God’s Destination For Your Life
God’s Destination For Your Life
God has a plan for your days and an endgame for your life. Though things may seem chaotic, there is an order and design for all that is going on. Find out how to walk toward the destination God has in store for you in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” – 1 John 1:7
God’s destination for your life, he actually has 1. Have you ever thought about that?
I would assume that your days like my day that, um, no matter what goes on, even if a leisure day, there’s some form of destination that you have planned for that day.
It could be the destination of finishing a project.
Could be the the nation of, of maybe going somewhere, of course. But, listen, you cannot outrun God.
And in fact, why would you want to do that?
When you wake up to the realization of the Bible You can find out that wherever you go, god’s got a plan for your life.
David said, King David, he said, Where can I go from my presence?
What a great statement then is Christ Jesus is everywhere by the power of the Holy Spirit.
That’s how God does that. The Holy Spirit right now is around and in the believer.
If you’re not a believer today, the Holy Spirit is around you, convicting you and telling you you need Christ.
Listen, let’s grab our bibles and let’s dive into the word of god and find out what the lord has to say regarding his destination for your life.
There’s nothing like it. And when you do that, you’re gonna find out that there’s peace And there’s order, and there is a design for you being the person he wants you to be.
When god moves, when god works in our lives, I like to think of it this way for every single one of us, god’s got a destination for our lives.
That’s important, especially when you think about the holy spirit being our guidance system.
Our GPS And that is this that god’s destination for us is more like this, that you and I would have a heart to seek after god more and more.
Did you know that’s god’s the nation for your life that you and I would seek god.
So ask yourself this question. Do you have a heart that’s seeking after god?
Do you want to read his word?
I’m not saying listen, I’m not saying do you want to read his word because you wake up and you can hear bird singing and it’s little sun rays coming through, and it’s illuminating your Bible.
And, you know, I’m not saying, But I am saying this.
I wanna read the word, but there’s a battle before I even get to my Bible that’s 20 feet away from me.
It’s almost like it’s a war zone. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?
I know I should read it. I want to read it. I know he loves me. I love him.
I’m gonna go read it and how is it that between here and there, the phone rings five times.
There’s somebody at your door and your back door, and everything’s going crazy.
What in the world is going on? A spiritual war is taking place?
Listen, if you don’t believe a word I’m saying, I promise you this.
Make an appointment with God today that you’re gonna get on your knees alongside your bed or whatever you do, and you’re gonna pray to him.
That’s all I’m gonna ask you to do. The opposition will prove to you that god exists.
Strangest thing, but for god’s power, He wants you near.
He wants you seeking them. And another thing is he wants you to draw closer to other believers.
Did you know that? It’s called Kwenania. Isn’t it amazing?
Listen, I’m laying this stuff out there for you to judge yourself if you’re of the spirit of god or not.
Believers love to be around other believers.
And god, the holy spirit that’s in us, it’s a remarkable thing, is where you and I can meet someone and know them for 5 minutes.
And if they’re really a true Christian, you feel like you’ve known them forever. It’s called Kwenania.
Have you noticed that you’ve met somebody who’s a Christian and there’s something like, I don’t know about this.
You don’t know anything about them. You just know them. I don’t know. Let’s wait and see.
It’s very listen, the first time I ever experienced that in power, is, uh, just early 1992, landed in Moscow, and got to the streets the next day and, uh, gathered together some translators, and we had crates, and we stood up on these crates.
And we were gonna preach the gospel because Gorbatov had torn down the wall that Reagan told him about.
And, uh, it was just it was absolutely crazy in Russia.
And preaching the gospel, and then somebody comes up and they don’t even speak English, and you’re talking with them through a translator and there’s a immediate bond, and they’re a believer.
God does that. Regardless of race.
By the way, that’s that’s the healing of our nation right here right now.
Is the Holy Spirit living inside of you in of you living inside of you.
The Holy Spirit in the life of somebody who will repent and look to Christ will heal this nation.
And I might add it’s the only thing that will heal this nation.
The answer is not gonna come in the next election or in any other location or from any other power on earth.
This nation is doomed without god. It’s evident. Look around for crying out loud.
And then what about this?
