God Wrote His Love in Red | Dr. David Jeremiah | John 3:16
God Wrote His Love in Red | Dr. David Jeremiah | John 3:16
“from the dead, ascended to heaven, and resumed His position of supreme authority. When we believe and receive His good news, He instantly conveys us into His family and into His kingdom. That is the triumph of the gospel—the victory of Jesus on our behalf.”
― Dr. David Jeremiah, Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems
― Dr. David Jeremiah, Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems
Message Description:
It’s a single, powerful verse of Scripture that reveals just how much God loves you. And chances are, you already know it by heart. Dr. David Jeremiah examines what John 3:16 tells us about the extent of God’s love and how He proved it.
It’s a single, powerful verse of Scripture that reveals just how much God loves you. And chances are, you already know it by heart. Dr. David Jeremiah examines what John 3:16 tells us about the extent of God’s love and how He proved it.
Think about what it would be like to be locked up in solitary confinement forever and ever and never again to have any friendships or relationships with anyone anywhere.
Think about being left alone for eternity with your thoughts and your regrets and your memories and your missed opportunities.
When the rich man is seen in hades in Luke chapter 16, the Bible tells us he is alone.
He’s by himself. So don’t let anybody come with that crazy nonsense.
So you guys go to heaven where it’s gonna be boring and we’re going to the other place and we’re gonna party forever and ever.
I promise you the first moment you spend in hell, you will know how absolutely stupid and ridiculous such a thought is.
That’s not where, that’s not where joy is to be found, joys to be found in the presence of the one who made you, who created you for joy, who created you to be filled with rejoicing and pleasure.
That’s the God we serve and he’s created a place where you can know that to its fullest.
And if you miss it, there’s no other place where that can be found Our lives are divided into days, are days into moments and sometimes a moment is all it takes for God to encourage us, meet us in our deepest need and strengthen us to face the day.
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Today, somebody once told me that it was the truth so simple.
It didn’t need to be written about. And I said, no, it’s the truth, so profound.
I don’t feel worthy to write about it.
You know, a lot of people are really confused about God’s love.
He doesn’t love the way we do. We love others because of what they do for us.
He loves us because it’s his nature to love.
And when, you know, the love of God, it’s the most amazing thing I was looking for a way to help people simply understand God’s love.
The love of God is like a universe you’ve never been to before.
And when you try to understand it from God’s perspective, you know, we’re not equipped to do that and what I’ve tried to do and God loves you.
He always has and he always will is to echo the heart of God to the people of the world.
The interesting thing about knowing God is to realize that God has always loved us.
And it’s just the most wonderful thing when we discover that because then we can start loving him back.
The Bible actually says God is love when you know that, you know, when you know somebody loves you, when you know God loves you makes all the difference.
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As I look back over my life, I have a mental picture of every house or apartment that I have ever lived in.
Beginning with the house my parents lived in when I was born in Toledo Ohio.
To my present location in El Cajon, California. I can picture every single one of those places altogether.
I have lived in 15 different homes and I can recall something special about each one.
But, you know, there are two of the 15 that are more special than the others.
And I remember them with much greater clarity.
First was my home in Cedarville, Ohio where my brother and my two sisters and I grew up together as a family.
And the other is the house where we moved to San Diego.
And we reared our two boys and our two girls.
And those two places are really there above and beyond the other places where we’ve lived, they were more important to us because they were more than just dwelling places.
These were centers of activity and personal interaction, not just between the members of our family, but all the people that came and went and all the friends that we have that have been in those homes, the people that we have loved and wanted to be with have been in those houses.
And for that reason, they’re sacred to us when my siblings and I became adults and we began our own journeys in life.
Obviously, we moved out of our parents’ house, but we never stopped going back, in fact, at Christmas and during vacation days, we would find our way back home when Don and I were in Dallas Texas and I was a graduate student at Dallas Seminary on at least three occasions that we can remember.
We would come home from work on Friday night and look at each other and say, let’s go home and we get in our car at that time, I had a white Chevrolet convertible with a red top and we get in that car and we drive from Dallas Texas to seat of Ohio.
But I remember it’s 1051 miles one way and we drive there straight through so we could spend about eight hours at home and then get in the same car and drive back.
So we didn’t miss class or work on Monday. You say that’s crazy. Yeah, it is. It’s crazy.
But it illustrates the fact that home is like a magnet.
If you have a home, you want to go home as much as you can. We were homesick.
We wanted to go home Today. We are a nation of nomads.
I don’t know if you know that or not, but on the average we make 11.7 moves during a lifetime, something within us.
However, always looks back even now when I go back to Cedarville, Ohio, which I do on an occasion I find a way to drive by that house where I grew up.
I just want to see that it’s still there.
There’s something about that that makes you feel good when you see the house where you grew up and I sense that today the house we have an alcohol is like that for our Children.
And I want to remind them that we have no intentions of, of downsizing in that home very soon.
We’re gonna stay there as long as we can.
Well, the Bible tells us that we all have at least one more move.
Did you know that one more house to live in? That we haven’t lived in yet?
