Jack Hibbs Today : Nefarious Movie Discussion with Steve Deace
Nefarious Movie Discussion with Steve Deace
Join Pastor Jack and Steve Deace as they dive into a discussion about the movie ‘Nefarious.’
Whether it’s dealing with discouragement, managing your time, or finding motivation in the mundane, In Praise of Plodders contains workable solutions to problems you’ll face while ministering to others.
Steve Dace, he’s on Blaise following Glenbeck’s program every day.
He’s had a great history in radio and in podcasting and began his career at about twenty six years of age and He’s obviously very, very bright guy.
And if you’ve ever heard his programming, But, uh, this picture is remarkably accurate.
I know that sounds strange in light of what you just saw, but I want to encourage all of you that I was so impressed with what was brought to the screen that I had to find out more because uh, Lisa and I, uh, experienced very much almost exactly what you saw tonight.
That’s why this evening, we had to we had to have it.
Because I want you to be encouraged that when you see the power of god in a situation like this, It’s overwhelmingly positive and encouraging for your faith.
I can’t explain it right, but as a Christian, when you see the word of god applied to this situation, the power, the disruptive power to the forces of darkness is quite epic.
Now the movie didn’t cover that part.
But I’m I want you to know that we’re living in an age that is a time that has been promised by Jesus himself.
That in the last days, as the apostle Paul said perilous times would come, Jesus said, that it would be marked by many, many aberrant things, but one of them would be a parallel of sexual abhorrence and demonic activity.
It’s remarkable, isn’t it? Why?
Well, you heard tonight how you’re hated by the kingdom of darkness.
And so if you can get people confused about them being the image bearer of god, then the enemy is closer to what he thinks is a victory.
And maybe listen. He wins battles. But he doesn’t win the war. The Bible is very clear about this.
But as we dialogue here in a moment in in in a moment when you greet Steve, uh, days.
I just want all of you to know that Christianity, true Christianity, not pretend.
Is filled with power. And if you’re wondering, well, I’ve never seen anything like that.
Well, all I can tell you is follow Jesus, and you may or may not see things like that.
But you’ll see him move in a million other ways. So it’s quite remarkable.
So when I saw this, I had to get this I had to get in touch with Steve.
So please give a warm welcome to Steve Days.
So you guys, we’re gonna we’re gonna do this rather quickly.
Anything you wanna say before we dive in? Yeah.
If if I could, uh, you could indulge me with a few housekeeping items I sent the video of this crowd, uh, to nefarious himself, Sean Patrick Flannery about a half an hour ago, And I was hoping maybe you guys could say hello to him because he was very, very impressed and very fired up about that.
Number one, Yeah. So, Sean, if you are watching, that’s for you.
Also in the crowd, I believe, over here, is Jordan Belphy, who plays doctor James Martin, if he could stand up.
I thought he was over there somewhere.
Where is it? Oh, wait. He’s over there. Wait.
Oh, there he is right there. Working the room. Alright. There he is.
That’s great.
And one final thing, our our writers and directors, uh, at Belive Entertainment, uh, Carrie Solomon and Chuck Consselman I sent them the crowd video as well, and they they have a humble request.
When we get done here tonight, could a room of thousands of people, could we all pray at once that the lord would open more doors for more movies like this sound of freedom, Jesus Revolution, man.
Awesome. Because storytelling is the last refuge of persuasion left in America today.
It’s the It’s the last place where people will let you truly go after their world views if you can entertain them.
And that’s an arena that we have neglected for far too long with serious subject matter.
And let’s go ahead and keep that momentum going. Thank you.
So listen, I want you to keep going, but, um, our first meetup, as far as I can remember, was phone call I made.
And, um, I just had to I just had to express to you my gratitude, which was kind of strange.
Thank you so much making such a scary music.
Thank you for freaking me out.
Thank you for
I’m vacuuming my house. I get a call that says, you know, exempt num or no number listed.
So I know it’s either really dumb or really important. Right? And I stop the vacuum.
I pick it up and it’s Jack Hibbs saying, hey, it’s Jack Hibbs, your movie really creeped me out.
I’m like, tell me more. You know? Yeah.
I was completely blown away because as I said to you, I I my my com my question to him was, how did you know?
How did you know? And so I began to explain to him a little bit about ministry and about what we’ve gone through.
And, um, it was remarkable. Can you share a little bit about uh, the research that you put into this is is quite exhaustive and quite extensive.
Well, the the book is, uh, the culmination of really all the post conversion world view training that I had done for ten years.
Uh, this September eighteenth, will be my twentieth anniversary, uh, of of when god saved me at Kemper arena in Kansas City, Missouri.
And, um, you know, my wife likes to say that she’s on her second or third marriage.
It just so happens the guy had the same name every time. You know?
So But, um, you know, those first few years after my conversion, I mean, I went full Paul in Arabia.
I mean, I read everything I could. I watched everything I could.
Listen everything I could. I mean, all these denominations, all these traditions.
I wanted to know about church history, I read Lewis, I read Milton.
I read I mean, I just, you know, decided I should probably know if I’m gonna devote my life to this, maybe I should take that photographic memory I have and devote as much to Christianity as I do to knowing completely obtuse and really useless facts about pop culture in Michigan football, you know?
And so I I just studied for many, many years.
God put really good men who kinda took the place of my, uh, of the father that I never had, just, you know, uniquely and strategically at different times.
And my walk put men in that position to help to lead and to guide me.
And, uh, I went to Washington DC for the very first time to do some publicity for my first wide release book.
And I’m in the shower, and this voice in my head, uh, out of nowhere, says to me, this book is dedicated to all the useful idiots out there.
Especially those of you who had no idea that you were being used all this time for you proved proved to be the most useful idiots of them all nefarious.
And I thought, that is a weird thing to think in the shower. Okay?
And I went and did some, uh, PR stuff, and I got back to my room in Washington, DC.
And I realized, um, there’s really no better place in the world to get inspired about a demonic takeover of America.
Than washington, DC. I mean, yeah.
Like, you can smell the sulfur in the air when you get off the plane. Right?
And I I started playing around with the idea of, you know, Barack Obama wrote two memoirs before he was forty, Well, I’ve got one book in wide release.
