Got Trouble? Then Get Ready. | Joel Osteen
Got Trouble? Then Get Ready.
“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”
― Joel Osteen
None of us like problems and things that come against us. People that are not fair trouble at work.
It’s easy to get discouraged and lose our passion. Why is this happening?
But God won’t allow a difficulty unless he has a purpose for it.
He may not have sent the trouble, but he knows how to use it to your advantage.
On the other side of every problem is promotion.
The difficulty feels like a setback, but really, it’s a set up for God to do something new in your life.
When God wanted to promote David, bring him out of the Shepherd’s field, what did he do?
Send him a good break, a friend to help him out, open a new door.
No, God sent him a problem. Goliath was standing before David, a giant twice his size.
David could have thought God, you said I was gonna do great things. You said you’d show me favor.
Why am I facing this giant? No, David understood with that problem came.
Promotion on the other side of that difficulty was a new level of his destiny.
You have to go through it to get to it.
Some promotion only comes through adversity, through closed doors, through things that are not fair.
David went out and defeated Goliath and instantly his life changed, new doors opened.
He had respect, influence favor that he’d never seen what took David to the throne. A problem.
Don’t complain about the problem. You can’t reach your potential without problems.
When you understand that the problem doesn’t come by itself that there is promotion in every problem, then you’ll keep a good attitude.
God, I don’t like this problem.
I’m uncomfortable but I know you’re in control, you’re ordering my steps and I’m not just going to come out, I’m gonna come out stronger, promoted better than I was before.
Sometimes the promotion is, you developed a greater trust in God.
You learned that you can make it through things that you thought would take you under.
You saw the faithfulness of God, you felt him sustaining you, strengthening you making ways where you didn’t see a way your faith grew, your spiritual muscles got stronger.
Your character was developed every time you come through a challenge that’s fuel for your faith.
God is preparing you for greater things.
The next time you face a problem like that, you’ll think this is no big deal.
I’ve seen God take me through this in the past and I know he’ll take me through it this time.
See, I’ve learned the bigger the problem, the bigger your destiny, the bigger the challenge, the bigger the promotion.
God doesn’t send big problems to people with small futures. God didn’t give David a normal size problem.
He didn’t face someone his height with his training, his experience, Goliath stood 9 ft tall.
He was the champion of the Philistine army. The tip of his spear weighed £15.
The scripture says he wore gold leggings. He was ahead of his time.
That’s where my brother Paul got that idea, but I’ve got big problems. This sickness looks permanent.
My child is way off. Course, these people at work are holding me down.
The size of your problem is an indication of the size of your future.
The enemy wouldn’t be fighting you so hard.
If he didn’t know something amazing was in front of you don’t be discouraged because you have big challenges.
Have a new perspective. That means God has something big in your future, big breakthroughs, big opportunities, big victories.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
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