Jonathan Cahn: A Message for America (Full Sermon) | Praise on TBN

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Jonathan Cahn: A Message for America (Full Sermon) | Praise on TBN

Jonathan Cahn shares a powerful sermon on TBN’s Praise about how today’s events line up with biblical prophecy in Israel’s history and how America must return to faith in God’s sovereignty.


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On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

if America should ever disregard God’s Eternal Rules of Order and right then the smiles of Heaven His blessings will be removed from this land and if the days of darkness must come then let them come for they will not overcome the light of God but will only magnify it and if the words the world should go from bad to worse that it’s time for you the people of God to go from good to great and if the darkness grows yet darker it’s time for the lights of God to shine brighter let’s pray father I just ask

that you would speak and in my weakness you would be strong in your power and have your way in the name of Yeshua Jesus the Lord of all amen 2 and half th000 years ago the Prophet Jeremiah stood outside the walls of Jerusalem by the valley of ham in his hand was a Potter’s jar like this one a prophetic symbol of the nation to which he was about to give an ominous warning the nation Israel had as an earth and vessel been formed by the will of God by its creator molded for his purposes but it turned away from the purposes for

which it was created and now was on the verge of Destruction 400 years ago another civilization was begun formed and molded for the purposes of the Creator 400 years ago today a merchant shipped navigated the waves of the Atlantic to make its way to the new world the ship was called the mayflower in November of that year it landed on the shores of Cape Cod and its passenger sealed a covenant called the Mayflower Compact the Covenant was embedded in the foundation of this new civilization that would be called America and in that

Covenant the purpose of this new civilization was declared it was for the glory of God and in the advancement of the faith less than 10 years later another ship crossed the Atlantic the Arbella on that ship the puran leader John Winthrop issued a prophetic vision of the new civilization he would help to plant it would be he said a city on a hill the eyes of the world would be upon it and if it followed the ways of God then God would bless it and make it the most prosperous the most powerful the most secure the

most exalted of civilizations the blessings of ancient Israel would come upon it winthrop’s vision would come true in as much as America strove to follow the ways of God and be a light to the world it would be blessed bless the city on the hill would become as winrop foretold the most prosperous the most secure the most powerful revered Nation on Earth America would seek to uphold the light of freedom and the sacred value of human life and conscience in the face of tyranny and totalitarianism it would provide refuge

for the world’s oppressed and opportunity for the world’s impoverished it would stand against the dark powers that threaten to engulf the Earth in the 20th century the city on the hill would be lifted up and feared and envied and and emulated and dreamed of and hoped in and looked to by peoples in every nation and land that the eyes of the world would be upon it but winthrop’s Vision didn’t end there it led to a prophetic warning if he wrote the city on the hill should turn away from the god of its foundation

then the judge J ments that fell upon Israel would likewise fall upon it and what was it that happened to ancient Israel in the midst of its blessings the nation turned from God the god of its foundation they ex stranged themselves from him at first it was a drift then a departure and finally a war against his ways the people drove him out of their hearts out of their government out of their ways and lives out of their education of their children out of the Public Square out of their culture and as Israel drove him out the people they

opened up a vacuum into that vacuum came a flood of other gods the gods of prosperity of comfort of Desire of carnality sexual immorality perversity and self-obsession they became their own Gods they overturned his Commandments they disregarded his ways they redefined truth they created their own reality what was evil they now called good and what was good they now called evil that which they once revered they now reviled and that which was they once knew to be wrong they now celebrated they profaned the sacred and they Sanctified the

profane and so the sanctity of Life they desecrated their children their most innocent possession they now lifted up as sacrifices and shed their blood on the altars of their new gods and so the blood of their children cried out against them and would call forth their judgment and it was over the valley where they had sacrif I their children that the Prophet Jeremiah stood with a Potter’s jar in his hand to pronounce his nation’s judgment what about America America has likewise fallen in the midst of our blessings and

prosperity we too have turned away from the god of our foundation we’ve estranged ourselves from him and our Falling Away came the same way first as a drift then a departure and now a war againsts his ways we drove God we drove God out of our hearts out of our government out of our ways out of our laws out of the education of our children out of the public squares out of our businesses out of our media out of our culture out of our lives and as we drove him out we opened up a vacuum into which came a flood of other gods we

would not call them Gods but gods they were gods of prosperity and comfort and desire and caral and sexual immorality and self-obsession and we too have become our own Gods we have overturned the Commandments of God we remove them from the walls of our Public Square we redefine truth we created our own reality what is evil We Now call good and what is good we now call evil what we once red we now revile and what we once knew to be wrong we now celebrate we too have profane the sacred and have Sanctified the profane and as for our

children our most innocent possession we have sacrificed them on the altars of self-indulgence it was here in this city over there it was here that their Collective murder was blessed and given sanction but a thousand laws and a thousand Supreme Court rulings and a th Angels swearing on a thousand Bibles cannot alter one iota of this basic measure of morality to shed the blood of an unborn baby is to murder a human life and the most innocent of human lives the people of ancient Israel lifted up thousands of their children on

the altars of baale and mik and by doing so they invoke their own destruction but we have lifted up millions and our Collective hands are covered with blood and what does that invoke 60 million Americans have been murdered and instead of weeping over that fact we go still farther it was less than two years ago that in the nation’s abortion Capital New York that that gruesome law was passed to push the boundaries even farther to murder The Unborn Child to the point of birth and when they passed that Bloody law they

cheered and they lit up the tower at Ground Zero in the color pink in celebration the city on the hill has grown dark its light has dimmed and is in danger of going out it has now been overtaken by a plague that has left it shaken a lockdown that has battered its economy and paralyzed its daily life and the sword of disorder and violence that has set it on edge and divided it in two it’s an America that has declared war against Its Own Foundation a nation its Founders would not recognize an America in which the statue of one of its

Founders its first president after which this city is named is pulled off its pedestal wrapped in an American flag and set on fire and yet it was that same first president who on the first day of his presidency gave the nation a prophetic warning he said this the propitious Smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the Eternal Rules of Order and right which Heaven itself has ordained in other words if America should ever disregard God’s Eternal Rules of Order and right then the smiles

of Heaven His blessings will be removed from this land and if the days of darkness must come then let them come for they will not overcome the light of God but will only magnify it and if the word the world should go from bad to worse that it’s time for you the people of God to go from good to great and if the darkness grows yet darker it’s time for the lights of God to shine brighter for we are no longer the candle of the day we are now the candle of the night that shines against the darkness and lights up the world with its r I the

same light that once lit up the world 2,000 years ago for if the nation of Israel has returned where it once was at the beginning of the age back to the land then it’s time for the people of Messiah the people of God to return where they once were at the beginning of the age to the book of Acts and on the day of the return it’s time for the people of God to return to that same power that same calling that same anointing that same Glory that they might again light up the world it is time to Live unhindered uncompromised

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