And we don’t know when that’s gonna happen. But the Bible says one day we’re gonna go to heaven.
And in John 14, my favorite name for heaven is listed. You know what it is here, it is.
It’s called the father’s house. That’s the name for heaven in John 14.
Say that with me, the father’s house, that’s where we’re gonna go.
One of these days we’re gonna move in to the father’s house.
This picture of heaven as the father’s house is given to us to remind us that one day soon we’re going to be with the one we love and the ones that we love in the father’s house.
How many of you know that when you love somebody, you want to be with them?
Have you noticed when a couple falls in love? They’re inseparable. That’s how it works.
When you love somebody, you want to be with them. Amen. And here’s the incredible news.
God says he wants to be with us, he wants us to be with him.
In fact, if you go through the New Testament, you will see this little phrase salted into the language of the New Testament over and over again.
For instance, In that passage in John 14, I mentioned uh the end of the verse says that Jesus is preparing this house so that where he is there, we may be also, have you ever noticed that he wants us to be where he’s gonna be?
John 1724, Jesus in his high priestly prayer, praise this father.
I desire that they also whom you gave me maybe with me where I am.
Jesus wants us to be with him when he gave his assurance to the thief on the cross.
Do you remember what he said to him? He said today, you will be with me in paradise.
How many of you know God wants us to be with him? Jesus wants us to be with him?
Paul explained it in his own death and he said this, we are confident.
Yes, we’re pleased rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.
When he wrote to the Philippians, he said, I am hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better.
You see how this keeps reoccurring over and over. God wants us to be with him.
And after he teaches us about the rapture at the end of the verse in first Thessalonians four, he gives us this little caveat and thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Speaking of heaven. Have you noticed that hardly anybody talks about it anymore?
Someone said, you know, we talk about eschatology. We don’t talk about heaven.
Why don’t we talk about heaven?
Because we’re so enamored with earth were so enamored with all the stuff we have down here.
We can’t get our eyes off of it every year.
I go to Louisville and I speak there to the southern gospel music quartet convention and there’s a lot of folks that go to that and I always say pretty much the same thing somewhere in the time that I’m there that I want them to know how grateful I am because they have preserved the music of heaven.
Nobody else writes music about heaven except country and western people and southern gospel. We have forgotten it.
We don’t write hymns about it. We don’t write worship courses about it. We have become so earthly minded.
We don’t want to worry about heaven.
Often people tell me they don’t understand why we should be concerned about heaven.
I mean, after all, if you’re all heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good. Have you heard that?
But C S Lewis answered that question pretty definitively in his classic Mere Christianity. Here’s what he said.
If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next world it is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become ineffective in this world.
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in a matte earth and you don’t get either one and he’s right.
Heaven is real and our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ are there and they’re making things ready for our eternal home.
I often tell people, can you imagine how beautiful heaven is gonna be?
The Lord Jesus spent six days creating the earth as we see it.
Now, he’s been working on heaven for how many years it’s gonna be quite a fantastic place.
So since he wants us to be with him where he is, let me tell you a little bit about that place.
First of all, heaven is the ultimate residents. It’s the place of ultimate residents in the Bible.
We’re told in John Chapter 14 that in this place are many mansions.
I read about a law firm that sent flowers to an associate in another city.
They were celebrating the opening of a new office and through some mix up the card that accompanied the floral piece, read deepest sympathy.
When the florist was informed of his mistake, he let out a cry of alarm. Good heavens.
He said the card that went with the flowers to the funeral home said, congratulations on your new location.
That’s the point. I wanna make we have a new location, don’t we?
Almighty God has provided a new location for us.
It’s the ultimate residence and it’s where our heavenly father is.
Psalm says the Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord’s throne is in heaven.
I know, you know, a lot of folks as I do who talk about heaven kind of in a, an imaginary way.
They think about heaven is an imaginary place.
They put their tongue in their cheek and they smile knowingly and they say, well, you know, heavens, if you need it, heaven is their heaven is a human invention.
A never, never land a realm of dreams, not to take it seriously.
But I’m here to tell you today that heaven is not a figment of our imagination.
It is not a feeling or an emotion. Heaven is not the beautiful isle of somewhere.
Heaven is not merely a thought form, it’s not a projection of the best in each of us in heaven.
We are going to experience the presence of God, the Father God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit.
And heaven is a location far more real than where you presently live.
It is a real place where God lives. It is the real place from which Christ came into this world.
And it’s the real place to which Christ returned at his ascension. Really. Heaven is that place.
It’s the ultimate residence. This ultimate residence is also a place of ultimate rejoicing.
You will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures.
Forevermore. The Bible says that in heaven, there’s fullness of joy, there’s the path of life and there is pleasure.
Forevermore, heaven is going to be a pleasurable place. Let me put it down where you can grab it.
Heaven’s gonna be fun. Huckleberry Finn didn’t think so.
In the opening chapter of Mark Twain’s classic, the adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck is living with a starchy crabby old woman who has determined in her life that her one objective is to transform Huckleberry Finn.
And she’s going to beat the wildness out of him and fill him full of manners.
And the chief way she plans to do this is with religion.
