Great Faith Is In You | Joel Osteen

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Great Faith Is In You | Joel Osteen

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If you’re going to reach the fullness of your destiny, it’s not gonna happen with weak faith, little faith, doubting faith, average faith.
It’s going to take great faith. The good news is, it’s in you.
You have the ability to go places you’ve never gone, to overcome challenges that seem too big.
But here’s the whole key, you have to awaken your great faith.
You have to stir up what God put in you.
The enemy would love for you to go through life with little faith, not believing, full of doubt, or weak faith, comfortable where you are, not stretching, not putting a demand on your faith.
But the day we’re living in, average faith is not going to cut it.
To overcome forces that are trying to stop you, you can’t have ordinary faith.
To leave your mark, you can’t just believe like everyone else.
It’s gonna take people that will dare to believe big, to take the limits off, to say, God, I don’t see a way, but I know you have a way.
God wants to do something new in your life, uncommon, out of the ordinary.
But if you’re going to see great favor, you have to have great faith.
Little faith says, I’ll never get well. Have you seen the medical report?
Great faith says, God is restoring health back unto me. I will live and not die.
Little faith says, these disappointments have limited my life. This bad break is why I can’t go any further.
Great faith says, God, you have beauty for these ashes.
What was meant for my harm, you’re turning to my advantage.
Little faith says, I’ll always struggle in my finances.
Man, with gas prices, the pandemic, how I was raised, I’ll never have abundance.
Great faith says, I will lend and not borrow. I live under the open windows of heaven.
My cup runs over. Friends, great faith is already in you. I’m just trying to awaken your great faith.
That’s how you’re gonna go to a new level. That’s how your business will take off.
That’s how you’re gonna break the addiction. That’s how those children are going to get back on course.
It’s not just going to be by your will power, your strength, your intellect.
That’s all good but it’s going to happen because of your faith.
When you get in agreement with God, angels go to work. Forces of darkness are broken.
Good breaks start chasing you down. Great faith activates great favor.
What you believe is setting limits for your life.
Don’t go around with weak faith, little faith, doubting faith, complaining faith. Get out of your box.
Start believing for bigger things. It’s not that God is limited, he’s all powerful, but we can limit him by our small thinking.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
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We’ll see you next time.

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