So I think I am now qualified to write sequels to CS Lewis Works, you know.
And, uh, and so I thought, if we’re gonna write a sequel to a screw tape letters, the rule of sequel storytelling is that the threat has to be bigger.
And so if we’re gonna write, you know, Lewis was gonna write about what hell does attempt us as individuals, what about the takedown of an entire culture?
Yes. And I just started working that angle and writing it, and I wrote the introduction.
I called a couple of pastor theologian friends of mine, and I said, Hey, I wanna read something to you.
I’m not gonna tell you what it is.
I’m just gonna read it to you over the phone and then tell me and give me your feedback right away.
And I did, and they both said, we really think you’re on to something.
And I had no idea the movie Jack was gonna be made into, uh, or the book was gonna be made into a movie, In fact, just like with the screw tape letters, I wrote the the only part of the book I wrote in my own voice, uh, is the preface.
And in the preface, I wrote, you know, maybe someday I’m not gonna tell you how I came on to this demonic manuscript, but maybe someday if we ever sell the movie rights to this, That’s the story that we will tell.
So we’re sitting around in Burbank doing the story boarding for this in, uh, June of twenty twenty when, when, uh, Master Newsom allowed you guys out of your homes for the first time.
Okay? And and we’re all sitting around wondering, alright, how are we gonna take this two hundred and forty page demonic polemic and translate it into a movie.
And I think it was Chuck said, you know, I’m just reading the preface here.
Why don’t we just tell that story?
Why don’t we just tell the story of the origin of the book, and that’s the story that you just watched in the movie?
It’s incredible. Yeah. It’s absolutely incredible.
So we don’t have the the time nor do I wanna put him through the torture of it again, but the the resistance, the opposition that he and the team, unbelievable things from medical emergencies to unbelievable car accidents, you cannot believe the story behind the story of what went on, but can you give them just a little quick something.
Sure. I so this morning I got back, uh, from, uh, the gym.
I get back to my hotel room, and I looked at my wife, and I said, Is is it bringing in here?
Is there something wrong with the AC unit? She’s like, no. Well, I I can only hear.
I don’t want to hear right now. Never had this happen before. My right ear is just buzzing.
And no, it’s I didn’t get the COVID vaccine, so that’s not it.
I mean, I’ve just I’ve I’ve I’ve never had this happen ever before in my life, and it just so happened to happen today.
But to the point that you were just raising, pastor, the week of release, we get back from our, uh, premier in Dallas.
And we were like, wow. I mean, the reaction was incredible. You know, we think we really have something here.
And, uh, forty eight hours later, I was in the hospital.
I had golf ball sized cysts right next to my left armpit with a MRSA infection.
And they had to, uh, uh, pardon me.
The the doctor said it was, quote, of unknown cause or origin. Okay?
And in the that night, they literally had to carve them out of my arm.
Uh, so it didn’t get in my bloodstream.
And then I went back to my doctor a couple days later for a follow-up thinking everything was okay.
He’s like, no, there’s actually more little ones here.
They didn’t see the first time because of how big the first ones were.
So I had to go through that entire extremely painful process. Again, how painful?
My doctor said to me, this is the the most painful thing they will do to patients nowadays without putting you under.
And it was excruciating, like, painful. I mean, scream out loud, painful.
Finally, there’s one group of antibiotics that beat this. I’m able to tolerate it.
But then after it beat, uh, the MRSA, it turned on my immune system.
And so I was in the hospital with serious, uh, yeah, you, um, fevers and everything else for several days.
I I’m finally, I get out of the hospital. I get a text, um, from one of our producers.
The day I got out of the hospital, I get a text from one of our producers, Chris Jones.
He says you’re not gonna believe this.
I was just taking my son, Judah, and putting him in his car seat in the parking lot here in Southern California.
And he kicked against the car seat.
So I wasn’t able to strap him in, and I had to duck back into the car to strap him in.
And just as I did this, Another vehicle comes by in this parking lot at full speed, takes the door of my car off, totals my car if my son had not kicked against the car seat, and I had buckled him in the first time, I’d be dead right now.
Forty eight hours later, another one of our producers John Sullivan. You all need better drivers in Southern California.
Right? Cause he lives here too.
Forty eight hours later, John Sullivan texts, our our group texts, you guys he’s like, guys, you will not believe this.
I was just about to go to work.
A guy a nursing student on my street fell asleep at the wheel and just totaled my car.
Out in front of our home.
I think we’re up to, like, seven or eight vehicular accidents, uh, amongst our cast and our crew, We’ve had multiple hospital, uh, and both of our directors got COVID pneumonia, and, and, I mean, that was during the Delta variant, and you didn’t come out of the hospital very often.
With that. I mean, the the ordeal to get this movie made, every aspect of it has been a challenge, but I’ll say this.
We always talk about well, when we talk about spiritual warfare, we don’t talk about it enough.
But when we do, we always talk about it from the dark side of the street.
The door is the the lord open to get this movie made. People, we didn’t even know we knew.
People who called us out of the blue, like pastor Jack.
I mean, this doesn’t happen, uh, without without the lord.
And one way to look at it is, you know, the lord just used the enemy to buy two of my producer brand new car.
So that’s kinda cool. You know?
But, um, there are the and and we also you know, we I discovered in this process, there’s kind of a closeted pardon the pun, community of conservatives and and Christians here in Hollywood.
That kinda wanna do stuff under the radar, and they were helpful with this movie and getting it made and getting it done.
It’s been both the most challenging and spiritually rewarding journey of my entire life has been this film, and being in front of crowds like you makes it all worth it.
I think, um, I think that’s just the start.
And I I I think with what we’re seeing in Hollywood, there’s There’s some really great news coming out of Hollywood.
Um, if you get a chance to look at the the back scene, the back end numbers of Hollywood films that have a family or a spiritual meaning to them.
They’re crushing. They’re crushing the things that you hear about in all the other areas.
I mean, things are really hyped up.
And while they’re hyping up things trying to get you to the theater, movies like this one, movies like the sound of freedom are just ramping up.
They’re just exploding more and more.
