God’s Thoughts are Always Toward You! – Kirk Cameron

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God’s Thoughts are Always Toward You!

Do you ever feel like there are things that you want and you wonder why God doesn’t give them to you? Maybe there are things God doesn’t want you to have right now because His perfect wisdom has a plan that will produce even better results than what we have in mind! Have patience and trust that it is all according to God’s timing! Not yours!

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

Do you feel like you’re watching your nation crumble before your eyes?
It’s Jesse Kelly television and radio host and now world famous author in my new book, The Anti Communist Manifesto.
I’ll show you how communism has infected America from its infiltration of our education system to its unholy alliance with American corporations don’t be fooled by agitators hiding behind, woke causes the anti communist Manifesto, a practical guide for patriots available now at all bookstores and online with a country divided the Republic at risk and morality being redefined.
It’s time to gather around a campfire.
Get back to basics and spark the revival that this country so desperately needs.
This is the American campfire revival with Cook Cameron.
It’s an honor and a joy to be with you again.
I’m, I’m back at my buddy’s house, Ed and Susan uh have, have, have whipped up a campfire and it’s exciting to be with you.
Uh I just got back from Idaho and you’re never going to believe this.
But there was somebody in the airport that saw me wearing the American Campfire revival sweatshirts.
They said, oh, we’ve been watching, we’re there. We’re part of the family of faith.
We’re praying with you and with everybody out there. And this is so good and keep doing this.
So you guys, people are paying attention, they’re hearing and the fires of revival are spreading. It’s very exciting.
The not so exciting part about my trip is that I left my entire suitcase full of my clothes and everything else that was important for this trip behind in another hotel.
And I’m trying to get that shipped out to me.
So I had to go to Dick sporting goods and get myself a clean shirt.
And I ended up getting a Georgia Bulldog shirt in honor of being here in the Peach State.
So, uh on the airplane, I was reading some, some poetry that my daughter posted on Instagram and I was just, I was blown away by the way, it gripped my heart in relation to some of the things that I’ve been thinking and feeling as, as, as we’ve been talking and praying and working through together.
Uh this idea of, of revival and God meeting us at a time of need.
I want to read a poem to you from my daughter, uh Olivia.
She, she wrote this, Olivia’s uh my youngest daughter and uh she writes lots of poems.
Here’s one. She said, even though my heart sometimes beats rebelliously, I stopped wanting a lot of things when I realized I don’t yet know if God wants those things for me.
I’m slowly learning to hold each moment with open palms ready to gracefully receive or set it free?
And, and that really spoke to me because do you ever feel like there’s things that you want?
And you wonder why God doesn’t give them to you?
Do you say Lord, I’ve been praying about this but you’re not giving it to me.
What else do I need to do? Do I need to do I need to speak in another language?
Do I need to stand on my head?
Do I need to, to, to, to, to do some sort of, of a trick?
And, and my daughter is pointing out, wait a minute, maybe there are things that we want that God is not wanting for us to have right now because his perfect wisdom has a plan that will produce even better results than what we have in mind.
And so she’s saying, she’s saying, let’s open my hands up so that I’m not trying to grab onto the things that I, that I have that I don’t want to lose.
And I’m not trying to grasp for things that maybe God doesn’t want me to have right now.
Instead, I’ll just keep my hands open and I’ll receive what the Lord gives me because I know it’s good because it comes from Him and I’ll set things free if it’s time for the season to pass.
Because God has something new in mind and that just sort of gives me a sense of peace and rest.
But I love that idea that God has thoughts that are wiser than our thoughts.
And instead of trying to grasp and grab on to and hold everything that we think we need.
Let’s, let’s let the Lord give and, and, and take as he wants because his thoughts are so good.
And then of course, this made me think of a verse that is uh uh a favorite verse for, for many of us, maybe, maybe this is a verse that is one of your life verses Jeremiah 29 11 which says this and I wanna speak about this verse and the context in which it was written.
And then the context for us today because a lot of people misinterpret this verse Jeremiah 29 11.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and a hope.
And then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you and you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all of your heart.
I love that verse.
It’s important for us to, to know that that verse was a verse that Jeremiah had had spoken to the people, the Jewish people when they were in captivity, they were slaves in Babylon and they were, they were, they were doubting and despairing.
And and wondering if they would ever see the promises of God come to fulfillment.
And no doubt they were concerned about the judgment that they were under because they had sinned against God and forgotten about Him.
And they had not kept their sacred covenant with the Lord.
Well, listen to this verse and I wanna say to you that the same God who loved his people under the old covenant order, the Jewish people in Babylonian captivity has an unchanging heart of love and compassion for His people who come to Him by faith today.
Isn’t that right? Isn’t that right? Pastor 1000%. I got the pastor stamp of approval.
His unchanging heart of love for his Children states these things in our context today.