So she bludgeons him with bible verses and she threatens him with hell and she coaxes him with heaven and in his streetwise cocky way, Huck tells us what he thinks of all that.
He says she went on and told me all about the good place.
She said all the buddy would have to do to go there and just go around all day with a harp and sing forever.
And I didn’t think much of it.
And I asked her if she reckoned Tom Sawyer would go there.
And she said, not by a considerable sight.
And I was glad about that because I wanted him and me to be together when you mentioned, heaven is someone who’s not a Christian.
Let me tell you what their reaction is. I’ll even tell you how it comes out.
It comes out like this boring. Heaven’s gonna be boring.
I need to tell you heaven is not going to be boring.
Mark Buchanan is a writer that I’ve read some and he admits to the fear that heaven might be the extension of modern day boring church services in one of his books, he writes, I assume that you’re like me.
I can get itchy skin and scratchy throat and after an hour or so of church, I can get distracted and cranky when it goes too long.
My feet ache, my backside, numbs my eyes. Glaze my mind fogs my belly growls.
I find myself fighting back, yawns and then not fighting them back, letting them gape and roar a signal to my oppressors.
Let my people go and I’m the pastor.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians who believe that heaven will be boring.
All we’ll do forever.
Drum harps and float on clouds and polish the streets of gold, but heaven will not be boring.
And I want to tell you why the greatest book on Heaven that’s been written in my lifetime was written by a guy named Randy Alcorn and just has the title Heaven.
And this is what he says about this whole boring thing.
He says our belief that heaven will be boring, betrays a heresy that God is boring and there is no greater nonsense.
Now, think about this, your desire, my desire for pleasure and the experience of joy come directly from God’s hand.
He made our taste buds. He created adrenaline.
He gave us our sex drives and the nerve endings that convey pleasure to our brains, our imaginations and our capacity for joy and exhilaration were made by the very God.
We accuse of being boring. Are we so arrogant that we imagine that as human beings, we came up with fun, added to the fact that God will not be boring.
Is this amazing truth? Sit up and listen. It’s true.
Whether you believe it or not in heaven, you won’t be boring.
I know that’s gonna take more faith than what I said about God.
But let me tell you something.
The Bible teaches that when you get to heaven, you’re not gonna be boring either.
You know why the Bible says before you get there, you’re gonna have a complete extreme makeover. Amen.
The Bible says we’re gonna be made like unto him, all the things in you that are boring are gonna be gone.
And when you get to heaven, it’s gonna be life at the greatest.
Everything in heaven will be the absolute opposite of boring.
I don’t know where we get these ideas.
But when you have people come up and tell you that heaven’s gonna be boring, you just tell them they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Sometimes they even go further and sometimes you hear people say this, I don’t want to go to heaven and be bored every day.
I’d rather be with all my friends and party forever and ever.
And that’s just another one of the devil’s lies because you see, hell is not a place of fun and games where we spend forever drinking with our old buddies.
Hell will have no community and no camaraderie and no friendships in the book of Second Thessalonians chapter one and verse nine, we read these words about people who go there.
It says they will be punished with everlasting destruction.
Now, here’s the worst part and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.
Think about what it would be like to be locked up in solitary confinement forever and ever and never again to have any friendships or relationships with anyone anywhere.
Think about being left alone for eternity with your thoughts and your regrets and your memories and your missed opportunities.
When the rich man is seen in hades in Luke chapter 16, the Bible tells us he is alone.
He’s by himself. So don’t let anybody come with that crazy nonsense.
So you guys go to heaven where it’s gonna be boring and we’re going to the other place and we’re gonna party forever and ever, I promise you the first moment you spend in hell, you will know how absolutely stupid and ridiculous.
Such a thought is that’s not where, that’s not where joy is to be found.
Joys to be found in the presence of the one who made you who created you for joy, who created you to be filled with rejoicing and pleasure.
That’s the God we serve and he’s created a place where you can know that to its fullest.
And if you miss it, there’s no other place where that can be found.
Heaven is a place of ultimate residents and ultimate rejoicing.
It’s also a place of ultimate recognition Says in first Corinthians 13, for now, we see in a mirror but then face to face.
We know in part now, but then we will know as we are known.
Here’s the question people ask me, Pastor Jeremiah, we’re gonna know each other in heaven. Absolutely.
When you go to heaven, you don’t lose your identity, your personality, your D N A who you are.
In fact, if you study the Lord Jesus Christ who went through the process, we’re going to go through before he went back to heaven.
You discovered that after his resurrection, his disciples all knew who he was, they knew he was the same Jesus, they had known before the cross and the burial and the resurrection.
And they were so certain about this, they went to their graves defending it when Moses and Elijah appeared out of heaven to stand with Christ on the mount of transfiguration the disciples with Christ, recognized Moses and Elijah.
Oh, when you get to heaven, you’re going to know each other.
All right, Matthew 8 11 says I say to you that many will come from the east and the west and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven.
They’re gonna know each other and we’re gonna know each other.
When you get to heaven, you’re gonna know your parents and your Children.
You’re gonna know your brothers and your sisters.
