How to Deal with Unbelief

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How to Deal with Unbelief

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this program is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of preow Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world if you try to use the law to have a relationship with Jesus that is using it unlawfully because the law was not sent to do that the law was sent to show you your sins and show you a need for a savior but once you get once you get in relationship with the SA you don’t need the law no more because you’re born [Music] again download and stay connected with the changing your world podcast with
crlo dollar keep the word of God at the Forefront of your mind with these powerful and uplifting messages with each message that you download and stream you gain revelation of the fullness of God’s grace the changing your world podcast brings you life-changing wisdom right at your fingertips no matter where you are subscribe today on Apple podcast Spotify or your preferred podcast platform this is your world so let’s vow to make it a better place let every heart that needs to know you love is here to St oh it’s time
we live a new life oh and love sh ring you we saved by his grace so we Embrace Your Love today we are Chang today we’re going to talk about how to deal with unbelief how do you deal with unbelief there’s nothing wrong with your faith when you when you put your faith out there for something to happen there’s nothing wrong with your faith it’s just you have too much unbelief you don’t need but uh Faith the size of a mustard seed you just have too much unbelief and and and it’s feeding you
every day through your eyes and it’s feeding you through your ears and it’s feeding you through your experiences and uh too much unbelief will counteract your faith and you’ll always be in a point where you sit back and you wonder well why didn’t this work or why didn’t that work and so if you don’t mind I Want to Jump Right In to this and I want to talk about the three different forms of unbelief I want to Define that for you right now the three different forms of unbelief number one the first form of
unbelief is ignorance ignorance it’s when something just it’s it’s when someone just doesn’t know the truth you just don’t know now now you you can only go so far as that as an excuse with that but ignorance you just don’t know and there’s nobody in here that hadn’t been in a situation where I just didn’t know I just didn’t know how to be a father I just didn’t know how to how to uh to be a wife I just didn’t know how to be saved but ignorance is the first form and it’s when someone just doesn’t know
the truth when you just don’t know the truth the second form of unbelief is something called disbelief the second form of unbelief is something called disbelief and disbelief occurs as a result of wrong teaching it comes from being taught wrong disbelief I’m having a hard time believing the truth because I am Prejudice to what I’ve always heard number three the third form of unbelief is something called natural unbelief natural
unbelief and that comes mainly from what you see in your experiences natural inputs that may be contrary to the truth natural inputs that may be contrary to the proof in other words you’re saying you know the word says you’re healed but then I can see that big old thing on my leg it’s it’s it’s unbelief that comes from the viewing of the natural circumstances and situations so three forms of of unbelief ignorance disbelief and natural unbelief now let’s deal with them one at a time apply some scripture to it and
add a little bit more to the definition let’s deal with ignorance just don’t know ignorance it just means that just don’t know it’s not knowing the Bible says my people are destroyed because they just don’t know ignorance can set you up for instruction and so due to a person’s lack of knowledge they have unbelief due to I just didn’t know that they have unbelief so the cure to that is just tell the truth and if received the ignorance will be dealt with that’s the truth how many you know
there’s some ignorant folks that’s love staying ignorant it it seems like it’s an easy thing to do uh let me show you something go to First Timothy chapter 1 and verse 13 in the King James and then look at it in the NLT 1 Timothy chapter 1 and 13 we look at Paul and how Paul persecuted the church and how Paul had Steven stoned to death and you think why did he do this verse 13 He says who was before referring to Paul Paul was before a blasphemer Paul was a blasphemer he was a persecutor he was injurious he said but I obtained
Mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief how many how many things that you look back and you’re like why did I do that you were you were you you probably did it ignorantly in unbelief now look at this in the NLT he said even though I used to blaspheme the name of Christ in my insolence I persecuted his people but God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief now here’s the thing I want you to celebrate even when you were ignorant and unbelieving God had mercy on you now sometimes people want to hold
the thing against you but in your ignorance and unbelief I mean as a parent there were certain things I did ignorantly but thank God he had mercy on me which means everything going to be all right amen now let me show you an illustration of how this work go to John let me show this how how how how it works John 12: 31 and 32 uh look at it in the King James John 12:3 there’s certain things that you know when when when certain things are shared and you you you you you just you you believe ignorant you’re you’re
in unbelief of some things because you you just didn’t know here are some things we just didn’t know now I’m going to show you a scripture you’ve always heard if I be lifted up from the earth I’ll draw all men unto me how many you heard that before now verse 31 now is the Judgment of this world now is the Judgment of this world colon which means judgment is the subject that we’re talking about followed by the list now is the Judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast
out and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me and all my life I’m I’m I’m wondering something must be wrong with you being lifted up because all men have yet to be drawn unto you and then I went back and looked at it the word men is in a Talis eyes which means it did not appear in the original language and that’s not what he’s talking about they left something out the subject here is not men the subject here is judgment and what he said was if I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all