And Uh, it’s I it’s interesting that that Gibson and Kaviso said the same thing about about spiritual attack against them doing something good.
But, um, of course now with sound of freedom, you mentioned that in human trafficking.
Um, we do wanna encourage you before we wrap this up. That was obviously a gripping film.
I noticed that nobody moved. Um, and and for good reason, Uh, it was so well done.
I mean, let’s give a hand to the actors.
This was a Both of them, all of them.
Not not just I mean, the the the whole the whole Uh, all of them did a such a great job.
Um, but, uh, Sean, is that his name?
Sean Patrick Flannery. Yeah. Uh, he did such
a good job that he scared me because that job seemed too familiar to him to play.
But that’s the level of his acting. Absolutely remarkable.
And when’s the last time you saw a movie where basically you sat down and watched two uh, people dialogue like that.
That takes skill, ladies and gentlemen, without bombs and airplanes and and things like that. That takes tremendous skill.
And Steven and his team was able to bring that together.
And we didn’t bring this movie to you tonight to scare you.
We’ve never done this before except for passion of the Christ. Awesome elite company. So thank you very much.
Cash of the Christ, and we did show, uh, two thousand Mules, uh, by Denise DeSouza.
And at Christmas, I think we did, um, the Noel, the little cartoon, which was cute.
But, um, this was fantastic because, again, we want you to be encouraged about the Holy Spirit that dwells within the believer.
I found it fascinating when in the in the movie nefarious thought that the priest was gonna be a threat until he turned out to be a priest who doesn’t believe in demonic uh, issues and that stuff, you know, we’ve grown beyond that, even the doctor, uh, atheist.
No. We’ve moved beyond all that.
Notice that when we do not believe in the spirit realm, they’ve got us right where they want us.
And, uh, when we when we act religiously without the power of god, uh, we lose our footing, and it’s a dangerous it’s a dangerous move.
But The part that I told you in the introduction that just really grabbed my throat.
I don’t know why, but it just it it spoke to me And I I hope we all get this to some degree that the enemy, because you are so loved by god, That’s why we give you the word of god.
And that’s why we encourage you to accept Christ as lord and savior. Don’t accept this church.
We’re not accepting we’re not asking you to accept the denomination. Or to sign up on anything.
We’re asking you to meet Jesus. The carpenter. Okay.
But but notice notice how incredibly, completely, you are hated, and I and that was so well represented to to deprive a human Nefaris’s, you know, final words where, you know, I think it’s fitting that, uh, he’ll he’ll be electrocuted.
And then to Take away his milkshake and his hamburger and his fries.
It’s not that it was hamburger and fries.
It was that the enemy hate you so much — Mhmm.
— that he will toy and tamper with your life.
And so that’s at least one reason why you should become a Christ follower.
Because according to the Bible, without the Holy Spirit in your life, Imagine without without water in this cup, this cup would be empty.
If I were to pour this water out, it’s full. I’m not gonna do that.
But I should do that. If right now it’s water. It’s safe. I know it’s safe. There’s water in here.
If I pour it out, this cup was designed to hold something.
If it’s not holding anything anymore, then it’s open for anything else.
You without Jesus Christ in this world. See, I got my religion. Your religion cannot save you.
Only Christ by the power of the least spirit indwelling you can save you from such dark powers.
And so if you’re walking around life right now thinking I’m good.
I don’t need this stuff. I just want you to know you exist by the grace of god.
You may be shaking your fist at God.
You may say that you don’t believe in God, but it’s only by his grace.
You haven’t been captured from the inside out.
Satan works from the inside out, and he uses props from the outside in.
So listen, wherever you are at, and those of you that are joining us right now on the live stream that went up, you need to right now take heed to these very, very key words that Jesus spoke to us.
In fact, let me read a little bit further up.
There was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the Jews.
This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from god for no one can do the miracles that you do.
Unless god is with him. Listen how Jesus responds to that bit of flattery.
Jesus answers and sits to him most assuredly, I say to you that unless you are born again, you will not see the kingdom of god.
Nikodemus said to him, how can a man be born when he’s old.
How can he enter again a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?
And Jesus answered him and said, most assuredly, I say to you unless one is born of water and of the spirit, he will not enter the kingdom of god.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Do not marvel that I say to you, you must be born again.
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes.
So is everyone who was born of the spirit.
Nikodemus answered and said unto Jesus, how can these things be?
Jesus answered back to him and said, are you not the teacher of all of Israel and you do not know these things?
Most assuredly, I say to you, we speak what we know. And we testify to what we have seen.
And you do not receive our witness. Listen.
If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
No one has ascended into heaven, but he who has first descended.
That is the son of man who is in heaven.
And as Moses was live and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, So the son of man must be lifted up, and he who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For god so love the world, Jesus said that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Listen, for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
He who believes in him is not condemned, but he who believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god.
And this is the condemnation that light has come into the world, but men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.
For everyone, who practices evil does not come to the light so that his deeds will not be exposed.
But who does come to the truth comes to the light?
That his deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in god.
Jesus said that to the greatest ruler in all of Israel, the greatest religious ruler.
And if that man was told by Jesus, you have to be born a second time to enter into a whole new family into a whole new world, which is the kingdom of god.
Jesus said without that second birth, there’s no life after death. You think about that tonight.
The power for you to say now, dear god, I take you up on your offer.
The scripture says for anyone who will repent, that is agree with god that you need his forgiveness.
And ask him to come into your life, the Bible says he will save you.
I mean it when I tell you, listen, we don’t want your name.
We don’t need you to sign up. We don’t want your money. We want you to know Jesus.
We may never see you again. Maybe in heaven, I hope.
But we need you to meet him.
And all you have to do is call out to him.
I found it fascinating that at the end, right when he was gonna attempt suicide, He said remember the atheist said, god help me.
Think of that.
It seems to me that whenever life hits the wall, atheism can produce nothing for you.
But because you’ve been creating the image of god, you can turn to him.
It’s amazing. Steve, give us some final words, and we’ll pray as your team suggested.
You know, the the ending of our movie, the very end when he walks out of that interview.
And so James has asked god to intervene on his behalf at his most vulnerable moment, and god does, and god saves him.
