Is This AMERICA’S Last Chance? | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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Is This AMERICA’S Last Chance? | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Kirk Cameron is joined by Pastor Allen Jackson, Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr., Robert J. Morgan, Lt. Col. Allen West and Marshall Foster to examine the only hope for America’s future. They discuss the greatest challenge facing our nation and what must be done if we hope for God’s blessing on America. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today, this week, and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

how many elections do we have to have where nothing changes before we will wake up and go we have been looking in the wrong direction that’s right Marxist socialist atheistic secularism it wants to be the all pervasive philosophy we are really really watching the cost to Christians of uh of sacrificing things for cultural Prestige and change has to start at our house before we’re going to see it at the White House the question that’s in front of us is do we have the courage to make sacrifices so the
generation coming behind us have better opportunities than we have had are we going to extend Liberty and freedom are we going to negotiate and be passive with the expressions of evil around us and sacrifice the generations who follow us this is our time this is our watch and we need a more courageous response than we’ve been seeing what level of responsibility Dr Mohler do you think Christians have in the moral disintegration of our culture well that’s a great question I think first of all we need to take responsibility for
the fact that many Christian pastors and Christian leaders have not spoken clearly to these issues and uh there’s a great cost uh at that there is this uh Marxist socialist atheistic secularism that is trying now to bring its influence into every phase of human life from the time our baby our grandchildren are born up until you know it is it wants to be the all pervasive philosophy and the one thing standing in its way is the church and the Christian and the gospel and the cross and that’s why Paul says don’t be intimidated by those who
oppose you we just got to stand on the truth we got to stand on what is Right regardless of people yelling screaming callon his names and we have to realize that we have a moral High ground and we cannot allow people to take that away I think that there are more people that believe in our constitution what is right and what is true then there are of the others that try to take that away from us I hear people saying all the time that they see culture degenerating so quickly they see soft totalitarianism and worse happening in
other countries coming here to America do you think there is real hope I mean real hope for True Revival in the United States oh yes uh you know I’ve studied the great revivals in American history in depth there have been at least four great Awakenings and each one of them began with a pandemic or a war or terrible economic uh times of invasion where we were going to lose our whole country when the French were attacking and the British attacking in the American Revolution and we had fallen away from the faith the
church didn’t even believe in the gospel but at that point God stepped in changed the hearts of of his people and they began to move out and and lovingly transform the country again so we take your 2 Chronicles verse and make it very personal and say God I’m the one that’s done this the condition of my heart I have to say that I have to say that God the condition of my heart my choices what I have given my heart to I will change Daniel chapter n Daniel lives his life as a slave in Babylon and then
Persian I mean he didn’t grow up in Jerusalem Jerusalem’s destroyed he’s most likely a unic because he’s serving in the court and that would have been a parameter for that difficult life when he gets to Daniel chapter 9 he says he discovered by reading the scripture that it was time for the people to go home and Daniel prays and he confesses the sin of Israel that caused them to be exiled but he does it with personal pronouns he says we have sinned we have done this yeah he didn’t say those
Wicked people that were in Jerusalem right he puts himself right into the midst of that that’s right and if our generation if we have the courage to say that God we have sinned we have turned our back on you yes you know we lit a sexual revolution in the 60s that has wound up in the 21st century with gender modification on minor children and we think that’s a good thing God be merciful to us that’s right we have done this somebody else hasn’t done this this is our watch and if we will come with
that humility God will respond if we don’t and we keep pointing accusing fingers at others we are going to Forfeit a great deal the Christians are so easily seduced by Comfort I mean we live in a consumer age you know how bad can things be I’ve I’ve got a new car I live in a nice house you know and look we are really really watching the cost to Christians of uh of sacrificing things for cultural Prestige and I I think at the end of the day this may be the greatest challenge we Face there there are Christians who say you know I
