Jack Hibbs : The Word Of God Is Prophetic

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Jack Hibbs : The Word Of God Is Prophetic

God does not want us to be ignorant concerning the things to come. He wants us to know that the future is already written and that His promises are sure and dependable. Bible prophecy is given to us to prepare us for what’s to come, assure us that God is in control, and encourage us to tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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you want to hear something awesome the Bible by its very structure is prophetic that means it has a window into the future and it’s not just any window it is actually God’s authoritative word that brings us mere little humans into his glorious word to allow us to see into the future that he wants us to know about this is an incredible thing it’s called eschatology but don’t let that big word scare you the Bible tells us that regarding God’s Prof phc word that there’s nothing that can separate you
and I from the love of God you might say Well Jack isn’t that in the Book of Romans that’s not a prophetic book listen it doesn’t have to be a prophetic book that statement God says regarding you now in the future that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God that’s awesome nor height nor depth nor any other created thing he went on to say we are more than conquerors in Christ The Book of Romans as I said is not normally known as a prophetic book but today I want you to look at it
and consider it to be your hope and your future and you listen you can’t read these things and not be challenged to be more like Jesus it is thrilling to be a believer at a time like this this message is a declaration to us of what God wants for your Soul’s existence between now and when we meet him Christian get ready Christ is coming back and in the meantime you and I are to be busy about our father’s business like never before honestly I wouldn’t pick any other time to be alive so get ready the word of God gets us ready as
we study it so grab a pen get a notebook as God speaks to you write it down and open your Bibles and let’s dive into our study today the word of God is prophetic prophetic indeed [Applause] so Church mark this down if you would it is this that the fact is that God will be our defense and he does it in a way that is most unique and Mark it down if you would it’s this is that his innocence is now our innocence you might say Well Jack what in the world how in the world does innocence have anything to do about me being protected by God it
has everything to do the innocence of Jesus Christ list listen to this the innocence of Christ speaks about his Purity Jesus Christ is not weak we think of innocence and we think of a cute little uh you know puppy or a kitty or some some maybe figurine the innocence of God is Holy it is pure and it is powerful we don’t often connect innocence and power together but we don’t often also put meekness and God together do we the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is Meek and yet the Bible tells us that from his face the heavens flee from his
presence the Bible tells us that Christ when he opens his mouth in the coming future the Earth will tremble but the Bible says he’s me and he’s innocent pure and in that Purity the Bible tells us that those of us who trust Christ his innocence his righteousness his very nature of Salvation has been imparted to us that when God looks at you as a Believer right now see you you and I are very mindful of our past aren’t we it comes up too often doesn’t it did you know listen when our minds pop up
thinking about our past we are to wrestle that thought down with scripture and we keep moving on why because you and I watch watch you and I have been positionally in heaven declared Innocent by the blood of Christ but the problem is you and I know you and I and we are our problem you know regarding our Salvation listen regarding our Salvation God is not worrying about it he’s not biting his nails he’s not wondering exactly how it’s going to work out oh my goodness how’s it going to go for Jack he’s not thinking about it did
you know that it’s done to God it is done he not only did it at the cross you’re going to see today that your salvation and my salvation was in his heart and mind and accomplished positionally in Christ before the world was ever created only God can do that is your god that big the god of the Bible is but in the meantime you and I are in route this is called sanctification it’s kind of painful and that is you and I live with you and I and I am my biggest problem I’m convinced Ved of this from
scripture Michael the Archangel he can deal with Satan I can’t Satan’s too strong for me I have the name of Jesus and I’ve been purchased by the blood of Christ thus I am safe nothing can come to me unless it gets approved by the father first but as I am in this flesh I can’t take on Satan he’s an incredibly powerful demonic satanic entity he’s for real I don’t have to all I have to do is do what every three-year-old knows what to do and that is get behind their dad’s kneecap have you ever seen a little kid
when they’re scared they just go right behind their their parents’ kneecap and then they peek out from time to time to see how’s how it’s all going and make sure everything’s going right go right right behind we are his children he didn’t tell us you know you got to get out there and fight your fight maybe you’ll make it no we fight the fight because he’s the one that’s clothed Us in the armor of God and he’s the one that has already told us the victory has already been taken care
of go out there and stand I got you covered on this you’re not on your own who shall bring a charge against God’s elect it is God who justifies we’re going to run through a few words right here and it’s the word who look at the word who I love by the way I’m probably pronouncing it wrong but the Greek word is doesn’t that sound like a who in a moment the kind of who’s we’re talking about here is what kind of who’s are they any certain one kind of who that’s who someone who anyone in a
generic sense which encompasses all any one or the many a mob a group translation everybody everybody anybody so watch this everybody anybody the mob shall bring a charge against me against us against God’s elect it’s not going to work now you know this people will attack you have you not caught on to this yet people will attack you people will say things about you doesn’t have to be true people will say things about you listen just make sure that the things they say about you aren’t true I had one Pastor in my life I don’t
