Holy Spirit’s Next Move has Already Begun
Holy Spirit’s Next Move has Already Begun
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
God moves in generations, and there is hope for this generation. Ephesians chapter 3 verses 20 and 21.
Now all glory to god, who is able through his mighty power and work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations For ever and ever, amen, we must see things from heaven’s perspective.
It’s easy to look around at the world today and become discouraged.
It’s easy to perceive things as though the darkness is advancing and the light is losing, but I promise you this God always wins.
And there is always hope. Yes. I understand that in the last days perilous times shall come.
But that doesn’t mean that in the last days, the gospel loses its power.
The gospel still has power, and Jesus is still the answer.
He’s moving, whether we see it or not, whether we perceive it or not, whether we believe it or not, god is moving here and now.
And there is hope for every generation. No generation is so far gone that god cannot reach them.
And I believe that this generation is going to encounter the Holy Spirit. Every generation has a move of God.
And when I say generation, I’m talking about everyone who’s hearing me right now. You’re alive on the earth today.
You are a part of what god is doing in the earth right now. God does nothing. Without purpose.
So if you’re here, if there’s breath in your lungs, if you are alive, then God has placed purpose in you and you have been born and destined for such a time as this.
It might look dark, but god has a plan.
Hel may be advancing in some areas, but ultimately, the kingdom of god has been given all authority.
What you may think is the enemy winning is actually just a setup. God always wins.
May look at the situation and wonder how there might be a way that god would move, but remember that god makes a way where there seems to be no way.
Just when you think it’s over, when he demonstrates his power.
Just when you think you’ve done all that you can do, that’s when the power of the holy ghost shows up.
You’re praying for your grandchildren. You’re praying for your children. You’re praying for your siblings.
You’re praying for your loved ones.
And you’re saying, God, we’re crying out for a move of the Holy Spirit in this generation.
God We need you to sovereignly sweep across the earth in power and cause a mass of souls to be saved to enter into the kingdom of god to be snapped from the kingdom of darkness, that is what god is doing.
He never fails. He never fails. And the culture may say 1 thing.
And the movie industry may say 1 thing. And the music industry may say 1 thing.
The political machine may say and push 1 thing. But god has the last word.
In the end, god always wins. Here’s what the scripture says in acts chapter 2 verses 14 to 21.
Then Peter stepped forward with the 11 other apostles and shouted to the crowd.
Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem. Make no mistake about this.
And by the way, the people were observing that the power of the Holy Spirit had come upon the church, and they made assumptions about the church being drunk verse 15.
These people are not drunk as some of you are assuming.
09:00 in the morning is much too early for that. No.
What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel.
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.
There we see the unification of generations.
It’s not as though God is done with 1 generation so that he can get to the next generation. No.
God uses 1 generation to reach the next generation. In fact, his plan is intergenerational.
Your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.
There again, the unification verse 18. In those days, I will pour out my spirit even on my servants.
Men and Women alike. Let me say that again. Men and Women alike. Let me say that again.
Men and women alike is what the scripture says, and they will prophesy.
And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below.
Blood and fire and clouds of smoke, the sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before the great and glorious day of the lord arrives.
But everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved. That is so key.
God saves generationally. Yes. Of course, He moves where each 1 of us personally, and each 1 of us have been redeemed personally, but let’s not forget that god sees things from a heavenly perspective.
You and I see things from the from the limited perspective, or I should say that you and I often see things from a very limited perspective We see and think in terms of the timeline of our own lives.
But think about the fact that the scripture declares that life is but of April.
We’re here today, gone tomorrow, just like that, and then life is done.
Just like that, and then your time is up. Now this is not a message. Of discouragement.
And I’m not saying this to scare you, but to prepare you, think about the fact that our time here on Earth is so limited.
Even now as a 30 something year old minister, I’m thinking about the future and passing down the ministry and passing down the mantle as is the lord’s mantle to give.
And passing down the things that have been imparted to me. Why?
Because I want to remain conscious of the next generation because that’s how god thinks.
We see it from our perspective. Our day to day, our hour by hour.
Our goals and our plans and our dreams and our hopes, which aren’t necessarily always evil unto themselves but we have to learn to see things from the perspective of eternity to where generations are just like seconds on the clock in the heavenly father’s perspective.
