How Do We Love Our Enemies? – Dr. Charles Stanley

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How Do We Love Our Enemies? – Dr. Charles Stanley

Now when it comes to loving enemy that puts a whole different light on it.
For example, if I should say to you today, do you love people that you know, your enemies?
You may give me some religious answer? Oh sure.
But deep down inside you think, yeah, no, I don’t really love them. It’s difficult to love some people.
In fact, some people make it difficult for you to love them.
And when we find people who would destroy us, we say, am I supposed to love them? Listen carefully.
There is a difference in loving a person as a person and loving their ways and their ambitions and their desires that are ungodly and destructive.
Were not required to love the ways of the ungodly and I’m not required to love their actions, their deeds, their motives and all the rest.
But we want to see every person saved.
Yes, no matter how mean and vicious and wicked and vile they are we required to love their ways.
Absolutely not. And so when jesus said we’re to love as he loved, that’s the way he loved, no matter for example, I think about how they responded and uh how jesus responded to them.
It was always selflessly. He wasn’t saying do this for me, do that for me, He said I want I love you and I want you to love one another.
Like I love you. Not thinking of myself, but thinking about the other person when you say I love you to someone, what do you really and truly mean?
Do you remain? Do you mean I care for you? I’m thinking about you.
I want what’s best for you and I want to do whatever I can to help you to become the person you want to be, or you think about what it’s going to get you.
You see selfless love isn’t centered on self itself less.
It’s you that’s important, the other person, How you feel, what happens to you?
What what are your needs, not what I think they are, but what are they? That’s the way he loved.

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