are, you’re here to be like the apostles were because they dealt with it and they were victorious and we need to just be equipped.
We need to, I think you, we think you’d rather know than not. No.
And I don’t say this slightly and it’s not an exaggeration to say we are locked in a struggle right now for the soul of America.
Yeah. And, and I believe, and, and we can be victorious in God. That’s all he’s looking for.
And I’m sure many people are watching who have people in their family who are very much taken by this taken by.
And it’s not only for believers, it’s for them too to wake up because whoa, I don’t want, I don’t want this.
That’s right. Let’s see more. This is the return of the gods. Jonathan’s new Blockbuster take a look.
Is it possible that behind the events transforming our culture, our nation and your life is a mystery that goes back to ancient times.
And his most explosive book ever.
The return of the Gods, New York Times, best selling author Jonathan Khan pulls away the veil and reveals these shocking secrets, uncover the mystery of the gods and how it’s transforming your life, the return of the gods.
The book you can’t afford not to read.
We are talking to the one and only Jonathan Khan, author of the brand new Blockbuster, the return of the Gods he believes and I believe it is his most explosive book yet.
And that’s saying something from the author of the Harbinger and many other best sellers, the Gods.
For anyone who’s just joining us, Jonathan, can you unpack or kind of review what we’ve been talking about?
People might hear the the title, the return of the Gods and say, hey, there’s only one God and amen by the way, but who are the gods?
Who are we talking about? So this is what the Bible lays down very clearly that you have the gods of the nation and they were false gods, false gods.
But it says behind the gods were spirits, were spirits, were, were the shed dem we talked about at the beginning called in Hebrew entities or the which we get the word demon from uh evil spirit.
They were behind because there’s a spiritual warfare and you certainly in this realm you’re gonna have that.
And so listen, the gospel came cleansed, you know, exercise the civilization. But Jesus gave a warning.
What happens if we ever turn away from God having known God, it’s worse to have known God and turn away for, even for a civilization, it’s gonna be worse.
The Gods will return, the spirits will return to repossess the culture. And that is all the things you’re seeing.
And you’re saying, how could they do this? This is crazy. How could they do this to Children?
How could they do this to this? It’s just crazy. It doesn’t stop it. Is, this is what you’re watching.
You’re watching a repossession of the ancient Gods. Exactly what the Bible says.
It’s a reverse revival, I guess I could say well, interesting because what do we see? Saw?
We saw a reverse exorcism which was to exercise God from the culture and it was, you take God’s spirit out other spirits will come in and people won’t even realize it and you’re gonna have the signs of possession.
People are gonna be self destructive, they’re gonna mutilate themselves, they’re gonna offer up their Children.
That’s the sign of possession. And so we are dealing with that, but we have a greater power, but that is what we’re, we’re dealing with right now and individuals can be possessed as you lay out in the book, Jonathan.
But as we talked about earlier, civilizations, cultures, nations can be possessed.
You know, Moses warned about this and your book has scriptural backup throughout Moses warned about this.
He warned the ancient Israelites, you can go in one of two ways, blessings or curses follow God or don’t follow God.
Jesus warned all of us as you said about the wayward way and we seem to be heading down the wrong road right now.
There’s no middle ground in the end.
I mean, it may look like a middle ground, you know, and mix it in, you know, first one again with the God you serve.
Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and when they first came in, it was kind of like, ok, just be open tolerant.
Well, look at where we are now. This is all part of that. Yeah.
We’ve got the dark Trinity as Jonathan calls them the possessor, the enchantress and the destroyer bail. Ishtar and Malik.
You may, these names may ring a bell from your Bible.
It’s all biblical uh what do these gods have to do?
This is an interesting one with the parades we see today in the modern world, particularly one.
And this goes back to the, and, and by the way, in the book, you know, because we’re, we’re only able to touch on things here.
But the book in this part, she’s called the Transformer because this is the goddess, but she’s the one who transformed, she transitioned people.
And by the way, you know, you, you said something, it was kind of like a, a slip but it wasn’t a slip or, or actually I said something you said, yeah, like a pun.
Well, actually this is the goddess of transition. She transitions men into women, women into men into their opposite.
But it, what that, what’s that is, that’s a microcosm of what’s happened to America.