But then James writes a book, James gets some fame, James Ghost and sees a big time talk show host Glennbeck does an interview and still kinda thinks that it’s about him.
And he is still kind of living in this ethereal middle as if neutrality is an option or you can just call on god at at certain times and use him as a vending machine.
And that’s really what the ending of our movie is about. It doesn’t just set up a potential sequel, maybe.
Who knows? Okay. But it it’s also it’s also meant, come on ahead to be a little self serving, you know.
Um, but it it’s also meant first and foremost for us as believers to remember evil never sleeps.
The battle never ends. So to be diligent to finish the race, Right?
But for for non believers like James, it also means choose ye this day whom you will serve. Alright?
You will have to choose aside and to not choose is to choose aside the wrong one, and James is reminded that he has not gained victory.
He is still being followed and he is still being haunted.
And I think for us, the the great opportunity that lies before us right now, and I know it’s not gonna sound like it, but we are gonna be and already are the first post Christian generation in America.
Now here’s what here’s the bad news.
You won’t get any default benefit of it out for being a believer anymore.
In fact, you’re going to be viewed with suspicion. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news.
Throughout history, Christianity has been at its best as a subversive force against cultural norms.
That’s when it’s been at its best. And this is now when we get to be the cool kids, right?
Every you you know what’s punk rock now?
Married a girl waiting to have sex until you’re married and having a bunch of kids with a job.
That’s punk rock now. Right? And so I wanna urge everyone in the audience here seize the opportunity, seize the day, embrace the outlaw image, live it up, embrace being cool, being on the edge, being subversive, being confrontational, swimming against the tide.
One of the things I can tell you that you need to bless this man for because I have been all over the country, and it is rare the amount of pastors who will confront their own congregations the way that I saw Jack do this morning.
And it’s because of that It’s because of that that the forces of darkness in your community fear you, and that is a healthy fear.
And you are now he has equipped you to be uncomfortable in an age of comfort.
And that is just so rare. Nothing is killing us more than comfort.
And when I saw being at this church today, I didn’t see comfort despite the nice surroundings.
I saw what it will take to win this battle. Conviction.
And so I wanna thank all of you for encouraging me where that is concerned.
And this is a this is about this is a this is the about the most alive church I’ve ever been in Alright?
And and I don’t know that Jack wants me to tell you this.
And and and you were at third service.
Yes. I was gonna say, I don’t know that Jack wants me to tell you this, but backstage, he says, well, the third service can kinda be the sleepy service.
I’m like, well, this is the most alive service I’ve been in in quite a while. Okay?
So there you go.
With that, we need to wrap it up. Hey, buddy.
I got you the standing ovation first.
Thank you. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Let’s all stand.
As we wrap this up and, uh, how can they help this movie? What can they do?
Tell everybody you know about this movie. Um, we’re in streaming right now.
We’re about seventy five percent to profitability.
And so if we get that last twenty five percent, we are ready and already discussing more nefarious content.
And I like playing offense. Yeah.
I like I like being on the offensive, and I think that we that’s you know, when Jesus says, not even the gates of hell, what is a gate?
It’s a protective measure. That means we’re the invading force and they’re trying to hold us off. Right?
And so I love going on YouTube and seeing best selling movies, nefarious sound of freedom, Jesus Revolution, Let’s see more of that.
If you’ve got an extra six bucks, thank you.
If you’ve got an extra six bucks, we gave you this one for free.
If you got an extra six bucks to go home and rent it on Amazon, and if nothing else, it’ll just really tick Jeff Bezos off to see movies like this.
That’s a good idea. That’s a great idea.
So at your discretion, if you could, is it really only
It’s six bucks now.
Yeah. Now, wait. Now, wait. So that’s but but it’s available on another platform. Yeah.
You can use Amazon, iTunes, Apple, YouTube, Google, Vudu.
So that’s a great thing. If you enjoy tonight, if you think that it’s something that you wanna uh, promote.
You can do so by by just renting it. You say, well, I don’t wanna watch it again.
I I I once was enough. Can’t you gift can’t you gift things to other people through your purchase?
Can’t you send it to somebody?
Just send them and say, Hey, this disturbed me and now it has to disturb you.
This, yeah, this kept me up all night. Here you go. Yes. But listen, no seriously.
If if you that’s a great thing. I didn’t think of that.
If you would just think about buying it tonight on on any one of those platforms.
That helps the next project. So listen, let’s do this.
Let’s pray for Steve and let’s pray for the entire team, shall we?
And and then and I’m also gonna pray for you tonight as well.
Father, we come and we come standing tonight.
And we know that there’s another tens of thousands of people, uh, here tonight viewing.
And, uh, we thank you that the campus itself and other buildings are filled.
And we pray for each and every one of us tonight.
Father god that your Holy Spirit would commence a work that cannot be denied by the powers of darkness nor could it be denied by the the naysayers, but that your love would pervade through the darkness, shine through all of the smoke screens of the enemy.
The the great distractions, the great temptations. To go right to the source that we need Jesus.
And so father tonight, we pray for anyone who’s troubled by demonic activity in life We thank you, lord god, that the Christian can be intimidated that Christian can be attacked from the outside but never filled or never possessed by demonic activity.
We thank you for your ownership of us, but There is oppression.
There is spiritual suppression, and there is this thing of unexplainable depression that is not only uh, something that may be hormonal or or somehow physical.
There could be an attack of this of the dark spirit.
So lord god in Jesus’ name, we pray that you would send a great healing to the hearts and minds of all that are hearing now and listening now and watching now.
But father, we pray for Steve and Amy. We pray for his team.
God in their protection, their safety.
And, lord god, that you would use them to do exactly what Steve just said a moment ago.
That the gates of hell will not prevail came from the very words of Jesus himself And the truth to that matter is Christ Jesus is the lord, is the king.
And so god we pray that you would watch over the producers, the writers, those that were actors in the film, lord all those that are involved in it.
Advertising or promotional, protect them all.
And lord god, as he said, the greatest thing that could happen right now is for this film to just continue to rise in popularity, sends a message, a powerful message.
And father We lay it all out before you now.
We thank you for Jesus Christ, the king of kings and the lord of lords, and we pray that we would be found by you trusting and faithfully hanging on to your promises for you’ll never fail.