have a pastor anymore my pastor died and people said what are you going to do Pastor Chuck died you need a new pastor not possible I’ve got Jesus I’m waiting I’m going to go see Pastor Chuck later but who’s going to who’s going to I he’s the only Pastor I’ve ever known who’s going to replace him I learned so much from him one of the things I learned from him was this don’t ever defend yourself I was under attack one time totally unjustified there were some guys so to speak beating up on me and I asked
him what do I do and he said read the book of Nehemiah have a sword in one hand and a TR in the other stay at the work don’t come down but you’re going to have to defend yourself with the word of God and I said okay how do I do that he goes just have the word of God have it it will defend you he said the moment you go to defend yourself when people attack you God will let you defend yourself and when that happens you’re going to lose now you know this is going to be true in your heart since as soon as I
put it this way if somebody says something and you know it’s not true well guess what God knows it’s not true but if you run around or you answer back or you tweet or you Facebook or you jump into that thing and you respond you’ve opened your up yourself up to Pandora’s Box and it’s so destructive better to be silent and let God be your defense I’m telling you right now that was some of the greatest advice I’ve ever been given in life cuz the the the the response emotionally is well I
better set that record straight you’ll never set it straight when you’re trying to talk to lunatics they can’t be set straight the truth is this whoever is attacking you you just need to say this father what they’re saying is not true can you deal with that father and zip your lip no more talking about it no matter what they’re saying let God be your defense cuz the moment you step up God will let you and that’s not a good day he doesn’t need you to step in to defend yourself because we are his
children has he given us the Armament yes to advance the gospel and to go into a dark world yes but God is our defense and then the word bring the word bring means to bring infliction or to bring harassment who’s going to bring this against us listen these generic entities will bring harassment will bring PR pronouncements against us and then the word charge the word charge a banking term meaning to call the loan see this is kind of a weird word isn’t it it means to demand sudden payment for a debt that’s a powerful word the world
are you guys listening the world is out to intimidate us when he he says who shall bring a charge against God’s elect notice it’s them up against him it’s not them against us they are the ones that are attacking God how is that true because I’m God’s kid and God is my father he’s my Defender so when this loan call comes up what what do you mean by that do you remember when you bought a car or a house or I don’t know something fill in the if you signed a contract and you borrowed money to do
that you never took you know the fine print that’s like 17 pages that you assumed was okay and you signed it did you know what you signed you signed a document there that said that you give the bank rights who loaned you the money you have given the bank rights to call that loan anytime they want to see whates that mean it means you’ve got 30 days to come up with all the money you owe the bank for your home or they can get you out if your home is not paid for that’s what you you and I are in right
now pretty scary right the world says this we’re calling the loan on you meaning we’re calling you to account give an answer this is the accusation come back make your defense we’re giving you a few moments to do it the world will pressure you this is happening to students it’s happening to teachers it’s happening to police officers it’s happening to nurses and to doctors and you fill in the blank you will do this in this world or does this not happen to God’s kids is it not happening now and God says I know
this you hear them God would say Jack you hear them speaking but I’m listening the innocence of God is our very defense and then that word elect simply means favored ones chosen ones the ones that God has selected it’s in we studied this a few weeks ago that God selects his children does that bother you the Sovereign God some people will say well you know what I’m a calvinist or I’m a hyper calvinist or I’m a 4.
3 or a 4. ner or a 3.7 calvinist Cal listen all this stuff wait a wait just calm down listen here’s the deal God says I based on my forn knowledge predestined my children to be mine based on forn knowledge you want to unpack that you want to wrestle with it why would you want to wrestle with that I love it if to if today you are saying to yourself I want to know Jesus God’s calling you God’s inviting you into his kingdom if you’re saying today I want to have a new conscience I want to be free from
guilt and shame and I want to know I want to live with God and I want to know that when I die I’m going to go see him in heaven God is calling you and he calls those based on his for knowledge because you know God Lives listen he lives in eternity nothing’s going to happen for God things are going to happen for us but God lives in eternity isn’t it amazing he lives in what we would say is the Eternal now it’s always now now with God there’s no time where he is eternal but God knows throughout all of
human time and Beyond of course that in his forn knowledge he predestined us to be his children and I Revel in it people want to argue about it we we want to debate you on this what that some people are chosen and some are not why do why would I debate you in this God says based B on his foreign knowledge he selects his own there’s no problem there if your God’s really big there’s no problem do have free moral agency of choice you sure do God gave that to you but God also knew before the universe was ever created what kind of decision
you would make when the gospel is presented to you he doesn’t learn anything but he sees all he gets all the credit he provides salvation his presence is heaven and because of Satan and sin there’s a Hell and Hell is for a place that people do not want God they got to go somewhere in eternity those are the two options smoking or non-smoking that’s your choice the elect of God I want to read this to you the elect of God this gets kind of fun get your pen out this is kind of cool the the elect of God are
all those either Jew or Gentile having come to Christ and whom God is predestined to Salvation based upon his eternal forn knowledge they are called the elect because the word denotes having been determined beforehand or ordained that is god listen having knowledge from eternity past or previously or head of the physical universe or time the elect watch everybody you have to watch my hands this is the only way I can do it we’ll go from right to left or left to right I should say Old Testament if God’s children are his