men’s judgment unto me all of the Judgment that we have receiv from all the things that we have done ignorantly God said if I if I’ll lift my son up he is going to draw every judgment that was rightfully yours instead of the Judgment coming on you the judgment is going to come on him [Applause] do you see what happens when you don’t know and so I’m thinking all men are coming he says no and see the they translate if you don’t understand the gospel message in this New and Living Way yeah you’ll say I’ll draw men unto
me and it sounds good and if I be lifted up from the earth I’ll draw all men unto thee Oh yes amen and we for we just don’t know how to read sometimes you go back to your grammar all that teaching you had on grammar and diagram and sentences if I be lifted up from the earth I’ll draw all of man’s judgment unto me judgment is the subject so we’ve got to open ourselves up we can deal with this first area of unbelief we can deal with ignorance how by continuing to expose ourselves to the truth and the
more you expose yourself to the truth the less and less ignorant you’re going to live and be because of your exposure to the truth amen now let’s deal with this one it’s going to take a little time with this one cuz disbelief people people they get violent in this area this is more difficult to overcome than ignorance as a person who has been as a person who who has been taught wrong they have the prejudices against the truth you have to receive the truth of God’s word above man’s traditional
thinking in order to overcome this unbelief that came through wrong teaching but the majority of the church today it’s like that’s what I always heard that’s the way I’ve always believed and if it ain’t broke I ain’t ain’t no need to fix it let me show you something Matthew Chapter 5 let me let me walk an example through with you and I’ll show you an area where this has been around forever Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 and 18 all right now now check this out disbelief as a result of you you believe
the way you believe because you were taught wrong that that’s been my journey i’ I’ve been on a journey of discovering those areas where I was taught wrong so I can clear up the disbelief notice in verse 17 this is a big one I may even go viral on this one but this is a big one think not that I am come to destroy the law Jesus is speaking or the prophets think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy the law but I’ve come to fulfill the law for verily I say unto you till
Heaven and Earth pass away one jot or one TT shall in no wise pass from the law not not nothing will pass from the law till all be fulfilled now the first thing is Jesus said I didn’t come to destroy the law Jesus said I come to fulfill it he didn’t say you are to fulfill it he said he came to fulfill it because if you could fulfill it he would not have to come to fulfill it right so he said I came to do something that no man could do the law is perfect men because of the failure of Adam and Eve we are not perfect
imperfection can’t fulfill Perfection only Perfection can fulfill Perfection and Jesus is the only one I know is perfect that can come and feel something that’s perfect you can’t he said for faroh ver I say you till Heaven and Earth pastor away not one jot not one t not one little bit of the law going to pass away until I prove that I can fulfill it all now once I fulfill it all it can pass away right but there’s been this thing about the law like you trying to hold on to it like you can keep it I don’t pay
no attention to Pastor dollar and you go somewhere else well Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law he didn’t come to destroy the law Hallelujah and what you’re insinuating is he didn’t come to destroy it uh he can’t fulfill it so I’m going to fulfill it you can’t the law will beat you down so what did he say look at Romans chapter 10 I’m I’m going to finally go through this whole thing Romans chapter 10 in the King James first and then the NLT Romans 10 and 4 I’m going to add all the balances
to this Romans 10 and 4 here’s what he said for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believe so now he’s getting ready to make a distinction he is saying for people who believe and gotten born again your belief in Jesus is an end to the law in your life look at this in the new new New Living Translation in the New Living Translation for Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given so he says when it is fulfilled it’ll pass away it’s not going
to pass away until it is fulfilled where here he’s saying it’s accomplished Christ has already accomplish the purpose for which the law was given as a result all who believe in in him are made right with God for you to say no I’m going still live by the law it’s for you to say I have yet to believe in Jesus because those who now believe in Jesus he says that’s an end to the law cuz you believe in Jesus all right hold on hold on uh real quick Luke 16:16 and Matthew 11:13 and then I’m I’m going to show you
something that’s going to bring this no no no no no but help me Lord help me help me uh let’s go to First Timothy first 1 Timothy sometime in my anal thinking I want to show you every little bit and sometime it ain’t necessary sometimes you need to just go straight to the point 1 Timothy chapter 1 um and verse 8 through 11 all right we F to we F to milk this man I’m going to put my we going to milk this thing put it in a bottle and put it in refrigerator 1 Timothy chapter 1 all right now watch this now for those who are born again
and believe in Jesus you have a new way of living your living is going to be by the Holy Ghost watch this word verse eight but we know that the law is good it’s not only good it’s perfect he said now if a man use it lawfully it is good if a man use it lawfully it is good who how how was the law how do you use the law lawfully by using it the way that it was intended to be used the law is good if used as it was originally intended for and what what was it originally intended to do uh the law was to make us aware of sin and the law was
to push us towards Jesus the law was given to make everybody aware of the sinfulness of their sin cuz without the law you you you don’t know what’s right or wrong that was the problem before the law they doing everything killing each other and everything and God’s like we got to do something they they just doing stuff there’s no there’s no standard of right and wrong so he said I’m going to give them something perfect and Flawless and the law is going to show them the sinfulness of their sin and then the law
is going to show them their need for a savior but it was not legal and lawful to use the law to drive us to legalism the law was never intended to drive us to legalism what is legalism it’s focusing on God’s law more than the relationship with God legalism focusing on God’s law and not the relationship with God in other words you’re Focus focusing on that rule and you have no relationship with God the law or legalism is is keeping the Eternal Law Without submitting your heart to God your heart’s not even in
