How To Stand Against The Gods | Jonathan Cahn Special | The Return of The Gods
How To Stand Against The Gods | The Return of The Gods
Jonathan Cahn opened up the mystery of the gods and the ancient entities that returned to America. But now he’s teaching how to stand against them and how to prevail. Check out the new teaching on The Return Of The Gods.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
In Ephesians, Paul calls himself, “an ambassador in chains.” There were chains on his hands even as he wrote or dictated. But notice, he doesn’t call himself an ambassador of chains. He doesn’t even call himself a chained ambassador. Someone who is chained is defined by their limitations, they can’t move. But an ambassador is someone on the move, sent on a mission. Paul isn’t defined by his situation. He might be in chains, but he’s not of them. He’s an ambassador for God no matter what. He’s going to share the gospel and fulfill the mission. Learn from Paul. Don’t be defined by your circumstance. You might have problems, but you’re not a problem person. You’re a child of the Most High. You’re free, unlimited. God is un-limiting you. Forget the chains. You’re an ambassador. Nothing can stop you from doing God’s will and fulfilling your calling, no problem, no person, no trouble, no situation, no prison, nothing. You can say like Paul, “I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me.” I’m an ambassador who happens to have some chains.
We’ve opened up the mystery of the gods and how the ancient entities that ruled the ancient pagan world have now returned into the modern world and to America and how they’re transforming everything.
But what do we do? What do you do? How do you stand at such times as this?
How do you prevail? This is Jonathan Khan in the return of the gods, I reveal the mystery that is behind all that is happening, that is changing our culture, our world touching the people you love, touching your own life.
Where is it going? Where is it heading?
What do you need to know how to be prepared, how to overcome, how to survive and how to prevail?
We have looked at this mystery that is very real and affecting all of us, the pagan organization of America, the repossession of American and Western culture.
The Bible speaks of the last days or the end times and says that at that time, there will be seducing spirits.
We’re dealing with them now and the spirits are against God and against the word of God and the gospel of God and the people of God and the followers of Jesus Christians.
Is there? Hope. What are you to do in such times? How can you prevail?
This is what I get into in the last part of the book, the return of the gods first.
It has everything to do with you because every one of these issues affects the world and the culture you live in.
Some of those things are hitting closer to home than others. What do you do? Remember Gideon?
He had to stand against the gods in order to do the great and muddy things he was called to do.
He had to first break the stronghold of the gods in his own backyard in his own life.
So for you, if you’re gonna stand and prevail in this hour, you have to do the same.
If there’s anything in your life, any stronghold of the gods, any, anything joined to their altars, any idol, any other God, money success, self pornography, a substance abuse, an indulgence, a habit, a sin that’s a stronghold and a foothold of the God.
That’s an altar. You have to repent of it.
Break the link, break it off as Gideon did once and for all starting today, break it.
Second believers have been under this barrage for years and on the defensive, afraid to stand and compromising their stand or just not knowing what to do.
Listen, we’re not the first to deal with such things.
In fact, for most of human history, for most of Bible history. The gods and spirits have been the rule.
This has been the exception, what we’ve known. But now they’re back. Many of you prayed.
I wish I could live in biblical times. Congratulations. You got them. You’re there.
The people of God are called to stand strong against the gods.
Moses stood against the gods of Egypt, Elijah stood against bail and the gods of Canaan Daniel stood against the gods of Babylon Jeremiah stood against the God Mole.
The Maccabee stood against Zeus and the gods of the Greeks, Paul and the first believer stood against the gods of Rome.
Now it’s our turn. Now it’s your turn to stand as they stood.
If you’re born again, you must stand as they stood because you are a child of Israel.
If you’re born again, it’s your heritage to stand against the gods and the idols and the sacred cows of this age.
Can there be revival? Yes, but it will depend on what we do.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways.
I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.
We have to make the most of this moment and rise to it.
We have to pray for revival as never before.
We must not only pray for revival, we have to also start actually living in revival in repentance, in righteousness.
In holiness in Godly power. And then the revival will start.
And if the dark is getting darker, then it’s time for us the lights of God to get even brighter.
If the lights will shine, if they shine in the night, they will light up the night.
Do not fear the end times, God called you into existence for this very hour, then he will appoint you and anoint you and empower you to do what you’re called to do.
This is the most exciting of times, the darkness will only bring out the shining of the light.
If the lights will shine, they will light up the world.
This is a taste and has been just a taste of the mystery revealed in full in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written the return of the gods is the mystery behind everything that’s happening right now.
It is touching your life. It is where it’s going, what the future is and how to be prepared, what you need to know, to be prepared to survive, to prevail, to stand and for the people in your life.
The return of the gods is going to be available everywhere.
Wherever there are books that are being sold for you to get it for yourself, but also get it for people in your life who need to know, hit, subscribe.
So you don’t miss what’s coming after and everything that will be coming on this channel. This is Jonathan Khan.
Until then I’ll see you again. Stay strong even stronger than before.
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