She’s transitioning America into what it never was.
She’s transitioning a Christian nation into a pagan nation that would be at war with a Christian nation if, if it had seen it now.
And so you know, bail cause the nation or cause now the spirit of bail causes America to forget God.
The spirit of ishtar is causing America to forget America. So the, the parades, she was the goddess of parades.
It says the people of Sumer, they, they parade before you ishtar they parade before you.
Well, all these parades, they, they, they started from something called the Ishtar Gate in Babylon.
It was the ishtar gate start the parade and, and I won’t go into detail.
But when we talked about all these parades today started in New York City, started from that event called Stonewall where we are sitting right now.
Just a reminder. Yeah. And Stonewall actually, the, the the front of it is actually Pat actually has the same architecture as the ishtar gate.
And this is where the parade started.
And the thing is when you look at, when I looked at the ancient inscriptions about the parades, it talks about men parading as women and women parading as men.
And, and it was a, it was a parade of crossing the genders and breaking barriers.
That’s exactly what happened then. That is what’s happening now.
And, and during this time, she had a certain time during these parades, it’s like she would take possession of the culture.
We are watching that now, the same thing we had never seen it before.
And you know what, you know what that it was, the gospel came in. That’s when those parades stopped.
And so now that they’re back is a sign that the nation that civilization is turning away from God and it’s returning, we’re gonna talk more about the book but real quick, why is it so important in the enemy, the devil?
He exists folks for him in this dark Trinity, these demonic entities, these demonic spirits that you’re describing.
Why is it so important for them? And their strategy to take down America.
Why must America be Pagan essentially for their strategy to proceed? Because number one, America is the head of nations.
You take down what you do in America is gonna not gonna stay in America.
It’s gonna touch the world and it is, and it is all these things we talked about whether it’s abortion, whether it’s this, whether it’s, you know, stonewall that began that or that, that was championed by America across the world.
So that number one, number two, America was especially devoted to God was consecrated to God.
So the is gonna say, I’m gonna take that same nation and I’m gonna consecrate it to me.
And so through the gods, through actually America is now spreading. So the gospel is spreading pornography around the world.
It’s the sheep. So all these things. So that’s why and America was also patterned after Israel.
So, so if Israel turned away from God, so therefore, well, if we can have America turn away from God, we can come back founded by Godly men with a great destiny of the United States.
But yeah, John Winthrop, one of the parents who warned America don’t turn away from God because you will be seduced by the Gods.
That’s right. And we’re seeing it now, but all hope is not lost and we’ll talk more about that.
You will end up, you will complete this program being encouraged.
I guarantee and you will complete reading this book, the return of the gods.
You will be encouraged, you can pick it up.
It is a must read for these times folks for only $25.
You see the information there on your screen, the return of the gods. Jonathan Khan’s brand new best seller.
Hey, we’re so honored to have you here with us to break all of this down again.
I, I don’t think that people are going to hear this really anywhere else.
The message you are delivering your most explosive book yet.
And part of it, there are many mysteries that you unlock in this book.
Ancient mysteries, you relate them to the modern day. One of them is the mystery of Juni. Yes.
What is that? She had, the goddess had one month out of the year that she especially possessed the culture.
It was actually named after her lover Taos. But now when was it?
Well, the ancient I looked at actually Saint Jerome and this is, by the way, this is I Saint Jerome is actually writing about the festivals of the goddess and, and all the and the processions and all that in the summer and says it happened in the month of June.
June. June is the month and so June has now returned to the goddess and now the God is, that’s why June has been taken over by this because that’s what it was back then.
And let me give you another one, Eric you know, with this, what is a sign that’s going all over the place where we say, you know, it was a good sign originally, but it’s the rainbow.
It’s taken over everything. It’s in children’s boxes, it’s everywhere it’s on, on us. Embassy buildings.
I won’t go into it. But I’ll tell you in the book, there is a mystery behind the rainbow that goes to back to the goddess.
It was her sign. I mean, it was God sign.
She took it, by the way, she’s also a principality who steals things from other gods.
So she took this from God.
And now, and actually I’ll, I’ll even tell you that every color has a mystery that goes back.
And I will say also something else.
