How to Break Generational Curses X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Cindy Grimm

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How to Break Generational Curses X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Cindy Grimm

The mind is a powerful thing! When dealing with family cycles and generational trauma, we often want to take the driver’s seat to shield ourselves from the journey ahead. But what if you surrendered and let God take control? What if the part you’re holding onto tightly is just a small portion of what your life is meant to be? Trauma speaks loudly, but it is not the end of your story, nor is it the end of your family’s story. Dr. Cindy Trimm helps us embrace the promises of God by staying ignited with our vision and dreams for the future.

100% of what’s going on is held in your mind but watch this it’s only held in 10% of your brain’s capacity 10% you’ve got 90% of your brain that’s never been hurt never been abused never been traumatized never never every day you could wake up you could sit in therapy for the rest of your life dealing with that 10% rewiring that 10% or you could Embrace what God said behold I do a new thing you got 90% of your brain that can be activated and so when I discovered that I was 8 years old and we grew up in

abject poverty abject we ran out of water we ran out of food we ran out of everything people think that once they see you here that you didn’t have to go through what they went through but if I tell my story everybody would be crying except me because there’s nothing to cry about that’s only held in 10% I’m firing up the 90% how do you fire it up you you know therapy is only 10% of the work what are you going to do with the 90% fire it up how do you fire it up with a vision give God something to work

with because because if it’s not clear for to you it’ll never be there for you and if you want to see it in your future dream about it today and that’s the power of a vision

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