Generations are just moments that play out and god works through those generations. Why does god work generationally?
He works generationally because what he’s doing is far too big for just 1 generation, for just 1 life.
For just 1 servant that he may have.
What god does is on a grand scale, a heavenly scale, a kingdom scale, and the kingdom advances generation by generation according to the power of the Holy Spirit.
So though you might be tempted to look around and say, well, the earth is just getting darker.
Though you might be tempted to throw up your hands and say, Lord, get us out of here.
There’s nothing more that we can do.
Though you might be tempted to become discouraged and even fearful concerning the things that are happening in our world, remember that we are to see it from the perspective of heaven because When we see through the perspective of heaven, we see through the eyes of faith.
This is what you and I are called to do to serve our purpose according to god’s master plan and that is 1 of generations.
I love the fact that the scripture tells us that the young men will see visions and the old men will dream dreams.
I challenge those of you who consider yourselves too young to do something for God, to step out in faith and recognize that when you sow your youth, please hear me now.
If you hear anything I say, and I’m talking about the generation after me, you hear anything I say, hear this please.
When you sow your youth to the lord, you are sowing your first fruits.
Well, think about the principle of first fruits and tithing, you to give from the best and give from the first.
That’s not only true of our finances. It’s true of our time.
And when you give of your youth to the lord, you are tithing. You are giving first fruits.
From the first and the best years that you have to offer in terms of energy and time and passion and zeal.
These are the opportunities that you’re being given day in and day out to sow from the youth.
And when you sow from your youth, you’re sowing from your first shoots, and also The scripture says old men will dream dreams.
Now I don’t consider myself very young. I do consider myself young still, but I don’t consider myself very young.
And I don’t consider myself very old.
But I know that a day is coming that, yes, I will look back on this day and say, wow, that’s when I was young.
But the scripture here says that your old men will dream dreams.
So you’re never too young to be used my god. You’re never too young TO SURRENDER YOUR LIFE.
Don’t let anyone look down upon you because you are young. Okay? But stir up the gift within you.
Now The Bible also says, as I mentioned a moment ago, that your old man will dream dreams.
That means it’s never too late to serve god. It’s never too late to step into your calling.
You may feel like you missed a thousand opportunities. You may feel like you’re done, like God passed you by.
You may feel as there’s nothing you could do of any significance because maybe you made mistakes in your past and now you’re living in the fruit of those mistakes, but let me tell you the scripture tells us that his mercies are new every morning, and his grace makes up for that which we lack.
And the spirit of God that rests in you can accomplish more in your remaining years then all of human effort could have accomplished in a hundred years.
God can do anything with what you give to him. Let me say that again.
God can do anything with what you give to him. I believe that with all my heart.
So if you’re listening to what I’m saying, And in your heart, you’re saying, I’ve already been passed over, or I already made too many mistakes, or I already missed the opportunity to fulfill the call of god for my life There’s nothing that you can offer to God that he can’t do something with.
So even if it’s just the remaining few years that you have to offer.
God can use it even if it’s just the last breath.
You offer it to god that will become so powerful that it can shake nations because the Holy Spirit can do more in a moment than you and I could accomplish in a century.
And when we surrender our lives to the lord, no matter our age, no matter to which generation we belong, we become a part of god’s grand plan to affect change within the earth.
And the Bible says that in the last days, he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh.
Don’t listen to the doom and gloom prophets. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Don’t listen to the spreaders of fear.
Listen to what the scripture teaches.
Yes, we understand earthquakes, famines, pestilence, backsliding and hate and rampant sin, and people’s hearts growing cold.
We understand all of that, but remember the Bible also declares.
That none of those are the ultimate sign of the end, but rather the ultimate sign is that this gospel shall be preached to the ends of the earth, and then the end will come.
In other words, It ends with revival, not with retreat.
It ends with victory, not with us just barely hanging on. Christ is returning for a victorious church.
Christ is returning to an established kingdom.
You and I, as children of god have been given the responsibility to establish the dominion of god within the earth, and there’s nothing that can stop us if we simply surrender our lives to what he’s doing in the earth today, no matter what generation you belong to, you are part of this generation.
The 1 alive upon the earth right now to witness the working of the spirit, move across our world, and you and I have been given the privilege to join in on god’s master plan that is generational.