The destination of the Holy Spirit is to unlock the word of god to us.
Jude at chapter 1 verse 20. Jude 1 20 says this, everybody?
But you beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of god.
Looking for the mercy of the lord Jesus unto eternal life.
That’s his coming, his rapture or death if you’re gonna if you die or if the rapture were to happen today.
Be looking for the mercy of the lord Christ or Jesus Christ until eternal life verse 24.
Now to him, not us, him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
Listen Christian. Now don’t know if you’re gonna make it because the Holy Spirit will see to it.
When you arrive, you’re gonna be very happy and excited about it. It’s gonna be amazing. EPhesians 2 verse 4.
But god who is rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, Even when we were dead and trespasses, that is a sinner, made us alive together with Christ for by grace you have been saved.
For verse 6 and raised us up together and made us sit together. Notice the past tense.
This is wild past tense. He loved us. He made us alive. He raised us up.
We sift together with him in the heavenly places, verse 7.
That in the ages to come, he might show, this is forever, the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
Isn’t that amazing? It simply means this, you guys, uh, you know, when you walk by a jeweler’s store and the display rack or whatever it is is draped in black, but it’s lit up with bright lights.
And you see the diamonds there. In fact, the lights are so bright and the background is so black.
You can’t tell if they’re diamonds or not.
Whatever it is, I mean, you you could put, like, a coke bottle there and it’d look amazing.
That speaks to my heart because that’s the meaning of that passage of that verse right there.
Is that for all eternity, god is gonna display his work that he worked in you, this marvelous work, It’s absolutely amazing.
Verse states this for by grace, this is god’s gift. You have been saved. Past tense.
Is that crazy? Isn’t that amazing? I’ll explain in a moment.
And that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of god, not of works, list anyone should boast.
Not gonna go to heaven by being good.
You’re gonna get to heaven just like nicodemus was invited to go to heaven, and that is lord, I can’t save myself.
Save me. But notice the past tense, past tense, always past tense. Why? Watch this.
God, in his theology, You and I are living our life out right now in this world in this in this time.
Are you with me? You guys awake? Yeah. Okay.
I just need a little bit So listen, this is god and eternity.
This is life happening now And this is the end or eternity.
Right now, you and I are here.
God is eternal, and this world had a beginning, and this world will have an ending.
But the god of eternity is on both ends, uh, as 2 bookends. Think about that.
And right now, you and I are living our lives out having to choose between 2 worlds that were thrust upon us, the world of darkness and evil that came to us by our original mom and dad, Adam and Eve, because they chow they chose to rebel against god.
God made you the ability to choose and to pick and to love or to hate And you’ve been you’re the only thing in the universe created in his image.
He has a beginning and he has an end.
And what’s being played out right here is a real issue of relationship. How’s it gonna go?
Are you in god’s forever family? Have you chosen god? Does the spirit of Christ live in you?
And what are you doing with what he’s given you at this time?
So watch this all along the way. He sees all. He knows all.
Imagine for a moment, your kitchen table, and there’s an aunt on the kitchen table walking around.
The earth is flat. The earth is flat. That’s what he thinks.
He’s on a kitchen table, and you’re looking. Does that answer have any idea that you’re watching him?
Not a clue. And that end is there, and you do one of 2 things.
You walk up and you scroll. With your thumb. And, uh, he doesn’t know anything.
It happened so quick. It’s over. He’s not like an eternity. What happened?
Bugs Life, gone, Kaput, over Or what if you put your finger down and the little ant crawls on your finger and you take them outside in the backyard and you put them on a rose bush?
Rabs are heaven worry. It’s like, how does this happen? He doesn’t know what happened.
Tell us what happened. I was on the kitchen table. That’s all I could see.
And then all of a sudden, I found myself being picked up and taken into the paradise.
God’s got a beginning and god’s got an end.
And if you would, think about that ant lifting up its front leg saying pick pick me up, or I wanna know you, god?
Or you’re so busy about living your life that you have no time for god.
Be very careful. We also look at eternity when we see in verse 11 that he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies.
This is awesome. Mortal bodies, meaning resurrection. Christians do not believe in reincarnation. That’s an unbiblical view.