What that actually, what this sign actually means that if people have no idea what it really means, if they did, I don’t know that they would be waving it or be wearing it, but it actually goes back to the Gods.
It actually is a sign of her, possessing her, possessing a culture.
You know, ironically enough, Jonathan in June 2022 we had uh Roe V Wade overturned by the Supreme Court and we talked earlier about Mao uh child sacrifice and that was a good thing for sure.
I was there. I just want to mention I didn’t share this with you before the show.
I was there the day of that Supreme Court meeting in DC at the Supreme Court and to say to use the word demonic.
I don’t use the word lightly.
There were how essentially saying, you know, we want to sacrifice, we wanna kill Children. It, it was stunning.
I was there covering it for TB N it was stunning to witness firsthand. Yeah.
And interesting Eric, because we were talking before the program, but I don’t share this a lot.
The day that this book was finished when I finished the book was June 24th.
The day that Roe versus Wade was overturned, which is an altar of the gods.
You know, and, and now on the other side of this, there’s a mystery about the Supreme Court.
When you look at the Supreme Court decisions which have, have overturned gender. You know, there’s three major ones.
One is in 2003, which is the, basically the normalization of same sex. Uh you know, uh second was 2013.
The defense of Marriage Act was struck down and the finally, the, the, the striking down of marriage, as we know at 2015, the, the time of the goddess was June and the time the goddess especially was the end of June.
At the, at the time of the summer solstice, the one in 2003 took place at the end of June at this exact time, the one in 2013 took place at the end of June month of Tamas time of the goddess, the one, the last one, the overturning a marriage happened at the same time.
Act in fact, they all happened on the same day, June 26th, which is actually the same day that Stonewall was sealed.
And you remember that night, remember when the this happened all over that night, there were rainbows all over the White House, the White House.
It’s like the God is saying I possess this nation now.
Well, that, that was the 10th of Tamuz, the 10th of Tamuz is that date on the biblical, on the, the Babylonian calendar says it’s appointed to cast a spell to cause a man to love a man that was the day that marriage was overturned that night.
Uh This is, you could not make this up, do the gods and spirits.
You believe Jonathan actually determine the rulings.
Well, you just laid it out, the exact times are now, but these Supreme Court rulings, some of the bad ones, we would say that there is an influence behind it.
It’s like, it’s like the harbor jury. It’s not like the people knew when they planted that tree.
They, they didn’t or when or when Daschle spoke, those words of judgment didn’t know that, but it’s all according to the mystery and, and, and the gods are dangerous.
Let me, let me, let me put this here.
That is that, remember this, keep this in mind they were cast out by the Gospel, they were cast out by Christians.
OK. So when they come back, they have a vendetta, they are focused on Christians.
They’re focused on conservatives because they try to stop this thing from happening. But they’re focused especially on Christians.
So as the, as the gospel push them out, they’re trying to push out believers as the gospel marginalize them, they’re trying to marginalize believers as the word of God, push them out.
They’re trying to, to nullify the word of God and push it out of culture, push out.
So, so this is a dangerous thing that, that there’s a focus on us. There’s a focus.
That’s why religious freedom is being threatened. That’s why that all these things are happening. This is round two.
We’re the obstacle. The followers of Jesus are the main obstacle to the God’s plans coming to fruition and we have a bull’s eye on our backs.
That’s right. And that is, and yet we are to be overcomer, we are to be con and so and so in God.
And so, and that is another reason for, for I knew I had a right to return to gods now.
So believers could know it and could wake up and also rise.
What is the end game for the gods for these demonic entities?
What is their ultimate plan every but to them? You know what happened?
You know, here’s the thing when, when the gods were coming into the culture, you know it again, it happened very subtly, you know, when, when it came in, when they came into America, same thing here in America.
It was, you know, hey, open your mind, be open. Everybody do your own thing.
Listen, it was just to open the door to get these new things come in.
Once they’re in or once they’re in power, then they want the door closed.
Then instead of do your own thing, it’s do our thing and bow your knee.
And if you don’t confess, if you don’t celebrate with us, we’re gonna cancel, you.
Notice it went from tolerance to canceling. There’s no accident.
The Bible says, what are those who call evil, good and good evil? You know.
