Jonathan Cahn: Do These Scriptures Point to the President? | Praise on TBN

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Jonathan Cahn: Do These Scriptures Point to the President? | Praise on TBN

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to discuss his book, “The Paradigm”, and how scriptures of ancient Israel point directly to the president and those around him.


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what if behind the leaders of our time there was an each one had an ancient leader a prototype leader from the Bible that they’re following and imagine if it told us the outcome of Elections before they happen and what if we could open it up and what if it had a warning for us this could be the greatest times this could be the most exciting times but we have to do it God’s way that’s why I believe that paradigm’s in there and you know we sing these are the days of Elijah well it’s time that we become the

Elijah of the day what is a paradigm a paradigm is a uh a model a pattern an archetype it could be a foreshadow God uses it throughout the Bible I mean he uses foreshadows he uses uses patterns to even foretell things to come so to to set the stage I mean imagine they they found a master blueprint that that was behind everything had the mystery of everything that’s happening right now the events of our times of our lifetime the the the not just the events what’s going to happen but when they happen the

timing even in some cases the years in some cases the dates in some cases the hour of the events of Our Generation Um from the Bible 2 and a half thousand years ago what if this blueprint spoke about the the leaders of our time in some cases giving the parameters of their name what what if behind the leaders of our time there was an each one had an ancient leader a prototype leader from the Bible that they’re following they may not realize they’re following they don’t but they’re it’s actually determining how long they will

have on the national stage and imagine if it told us the outcome of Elections before they happen and what if we could open it up and what if it had a warning for us and what if it had a the keys of how to how to Prevail at times like this well that is what the Paradigm the Paradigm is the master blueprint really from the Bible that we are living in it’s kind of like that we talking about the harbingers it’s kind of as if we’re in one big Harbinger every all the events of our lifetime it’s affected Our

Lives we’re in the we’re in the Paradigm we’re in Harbinger so so that’s what it is and I would say it this way that if we could if I mean I didn’t know the Paradigm before a year ago I you know but if I knew it or if we knew it years ago you could have actually you could have put down in your calendar the the major events of our lifetime down years before they happen down to the day down to the hour yeah well let’s unpack it now really the book goes back nearly 3,000 years to the times of the Bible

brings it up to the modern day John as you said there is a paradigm yes okay there’s a there’s a huge cast of characters in the book we have the holy man we have the king the Queen the heir let’s start with the king and queen who were the original King and Queen in the paradon all right to set the stage with that the the big picture is we’ve got a a nation the nation of Israel that has known God but it’s falling away from God now it’s falling away calling good evil evil good driving God out of the

public squares U lifting up its children following this God named Baal or baale well well we’ve watched that in America we’ve watched it in the whole world has been affected but certainly America and the west but we have also known God we watched the culture turn away from God drive him out we’ve watched Good called evil we we’ watched a sexual Revolution as in the Bible and we have offered up our children you know the modern form of bail worship is abortion we millions of children so so that’s the big picture

but but the Paradigm gets exact or specific and so what you have is about 25 years ago first of all in our culture we had something called a culture war and we’ve watched as things accelerate this fall accelerated that that anti-biblical values uh prevailed well so in the days of Israel you had this culture war and you had this time of acceleration and you had people rise to the throne who were Waring against God one of them in in the Paradigm is called the king and we know he was called aab or we know him as Ahab Ahab rose up he

knew God he knew of God he knew the biblical culture but he wared against his ways he he was the first king to endorse bail worship first king to endorse child sacrifice first king to endorse sexual immorality and so he he he had this war against God now he’s a he’s a wavering person he’s diluted he’s compromised he knows the right one day he’s up one day he’s he’s repenting next day he’s persecuting Elijah so he’s he’s a mix of things now what now here’s the thing about 25 years ago time we had a

culture war and we have a man who Rises to the National stage by the way it’s not about people starting in the early 90s star in the early 90s we got we got to pray for all the people that but this is a son he rises up it’s Bill Clinton Bill Clinton will the mystery of Bill Clinton is he will follow follow the Paradigm of Ahab he will he’s born in a a Biblical culture knows of God Bible Belt but he but he endorses he he the first president in American history to Champion abortion first president to