think what’s being taught at Harvard is just antithetical to Christianity we’re we’re about to find out what Christians will sacrifice in order to retain our children as Christians and and that’s an open question I think an awful lot of people who call themselves Christians they will take the immediate you know feedback of the world’s Applause at the cost of Christian faithfulness and uh that that’s just a tragedy beyond our comprehension so I think we just have to stand firm with the cross in our hand
and with the Bible in our hand and with the Holy Spirit in our life and with Christ in our heart and we don’t have to be as you know we don’t have to be uh unpleasant or mean-spirited yeah but we do have to be strong this is the very time in which he works it’s not the good times when we’re feeling good about ourselves because we become self- dependent it’s at the hard times we’ve got nowhere else to go Kirk we’ve got to go back to God and His law and his principles like you’re laying out there
on the monument if there’s a hope and there is a real hope uh if a minority of us get right with God I know that we’re supposed to ask God with uh specific requests to come to him um with thankful hearts and present our request to him but what are you asking for God to do in America today well I ask on a reg regular basis that God would give us his wisdom you know in James chap 1:5 it said if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and I think we’ve arrived at a place where we need his wisdom what’s the best way to
protect our environment I’m tired of hearing everybody chirp about that that has a political agenda how do we do that yeah how do we care for our families what’s it mean to love we need God’s wisdom we need understanding Hearts we have to have a fundamental Heart Change that’s what our faith is about we’ve told people to get saved we haven’t talked to them much about anything else after that yeah and we’re have to open our hearts to let the spirit of God begin to lead us and yeah I just say
that every day and then I ask for boldness and courage the disciples prayed for that they said Lord give us the boldness to speak your word they must have needed it and we need it too how long are we going to be passive and appease ungodliness and wickedness I know we should love everybody but there’s a difference you know God loves everybody but he still said there’s right and wrong and we have been a little bit in the Weeds on this so I I’m just I come every day and say Lord we need your courage we need your boldness
God chose Gideon terrified hiding he said I’m weak my family’s weak my Clan’s weak my tribe’s weak why why why and God said you’re a mighty man of Valor let’s go and getting in 300 people changed the course of a Nation I bet we could find 300 people if we would yield our hearts and let’s just see what God will do I don’t see the hope of the of the future of this country if we can limit our our the scope to to that is as to getting a pagan culture to embrace biblical ideas I see that what God has always seemed to
do throughout history is take his people and say if my people who are hum who are called by my name will humble themselves in pray don’t worry don’t worry about the Canaanites you don’t need to worry about the Hittites If my people will just put your eyes back on me I’ll take care of your enemies and I’ll cause you to flourish as goes the church there goes the culture someone once said that culture is is is religion externalized and so that does give me great conviction as a Christian that I have
responsibility in this but it also gives me great hope that if we as the family of God really live what we say we believe things can turn around externally well absolutely and I think you’re pointing to the biblical promise Israel was first of all to be God’s faithful Covenant people and and that was driven down in the law and and you mentioned Deuteronomy 6 it in the word of God to the faithfulness of Christian parents raising Christian children in the case of Israel faithful parents of Israel raising the children of the
Covenant but you know if Israel was true to God then the further biblical promise is that Israel would be a blessing to the Nations yes and and so you’re exactly right we start in the household of faith and and if we get the household of faith if the church is standing in the right place of flourishing in the gospel and on the authority of the word of God then we will be a blessing to the nation it doesn’t work the other way around it doesn’t work in Reverse that’s right and and I I’m I’m excited to think
of the same God uh of the nation of Israel that wanted to use Israel as a light to the Nations and as I believe it was John winth said that that America can be that City on a Hill that shines the light of the Gospel to the Nations and and I believe that God has a purpose for our country uh I I know that you do too and we just need to adjust our response to his purposes and turn our eyes back to him and you know that that’s just one of the clearest calls in scripture in both the Old and the New Testament so we do know at all times the
right thing is to confess our sins before God to turn to him and to pray that he will show his glory in our homes in our children in our churches and uh and and even in our neighborhoods in this Fallen World To His glory uh we’re looking forward to a kingdom which has foundations whose maker and Builder is God in the meantime we’re just seeking to be faithful in this world so long as God leaves us here
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