There is no resuscitation. There’s resurrection. What does that mean? This is awesome.
Did you know that if you if you got bit by a shark, uh, burned in a burned to death in a fire, uh, turned into dust, we bury you at Rosehill’s 35 years later, we go back and we pick you up, and there’s nothing in there.
There’s big wooden box and dust. Where is he?
Did you know that every part of you, but water is there? Did you know that?
All of the molecules that made up your flesh and your bones and you’re liver and you’re kidding.
It’s all there. So, man, that’s and they soon make us big. That’s right.
That’s about That’s about it. Look at me.
I’m an animated piece of flesh, lot a lot of moisture, But when that listen.
When when my body dies, it turns to dust. Scientificly, your molecular structure never changes. Molecules are still there.
Is that it wild? Even though you can’t see them, perhaps, or you can see a cluster of them, When godgrows erects, he reassembles the actual parts of who you are.
This body of mind This body will be glorified. It’s this body that will be resurrected.
This body will be changed. It doesn’t go away.
I don’t get a new one like a new one, I get a new one that’s refashioned, but it’s not anything less than resurrection.
Why? It’s for eternity. You should be comforted by that.
1st Corinthians 15 verse 4 starts or verse 14. Excuse me.
If Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty, and your faith is also empty verse 17.
If Christ does not risen, your faith is futile, You are still in your sins. Verse 20.
For now, Christ is risen from the dead. Think about that for a moment.
Jesus is resurrected from the dead. He rose from the grave.
You can’t take a neutral position on this.
Jesus said, bury me in 3 days. I’ll be resurrected.
And people say, well, he was an enlightened one.
He’s one of the great sages or gurus of all the religions of the world. Really?
When Jesus said, if you believing in me, you will live forever. Okay. You know what?
That’s those are the words of a lunatic. Unless the 3rd day happens.
Jesus is believing me, and your sins will be forgiven.
I’m gonna die on the cross for your sins. Friends, listen.
If you say that he’s a good prophet, if you say that he was a good person, Frankly, friend, you know what you’re talking about because if he didn’t rise from the dead, he’s the most mean wicked person that’s ever lived because he gave promises of the ultimate false hope, but glory be to god on the 3rd day The Bible tells us that not only god, the father raised him from the dead, go figure this out.
God, the father raised him from the dead, the holy spirit raised him from the dead, and Jesus said, If I lay my life down, I will raise it up again.
God did that, friends. What an amazing thing. And that will transform your life.
God wants you to be living a resurrected life now.
That’s why the Bible speaks to us in the past tense. You have been saved.
Well, my goodness, if that’s true, then I don’t need to walk around terrified or questioning or wondering if I’m gonna go to heaven or not.
Or what I should do about this or that do the right thing.
He’ll give you the power to do it. You recognize the right thing. Do it. But it’s not popular.
Do it. Truth. The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 16. Therefore, we do not lose heart.
Don’t don’t give up. Even though our outward man is perishing, isn’t that true?
How many of you had Advil before you came to church this morning? Yeah.
I should’ve we should’ve invested in it.
When I was younger, I should’ve bought stock in that company. I didn’t know things were gonna go this way.
I thought Christ would come back before my back hurt this bad.
Yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. Isn’t that awesome?
The inside of you is growing while the outside of you is diminishing. Man, that’s exciting.
Every time I feel the pain or I’m wondering, is this it?
It’s like, oh, no, I’m serious you guys. Listen. I don’t know what it is, man.
Something about me and water, but three times I almost died and three times it was in water, but I doesn’t keep me from going to the water.
But, uh, swimming, I told you to do some of these before, swimming in Hawaii, snorkeling around, and I should have known better, but the tide was in a shallow harbor or a shallow bay, and that’s not a good prescription when the tide is luring, you never wanna be in a shallow location because it’s like a venturi effect.
When the water begins to drain, it drains fast in the shallow water.
I’m swimming back to shore, and I’m going backwards.
And I’m probably two hundred yards from shore, and I’m not gonna make it.
Now I’m so tired. I just said, lord, this is it. Take care of my wife.
Take care of my kids. My grandkid’s god. You’ve been so good to me. I’m just talking to them.
I land my back because I’m just laying on my back, and I can’t go anywhere.