We commit Steve and Amy now into your hands and all of these here.
In Jesus name, all god’s people said, Amen. God bless you guys. Thank you.
He’s had a great history in radio and in podcasting and began his career at about twenty six years of age and He’s obviously very, very bright guy.
And if you’ve ever heard his programming, But, uh, this picture is remarkably accurate.
I know that sounds strange in light of what you just saw, but I want to encourage all of you that I was so impressed with what was brought to the screen that I had to find out more because uh, Lisa and I, uh, experienced very much almost exactly what you saw tonight.
That’s why this evening, we had to we had to have it.
Because I want you to be encouraged that when you see the power of god in a situation like this, It’s overwhelmingly positive and encouraging for your faith.
I can’t explain it right, but as a Christian, when you see the word of god applied to this situation, the power, the disruptive power to the forces of darkness is quite epic.
Now the movie didn’t cover that part.
But I’m I want you to know that we’re living in an age that is a time that has been promised by Jesus himself.
That in the last days, as the apostle Paul said perilous times would come, Jesus said, that it would be marked by many, many aberrant things, but one of them would be a parallel of sexual abhorrence and demonic activity.
It’s remarkable, isn’t it? Why?
Well, you heard tonight how you’re hated by the kingdom of darkness.
And so if you can get people confused about them being the image bearer of god, then the enemy is closer to what he thinks is a victory.
And maybe listen. He wins battles. But he doesn’t win the war. The Bible is very clear about this.
But as we dialogue here in a moment in in in a moment when you greet Steve, uh, days.
I just want all of you to know that Christianity, true Christianity, not pretend.
Is filled with power. And if you’re wondering, well, I’ve never seen anything like that.
Well, all I can tell you is follow Jesus, and you may or may not see things like that.
But you’ll see him move in a million other ways. So it’s quite remarkable.
So when I saw this, I had to get this I had to get in touch with Steve.
So please give a warm welcome to Steve Days.
So you guys, we’re gonna we’re gonna do this rather quickly.
Anything you wanna say before we dive in? Yeah.
If if I could, uh, you could indulge me with a few housekeeping items I sent the video of this crowd, uh, to nefarious himself, Sean Patrick Flannery about a half an hour ago, And I was hoping maybe you guys could say hello to him because he was very, very impressed and very fired up about that.
Number one, Yeah. So, Sean, if you are watching, that’s for you.
Also in the crowd, I believe, over here, is Jordan Belphy, who plays doctor James Martin, if he could stand up.
I thought he was over there somewhere.
Where is it? Oh, wait. He’s over there. Wait.
Oh, there he is right there. Working the room. Alright. There he is.
That’s great.
And one final thing, our our writers and directors, uh, at Belive Entertainment, uh, Carrie Solomon and Chuck Consselman I sent them the crowd video as well, and they they have a humble request.
When we get done here tonight, could a room of thousands of people, could we all pray at once that the lord would open more doors for more movies like this sound of freedom, Jesus Revolution, man.
Awesome. Because storytelling is the last refuge of persuasion left in America today.
It’s the It’s the last place where people will let you truly go after their world views if you can entertain them.
And that’s an arena that we have neglected for far too long with serious subject matter.
And let’s go ahead and keep that momentum going. Thank you.
So listen, I want you to keep going, but, um, our first meetup, as far as I can remember, was phone call I made.
And, um, I just had to I just had to express to you my gratitude, which was kind of strange.
Thank you so much making such a scary music.
Thank you for freaking me out.
Thank you for
I’m vacuuming my house. I get a call that says, you know, exempt num or no number listed.
So I know it’s either really dumb or really important. Right? And I stop the vacuum.
I pick it up and it’s Jack Hibbs saying, hey, it’s Jack Hibbs, your movie really creeped me out.
I’m like, tell me more. You know? Yeah.
I was completely blown away because as I said to you, I I my my com my question to him was, how did you know?
How did you know? And so I began to explain to him a little bit about ministry and about what we’ve gone through.
And, um, it was remarkable. Can you share a little bit about uh, the research that you put into this is is quite exhaustive and quite extensive.
Well, the the book is, uh, the culmination of really all the post conversion world view training that I had done for ten years.
Uh, this September eighteenth, will be my twentieth anniversary, uh, of of when god saved me at Kemper arena in Kansas City, Missouri.
And, um, you know, my wife likes to say that she’s on her second or third marriage.
It just so happens the guy had the same name every time. You know?
So But, um, you know, those first few years after my conversion, I mean, I went full Paul in Arabia.
I mean, I read everything I could. I watched everything I could.
Listen everything I could. I mean, all these denominations, all these traditions.
I wanted to know about church history, I read Lewis, I read Milton.
I read I mean, I just, you know, decided I should probably know if I’m gonna devote my life to this, maybe I should take that photographic memory I have and devote as much to Christianity as I do to knowing completely obtuse and really useless facts about pop culture in Michigan football, you know?
And so I I just studied for many, many years.
God put really good men who kinda took the place of my, uh, of the father that I never had, just, you know, uniquely and strategically at different times.
And my walk put men in that position to help to lead and to guide me.
And, uh, I went to Washington DC for the very first time to do some publicity for my first wide release book.
And I’m in the shower, and this voice in my head, uh, out of nowhere, says to me, this book is dedicated to all the useful idiots out there.
Especially those of you who had no idea that you were being used all this time for you proved proved to be the most useful idiots of them all nefarious.
And I thought, that is a weird thing to think in the shower. Okay?
And I went and did some, uh, PR stuff, and I got back to my room in Washington, DC.
And I realized, um, there’s really no better place in the world to get inspired about a demonic takeover of America.
Than washington, DC. I mean, yeah.
Like, you can smell the sulfur in the air when you get off the plane. Right?
And I I started playing around with the idea of, you know, Barack Obama wrote two memoirs before he was forty, Well, I’ve got one book in wide release.
So I think I am now qualified to write sequels to CS Lewis Works, you know.
And, uh, and so I thought, if we’re gonna write a sequel to a screw tape letters, the rule of sequel storytelling is that the threat has to be bigger.