it and so he says but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully if the law is being used to show the sinfulness of your sin and if the law is being used to drive you to Christ then he says that’s using it lawfully next verse knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man I’m telling if you use it lawfully but those of you who are righteous because you made Jesus the Lord of your life the law is not for you no matter how you look for it a guy who believes in Jesus and a guy who’s gotten Born
Again has to divorce himself from the law and and allow the new way of living allow the Holy Ghost to be the administrator of morality versus rules and regulations being the administrative morality knowing this that the law is not made for the righteous man but the law watch this was made for the Lawless for the disobedient for the ungodly for The Sinner for the Unholy oh my goodness for the the murderers of fathers murderers of mothers for manslayers for whoremongers for them that defile themselves for men Pleasers for liars and purit persons if
there be any other thing that is contrary to sound Doctrine according to the Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God which was committed to my trust look at what he very clearly said this is who the law is for it’s for people who don’t believe in Jesus people who sinning people who screwing around people who doing stuff for he said the laws for folks who’s in the sinfulness of their sin and the law will even show them you ain’t no good the law show you the law con you you’ll go do it and you’ll brag about
having a good time but there’s something on the inside of you the law all will keep amplifying if it’s used for the purpose that it was given it’s going to be used to show you your sin when certain sins take place in the life of people some people have to get hook on some kind of drugs to to to to numb the emotional attack of doing what they do and so there’s a combination of the sin and the drugs something to numb it the Bible calls it phaia it’s a demon that comes through drug addiction that tries to
numb numb that that that thing that the law is trying to bring you the Law’s trying to say this ain’t right the Law’s trying to say if you keep doing it’s going to kill you the law going to say you know you you’re just just mean the law say you just you’re just you’re holding it on forgive you need to let it go the law say you know you’re murdering folks it it it it it stays with a person because it shows them sin if you use it lawfully but if you try to use the law to have a relationship with Jesus that
is using it unlawfully because the law was not sent to do that the law was sent to show you your sins and show you a need for a savior but once you get once you get in relationship with the Savior you don’t need the law no more because you’re born again who or what do you trust in the three message series trusting God in the end times cruff dollar breaks down how to declare dependence on God when so many people choose Idols for themselves God has got to be your Source everything that you’ll ever need in this life has
already been made available but you can only access it by your faith Grace is this unmerited favor it is provision that keeps increasing over and over and over and over again provision Vision that will show up for those who depend on him it’s Grace that’s God’s part it’s dependent on him that’s man’s part for a love gift of only $20 or more for CDs or $30 or more for DVDs secure a copy today call the number on your screen scan the QR code or visit C dooll ministries.
org and click EO learn how to genuinely trust in God sometimes in life we Face dilemma and aren’t sure what to do God has given us a Grace gift to help overcome the limitations of our understanding so that we can receive clear Direction introducing Grace Life Academy with this easy to ous platform you can start learning how to tap into the unlimited prayer power of the Holy Spirit Grace Life Academy offers unlimited access to hundreds of hours of online teachings from crlo Dollar anywhere and anytime you can learn in as little as 15 minutes
a day you will gain access to interactive Bible lessons that include features like ecourses study guides quizzes and more you don’t have to live a limited life start experiencing all that God has made available through his gifts of Grace to get started on your 30-day free trial simply text GLA to 51555 or sign up online by visiting myrac lifee academy.
com know that your contributions do not go unnoticed understand also that when you seow Financial seeds into crlo Dollar Ministries you actually assist us in ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of millions around the world you help us build schools drip irrigation systems and homes for pastors you also help us provide supplies for children and the elderly we thank you and we continue to pray for you daily log on to our we ite at missions.
Dollar to see all the work we do at COD dollar global missions thank you for your support no matter where you are on your personal Journey the word of God can reach you tune in to World Changers every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or restream at 2: p.m. 6: p.m. and 10: p.m. Eastern Standard Time have you ever had God saved somebody in your family and you they were no good for nothing dirty but he saved them anyway sanctify them fill them with the Holy Ghost text watch now to 51555 or visit for
more information about services and stream times I open my heart I open my mind I open myself up to God possibilities to God happenings God encounters whatever he wants to do however he wants to do it but I refuse to live in the past yes we’re in this together no matter where we are we are World Changers see you online I don’t ever want to take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and there’s no better way to Embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter
into a personal relationship with Jesus so if you want to become born again and began an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus I want you to pray this prayer with me and I I’ll say it so you can repeat after me repeat after me heavenly father I believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins and I receive him into my life right now as my Lord and personal savior so by faith I declare that I am saved praise God now that simple prayer change your entire Eternal
destination and we want to welcome you to the family of [Music] God the preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of crlo Dollar Ministries [Music]
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