I can’t it’s just not working. It’s just pulling me out.
And the next thing I know, I’m just dragging and scraping on a reef that was just below the this, and there’s blood everywhere.
Seriously. I got let’s just and I was so happy.
I’m bleeding, and it’s like, I don’t care. I’ll put a shark. Come. I’ll put them out.
And then I had to wait for the longest time.
The the tide going out stopped, and then it hit equilibrium. And then I swam in.
And they got to the beach, and I’m on the beach, and I’m walking back to Lisa. She’s like this.
She knew nothing about I’m out there.
And I’m walking and people are running up to me.
It was so it was so impressive that the sand where my feet were, it was red.
And Peter went, are you okay? Are you okay? You’re bleeding? You okay? I’m fine. Thank you. Fine.
Why? The whole thing was this.
I it’s not that I got saved by the reef that god allowed me to be placed on.
It’s the fact that this is what I was rejoicing about. Wow, lord. I came that close, and it’s okay.
You and I are okay. It’s good. Peace in that moment.
Listen, you wanna know for sure you’ve got peace in that moment. You wanna make sure that’s certain.
I finally wind uh, with this in verse 11, is that and that is the spirit of resurrection is the spirit of glory.
Glory, I know this sounds weird, and we’re too humble falsely to say, I want glory.
Well, you’re gonna have glory. God style. And it’s nothing like this world does.
You know, this world does glory, uh, for a little bit?
And by the way, the glory that the world gives, it’s just like, really? That’s it.
And now you win this prize. That’s it.
Have you ever had a new car and you, like, worship the thing?
But god’s gotta you’re washing it. It’s not even dirty. You’re washing it again.
And you know, you got the bug when you park it way out.
In the parking lot of the mall. It’s way out there.
And somehow god will send an angel. To dent the door.
Or he’s I’d like I’m serious. Don’t know how this happens, but you can be so careful.
An angel shows up with his wing and goes, boom.
And you get out there and decide Oh, no.
And then, like, 3 days later, you get over the trauma, and then you’re using the car to push shopping carts out of the way.
And you don’t care you are? It’s over. That’s the glory of the world. It’s fleeting. Right?
It’s fleeting, but the glory that god gives, it’s forever.
It’s through his spirit who dwells in you.
The spirit of god that dwells within you will never leave you. The Bible says he’s never gonna abandon you.
We’ve all been abandoned. He’ll never abandon you. He’ll take care of you.
Well, god’s destination for your life, it’s clear in scripture that god has a plan.
That’s why people go to the Bible.
Listen, when God moves in your life, when you allow him to take hold of your life, then you will never be the same.
Isn’t that what you want? Have you ever thought about is there more to life?
My friend, there is much more to life and that life is in Jesus Christ.
I’m reminded In 1992 and the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Derek Redmond, one of the fastest humans on earth took off in his race and he was expected to win, by the way.
He took off, and shortly after the start of the race, he blew out his hamstring.
In fact, in Derek’s words, he said, I thought someone shot me from the crowd. I thought I was shot.
It turned out to be that he blew his hamstring out. And he was hobbling along.
He said in excruciating pain. But there was a little bit of a ruckus in the grandstands because a man began to make his way down through the crowd and went over the fence and security was coming after this man to stop him.
Well, that man was Jim Redmond, Derek’s dad, And Jim Redmond picked up his son and carried him across the finish line.
Now look, obviously, Derek Redmond didn’t win. But it was one of the most talked about events for many years.
When the spirit of god, my friend, gets a hold of your life, he’s gonna lead you into all truth.
In fact, the power of god will get you across the finish line.
In Micah chapter 3, verse 8, the Bible tells us when the spirit of god came upon him, he knew that he had god’s power.
Friend, listen. If you’re doing Christianity and it’s not working, it’s because Christianity was designed to be done by the power of god.
Not you. It is god the spirit who will carry you across the finish line.
As always, we are here to bring you the word of god.
So you can simply find out more about us at jackives.com, and there’s a whole lot of teaching there waiting for you.
We’d love to connect with you. Until then, god bless you.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s words, whomever will return void. God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effect.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does it happen?