You’re gonna know the people that you grew up knowing the people that were in the church you attended and you’re gonna know so many more as we’ll learn in a moment, but you don’t lose your memory when you go to heaven anymore than jesus’ lost his memory after his resurrection.
When you get to heaven, it’s the ultimate place of recognition.
Lady and Tony Evans Church once asked him if you would know each other in heaven.
He said, you won’t know each other till you get to heaven the way you really should know each other.
Because down here we have all these masks and all these things we use to cover up who we really are.
But when you get to heaven, all that stuff will be gone and you’ll be able to see the beauty that’s in each one of us that God has put there before we started to tamper with it.
Heaven is the ultimate place of residence. And the ultimate place of rejoicing and the ultimate place of recognition.
But it’s also the place of ultimate relationships in heaven. We’re going to have relationships with one another.
Hebrews 12 tells us about some of the people who are gonna be in heaven. Notice Hebrews 12 verse 22.
But you have come to Mount Zion or to heaven, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels, to the General assembly, to the church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God, the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect.
That’s quite a list. The Bible says basically all the people that have been saved, the angels, God himself, everybody’s gonna be there and you have come to that place and you’re gonna have relationships with people in heaven.
I often think about this because, you know, there’s lots of folks that I’ve met in this life that I’ve become friends with and I enjoy being with them.
But I’m a reader and I live in, in my library a lot and I read and I actually get to know people who aren’t here anymore who lived before I lived, they lived in a different time and I get to know a lot about them almost as if I could, I could have fellowship with them.
But I can’t because they’re dead, they’re gone.
But in heaven we’re all gonna be together and it will be possible for us to fellowship with people who lived at times other than when we lived.
And I have some great, great thoughts about that.
I mean, I’d like to meet Daniel and Joseph and David, those three people from the Old Testament that are my favorite Old Testament characters I’ve preached on them.
And now they can tell me how much I got wrong.
When, when I see them, I’d like to meet Jabez and ask him if he ever dreamed Bruce Wilkinson would make him so famous.
I’d love to cultivate a relationship with Paul the apostle and John the beloved.
And I owe a lot to men like CS Lewis, Charles Haddon, Spurgeon Andrew Murray, a w Tozer whose books I’ve read, whose words I’ve quoted, whose, whose testimony has so shaped my life and when I get to heaven, I’ll get to meet them and fellowship with them and there will never be any time constrictions.
I can have lunch with them and it could last for two or three months and they’re still see, there won’t be any time.
You never run out of time in heaven, you’ll be able to cultivate all the relationships.
But I want to tell you something as great as all of that will be it all pales into insignificance when you realize that the privilege of heaven is not just the people you get to meet their, but living in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
And living in fellowship with him.
Heaven’s going to be a place of ultimate residence and rejoicing and recognition and relationships.
But it’s also going to be a place of ultimate responsibility.
Matthew 25 says when we get to heaven, we’re gonna hear these words, well done, good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful over a few things now it doesn’t end there.
Notice the rest of it, I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of your Lord.
When we get to heaven, we’re going to serve the Lord for years.
I have been collecting the sayings that people put on their tombstones.
Here’s one that expresses what some people think about heaven. Here lies a poor woman who always was tired.
She lived in a place where help wasn’t hired. Her. Last words on earth were dear friends.
I am going where washing ain’t done nor sweeping, nor sewing and everything there is exact to my wishes for their, they don’t eat.
There’s no washing of dishes, don’t weep for me now, don’t weep for me ever.
I’m going to do nothing forever and ever. That’s what she thinks heaven is all about.
But it won’t be like that.
If you read the Book of Revelation, I want you to notice over and over again in that book.
All the times you read about the servants of the Lord In Heaven, we’re going to be his servants.
We’re gonna serve him revelation. 22 3 says there will be no more curse but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him.
And when we serve him in heaven, it will be oh, so unbelievably great.
Imagine working in an environment free from restrictions of time and money and selfishness and greed and sickness and tiredness and laziness and pain and frustration and even mistakes.
How incredibly satisfying and rewarding it will be to serve in heaven, doing what you love to do with people, you love to be with and all for the glory of God.
That’s how we’ll spend eternity in the father’s house. There will never be a boring day.
You know what I’m kind of encouraged by that. I’m sure you’ve noticed this.
I love the work that God has given me to do.
I can’t imagine life with no goals of life with no work to do life with no projects.
I mean, that’s how I’ve lived my whole life.
And when I get to heaven, it’s just gonna be exploded into perfection and I’ll be able to live every day and I won’t have to ever argue with anybody about what I want to do and hear them say no, you won’t.
I’m gonna be able to do the things that God puts in my heart to do forever and ever.
And I’m gonna serve the Lord out of purity of heart and motive.
That’s what heaven will be like, and then heaven will be a place of ultimate reality.
And let me just dwell on that for a moment and we’re finished.
The Bible tells us in second Corinthians five and in Romans eight that all of us today as we live our lives, we have a groaning within us.
That’s what it says. We groan within ourselves. What does that mean?
It means that in our hearts and look up here for a moment in our hearts, we all know there’s something more than what we’re experiencing.