And so the first part is calling evil, good. That’s sin. That’s saying sin is ok.
Second part is calling God and the gospel and believers evil. Well, this is where it happened with every God.
What happened when bail took power, he started, he hunted down the prophets.
That’s when Elijah came, God raised up Elijah, you know, and so, and this same thing with this, it is what happens is they want every knee to every tongue to confess and, and join us.
And, and that’s what believers have to not do that because you know what, when, when the believers were being persecuted under Rome at that time, they just, all they had to do was offer up some incense to the, to the emperor and just worship a God, all they had to do was confess it.
They said no, we’re gonna stand for God no matter what we have to be those same people.
And America is a target, obviously the ultimate price for the gods, Jonathan. But this is a global initiative.
They are embarking on touching the world, touching the world for sure.
What does this tell us about the time, the signs of the times?
Where are we on the prophetic time clock for these demonic spirits to return in such a major way?
Well, it’s amazing you say that because this is kind of bridging the gap between what you read about in the Bible about anti prophecy.
Men shall be lovers of self, they shall be haters of good, they will persecute Christians.
You know, uh that’s where this is setting the stage.
We are raised a generation, be under the influence of the, we’re raising a generation to be, to be enemies of God.
That’s what we’re doing. And, and that’s why the only and so that’s what will happen is if we do not, if there’s not a revival, that’s the only hope America has.
Um And if believers don’t stand for the gospel, don’t spread the gospel.
If everybody’s intimidated and they don’t open their mouth and they don’t, they don’t share God.
That’s what the darkness wins. You know, when, when, when the light goes out, the darkness comes in.
And so the thing is that that with that is that, that it to persecution.
But then again, the Bible speaks about that now. But here’s the thing is there. Hope I owe every book.
I, I, you know, this, every book I have ends with hope. And what, what is the hope?
And the thing is that, listen, this could, you can take it another way.
This is the most exciting time because you, you know, believers are praying.
I wish I could live in biblical times. Congratulations because you’re there. These are the same days.
Listen, Moses stood against the gods of Egypt. You know, Elijah stood against bail.
You know, the Macae stood against the gods of the Greeks.
The the first Christian stood against the gods of Rome.
But these are, these are biblical times, you know, they don’t stop the gospel unless you stop.
You know, that’s what the enemy wants. He wants you to stop.
He wants you to live on the defensive that we are to be. We have the light.
We have the answer. We’ve got the power of Messiah. Messiah is stronger.
He says, who is like you among the God? There’s nobody like God, there’s nobody like Jesus.
The power to cast out the power of light is stronger than darkness. But we have to rise.
We have to stand, we have to spread the gospel.
We, what’s the answer to the spirits, the spirit of God live by the spirit.
What’s the answer to the gods? The word of God, the power of God, much stronger.
This is an exciting time, you know.
You know, listen, what is the most exciting part of the movie, the last 15 minutes?
You know, be thankful that he chose us to live at such an exciting time.
God is entrusting us to live.
But what I would say is this, that if there’s anything in your life, I’m talking to everybody out there and that, that is linked to the God, whether it’s pornography, whether it’s lust, whether it’s, you know, abortion, you have to get it out of your life.
Number one, there’s no revival with repentance. So get that out.
Then ask for God’s cleansing and his power and live all out for God for such a time as this.
This could be the most exciting time. But we need to rise to it.
So even if there’s darkness, you know, the, the lights light up the world, that’s when it’s dark, you know, so this is the time to do that.
And if you have people in your family who need to spread the gospel, spread the, let them see this, you know, whatever you need to do, that’s why I wrote it.
Yeah, Jonathan. And we’re glad that you did.
I told you he’s an encourager folks and that’s exactly what you get from the return of the Gods.
Remember, for $25 Jonathan’s brand new blockbuster.
The return of the Gods can be yours we strongly encourage you to pick it up.
And Jonathan, hey, last thought here we got a few seconds left.
If the gods were cast out, once we just pray they can be cast out again and you just laid out the battle plan a minute ago.
Thanks so much, my friend. As always, thank you. It was great to have you with us.
As always, Jonathan K God bless you. Thank you, God bless you, Eric.
Our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible.
With the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you. We couldn’t do it.
God bless you.

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