Jack Gibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful, no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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I would assume that your days like my day that, um, no matter what goes on, even if a leisure day, there’s some form of destination that you have planned for that day.
It could be the destination of finishing a project.
Could be the the nation of, of maybe going somewhere, of course. But, listen, you cannot outrun God.
And in fact, why would you want to do that?
When you wake up to the realization of the Bible You can find out that wherever you go, god’s got a plan for your life.
David said, King David, he said, Where can I go from my presence?
What a great statement then is Christ Jesus is everywhere by the power of the Holy Spirit.
That’s how God does that. The Holy Spirit right now is around and in the believer.
If you’re not a believer today, the Holy Spirit is around you, convicting you and telling you you need Christ.
Listen, let’s grab our bibles and let’s dive into the word of god and find out what the lord has to say regarding his destination for your life.
There’s nothing like it. And when you do that, you’re gonna find out that there’s peace And there’s order, and there is a design for you being the person he wants you to be.
When god moves, when god works in our lives, I like to think of it this way for every single one of us, god’s got a destination for our lives.
That’s important, especially when you think about the holy spirit being our guidance system.
Our GPS And that is this that god’s destination for us is more like this, that you and I would have a heart to seek after god more and more.
Did you know that’s god’s the nation for your life that you and I would seek god.
So ask yourself this question. Do you have a heart that’s seeking after god?
Do you want to read his word?
I’m not saying listen, I’m not saying do you want to read his word because you wake up and you can hear bird singing and it’s little sun rays coming through, and it’s illuminating your Bible.
And, you know, I’m not saying, But I am saying this.
I wanna read the word, but there’s a battle before I even get to my Bible that’s 20 feet away from me.
It’s almost like it’s a war zone. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?
I know I should read it. I want to read it. I know he loves me. I love him.
I’m gonna go read it and how is it that between here and there, the phone rings five times.
There’s somebody at your door and your back door, and everything’s going crazy.
What in the world is going on? A spiritual war is taking place?
Listen, if you don’t believe a word I’m saying, I promise you this.
Make an appointment with God today that you’re gonna get on your knees alongside your bed or whatever you do, and you’re gonna pray to him.
That’s all I’m gonna ask you to do. The opposition will prove to you that god exists.
Strangest thing, but for god’s power, He wants you near.
He wants you seeking them. And another thing is he wants you to draw closer to other believers.
Did you know that? It’s called Kwenania. Isn’t it amazing?
Listen, I’m laying this stuff out there for you to judge yourself if you’re of the spirit of god or not.
Believers love to be around other believers.
And god, the holy spirit that’s in us, it’s a remarkable thing, is where you and I can meet someone and know them for 5 minutes.
And if they’re really a true Christian, you feel like you’ve known them forever. It’s called Kwenania.
Have you noticed that you’ve met somebody who’s a Christian and there’s something like, I don’t know about this.
You don’t know anything about them. You just know them. I don’t know. Let’s wait and see.
It’s very listen, the first time I ever experienced that in power, is, uh, just early 1992, landed in Moscow, and got to the streets the next day and, uh, gathered together some translators, and we had crates, and we stood up on these crates.
And we were gonna preach the gospel because Gorbatov had torn down the wall that Reagan told him about.
And, uh, it was just it was absolutely crazy in Russia.
And preaching the gospel, and then somebody comes up and they don’t even speak English, and you’re talking with them through a translator and there’s a immediate bond, and they’re a believer.
God does that. Regardless of race.
By the way, that’s that’s the healing of our nation right here right now.
Is the Holy Spirit living inside of you in of you living inside of you.
The Holy Spirit in the life of somebody who will repent and look to Christ will heal this nation.
And I might add it’s the only thing that will heal this nation.
The answer is not gonna come in the next election or in any other location or from any other power on earth.
This nation is doomed without god. It’s evident. Look around for crying out loud.
And then what about this?
The destination of the Holy Spirit is to unlock the word of god to us.
Jude at chapter 1 verse 20. Jude 1 20 says this, everybody?
But you beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of god.
Looking for the mercy of the lord Jesus unto eternal life.
That’s his coming, his rapture or death if you’re gonna if you die or if the rapture were to happen today.