You know, you have your best day and you revel in it for a moment.
And then you realize, oh, it’s over.
I watched the NBA playoffs and see how hard these guys work to try to win the NBA title.
But, you know, they win the NBA title and people hear about it and for about a week, everybody remembers it.
And about six months later you ask them who won the NBA title last year?
They can’t remember who it was.
They have this ultimate joy for a moment when the confetti comes out of the ceilings and everybody cheers and they have their parade back home and then the excitement and, and all of it, it just stays away and sometimes the aftermath of the joy is almost worse than not having had it.
The Bible says that we are created as humans within hunger in our heart that can be satisfied with nothing other than God himself and God’s place called the Father’s house.
And when we get to heaven one day, we’re gonna realize that God did put eternity in our hearts, Ecclesiastes three.
And that eternity is that, that, that sense within us, that nothing is fully complete until we get to heaven.
And here’s the interesting thing about it. God made us that way on purpose.
He made us so that we could never be fully actualized on the earth.
Some of you, as I have, have traveled abroad and you have been in other cultures and it’s fun to go there.
But have you ever noticed how uneasy you feel while you’re there?
You don’t know the language, you don’t know the culture, you don’t know how to order anything.
You don’t know how to tell people where you want to go and you just, you just sort of feel, you know, you’re there, you’re enjoying the scenery, you’re glad you went.
But, you know, this is not home, that’s the way it is for us.
How many of, you know, this world is not our home, we’re just passing through, our home is in heaven.
Our home is the father’s house.
And the reason we feel so uncomfortable sometimes down here and sort out of sorts.
And especially if you’re Christians, you sort of feel like, you know, why, why do I listen?
You’re not home yet, but when you get home, when you get to heaven, eternity is gonna click in and you’re gonna realize this is what I was created for.
This is what God made me for. To know this ultimate joy, this ultimate reality of heaven.
And it won’t be something that fades out in the day that follows.
But it will be something that grows and appreciates and becomes better and better as you live out through eternity.
There will never be any disappointment, there’ll never be any, oh, I wish it were like it used to be.
It will always be better than it was and ever, and ever the fulfillment of God in our hearts.
God loves you and he wants you to be with him forever.
I’ll tell you what. I’m ready to go to heaven and I, um, anytime God wants me there, I’m, I’m sure he knows when that is.
He doesn’t tell me. And I’m glad for that because I’m like the little boy who was in class one day.
And the teacher said, how many of you want to go to heaven when you die?
And everybody raised their hand. But a little boy sitting in the back row and the teacher went back there and she said, Johnny, don’t you want to go to heaven?
He said, yeah, she said, don’t you want to go to heaven when you die?
Oh, he said, yeah, when I die. But I thought you were getting up a load for today.
You know, you, no, no, no, no. I don’t want to go today.
I’m anxious to be here as long as I can.
I’ll tell you one of the reasons why I hope you’ll hear my heart in this.
I want to take as many people to heaven with me as I can.
That’s what’s radio and television is all about. That’s what the magazines are all about.
That’s what church is all about. That’s what witnessing and events and arenas and all the stuff.
It’s all about this thing. I want to take as many people to heaven as I can.
I want to tell them about Jesus and let them know how great that places amen and that ought to be our heart.
We are not to just be happy that we’re going there.
We ought to be so we ought to be so amped up about it that we want to tell everybody how great it is and how they can get there and not miss that place we’ve been talking about today, that place of ultimate residents and ultimate rejoicing and ultimate recognition and ultimate relationships and ultimate responsibility and ultimate reality.
That’s heaven. That’s the father’s house. And the only way you can get there is through Jesus Christ.
Jesus one day said this, I am the way the truth and the life.
No man comes to the father except through me.
You can’t get to the father’s house unless you go through Jesus.
He’s the only one who can get you there. You can’t get there by your own good works.
You can’t get there by going to church.
You can’t get there by being a Baptist or a Pentecostal or a Catholic or a Mormon or any other kind of religious thing.
You can only get there through Jesus and he’s, he’s come to this earth to be like you and like me walked among us for those years and then ultimately went to the cross and paid the penalty for all of our sin.
And now he says, if you will accept my sacrifice on the cross and allow it to be the full payment for all the sins you’ve committed in your life forever will commit, then you can be born again and you can become a citizen of heaven.
All of us in this room who are on our way to heaven aren’t going there because we’re good.
We’re going there because we realized that one day Jesus invited us to come.
It’s gonna be a party like you won’t believe and we’re all invited, but only if you accept the invitation to get to go.
I’ve been telling you how much God loves you.
I’ve been telling you that He loves you that he always has that he always will. And that’s true.
But maybe I haven’t told you enough that you don’t get that love unless you receive it.
Dr Jeremiah just told me how much God loved me. It was so great. No, no, no. No.
If that’s all you hear, if that’s all you understand from these messages, you’re gonna miss Him. God loves you.
That’s true. But he wants you to receive that love by receiving his son, the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart.
Nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Dr Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship Genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
For more information or to order, go to David Jeremiah dot org slash Bible.