We all have a role to play. We all have a responsibility.
To teach and to reach and to impart to the next generation. The scripture declares this.
I sent such a strong anointing right now. I’m telling you. The Holy Spirit is speaking prophetically to you.
You’re never too young to begin to take things of God seriously, and you’re never too old.
To where he can’t do anything with your life.
Even with the time that remains, he can accomplish more than you could ever possibly imagine. Let me see.
Let me read that scripture again. Just to stir your faith a little more.
Let this let this rest in your spirit, meditate on this. Ephesians 03:20 21.
Now all glory to god who is able through his mighty power at work where within us to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think glory to him and the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever amen.
He’s able to do more than you could ever possibly imagine If you simply give them your faith and surrender, trust and obey, and watch what God will do.
Now, Psalm 78. I’m gonna begin at verse number 1. Psalm 78. All my people listen to my instructions.
Open your ears to what I am saying. For I will speak to you in a parable.
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past.
Stories, we have heard and known stories, our ancestors handed down to us.
We will not hide these truths from our children. Say that out loud, write that in the comments.
We will not hide these truths from our children.
We will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the lord about his power and his mighty wonders.
4, He issued his laws to Jacob. He gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our to teach them to their children. Watch this now. Watch this.
Here’s what he commands us to do and look at the result.
He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children. Verse 6, so the next generation might know them.
Even the children not yet born, and they, in turn, will teach their own children.
So when you impart that truth, That works generationally. Now look at the end result in verse 7.
So each generation should set its hope anew on god.
Not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands, then they will not be like their ancestors.
Stubborn rebellious and unfaithful refusing to give their hearts to god.
God’s hand is not too short that it cannot save. Does he who formed the I not see?
Does he who formed the ear not here? Can’t he see what’s happening in the earth today?
Can’t he hear the cries of the lost?
The scripture declares that the powers of this world will make their plans.
But he who sits in the heavens shall laugh.
In other words, he’s got a plan that can work beyond and through whatever man might be plotting for the world today.
And those things that the enemy has set up to come against the kingdom of God.
Those things that the enemy has set in place will backfire on the kingdom of hell in the name of Jesus.
Those things that the enemy has planned for your children.
Those things that the enemy has planned for this generation They will backfire, and we will see like a pendulum swing in the other direction.
And there will be as there is in every generation. Hear me now.
As there is in every generation, there will be a move of the spirit.
There will be opportunities for souls to be saved. God’s power is not waning.
God’s power is not weakening. And you may look at this generation. You may look at a previous generation.
And you may say there’s nothing that can can help them now.
There’s nothing that can possibly work for them, but god is a god of the impossible.
And what is impossible with man is possible with god. Here’s what I wanna do right now.
I want to pray that god would touch this generation. Let’s agree together right now.
I need you to join with me in prayer.
Let’s agree together right now that this generation will SPPERIENCE, A MOVE OF THE Holy Spirit.
So let’s pray this continues in the name of Jesus. Lord, we ask, come on, pray with me now.
Begin to write those prayer requests in the comment section. Pray for your children.
Father, we surrender our lives. Surrender right now people have gone. Surrender right now. Father, we surrender our lives.
And we ask you to spend us for your glory. Spend us for your glory. I pray.
Let us be as tools in your hands.
Use us as a weapon of the kingdom of heaven. Push back the darkness.
We come against every attack of the enemy in the t name of Jesus.
And we pray that the will of god be established.
We pray that the will of the father be established We pray that the kingdom of heaven be established here upon the earth in the mighty name of Jesus.
Lord, we pray for the advancement of truth. Lord, we pray for every preacher and minister of the gospel.
Give them boldness, give them sharpness of mind, Give them truth, give them a fire that they cannot contain.
Lord, I pray you would pour out a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit’s Power.
And we give you the glory and the honor.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray, I want you to say it because you believe it, say, Amen.
Now we’re gonna do something. That we’ve not really done before.
I wanna share with you something very special.
And we’ve not done this on a live stream before, so this is a first But many of you know that we have an internship program.
The applications are closed. We have approved interns.
I want you to hear these encouraging words from the next generation.
This is a generation who desires Jesus.
And you’re about to hear from some young men and young women of god who desire greatly to be used of him.
And they are laying down their lives.
