Holiness vs the Flesh – Sunday Service

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[Applause] Many people are imprisoned today due to a single emotional decision. Reaching out to them with empathy, rather than harsh judgment, is essential. Behind those bars are some powerful individuals, extraordinary ministries, and untapped potential. I recall speaking on death row in Texas, surrounded by inmates in white uniforms. I was sharing about the transformative power of changing one’s mindset, and one of the men approached me afterward, saying, “If I had known that before, I wouldn’t be here now.” Truly, one of the most impactful mission fields today is within America’s prisons. I am deeply grateful to everyone who donates, serves, or volunteers in this ministry. Your contributions make an indelible impact. Praise the Lord!

Well, it’s time for our offering! If you need an offering envelope, please raise your hand, and our ushers will gladly assist you. We’re learning that how we give—our attitude toward giving—is just as important, if not more, than what we give. It’s time to move beyond past misconceptions and understand that God desires us to give from the heart, not merely by percentage.

In Genesis 8:22, we find a powerful promise: “While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.” As long as the Earth endures, there will be day and night, summer and winter, and, most importantly, seedtime and harvest. Each seed we sow will lead to a harvest in its due season. The question is not if we’ll have a harvest but when. This is the assurance we have when we give generously and sow into God’s work. I give because I trust that God provides for me, and I know you do the same. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we prepare to sow our seeds with joyful hearts, trusting in Your promise of harvest. We give not reluctantly but generously, recognizing that all we have comes from You. Thank you for this opportunity to give. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Let’s go ahead and receive this offering this morning. Thank you, and amen! It’s wonderful to see you all here, bright and ready, as the sun shines today. I wasn’t even sure if I’d be preaching; I asked Pastor Ken to be ready just in case, as I didn’t want to force anything. But after a relaxing breakfast with waffles and apples, I received a revelation on something I hadn’t understood for ten years—something worth sharing.

Today, we’re continuing our series on Holiness and living in the “rhythms of grace.” Romans 12 instructs us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God—our reasonable service. This led me to ask: What does it mean to be holy? Let’s dive into 1 Corinthians, chapter 3, in both the King James and Mirror translations, to explore what it truly means to “walk in the flesh.” Does this refer only to our physical body? No, it goes beyond that. Understanding the difference between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit is key to living a life of holiness.

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