elect remember God’s doctrines never change he never changes so if God’s doctrine of elect is unchangeable then let’s look at the Old Testament were the Old Testament Believers called Saints the answer is yes were the Old Testament Believers called the elect the answer is yes Noah Daniel Moses how about this two sets of Brothers regarding God’s elect you ever heard of Canaan aable didn’t God tell Cain if you just do good all everything’s going to be fine Cain did wrong Cain murdered his brother have you ever heard of Jacob and
Esau they’re called Saints Book of Daniel chapter 7 and chapter N9 talks about Saints friends I hate to burst your bubble for some of you but Saints are not made in Rome and they’re not decided on by Cardinals and popes there’s none of that in the Bible sorry a man a human cannot do that only God makes Sinners Saints and he does it by the power of His spirit and by his atonement now watch right now today our day and age this is called The Church age for the last 2,000 years the church age or the bride of Christ are we not called
Saints to the saints that are at Philippi to the saints that are at Rome to the saints that at Corinth we are called Saints are we sinless no no Saints are what makes someone a saint is the object to which they have placed their trust for Redemption that’s Christ Saints of the Old Testament Saints presently you and I are there Saints in the tribulation period absolutely tribulation Saints did you know that in fact the tribulation Saints the Bible tells us that Satan will exercise his power over the saints of
God in that seven-year tribulation period of time and he will kill them he will kill the saints of God the Bible tells us during the tribulation period here’s what’s amazing the Old Testament are you guys still tracking yes the Old Testament Saints like David for example they’re given in eternity white robes did you know David’s going to wear a white robe in eternity did you know the tribulation Saints the Bible says they have to be faithful un death and they will be those that are his and upon their death they’re given
white robes did you know that there’s a group of saints there’s only one group of saints that do not get robes it’s the bride of Christ the church she gets fine linen clean and bright it’s a wedding gown completely different according to the Bible you and I are engaged to Christ here’s the beautiful thing about this God’s elections based upon God’s Own nature if you have an understanding a little bit of God’s nature you’ll have no problem with having God do what he does based on for knowledge because God
is love the Bible says he’s love the Bible doesn’t say that that God loves of course he loves but his actual nature is defined for example God is holy God is light and God is love he loves well listen God is holy God is light and God is love this is what the Bible says of what and who his nature is just like you have a particular personality God’s personality is Holy it is light and it is love those are things that you and I must have and what more do you want think about it all the things of this world are starting to
evaporate would you not agree the stocks the value uh the dreams of this or that of the world it’s evaporating that’s okay don’t panic there is nothing remember nothing that can separate you and I from the love of God that is a promise that God gave you gave me we didn’t make it up so how awesome our God is to say such things though you and I live in a world of hate and anger we see war and pain and rioting taking place listen you cannot hear or read these things and not be challenged by the very love and light
and Holiness of God to live out our life like Jesus lived if you’re an unbeliever today that is if you’re not trusting in Christ listen if you don’t have peace for your eternity you cannot hear these things and say that God does not care and God does not love and God is Not holy listen you cannot say that after now knowing this I I encourage you to give your heart to Christ right now right where you’re at it’s a very simple prayer like this Lord Jesus I believe from what I’ve read and what I’ve heard
that you are the Lord who died on the cross for me wasn’t a good man it was the god man the Son of God and that he rose again from the dead for my justification Christ not only died for me and paid the debt of my sin my adultery or V vience or anger bank robbery or meanness lying cheating stealing but he rose again from the dead to guarantee Eternity for me and I receive you as my Lord and Savior forgive me of my sins I receive your forgiveness Lord Jesus if you’ve prayed that prayer we want to hear from you and
we want to pray for you we want to send you information on how to grow and you can do that by simply going to jack kbs.com to find out so much more you are watching real life with Jack hibs America is facing unprecedented challenges and turmoil with threats from secular agendas widespread moral corruption and rampant violence everywhere understanding Bible prophecy is more crucial than ever in what you need to know about the Rapture Theologian Charles ryrie explains the biblical Prophecy of the Rapture in simple terms clearing up myths and
giving clear scriptural insights about the next event on the prophetic calendar Dr ryrie makes it easy to understand how these prophecies relate to current events and America’s role in them get your questions answered about this highly anticipated event with Charles ry’s insightful explanations what you need to know about the Rapture will be sent to you with our thanks when you make a gift of any amount to real life visit jackhibbs.
org 7 72346 to get your copy order now life is full of fear doubt and worry the more you listen to and see the world today the easier it is to feel hopeless and helpless amidst the confusion a voice of Hope has emerged the real life Network founded by Jack hibs the real life network is a free digital media platform void of the noise of secular media that attack people of faith click on the QR code or sign up for free at realwork tocom fast forward your [Applause] faith welcome to real life radio with Jack hibs God’s word never will return
void God’s word is spirit it’s power and it has its effect God did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us you are the light of the world Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does that [Applause] happen Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful non-nonsense presentation of the Gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing
this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to Jack kbs.com and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877 72346 again that’s 8777 2346 and of course you can write us our our address is real life with Jack KBS box 1273 Chino Hills California 91709 your gift will be Faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that
through Jesus Christ you will know real life

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