And now with one last word for today’s program, here is Dr Jeremiah, a message like this begs the obvious question.
Are you prepared for the day when you across from this life to the next?
We never know when that transition will happen.
So the wise person prepares today for what could happen at any time.
According to the Bible, being prepared to enter heaven means receiving the gift of God’s love as seen in the person of Jesus Christ.
I would love to help you know, Christ and settle the issue of where you will spend eternity.
If you will contact us, I’ll send you to Turning point, resources that will help you understand how heaven is a real expression of God’s love.
One is our booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point. And the other is called Turning Points are monthly devotional magazine.
We will gladly send both to you free of charge if you will contact us here at turning point today.
Think about being left alone for eternity with your thoughts and your regrets and your memories and your missed opportunities.
When the rich man is seen in hades in Luke chapter 16, the Bible tells us he is alone.
He’s by himself. So don’t let anybody come with that crazy nonsense.
So you guys go to heaven where it’s gonna be boring and we’re going to the other place and we’re gonna party forever and ever.
I promise you the first moment you spend in hell, you will know how absolutely stupid and ridiculous such a thought is.
That’s not where, that’s not where joy is to be found, joys to be found in the presence of the one who made you, who created you for joy, who created you to be filled with rejoicing and pleasure.
That’s the God we serve and he’s created a place where you can know that to its fullest.
And if you miss it, there’s no other place where that can be found Our lives are divided into days, are days into moments and sometimes a moment is all it takes for God to encourage us, meet us in our deepest need and strengthen us to face the day.
What will your next moment with God bring you in moments with God. Dr.
David Jeremiah has crafted 365 thoughts designed to encourage powerful daily moments between you and the Lord.
This beautiful soft leather devotional features 365 daily devotions that include scripture readings and biblical insights from Dr.
Jeremiah to help you grow each day, an ideal companion to your Bible study.
The moments with God 365 day devotional can be yours for a gift of any amount.
This devotional is also perfect for sharing with others and with a generous gift of $120 or more in support of this program, you’ll receive a four pack of moments with God.
Find the perfect moment to share Jesus with someone.
You know, thank you for your support of the ministry of turning point, request moments with God.
Today, somebody once told me that it was the truth so simple.
It didn’t need to be written about. And I said, no, it’s the truth, so profound.
I don’t feel worthy to write about it.
You know, a lot of people are really confused about God’s love.
He doesn’t love the way we do. We love others because of what they do for us.
He loves us because it’s his nature to love.
And when, you know, the love of God, it’s the most amazing thing I was looking for a way to help people simply understand God’s love.
The love of God is like a universe you’ve never been to before.
And when you try to understand it from God’s perspective, you know, we’re not equipped to do that and what I’ve tried to do and God loves you.
He always has and he always will is to echo the heart of God to the people of the world.
The interesting thing about knowing God is to realize that God has always loved us.
And it’s just the most wonderful thing when we discover that because then we can start loving him back.
The Bible actually says God is love when you know that, you know, when you know somebody loves you, when you know God loves you makes all the difference.
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Plus for the young ones in your life, the new airship Genesis pathway to Jesus mobile game, an engaging narrative puzzle adventure game that explores the life of Jesus available now on the APP store.
As I look back over my life, I have a mental picture of every house or apartment that I have ever lived in.
Beginning with the house my parents lived in when I was born in Toledo Ohio.
To my present location in El Cajon, California. I can picture every single one of those places altogether.
I have lived in 15 different homes and I can recall something special about each one.
But, you know, there are two of the 15 that are more special than the others.
And I remember them with much greater clarity.
First was my home in Cedarville, Ohio where my brother and my two sisters and I grew up together as a family.
And the other is the house where we moved to San Diego.
And we reared our two boys and our two girls.
And those two places are really there above and beyond the other places where we’ve lived, they were more important to us because they were more than just dwelling places.
These were centers of activity and personal interaction, not just between the members of our family, but all the people that came and went and all the friends that we have that have been in those homes, the people that we have loved and wanted to be with have been in those houses.
And for that reason, they’re sacred to us when my siblings and I became adults and we began our own journeys in life.
Obviously, we moved out of our parents’ house, but we never stopped going back, in fact, at Christmas and during vacation days, we would find our way back home when Don and I were in Dallas Texas and I was a graduate student at Dallas Seminary on at least three occasions that we can remember.
We would come home from work on Friday night and look at each other and say, let’s go home and we get in our car at that time, I had a white Chevrolet convertible with a red top and we get in that car and we drive from Dallas Texas to seat of Ohio.
But I remember it’s 1051 miles one way and we drive there straight through so we could spend about eight hours at home and then get in the same car and drive back.
So we didn’t miss class or work on Monday. You say that’s crazy. Yeah, it is. It’s crazy.
But it illustrates the fact that home is like a magnet.
If you have a home, you want to go home as much as you can. We were homesick.
We wanted to go home Today. We are a nation of nomads.
I don’t know if you know that or not, but on the average we make 11.7 moves during a lifetime, something within us.
However, always looks back even now when I go back to Cedarville, Ohio, which I do on an occasion I find a way to drive by that house where I grew up.