And so if we’re gonna write, you know, Lewis was gonna write about what hell does attempt us as individuals, what about the takedown of an entire culture?
Yes. And I just started working that angle and writing it, and I wrote the introduction.
I called a couple of pastor theologian friends of mine, and I said, Hey, I wanna read something to you.
I’m not gonna tell you what it is.
I’m just gonna read it to you over the phone and then tell me and give me your feedback right away.
And I did, and they both said, we really think you’re on to something.
And I had no idea the movie Jack was gonna be made into, uh, or the book was gonna be made into a movie, In fact, just like with the screw tape letters, I wrote the the only part of the book I wrote in my own voice, uh, is the preface.
And in the preface, I wrote, you know, maybe someday I’m not gonna tell you how I came on to this demonic manuscript, but maybe someday if we ever sell the movie rights to this, That’s the story that we will tell.
So we’re sitting around in Burbank doing the story boarding for this in, uh, June of twenty twenty when, when, uh, Master Newsom allowed you guys out of your homes for the first time.
Okay? And and we’re all sitting around wondering, alright, how are we gonna take this two hundred and forty page demonic polemic and translate it into a movie.
And I think it was Chuck said, you know, I’m just reading the preface here.
Why don’t we just tell that story?
Why don’t we just tell the story of the origin of the book, and that’s the story that you just watched in the movie?
It’s incredible. Yeah. It’s absolutely incredible.
So we don’t have the the time nor do I wanna put him through the torture of it again, but the the resistance, the opposition that he and the team, unbelievable things from medical emergencies to unbelievable car accidents, you cannot believe the story behind the story of what went on, but can you give them just a little quick something.
Sure. I so this morning I got back, uh, from, uh, the gym.
I get back to my hotel room, and I looked at my wife, and I said, Is is it bringing in here?
Is there something wrong with the AC unit? She’s like, no. Well, I I can only hear.
I don’t want to hear right now. Never had this happen before. My right ear is just buzzing.
And no, it’s I didn’t get the COVID vaccine, so that’s not it.
I mean, I’ve just I’ve I’ve I’ve never had this happen ever before in my life, and it just so happened to happen today.
But to the point that you were just raising, pastor, the week of release, we get back from our, uh, premier in Dallas.
And we were like, wow. I mean, the reaction was incredible. You know, we think we really have something here.
And, uh, forty eight hours later, I was in the hospital.
I had golf ball sized cysts right next to my left armpit with a MRSA infection.
And they had to, uh, uh, pardon me.
The the doctor said it was, quote, of unknown cause or origin. Okay?
And in the that night, they literally had to carve them out of my arm.
Uh, so it didn’t get in my bloodstream.
And then I went back to my doctor a couple days later for a follow-up thinking everything was okay.
He’s like, no, there’s actually more little ones here.
They didn’t see the first time because of how big the first ones were.
So I had to go through that entire extremely painful process. Again, how painful?
My doctor said to me, this is the the most painful thing they will do to patients nowadays without putting you under.
And it was excruciating, like, painful. I mean, scream out loud, painful.
Finally, there’s one group of antibiotics that beat this. I’m able to tolerate it.
But then after it beat, uh, the MRSA, it turned on my immune system.
And so I was in the hospital with serious, uh, yeah, you, um, fevers and everything else for several days.
I I’m finally, I get out of the hospital. I get a text, um, from one of our producers.
The day I got out of the hospital, I get a text from one of our producers, Chris Jones.
He says you’re not gonna believe this.
I was just taking my son, Judah, and putting him in his car seat in the parking lot here in Southern California.
And he kicked against the car seat.
So I wasn’t able to strap him in, and I had to duck back into the car to strap him in.
And just as I did this, Another vehicle comes by in this parking lot at full speed, takes the door of my car off, totals my car if my son had not kicked against the car seat, and I had buckled him in the first time, I’d be dead right now.
Forty eight hours later, another one of our producers John Sullivan. You all need better drivers in Southern California.
Right? Cause he lives here too.
Forty eight hours later, John Sullivan texts, our our group texts, you guys he’s like, guys, you will not believe this.
I was just about to go to work.
A guy a nursing student on my street fell asleep at the wheel and just totaled my car.
Out in front of our home.
I think we’re up to, like, seven or eight vehicular accidents, uh, amongst our cast and our crew, We’ve had multiple hospital, uh, and both of our directors got COVID pneumonia, and, and, I mean, that was during the Delta variant, and you didn’t come out of the hospital very often.
With that. I mean, the the ordeal to get this movie made, every aspect of it has been a challenge, but I’ll say this.
We always talk about well, when we talk about spiritual warfare, we don’t talk about it enough.
But when we do, we always talk about it from the dark side of the street.
The door is the the lord open to get this movie made. People, we didn’t even know we knew.
People who called us out of the blue, like pastor Jack.
I mean, this doesn’t happen, uh, without without the lord.
And one way to look at it is, you know, the lord just used the enemy to buy two of my producer brand new car.
So that’s kinda cool. You know?
But, um, there are the and and we also you know, we I discovered in this process, there’s kind of a closeted pardon the pun, community of conservatives and and Christians here in Hollywood.
That kinda wanna do stuff under the radar, and they were helpful with this movie and getting it made and getting it done.
It’s been both the most challenging and spiritually rewarding journey of my entire life has been this film, and being in front of crowds like you makes it all worth it.
I think, um, I think that’s just the start.
And I I I think with what we’re seeing in Hollywood, there’s There’s some really great news coming out of Hollywood.
Um, if you get a chance to look at the the back scene, the back end numbers of Hollywood films that have a family or a spiritual meaning to them.
They’re crushing. They’re crushing the things that you hear about in all the other areas.
I mean, things are really hyped up.
And while they’re hyping up things trying to get you to the theater, movies like this one, movies like the sound of freedom are just ramping up.
They’re just exploding more and more.
And Uh, it’s I it’s interesting that that Gibson and Kaviso said the same thing about about spiritual attack against them doing something good.
But, um, of course now with sound of freedom, you mentioned that in human trafficking.
Um, we do wanna encourage you before we wrap this up. That was obviously a gripping film.
