Jesus Died For God – Jack Hibbs

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Welcome back, everyone! Last time, we explored a profound concept known as “The God-Man.” You might be wondering what that truly means. Today, we continue with the second part of this discussion, diving even deeper into this extraordinary topic. Trust me, you won’t want to miss any part of this exploration. So, take a moment to prepare your heart and mind as we dive in.

Real Life presents the Jack Hibbs Podcast, where we boldly proclaim truth, equip believers, and strive to impact our culture with the Word of God. If this podcast inspires you and encourages you to live a more fulfilling life in Christ, we kindly ask you to leave a five-star rating. For us, that’s like saying “Amen!” or “Yes!” Your rating will help spread the message to others who need to hear it.

Now, open your heart to what God’s Word has to say. Here’s Jack Hibbs.

Hey there! Welcome back! If you missed last week’s episode, stop right now—seriously, pause this podcast. Go back and listen to last week’s message first. I promise it will make today’s session even more impactful. Without that foundation, you might find yourself confused or even frustrated. So, take the time to catch up, and then come back here.

Let’s get right into it. Today, we’re dropping a major truth bomb. We’re talking about the incarnation of Christ—the moment when Jesus, the Messiah, entered the world. The Bible tells us in Micah 5:2 that Jesus existed eternally, even before His birth in Bethlehem. Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6 affirm this truth. Proverbs 30:4 also speaks to the eternal nature of the Son of God. The triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—existed in perfect unity from eternity past.

I recently came across a thought from C.S. Lewis that can help us grasp this concept. He used the analogy of a cube. A cube has multiple sides, and it needs all its sides to be a complete shape. Lewis admitted it’s an imperfect analogy, but it helps us understand the nature of God. God is one, yet He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—a divine unity.

Now, here’s the key point: When Jesus came into the world, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb. At that moment, the greatest miracle occurred—God took on human form. Think about it: the Creator of the universe chose to limit Himself to human bones, skin, and hair. This miracle, in my opinion, surpasses even the miracle of salvation. It’s the moment God became fully human while remaining fully divine.

Just like any other pregnancy, Mary carried Jesus for nine months. From the moment of conception, Jesus was fully present in her womb. This wasn’t a gradual process—Mary was as pregnant with Jesus from the start as she was throughout her pregnancy.

The Bible confirms this in 1 Timothy 3:16, which states that God was manifested in the flesh. Even the angels were in awe. Imagine the angels—creatures created by Jesus Himself—looking on in wonder as their Creator entered the world as a baby. Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1 emphasize that Jesus is the Creator of all things, including the angels.

As Jesus lived His life, He did so perfectly. Why is His perfection important? Because Jesus had to meet the righteous requirements of the law. He had to prove Himself sinless, not only to us but also to Satan and to the law itself. The Ten Commandments represent God’s perfect standard, and Jesus fulfilled them flawlessly. He never sinned, despite facing every temptation we face.

You might wonder: Was Jesus really tempted like we are? Yes, absolutely. His temptations were real. He experienced the same struggles and challenges we do. But unlike us, He never gave in. How did He do it? By using the Word of God as His defense. While we often falter, Jesus stood firm. He succeeded where we fail.

This brings us to one of the most pivotal moments in Jesus’ life—the Garden of Gethsemane. There, we see the humanity of Jesus on full display. He cried out to the Father, saying, “If it is possible, let this cup pass from me.” In that moment, we see His human fears, concerns, and anguish. Yet, despite His human limitations, Jesus surrendered fully to the Father’s will.

This ultimate act of obedience paved the way for our redemption. Jesus, the perfect God-Man, bore our sins and conquered death. Because of His sacrifice, we have the hope of eternal life. That’s the message we proclaim, the truth we stand on, and the reason we gather here today.

So, as you listen to this message, open your heart to the transforming power of God’s Word. Remember, Jesus lived a perfect life on your behalf. He faced every temptation, yet He remained sinless. And through His death and resurrection, He offers you forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life.

Thank you for joining us today. Be sure to share this message with others, leave a five-star rating, and let’s continue to grow together in faith. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

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