Be looking for the mercy of the lord Christ or Jesus Christ until eternal life verse 24.
Now to him, not us, him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
Listen Christian. Now don’t know if you’re gonna make it because the Holy Spirit will see to it.
When you arrive, you’re gonna be very happy and excited about it. It’s gonna be amazing. EPhesians 2 verse 4.
But god who is rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, Even when we were dead and trespasses, that is a sinner, made us alive together with Christ for by grace you have been saved.
For verse 6 and raised us up together and made us sit together. Notice the past tense.
This is wild past tense. He loved us. He made us alive. He raised us up.
We sift together with him in the heavenly places, verse 7.
That in the ages to come, he might show, this is forever, the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
Isn’t that amazing? It simply means this, you guys, uh, you know, when you walk by a jeweler’s store and the display rack or whatever it is is draped in black, but it’s lit up with bright lights.
And you see the diamonds there. In fact, the lights are so bright and the background is so black.
You can’t tell if they’re diamonds or not.
Whatever it is, I mean, you you could put, like, a coke bottle there and it’d look amazing.
That speaks to my heart because that’s the meaning of that passage of that verse right there.
Is that for all eternity, god is gonna display his work that he worked in you, this marvelous work, It’s absolutely amazing.
Verse states this for by grace, this is god’s gift. You have been saved. Past tense.
Is that crazy? Isn’t that amazing? I’ll explain in a moment.
And that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of god, not of works, list anyone should boast.
Not gonna go to heaven by being good.
You’re gonna get to heaven just like nicodemus was invited to go to heaven, and that is lord, I can’t save myself.
Save me. But notice the past tense, past tense, always past tense. Why? Watch this.
God, in his theology, You and I are living our life out right now in this world in this in this time.
Are you with me? You guys awake? Yeah. Okay.
I just need a little bit So listen, this is god and eternity.
This is life happening now And this is the end or eternity.
Right now, you and I are here.
God is eternal, and this world had a beginning, and this world will have an ending.
But the god of eternity is on both ends, uh, as 2 bookends. Think about that.
And right now, you and I are living our lives out having to choose between 2 worlds that were thrust upon us, the world of darkness and evil that came to us by our original mom and dad, Adam and Eve, because they chow they chose to rebel against god.
God made you the ability to choose and to pick and to love or to hate And you’ve been you’re the only thing in the universe created in his image.
He has a beginning and he has an end.
And what’s being played out right here is a real issue of relationship. How’s it gonna go?
Are you in god’s forever family? Have you chosen god? Does the spirit of Christ live in you?
And what are you doing with what he’s given you at this time?
So watch this all along the way. He sees all. He knows all.
Imagine for a moment, your kitchen table, and there’s an aunt on the kitchen table walking around.
The earth is flat. The earth is flat. That’s what he thinks.
He’s on a kitchen table, and you’re looking. Does that answer have any idea that you’re watching him?
Not a clue. And that end is there, and you do one of 2 things.
You walk up and you scroll. With your thumb. And, uh, he doesn’t know anything.
It happened so quick. It’s over. He’s not like an eternity. What happened?
Bugs Life, gone, Kaput, over Or what if you put your finger down and the little ant crawls on your finger and you take them outside in the backyard and you put them on a rose bush?
Rabs are heaven worry. It’s like, how does this happen? He doesn’t know what happened.
Tell us what happened. I was on the kitchen table. That’s all I could see.
And then all of a sudden, I found myself being picked up and taken into the paradise.
God’s got a beginning and god’s got an end.
And if you would, think about that ant lifting up its front leg saying pick pick me up, or I wanna know you, god?
Or you’re so busy about living your life that you have no time for god.
Be very careful. We also look at eternity when we see in verse 11 that he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies.
This is awesome. Mortal bodies, meaning resurrection. Christians do not believe in reincarnation. That’s an unbiblical view.
There is no resuscitation. There’s resurrection. What does that mean? This is awesome.
Did you know that if you if you got bit by a shark, uh, burned in a burned to death in a fire, uh, turned into dust, we bury you at Rosehill’s 35 years later, we go back and we pick you up, and there’s nothing in there.
There’s big wooden box and dust. Where is he?