I noticed that nobody moved. Um, and and for good reason, Uh, it was so well done.
I mean, let’s give a hand to the actors.
This was a Both of them, all of them.
Not not just I mean, the the the whole the whole Uh, all of them did a such a great job.
Um, but, uh, Sean, is that his name?
Sean Patrick Flannery. Yeah. Uh, he did such
a good job that he scared me because that job seemed too familiar to him to play.
But that’s the level of his acting. Absolutely remarkable.
And when’s the last time you saw a movie where basically you sat down and watched two uh, people dialogue like that.
That takes skill, ladies and gentlemen, without bombs and airplanes and and things like that. That takes tremendous skill.
And Steven and his team was able to bring that together.
And we didn’t bring this movie to you tonight to scare you.
We’ve never done this before except for passion of the Christ. Awesome elite company. So thank you very much.
Cash of the Christ, and we did show, uh, two thousand Mules, uh, by Denise DeSouza.
And at Christmas, I think we did, um, the Noel, the little cartoon, which was cute.
But, um, this was fantastic because, again, we want you to be encouraged about the Holy Spirit that dwells within the believer.
I found it fascinating when in the in the movie nefarious thought that the priest was gonna be a threat until he turned out to be a priest who doesn’t believe in demonic uh, issues and that stuff, you know, we’ve grown beyond that, even the doctor, uh, atheist.
No. We’ve moved beyond all that.
Notice that when we do not believe in the spirit realm, they’ve got us right where they want us.
And, uh, when we when we act religiously without the power of god, uh, we lose our footing, and it’s a dangerous it’s a dangerous move.
But The part that I told you in the introduction that just really grabbed my throat.
I don’t know why, but it just it it spoke to me And I I hope we all get this to some degree that the enemy, because you are so loved by god, That’s why we give you the word of god.
And that’s why we encourage you to accept Christ as lord and savior. Don’t accept this church.
We’re not accepting we’re not asking you to accept the denomination. Or to sign up on anything.
We’re asking you to meet Jesus. The carpenter. Okay.
But but notice notice how incredibly, completely, you are hated, and I and that was so well represented to to deprive a human Nefaris’s, you know, final words where, you know, I think it’s fitting that, uh, he’ll he’ll be electrocuted.
And then to Take away his milkshake and his hamburger and his fries.
It’s not that it was hamburger and fries.
It was that the enemy hate you so much — Mhmm.
— that he will toy and tamper with your life.
And so that’s at least one reason why you should become a Christ follower.
Because according to the Bible, without the Holy Spirit in your life, Imagine without without water in this cup, this cup would be empty.
If I were to pour this water out, it’s full. I’m not gonna do that.
But I should do that. If right now it’s water. It’s safe. I know it’s safe. There’s water in here.
If I pour it out, this cup was designed to hold something.
If it’s not holding anything anymore, then it’s open for anything else.
You without Jesus Christ in this world. See, I got my religion. Your religion cannot save you.
Only Christ by the power of the least spirit indwelling you can save you from such dark powers.
And so if you’re walking around life right now thinking I’m good.
I don’t need this stuff. I just want you to know you exist by the grace of god.
You may be shaking your fist at God.
You may say that you don’t believe in God, but it’s only by his grace.
You haven’t been captured from the inside out.
Satan works from the inside out, and he uses props from the outside in.
So listen, wherever you are at, and those of you that are joining us right now on the live stream that went up, you need to right now take heed to these very, very key words that Jesus spoke to us.
In fact, let me read a little bit further up.
There was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the Jews.
This man came to Jesus by night and said to him rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from god for no one can do the miracles that you do.
Unless god is with him. Listen how Jesus responds to that bit of flattery.
Jesus answers and sits to him most assuredly, I say to you that unless you are born again, you will not see the kingdom of god.
Nikodemus said to him, how can a man be born when he’s old.
How can he enter again a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?
And Jesus answered him and said, most assuredly, I say to you unless one is born of water and of the spirit, he will not enter the kingdom of god.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Do not marvel that I say to you, you must be born again.
The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes.
So is everyone who was born of the spirit.
Nikodemus answered and said unto Jesus, how can these things be?
Jesus answered back to him and said, are you not the teacher of all of Israel and you do not know these things?
Most assuredly, I say to you, we speak what we know. And we testify to what we have seen.
And you do not receive our witness. Listen.
If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
No one has ascended into heaven, but he who has first descended.
That is the son of man who is in heaven.
And as Moses was live and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, So the son of man must be lifted up, and he who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For god so love the world, Jesus said that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever would believe on him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Listen, for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
He who believes in him is not condemned, but he who believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god.
And this is the condemnation that light has come into the world, but men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.
For everyone, who practices evil does not come to the light so that his deeds will not be exposed.
But who does come to the truth comes to the light?
That his deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in god.
Jesus said that to the greatest ruler in all of Israel, the greatest religious ruler.
And if that man was told by Jesus, you have to be born a second time to enter into a whole new family into a whole new world, which is the kingdom of god.
Jesus said without that second birth, there’s no life after death. You think about that tonight.
The power for you to say now, dear god, I take you up on your offer.
The scripture says for anyone who will repent, that is agree with god that you need his forgiveness.
And ask him to come into your life, the Bible says he will save you.
I mean it when I tell you, listen, we don’t want your name.
We don’t need you to sign up. We don’t want your money. We want you to know Jesus.
We may never see you again. Maybe in heaven, I hope.
But we need you to meet him.
And all you have to do is call out to him.
I found it fascinating that at the end, right when he was gonna attempt suicide, He said remember the atheist said, god help me.
Think of that.
It seems to me that whenever life hits the wall, atheism can produce nothing for you.
But because you’ve been creating the image of god, you can turn to him.
It’s amazing. Steve, give us some final words, and we’ll pray as your team suggested.
You know, the the ending of our movie, the very end when he walks out of that interview.
And so James has asked god to intervene on his behalf at his most vulnerable moment, and god does, and god saves him.
But then James writes a book, James gets some fame, James Ghost and sees a big time talk show host Glennbeck does an interview and still kinda thinks that it’s about him.
And he is still kind of living in this ethereal middle as if neutrality is an option or you can just call on god at at certain times and use him as a vending machine.