You’re gonna hear a little bit of their testimonies, and you’re gonna hear a little bit of their heart as to why they’re joining our ministry internship program.
Take a look at this.
Hi. My name is Ashley Andujo. I am 18 years old.
A small part of my simonius for as long as I can remember, I have always been in the church.
As a small child, it has always been important in my family to find god to seek his word, exercise the gift he has given us and continuously pray.
I am very grateful for that because throughout my life.
There has been many hardships where it’s been multiple counts of spiritual battles, some warfare, and Losing loved ones, financial troubles, and even housing up to a point.
And I am extremely grateful because the lord has provided that anchor for me through my entire life.
I am very excited to start this internship because I think it’s an amazing opportunity.
It’s going to elevate my spirit show up with the lord tremendously, and I’m excited to expand my knowledge on everything else to strengthen my gift and I am extremely grateful for this amazing opportunity.
I think this internship will work out great because it’s going to teach me so many things, and I am very excited to start.
So thank you so for listening.
Hi. My name is Jessica, and I’ve been sued for 2 years, um, god’s me out of New Age and Nicole after 7 years of being involved in it.
Jesus freed me from my mental torment. They delivered me from ADHD severe anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and OCD.
Jesus has kept me through some of the toughest storms of my life.
So I’m including my grandmother and my father passing away.
We were the only cheeses people in my life, um, shortly after my father the way I joined a beautiful church family where I am well loved and I can grow, um, but I believe God has something greater for me, more things for me to learn, and this internship is something that I’ve been saying yes to despite the obstacles, and things that have been coming my way because of this, um, god has fought for me to stay on this path and I don’t know why.
But I trust him, and I’m looking forward to what Khan has in the store.
Hi, family. My name is Thrinity.
I’m 20 years old, and I’m just super grateful God has pulled me out of a pit of depression, of suicide, of perversion, and he used his love to knock down the walls of rejection of isolation and I’m just super grateful because I’m his and he’s my father and he’s delivered me for much and I owe him my life, you know, and it’s so powerful because I’m so humble and honored to be a part of the movement of god that is happening, um, at my church for my generation.
It is called region. Um, the reason why we named it region is because we believe that god is wanting to regenerate a generation, and that’s why I believe that this intern will help me because I believe that there is keys here and an impartation that I could be able to receive that I can use to take back to my generation into my church, and so the god can use me in a mighty way, and I’m just grateful, and I’m humbled, and it’s such an honor, and I just thank you guys for opportunity, and I hope to see you guys soon.
Okay? God bless.
Hi. My name is Theresa John.
My test is that I was born and raised in a Catholic family with strong devotion and commitment towards Catholic faith and at the age of 15 for the very first time in my life I encountered the presence of the Holy Spirit which completely transformed my life for eternity.
God has delivered me from PTSD anxiety attacks, panic attacks, depression, and suicidal ideation.
From this internship, I strongly believe it would benefit me because it would equip me for the calling and the purpose that God has for my life.
It really breaks my heart to see those around me approaching without knowing the truth and to those around me are living a lifestyle of spiritual defeat.
Therefore, it’s my strong commitment and passion to win more souls for the kingdom God and to lead those around me to spiritual victory.
Moreover, it’s my forward prayer that I would be a faithful servant and a steward in the vineyard of the lord.
My name is Michelle Isaac.
I am a believer of Christ, and I started believing, uh, after reading my bible.
And after very memorable, I got revelation.
And, um, god has had a lot of things in my life.
He gave me joy to and also he chewed my mom, uh, from a lot of diseases that the doctor told us, like, there’s no hope.
But after I prayer, was healed.
Um, and I would leave this internship would bear with me because it will help me to bring my god given vision into life, and also gave gave me a mentor that would help me, like, pulled it to Timothy.
And god bless you.
Hello, everyone. My name is Jesse Anwam Megbu.
In March of 20 20, my relationship with Dolores started after I had went through a really hard time from the ending of 20 19 up to early March of 20 20.
In January of 20 20, I said a prayer in my dad’s car was a very simple prayer, and it was just Jesus.
I want a relationship with you. Knew within me that the lord had heard me for certain.
And in god’s perfect timing, he set me with a great community of other people my age at the time who were also seeking to know who Jesus was.
Ever since I’ve given my life to the lord, the veil has been torn off of my eye, and I’ve just been able to see life through a Jesus lens, through a Jesus perspective.