Did you know that every part of you, but water is there? Did you know that?
All of the molecules that made up your flesh and your bones and you’re liver and you’re kidding.
It’s all there. So, man, that’s and they soon make us big. That’s right.
That’s about That’s about it. Look at me.
I’m an animated piece of flesh, lot a lot of moisture, But when that listen.
When when my body dies, it turns to dust. Scientificly, your molecular structure never changes. Molecules are still there.
Is that it wild? Even though you can’t see them, perhaps, or you can see a cluster of them, When godgrows erects, he reassembles the actual parts of who you are.
This body of mind This body will be glorified. It’s this body that will be resurrected.
This body will be changed. It doesn’t go away.
I don’t get a new one like a new one, I get a new one that’s refashioned, but it’s not anything less than resurrection.
Why? It’s for eternity. You should be comforted by that.
1st Corinthians 15 verse 4 starts or verse 14. Excuse me.
If Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty, and your faith is also empty verse 17.
If Christ does not risen, your faith is futile, You are still in your sins. Verse 20.
For now, Christ is risen from the dead. Think about that for a moment.
Jesus is resurrected from the dead. He rose from the grave.
You can’t take a neutral position on this.
Jesus said, bury me in 3 days. I’ll be resurrected.
And people say, well, he was an enlightened one.
He’s one of the great sages or gurus of all the religions of the world. Really?
When Jesus said, if you believing in me, you will live forever. Okay. You know what?
That’s those are the words of a lunatic. Unless the 3rd day happens.
Jesus is believing me, and your sins will be forgiven.
I’m gonna die on the cross for your sins. Friends, listen.
If you say that he’s a good prophet, if you say that he was a good person, Frankly, friend, you know what you’re talking about because if he didn’t rise from the dead, he’s the most mean wicked person that’s ever lived because he gave promises of the ultimate false hope, but glory be to god on the 3rd day The Bible tells us that not only god, the father raised him from the dead, go figure this out.
God, the father raised him from the dead, the holy spirit raised him from the dead, and Jesus said, If I lay my life down, I will raise it up again.
God did that, friends. What an amazing thing. And that will transform your life.
God wants you to be living a resurrected life now.
That’s why the Bible speaks to us in the past tense. You have been saved.
Well, my goodness, if that’s true, then I don’t need to walk around terrified or questioning or wondering if I’m gonna go to heaven or not.
Or what I should do about this or that do the right thing.
He’ll give you the power to do it. You recognize the right thing. Do it. But it’s not popular.
Do it. Truth. The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 16. Therefore, we do not lose heart.
Don’t don’t give up. Even though our outward man is perishing, isn’t that true?
How many of you had Advil before you came to church this morning? Yeah.
I should’ve we should’ve invested in it.
When I was younger, I should’ve bought stock in that company. I didn’t know things were gonna go this way.
I thought Christ would come back before my back hurt this bad.
Yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. Isn’t that awesome?
The inside of you is growing while the outside of you is diminishing. Man, that’s exciting.
Every time I feel the pain or I’m wondering, is this it?
It’s like, oh, no, I’m serious you guys. Listen. I don’t know what it is, man.
Something about me and water, but three times I almost died and three times it was in water, but I doesn’t keep me from going to the water.
But, uh, swimming, I told you to do some of these before, swimming in Hawaii, snorkeling around, and I should have known better, but the tide was in a shallow harbor or a shallow bay, and that’s not a good prescription when the tide is luring, you never wanna be in a shallow location because it’s like a venturi effect.
When the water begins to drain, it drains fast in the shallow water.
I’m swimming back to shore, and I’m going backwards.
And I’m probably two hundred yards from shore, and I’m not gonna make it.
Now I’m so tired. I just said, lord, this is it. Take care of my wife.
Take care of my kids. My grandkid’s god. You’ve been so good to me. I’m just talking to them.
I land my back because I’m just laying on my back, and I can’t go anywhere.
I can’t it’s just not working. It’s just pulling me out.
And the next thing I know, I’m just dragging and scraping on a reef that was just below the this, and there’s blood everywhere.
Seriously. I got let’s just and I was so happy.
I’m bleeding, and it’s like, I don’t care. I’ll put a shark. Come. I’ll put them out.