I just want to see that it’s still there.
There’s something about that that makes you feel good when you see the house where you grew up and I sense that today the house we have an alcohol is like that for our Children.
And I want to remind them that we have no intentions of, of downsizing in that home very soon.
We’re gonna stay there as long as we can.
Well, the Bible tells us that we all have at least one more move.
Did you know that one more house to live in? That we haven’t lived in yet?
And we don’t know when that’s gonna happen. But the Bible says one day we’re gonna go to heaven.
And in John 14, my favorite name for heaven is listed. You know what it is here, it is.
It’s called the father’s house. That’s the name for heaven in John 14.
Say that with me, the father’s house, that’s where we’re gonna go.
One of these days we’re gonna move in to the father’s house.
This picture of heaven as the father’s house is given to us to remind us that one day soon we’re going to be with the one we love and the ones that we love in the father’s house.
How many of you know that when you love somebody, you want to be with them?
Have you noticed when a couple falls in love? They’re inseparable. That’s how it works.
When you love somebody, you want to be with them. Amen. And here’s the incredible news.
God says he wants to be with us, he wants us to be with him.
In fact, if you go through the New Testament, you will see this little phrase salted into the language of the New Testament over and over again.
For instance, In that passage in John 14, I mentioned uh the end of the verse says that Jesus is preparing this house so that where he is there, we may be also, have you ever noticed that he wants us to be where he’s gonna be?
John 1724, Jesus in his high priestly prayer, praise this father.
I desire that they also whom you gave me maybe with me where I am.
Jesus wants us to be with him when he gave his assurance to the thief on the cross.
Do you remember what he said to him? He said today, you will be with me in paradise.
How many of you know God wants us to be with him? Jesus wants us to be with him?
Paul explained it in his own death and he said this, we are confident.
Yes, we’re pleased rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.
When he wrote to the Philippians, he said, I am hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better.
You see how this keeps reoccurring over and over. God wants us to be with him.
And after he teaches us about the rapture at the end of the verse in first Thessalonians four, he gives us this little caveat and thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Speaking of heaven. Have you noticed that hardly anybody talks about it anymore?
Someone said, you know, we talk about eschatology. We don’t talk about heaven.
Why don’t we talk about heaven?
Because we’re so enamored with earth were so enamored with all the stuff we have down here.
We can’t get our eyes off of it every year.
I go to Louisville and I speak there to the southern gospel music quartet convention and there’s a lot of folks that go to that and I always say pretty much the same thing somewhere in the time that I’m there that I want them to know how grateful I am because they have preserved the music of heaven.
Nobody else writes music about heaven except country and western people and southern gospel. We have forgotten it.
We don’t write hymns about it. We don’t write worship courses about it. We have become so earthly minded.
We don’t want to worry about heaven.
Often people tell me they don’t understand why we should be concerned about heaven.
I mean, after all, if you’re all heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good. Have you heard that?
But C S Lewis answered that question pretty definitively in his classic Mere Christianity. Here’s what he said.
If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next world it is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become ineffective in this world.
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in a matte earth and you don’t get either one and he’s right.
Heaven is real and our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ are there and they’re making things ready for our eternal home.
I often tell people, can you imagine how beautiful heaven is gonna be?
The Lord Jesus spent six days creating the earth as we see it.
Now, he’s been working on heaven for how many years it’s gonna be quite a fantastic place.
So since he wants us to be with him where he is, let me tell you a little bit about that place.
First of all, heaven is the ultimate residents. It’s the place of ultimate residents in the Bible.
We’re told in John Chapter 14 that in this place are many mansions.
I read about a law firm that sent flowers to an associate in another city.
They were celebrating the opening of a new office and through some mix up the card that accompanied the floral piece, read deepest sympathy.
When the florist was informed of his mistake, he let out a cry of alarm. Good heavens.
He said the card that went with the flowers to the funeral home said, congratulations on your new location.
That’s the point. I wanna make we have a new location, don’t we?
Almighty God has provided a new location for us.
It’s the ultimate residence and it’s where our heavenly father is.
Psalm says the Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord’s throne is in heaven.
I know, you know, a lot of folks as I do who talk about heaven kind of in a, an imaginary way.
They think about heaven is an imaginary place.
They put their tongue in their cheek and they smile knowingly and they say, well, you know, heavens, if you need it, heaven is their heaven is a human invention.
A never, never land a realm of dreams, not to take it seriously.
But I’m here to tell you today that heaven is not a figment of our imagination.
It is not a feeling or an emotion. Heaven is not the beautiful isle of somewhere.
Heaven is not merely a thought form, it’s not a projection of the best in each of us in heaven.
We are going to experience the presence of God, the Father God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit.
And heaven is a location far more real than where you presently live.
It is a real place where God lives. It is the real place from which Christ came into this world.
And it’s the real place to which Christ returned at his ascension. Really. Heaven is that place.
It’s the ultimate residence. This ultimate residence is also a place of ultimate rejoicing.
You will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures.
Forevermore. The Bible says that in heaven, there’s fullness of joy, there’s the path of life and there is pleasure.