I believe that this internship will benefit me because it will fan into flame, the gift that the lord has already placed on the inside of me as I just set myself in place to be mentored, to be discipled, and to receive impartation.
And now I want you to hear from a man of god who also has a desire to join in this program.
Now before I bring him on, I just wanna mention that he will be joining me live right here all the way from Zimbabwe.
And just a little backstory here, I was first contacted by this man of god, on Instagram, and he sent me a message something to the effect of I don’t know if you’re going to read this, but, and then he shared with me an issue that they were having in Zimbabwe regarding internet connection.
And many of our partners responded, and some of you know that we have what’s called an internet center in Zimbabwe.
Just a little more context. You see, we have the Holy Spirit School separate, somewhat from the internship program.
But the Holy Spirit School is an online training course where we give away free e courses and people are able to take those courses without having to pay a thing, completely 100 percent free.
So this man of god brought to my attention the fact that though the courses are free, it’s very difficult to get an internet connection, and he himself actually took the course by getting data, by data, by data, little bit of data each time.
And slowly, but surely finished the course by finding just hot spots and Wi Fi centers as best that he could.
So he explained to me, hey, listen. The courses are free. That’s wonderful.
But in certain parts of Zimbabwe, we don’t even have access to the internet.
So what we did is we set up an internet centers, the Holy Spirit School Internet center.
It’s like an internet cafe where people can go in set up their computers.
We offer computers and printers and so forth.
It’s all 100 percent free, and the purpose of that internet center is for people to go in take their courses.
They can take them on our computers using our internet connection, and then we use our printers to print their certificates when they’ve completed the course.
And this is something that was Just put on his heart, part of the vision god gave to him.
And now he wants to join the internship program here in Austin, Texas. Everybody. Welcome in the comment section here.
My good friend, Alan Munica, Alan, my friend, all the way from Zimbabwe.
First of all, what time is it out there?
Yeah. It’s, um, 14 minutes to 3AM.
Okay. So so you’re you’re right there in the prayer time hour for many of our viewers there.
Now, Alan, tell me just some of your testimony. I shared how we connected.
I shared kind of what you do with the Holy Spirit School Zimbabwe with the internet center out there.
But will you just share with our viewers a little bit about your testimony and then also about why you want to join this internship program?
By the way, and, Alan, let me just say this before Uh, he shares that the internship program, again, is training for generation z to come and be equipped for So these are young men and women of god who are serious about the call.
They’re already serving in their local churches, and they wanna take it to the next level.
And so Ellen, of course, is just right there ready to go and tell us a bit of your testimony, and then, of course, why you wanna be a part of this program.
Uh, first of all, I want to say, uh, this is such an honor to be here. Thank you.
Um, my name is Alan Munich. And I’m 24 years old.
And I actually grew up in a Christian background, uh, but I didn’t know Jesus personally.
My uncle was a pastor. My dad is a pastor.
My mom is a pastor, but I actually didn’t know Jesus personally. I didn’t have that relationship with Jesus myself.
Until the I was 18 years of age, um, I started to graduate heavily with anxiety and panic attacks, uh, and I started to drink alcohol.
I think it I thought it would go away if I could just go into the world and drink some alcohol and partying, but I just felt empty in my heart.
So This is what happened. I grew up in a church where we don’t believe in miracles.
Uh, actually, they didn’t believe in a, in a move of god, like, the move of the holy spirit Uh, so I was expecting a miracle, but actually myself, I didn’t believe in the move of the holy spirit at that time.
I didn’t believe in praying tongues. I didn’t believe, uh, in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit Power.
So I went into a certain region at 1 time. And, uh, I was just so depressed.
And I started to search on the internet, uh, about how to be free from anxiety, from panic attacks, from alcohol addiction.
And this is what happened.
I came through a video that was actually talking about something else I was not looking for.
And, um, there was a young man who was sitting on a bench, and he was talking about, uh, the baptism of the holy spirit.
Uh, I clicked off the video because I didn’t believe, um, in miracles or the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Then, uh, something just came in me and just said, uh, just go and look for that, uh, what that young man is saying.
Maybe it can help you. So, um, this is what I did. I go I got back to the video.
I clicked on it, and I started to listen to what you were saying.