And that’s really what the ending of our movie is about. It doesn’t just set up a potential sequel, maybe.
Who knows? Okay. But it it’s also it’s also meant, come on ahead to be a little self serving, you know.
Um, but it it’s also meant first and foremost for us as believers to remember evil never sleeps.
The battle never ends. So to be diligent to finish the race, Right?
But for for non believers like James, it also means choose ye this day whom you will serve. Alright?
You will have to choose aside and to not choose is to choose aside the wrong one, and James is reminded that he has not gained victory.
He is still being followed and he is still being haunted.
And I think for us, the the great opportunity that lies before us right now, and I know it’s not gonna sound like it, but we are gonna be and already are the first post Christian generation in America.
Now here’s what here’s the bad news.
You won’t get any default benefit of it out for being a believer anymore.
In fact, you’re going to be viewed with suspicion. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news.
Throughout history, Christianity has been at its best as a subversive force against cultural norms.
That’s when it’s been at its best. And this is now when we get to be the cool kids, right?
Every you you know what’s punk rock now?
Married a girl waiting to have sex until you’re married and having a bunch of kids with a job.
That’s punk rock now. Right? And so I wanna urge everyone in the audience here seize the opportunity, seize the day, embrace the outlaw image, live it up, embrace being cool, being on the edge, being subversive, being confrontational, swimming against the tide.
One of the things I can tell you that you need to bless this man for because I have been all over the country, and it is rare the amount of pastors who will confront their own congregations the way that I saw Jack do this morning.
And it’s because of that It’s because of that that the forces of darkness in your community fear you, and that is a healthy fear.
And you are now he has equipped you to be uncomfortable in an age of comfort.
And that is just so rare. Nothing is killing us more than comfort.
And when I saw being at this church today, I didn’t see comfort despite the nice surroundings.
I saw what it will take to win this battle. Conviction.
And so I wanna thank all of you for encouraging me where that is concerned.
And this is a this is about this is a this is the about the most alive church I’ve ever been in Alright?
And and I don’t know that Jack wants me to tell you this.
And and and you were at third service.
Yes. I was gonna say, I don’t know that Jack wants me to tell you this, but backstage, he says, well, the third service can kinda be the sleepy service.
I’m like, well, this is the most alive service I’ve been in in quite a while. Okay?
So there you go.
With that, we need to wrap it up. Hey, buddy.
I got you the standing ovation first.
Thank you. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Let’s all stand.
As we wrap this up and, uh, how can they help this movie? What can they do?
Tell everybody you know about this movie. Um, we’re in streaming right now.
We’re about seventy five percent to profitability.
And so if we get that last twenty five percent, we are ready and already discussing more nefarious content.
And I like playing offense. Yeah.
I like I like being on the offensive, and I think that we that’s you know, when Jesus says, not even the gates of hell, what is a gate?
It’s a protective measure. That means we’re the invading force and they’re trying to hold us off. Right?
And so I love going on YouTube and seeing best selling movies, nefarious sound of freedom, Jesus Revolution, Let’s see more of that.
If you’ve got an extra six bucks, thank you.
If you’ve got an extra six bucks, we gave you this one for free.
If you got an extra six bucks to go home and rent it on Amazon, and if nothing else, it’ll just really tick Jeff Bezos off to see movies like this.
That’s a good idea. That’s a great idea.
So at your discretion, if you could, is it really only
It’s six bucks now.
Yeah. Now, wait. Now, wait. So that’s but but it’s available on another platform. Yeah.
You can use Amazon, iTunes, Apple, YouTube, Google, Vudu.
So that’s a great thing. If you enjoy tonight, if you think that it’s something that you wanna uh, promote.
You can do so by by just renting it. You say, well, I don’t wanna watch it again.
I I I once was enough. Can’t you gift can’t you gift things to other people through your purchase?
Can’t you send it to somebody?
Just send them and say, Hey, this disturbed me and now it has to disturb you.
This, yeah, this kept me up all night. Here you go. Yes. But listen, no seriously.
If if you that’s a great thing. I didn’t think of that.
If you would just think about buying it tonight on on any one of those platforms.
That helps the next project. So listen, let’s do this.
Let’s pray for Steve and let’s pray for the entire team, shall we?
And and then and I’m also gonna pray for you tonight as well.
Father, we come and we come standing tonight.
And we know that there’s another tens of thousands of people, uh, here tonight viewing.
And, uh, we thank you that the campus itself and other buildings are filled.
And we pray for each and every one of us tonight.
Father god that your Holy Spirit would commence a work that cannot be denied by the powers of darkness nor could it be denied by the the naysayers, but that your love would pervade through the darkness, shine through all of the smoke screens of the enemy.
The the great distractions, the great temptations. To go right to the source that we need Jesus.
And so father tonight, we pray for anyone who’s troubled by demonic activity in life We thank you, lord god, that the Christian can be intimidated that Christian can be attacked from the outside but never filled or never possessed by demonic activity.
We thank you for your ownership of us, but There is oppression.
There is spiritual suppression, and there is this thing of unexplainable depression that is not only uh, something that may be hormonal or or somehow physical.
There could be an attack of this of the dark spirit.
So lord god in Jesus’ name, we pray that you would send a great healing to the hearts and minds of all that are hearing now and listening now and watching now.
But father, we pray for Steve and Amy. We pray for his team.
God in their protection, their safety.
And, lord god, that you would use them to do exactly what Steve just said a moment ago.
That the gates of hell will not prevail came from the very words of Jesus himself And the truth to that matter is Christ Jesus is the lord, is the king.
And so god we pray that you would watch over the producers, the writers, those that were actors in the film, lord all those that are involved in it.
Advertising or promotional, protect them all.
And lord god, as he said, the greatest thing that could happen right now is for this film to just continue to rise in popularity, sends a message, a powerful message.
And father We lay it all out before you now.
We thank you for Jesus Christ, the king of kings and the lord of lords, and we pray that we would be found by you trusting and faithfully hanging on to your promises for you’ll never fail.
We commit Steve and Amy now into your hands and all of these here.
In Jesus name, all god’s people said, Amen. God bless you guys. Thank you.