If we understand it now, let me, let me break this down for you.
He says, I know the thoughts that I have to you sometimes you and I don’t know God’s thoughts toward us.
We don’t, we wonder. We say, Lord, what are you thinking?
I mean, I know what I want you to do, but that’s not what is happening.
So I don’t understand your thoughts about me and my life, but here’s the good news, God does.
He knows his thoughts of you about you and not only does He think of you and me, the scriptures say that his thoughts are toward us.
They’re not only thinking of us. He is thinking his thoughts toward us. Charles Spurgeon.
One of my very favorite preachers said that the thoughts of God are continually drifting toward you.
He’s moving his thoughts in, in a you word direction because his eyes are on you.
His ears are attentive to you and your prayers and his thoughts about you are moving toward you.
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And he says their thoughts of peace are not evil.
The people of Israel easily could have thought that because they were under the judgment of God due to their disobedience that, that he had evil plans for them, that this was going to be the end of them.
And he says, no, you don’t understand my thoughts.
In fact, I have you here in captivity for a very important reason and my thoughts for you, I know them well, they’re moving toward you and my thoughts of you are for peace and they’re not for evil.
He said they’re to give you a future and a hope.
God has a future and God has a hope because God is a God of hope.
He is the prince of peace. Then what’s the deal?
Why Lord are we in this place of, of discipline or judgment or trial or captivity?
And the good news is that God defines his future and hope in mind for his people as we go on.
He says, and then he says, you will call upon me and you will pray to me and I will listen to you.
You see they were in captivity and, and they didn’t have access to their temple to be able to go and pray to their God and, and, and, and for him to hear them in their temple.
And he’s saying, I still hear you, I still hear you.
I hear your prayers and he says, I have a, I have a purpose for you in this difficult trial and challenge that you’re in.
Just, just think of uh Daniel and the lions. Then think of the people who have been in difficult situations.
The Lord had prepared them in those difficult places for other things he had in mind for them, for their future.
And those people would end up being a source of help and hope for others.
And it turns out that that God had the Jewish people in Babylonian captivity, partly so that they would scatter and there would be a proliferation of new synagogues, new houses of worship and there would be the proliferation of the old, old covenant scriptures in preparation for when the gospel would come and there would be little anchors all over little houses of worship where the Gospel could be spread through those synagogues.
God has amazing thoughts that are higher than our thoughts and ways that are more brilliant than our ways.
And he says, you’ll seek me and you’ll find me when you search for me with all of your heart.
The good news there is that God’s not hiding from us.
You will, you will search for me and you’ll find me because God is a God who reveals himself to us.
I’m sorry, I, I, I don’t mean to get all uh crazy and, and, and preach to my, to my phone here uh while you’re listening, I just want to share with you what’s encouraged me.
And that is God’s not hiding from us. He’s not back there going ha ha ha.
I’ve got you in this place and I enjoy seeing you struggle. I don’t think so.
I think as a loving father who cares about his Children, he has let his Children know in the past and his unchanging heart speaks to us today that his thoughts are toward us.
He knows what those thoughts are.
They include peace and not evil and they include a future and they include a hope.
And part of that is that He listens to our prayers and part of that is that he’s not hiding.
He reveals himself to us when we come to Him in repentance and faith.
So let’s lay down our our defenses against God and believing His word.
Let’s stop making, let’s just stop making weapons against the promises of God or finding excuses to disregard the words and the commands of God.
And let’s search for Him with all of our heart and say God, help me understand, give me wisdom, open my eyes, open my ears.
Lord help me take down all of my defenses. I wanna find you.
Will you reveal yourself to me and reveal your plans for me and help me, understand your thoughts toward me so that I can lift my hands in gratitude and in and in worship.
I think that’s the formula that is going to bring about revival and that’s what we’re hoping for.
That’s what we’re praying for. Lord, send us, send us revival because I know that the thoughts of God are to pour new life into, to dead, dead hearts and dead marriages and dead homes and a nation that appears to be flat lining in so many ways.
And the resuscitation, the resurrection, the new life, the revival of the country begins in the reviving of your heart and mind.
There’s a little bug that just flew out from the one of the little demons from the pit below.
He tried to get in my ear. I didn’t, I didn’t let him.
That is the source of our life. That’s the source of our hope.
That’s the source of our future. The one who loves us, who made us Lord send the fires of revival.
And we ask this in Jesus name, will you make sure that you don’t let your head hit the pillow tonight before you ask God to reveal his thoughts to you and that you ask him to help you search Him with all of your heart so that you can find Him and you can be friends with him and walk with him where he wants you to go.
God bless you guys. Thank you for listening.
To the American Campfire Revival podcast. Be sure to subscribe. So you don’t miss a single episode.
If you’d like to learn more and join the movement, visit Kirk Cameron dot com.
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