Uh, about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And I could see this boldness of the Holy Spirit.
I would it’s something that I’ve never seen before, and it’s I just said, Lord, uh, this is new.
I I don’t know, uh, what is going on here because I’ve never had someone preach this way.
So, uh, this is how the Lord helped me. He said, uh, keep on searching for this young man.
And, uh, I started to download sermons of you, you were the young man sitting on the bench.
I started to download those sermons and, I went to I went home, and I started to listen to what she was saying, uh, about the holy spirit.
And the and I just said, How can someone know the Holy Spirit this march?
Uh, where was IIII don’t know this has existed.
So I I started to be obsessed with your, with your statements.
I started to listen, to listen, and listen, and, I so much desired the relationship that you had with the Holy Spirit, and that desire to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit is what freed me from anxiety, from depression, from alcohol.
And, uh, the lord just started to break, to help me to be free of those mindset, of those different thoughts, uh, of depression, of anxiety, So that is basically in short what happened, uh, in my life, and that is part of my testimony.
And so now you’re here with us, you’re sharing this testimony to god be the glory.
We thank the lord Jesus for what he’s done in your life through his ministry.
And, um, it’s just a joy to serve god’s people because we get to hear testimonies like this often, and your testimony is just it’s a treasure to me, uh, to know that a life is being impacted by the gospel.
Uh, but Alan, also, we have this internship program coming up Just very briefly.
Maybe maybe for 30 to 60 seconds, share with us why you desire, uh, to join in on this program.
Okay. So before you actually started to promote, uh, the internship, I actually prayed and said, Lord, I need mentorship.
Um, so the next day you after you, I I prayed that prayer, the next day you started to promote Um, it on Instagram, like, the Holy Presco internship.
I saw that post, and I just said, yes, III want this, I desire to, to help this internship because I want to learn more about the holy spirit.
I want to, uh, um, I love media ministry.
Uh, I like, I I just started to post out videos on Instagram.
So, um, I asked the Lord to help me to actually to be part of that mentorship because I feel like it relays to my calling to what the Lord has called me to do.
I also love to evangelize the gospel, uh, in the streets, and you are an evangelist.
So I ask the lord to help me, um, to connect to someone who actually could help me to, uh, to move towards that calling, to to move towards what god has told me to do.
That is media ministry, evangelism, and, um, teachings about the Holy Spirit to the People.
And I so appreciate the video content that you are already putting out. So you’re already getting to it.
You wanna be used by god, and I can say from the years I’ve known you, Just an amazing man of god who loves Jesus, is hungry to learn.
And so I thank you for sharing your story with us. Now listen to me.
Those of you who are watching or listening to this. The internship program is so key.
And, Alan, I thank you for having joined us.
We I just wanna make sure we you know that we we love you. And we appreciate you.
And so thank you for joining us.
The internship program is gonna be so key not just for Ellen for but for the many who will be involved with this.
Now the people you just heard from are looking for sponsors for the internship.
Our ministry is covering as much of the costs as we’re able.
We, of course, are doing our part to make sure that the costs are covered for as many of our interns as possible.
They’re doing their part, they’re doing their fundraising.
Now you might be asking, well, why does it even cost money in the first place?
And that’s a fair question. Because we, as a ministry, have made a commitment to offer everything that we do for free.
The Holy Spirit School, it’s free. We don’t charge for any courses.
All of the content and the live streams that were released on social media free.
We don’t charge for any of the content. All of our ministry events free.
We don’t charge for our encounter services. But there’s a couple things we do charge for.
1, that would be like a dinner. Let’s say we invited you to come for a ministry dinner.
Well, we charge registration to help cover the meal.
Or, for example, um, if there’s a partner conference where we’re bringing everyone where there’ll be meals and materials given out, that’s something that we need, uh, to have registration for.
So we don’t charge for content. We don’t charge for the school.
We don’t charge for our encounter services where there’s healing miracle, salvation, I just don’t feel comfortable charging for those things.
But the internship is different from that because there’s lodging costs The interns are coming from all different parts of the world, and they’re gonna need somewhere to stay.
So we have to help cover lodging costs. We have to feed these interns.
We don’t want them to go hungry while they’re here. Studying.
They can’t fast for that many weeks in a row without losing focus on the things that they’re studying.