Champion many things sexual immorality many things and and Wars again and he goes back and forth his personality is the same way it’s it’s wavering and all that well here’s the thing there there’s a there’s a chapter in the book that’s called the days of the king and he says how long was Bill Clinton on the national stage well he rose up to power in 1979 was his first national exposure he became governor of Arkansas he that lasted all the way to president to 2001 so you got 1979 you got 2001 put it

together you have 22 years of Bill Clinton open up the Bible to First Kings 16 it says King Ahab Ahab reigned in Samaria for a period of 22 years wow you touched on this in the harbinger your your first bestseller your first book a few years ago can you talk a little bit about some of the similarities between the United States today and ancient Israel well the United States was actually actually founded after the pattern of ancient Israel the Puritans said we’re going to follow this pattern and John Winthrop who speaks about the

city of the hill we get that you know he says if we follow Israel we follow God we’ll be blessed like Israel will be the most well we have been but they they forget the rest of what he said he said but if we turn away from the god of Israel then the judgments that came on Israel will be replaying them well the The Harbinger and the Paradigm are saying we are replaying it now the fall right now what is the mystery of the Goddess well that was what we just did yeah that’s part of it big part of it yeah and there’s also the Nemesis the

Nemesis yeah okay well here’s what happens that one of the figures in the time of Ahab and and Jezebel a guy arises up the chapter is called the Nemesis means the enemy Rises up becomes an Archen enemy of the nation he comes from the Middle East he speaks a Semitic tongue he threatens the threatens the nation I’m gonna I’m going to destroy it I’m going to bring destruction I’m going to invade it in the time of Ahab now did anybody rise up who became the Archen enemy of America in the days of Ahab

that’s what the Paradigm would say in the day or Clinton in the days of Clinton a man rises up his name is Ben Laden comes from the East threatens destruction speaks a semetic tongue Arabic and actually the Paradigm actually gives the parameters of his name the ancient enemy was named Ben in Arabic that’s Ben as in Ben lad and and not only that but but in the in the we’re going to see a full thing later on about what happens to him but but what happens is that in the in the Paradigm is God delivers this enemy into the

hands of Ahab but Ahab releases him let’s so God says you know you’re going to bring this going to be Calamity now on the line well could that have ever happened well the 911 Commission determined and we’re not talking about the motives but determined that that Bill Clinton actually had been Laden but decided to release him not once but nine times that brought Calamity on the land same thing Jonathan as someone who’s studied terrorism extensively reported on it extensively on the Watchman and

for years going back I can tell you that during the Clinton Administration that’s where Osama Bin Laden really made his Splash on the world stage and there there were several occasions where he was in the sights of the United States and President Clinton for whatever reason did not follow through there and that is what’s in the paradig that’s exactly what they had and then comes 911 yeah yeah well here comes what happens yeah that’s exactly what happened and link to kind of filling the Gap some

it’s going to get eerily precise there is a scandal that takes place in the days of Ahab and Jezebel it’s not just apostasy there’s a there’s personal Scandal they try to take a Vineyard of a guy named naboth they break the Ten Commandments they they spill blood all well that would mean that in the days of the clintons will also be times of Scandal well we we don’t have to say anything there there were but the big Scandal was was the Monica Lewinsky scandal he was impeach but here’s the

thing when Ahab fell and the the Scandal and the the fall of Ahab it was linked to the biblical tribe of Levi could a presidential Scandal actually be linked to the tribe of Levi well here’s the thing the name Levi from Levi you get the name Levan from Levan you get Luen from Luen you get Linsky the very the very name of the Scandal is named after the tribe that brought down Ahab and and literally Monica Lindy was a descendant of those same people yeah the tribe of Levi let me ask you before we go on where do you

get your research what is your writing process how does this come to you this is amazing from The Harbinger to today you can’t reveal too many details I know we but tell us this is incredible no one has this information you’re hearing it right here on TBN this the only place you’ll see it um how does this come to you it well it came this came like the harbinger I mean this before before the beginning of the January I didn’t have this at all January 2017 well rather yeah it just came it just came and

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