And then I had to wait for the longest time.
The the tide going out stopped, and then it hit equilibrium. And then I swam in.
And they got to the beach, and I’m on the beach, and I’m walking back to Lisa. She’s like this.
She knew nothing about I’m out there.
And I’m walking and people are running up to me.
It was so it was so impressive that the sand where my feet were, it was red.
And Peter went, are you okay? Are you okay? You’re bleeding? You okay? I’m fine. Thank you. Fine.
Why? The whole thing was this.
I it’s not that I got saved by the reef that god allowed me to be placed on.
It’s the fact that this is what I was rejoicing about. Wow, lord. I came that close, and it’s okay.
You and I are okay. It’s good. Peace in that moment.
Listen, you wanna know for sure you’ve got peace in that moment. You wanna make sure that’s certain.
I finally wind uh, with this in verse 11, is that and that is the spirit of resurrection is the spirit of glory.
Glory, I know this sounds weird, and we’re too humble falsely to say, I want glory.
Well, you’re gonna have glory. God style. And it’s nothing like this world does.
You know, this world does glory, uh, for a little bit?
And by the way, the glory that the world gives, it’s just like, really? That’s it.
And now you win this prize. That’s it.
Have you ever had a new car and you, like, worship the thing?
But god’s gotta you’re washing it. It’s not even dirty. You’re washing it again.
And you know, you got the bug when you park it way out.
In the parking lot of the mall. It’s way out there.
And somehow god will send an angel. To dent the door.
Or he’s I’d like I’m serious. Don’t know how this happens, but you can be so careful.
An angel shows up with his wing and goes, boom.
And you get out there and decide Oh, no.
And then, like, 3 days later, you get over the trauma, and then you’re using the car to push shopping carts out of the way.
And you don’t care you are? It’s over. That’s the glory of the world. It’s fleeting. Right?
It’s fleeting, but the glory that god gives, it’s forever.
It’s through his spirit who dwells in you.
The spirit of god that dwells within you will never leave you. The Bible says he’s never gonna abandon you.
We’ve all been abandoned. He’ll never abandon you. He’ll take care of you.
Well, god’s destination for your life, it’s clear in scripture that god has a plan.
That’s why people go to the Bible.
Listen, when God moves in your life, when you allow him to take hold of your life, then you will never be the same.
Isn’t that what you want? Have you ever thought about is there more to life?
My friend, there is much more to life and that life is in Jesus Christ.
I’m reminded In 1992 and the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Derek Redmond, one of the fastest humans on earth took off in his race and he was expected to win, by the way.
He took off, and shortly after the start of the race, he blew out his hamstring.
In fact, in Derek’s words, he said, I thought someone shot me from the crowd. I thought I was shot.
It turned out to be that he blew his hamstring out. And he was hobbling along.
He said in excruciating pain. But there was a little bit of a ruckus in the grandstands because a man began to make his way down through the crowd and went over the fence and security was coming after this man to stop him.
Well, that man was Jim Redmond, Derek’s dad, And Jim Redmond picked up his son and carried him across the finish line.
Now look, obviously, Derek Redmond didn’t win. But it was one of the most talked about events for many years.
When the spirit of god, my friend, gets a hold of your life, he’s gonna lead you into all truth.
In fact, the power of god will get you across the finish line.
In Micah chapter 3, verse 8, the Bible tells us when the spirit of god came upon him, he knew that he had god’s power.
Friend, listen. If you’re doing Christianity and it’s not working, it’s because Christianity was designed to be done by the power of god.
Not you. It is god the spirit who will carry you across the finish line.
As always, we are here to bring you the word of god.
So you can simply find out more about us at jackives.com, and there’s a whole lot of teaching there waiting for you.
We’d love to connect with you. Until then, god bless you.
You are watching real life.
With Jack Gibbs, What is the ultimate point and purpose of bible prophecy?
Is it Discarris or prepare us?
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Life is full of fear, doubt, and worry.
The more you listen to and see the world today, the easier it is to feel hopeless and helpless, amidst the confusion of voice of hope is emerged.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s words, whomever will return void. God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effect.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does it happen?
Jack Gibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful, no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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