We need help to cover the materials that we’re gonna be giving to them.
We’re gonna put materials in their hands, uh, so that their studies can be enhanced.
I’m bringing in guest speakers just for them.
So that those speakers are gonna some of those speakers are flying in.
We have to put those speakers in a hotel.
We have to feed that speaker, and we wanna bless those speakers with honorariums, and those speakers are coming in JUST TO IMPART TO OUR INTERNS.
We’re hiring, uh, some people to help assist to drive them around.
So far, there’s lots going on, and though I don’t necessarily have the full itemized breakdown.
That’s a general idea of what the costs are going to be.
And so there are material costs to an internship program. And again, our ministry is sponsoring what we can.
And again, the students who applied, who were approved are fundraising as best they can.
But we wanna make sure that nobody is left out of this internship program, that none of the approved applicants have to miss this opportunity just because of finances.
So This evening, in lieu of our regular offering, I’m gonna ask you to consider supporting our students with a gift toward this internship program.
To do so, you’re gonna go to David hernandez ministries dot com slash sponsor.
And you’re gonna see there’s different levels of support that you can do.
Any amount counts look, if you can do 5 dollars, do 5 dollars, you can do 10, do 10, any amount counts.
But what’s on the website here is examples uh, 350 dollars.
You can gift a student with a weekly stipend for groceries.
Um, 1500, this is gonna cover air travel, and some of the visa costs that are gonna be involved.
Like, for example, with Ellen, uh, there are some resistances that we’re facing.
I don’t know if that’s a word. There’s some resistance.
I should say that we’re facing in terms of his international travel, uh, with the visa.
And so we are spending resources to make sure that we can help make sure his visa gets approved.
And then we gotta fly him down internationally.
We got, of course, to cover In addition to that, the regular internship costs, and that, of course, goes for, uh, many of those who you heard from just a few moments ago.
Um, there’s the full scholarship, a 5000 dollar gift that’s gonna cover all of the tuition costs for the student.
Now remember, the tuition cost is different from travel cost. Everyone’s travel cost is gonna be different.
Some are coming from down the street. Some are coming from out of state.
Others are coming from across the ocean. So we need to make sure that we’re covering all of that.
And just to be clear, once again, I’ll mention yes, our ministry is covering what we can.
On our end, we’re doing our best, um, without taking from the other categories that, of course, we have to take care of as a ministry.
The students are covering what they can.
We just need that little bit of extra help to make sure they don’t miss this opportunity.
Will you consider now sponsoring 1 of our interns.
Give a gift at the website, um, and we’ll make sure that gets allocated.
But you have to use that link. David hernandez ministries dot com slash sponsor.
Make sure you use that specific link so that the gifts can go directly to them.
That’s what our accounting will allocate for them.
Anything that comes in over what we need for this internship program will of course go to the general fund, but I’m asking you the people of god to take action to reach the next generation.
Because, um, from what I understand, I I don’t know the exact number as of today because it’s fluctuating throughout the week.
But I know there are young women, and there are young men who are ready to do this.
And I will I’m ready. Steve’s ready. My team is ready.
We are ready to invest, to impart to spend the time.
We just need a little bit of extra help to make sure that this program, uh, gets off to the right start.
So will you go right now?
David hernandez ministries dot com slash sponsor and become a sponsor of our internship program.
Um, our head of the internship program isabella will, of course, a budget as it comes in, but we’re asking you to do that today and make sure you’re being a part of reaching the next generation.
I truly believe that this is key.
Because as we help these students, as we empower the next generation, that’s a multiplied effort.
I want to multiply what god is doing with this ministry.
Of course, god will multiply it, but we wanna be diligent about partnering with him and making sure that happens.
And so we wanna train them as preachers and teachers. We wanna train them in social media.
We wanna train them in writing and sermon preparation and study We want to train them and how to build a ministry team, how to handle finances with integrity and with diligence.
We want to train them in how to set up events and how to make sure you’re arranging the proper travel, how to stay within a budget when you travel.
We wanna train them for ministry.
The spiritual and the practical It’s all going to be covered in this internship program.
So 1 more time, David hernandezministries dot com slash sponsor. Go there now to help support a student.
And until next time, remember nothing is impossible with god.
- Choose To Be Happy | Joel OsteenTháng 4 29, 2023