God’s Word Has MANY Amazing Benefits | Chapter 4 | JP Bible Masterclass (Part 7 of 20)

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As you focus on Jesus, you’ll experience powerful spiritual growth. In 2 Peter 1, it says, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” The Greek text highlights that it’s the knowledge of Jesus as Lord and God. The phrase “the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” refers to the same person—Jesus is both God and our Lord. Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest confirms this, emphasizing that Jesus is our God and our Lord.

Now, consider what happens when you meditate on Scripture and focus on Jesus: grace—meaning unearned, undeserved favor—becomes yours. And how does it come? Grace is not just added but multiplied! Along with grace, peace is also multiplied. The Greek word for peace here is “eirene,” similar to “shalom” in Hebrew, which conveys a sense of complete, encompassing peace—not only freedom from anxiety but a protective, active peace that guards your heart and mind. This “shalom” is holistic, bringing wholeness, health, and rest, counteracting the negative effects of stress and dis-ease.

This peace, or “eirene,” blesses and multiplies in your life through a deeper knowledge of Jesus. The term used for this knowledge is “epignosis,” which implies not just intellectual understanding but a full, revelatory knowledge that only God can give.

Grace, too, can grow in various ways; there are increases in grace, as seen with Mary, who was “highly favored,” and Jesus, who “increased in grace.” But a multiplication of grace is uniquely powerful—it brings blessings that seem to come effortlessly, beyond our own abilities. Good things begin to happen for you, not because of your own intelligence or efforts, but because God’s favor surrounds you.

The story of Adam highlights this divine insight. Before the fall, Adam had an extraordinary mind, naming all species and understanding creation intuitively. Even today, science tells us we use only a fraction of our brain’s capacity. Adam’s mind, untouched by sin, was exceptional, receiving understanding directly from God. Similarly, Bezalel, who was called to design the Tabernacle’s furnishings, was given wisdom directly from God for his work.

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