Forevermore, heaven is going to be a pleasurable place. Let me put it down where you can grab it.
Heaven’s gonna be fun. Huckleberry Finn didn’t think so.
In the opening chapter of Mark Twain’s classic, the adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck is living with a starchy crabby old woman who has determined in her life that her one objective is to transform Huckleberry Finn.
And she’s going to beat the wildness out of him and fill him full of manners.
And the chief way she plans to do this is with religion.
So she bludgeons him with bible verses and she threatens him with hell and she coaxes him with heaven and in his streetwise cocky way, Huck tells us what he thinks of all that.
He says she went on and told me all about the good place.
She said all the buddy would have to do to go there and just go around all day with a harp and sing forever.
And I didn’t think much of it.
And I asked her if she reckoned Tom Sawyer would go there.
And she said, not by a considerable sight.
And I was glad about that because I wanted him and me to be together when you mentioned, heaven is someone who’s not a Christian.
Let me tell you what their reaction is. I’ll even tell you how it comes out.
It comes out like this boring. Heaven’s gonna be boring.
I need to tell you heaven is not going to be boring.
Mark Buchanan is a writer that I’ve read some and he admits to the fear that heaven might be the extension of modern day boring church services in one of his books, he writes, I assume that you’re like me.
I can get itchy skin and scratchy throat and after an hour or so of church, I can get distracted and cranky when it goes too long.
My feet ache, my backside, numbs my eyes. Glaze my mind fogs my belly growls.
I find myself fighting back, yawns and then not fighting them back, letting them gape and roar a signal to my oppressors.
Let my people go and I’m the pastor.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians who believe that heaven will be boring.
All we’ll do forever.
Drum harps and float on clouds and polish the streets of gold, but heaven will not be boring.
And I want to tell you why the greatest book on Heaven that’s been written in my lifetime was written by a guy named Randy Alcorn and just has the title Heaven.
And this is what he says about this whole boring thing.
He says our belief that heaven will be boring, betrays a heresy that God is boring and there is no greater nonsense.
Now, think about this, your desire, my desire for pleasure and the experience of joy come directly from God’s hand.
He made our taste buds. He created adrenaline.
He gave us our sex drives and the nerve endings that convey pleasure to our brains, our imaginations and our capacity for joy and exhilaration were made by the very God.
We accuse of being boring. Are we so arrogant that we imagine that as human beings, we came up with fun, added to the fact that God will not be boring.
Is this amazing truth? Sit up and listen. It’s true.
Whether you believe it or not in heaven, you won’t be boring.
I know that’s gonna take more faith than what I said about God.
But let me tell you something.
The Bible teaches that when you get to heaven, you’re not gonna be boring either.
You know why the Bible says before you get there, you’re gonna have a complete extreme makeover. Amen.
The Bible says we’re gonna be made like unto him, all the things in you that are boring are gonna be gone.
And when you get to heaven, it’s gonna be life at the greatest.
Everything in heaven will be the absolute opposite of boring.
I don’t know where we get these ideas.
But when you have people come up and tell you that heaven’s gonna be boring, you just tell them they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Sometimes they even go further and sometimes you hear people say this, I don’t want to go to heaven and be bored every day.
I’d rather be with all my friends and party forever and ever.
And that’s just another one of the devil’s lies because you see, hell is not a place of fun and games where we spend forever drinking with our old buddies.
Hell will have no community and no camaraderie and no friendships in the book of Second Thessalonians chapter one and verse nine, we read these words about people who go there.
It says they will be punished with everlasting destruction.
Now, here’s the worst part and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.
Think about what it would be like to be locked up in solitary confinement forever and ever and never again to have any friendships or relationships with anyone anywhere.
Think about being left alone for eternity with your thoughts and your regrets and your memories and your missed opportunities.
When the rich man is seen in hades in Luke chapter 16, the Bible tells us he is alone.
He’s by himself. So don’t let anybody come with that crazy nonsense.
So you guys go to heaven where it’s gonna be boring and we’re going to the other place and we’re gonna party forever and ever, I promise you the first moment you spend in hell, you will know how absolutely stupid and ridiculous.
Such a thought is that’s not where, that’s not where joy is to be found.
Joys to be found in the presence of the one who made you who created you for joy, who created you to be filled with rejoicing and pleasure.
That’s the God we serve and he’s created a place where you can know that to its fullest.
And if you miss it, there’s no other place where that can be found.
Heaven is a place of ultimate residents and ultimate rejoicing.
It’s also a place of ultimate recognition Says in first Corinthians 13, for now, we see in a mirror but then face to face.
We know in part now, but then we will know as we are known.
Here’s the question people ask me, Pastor Jeremiah, we’re gonna know each other in heaven. Absolutely.
When you go to heaven, you don’t lose your identity, your personality, your D N A who you are.
In fact, if you study the Lord Jesus Christ who went through the process, we’re going to go through before he went back to heaven.
You discovered that after his resurrection, his disciples all knew who he was, they knew he was the same Jesus, they had known before the cross and the burial and the resurrection.
And they were so certain about this, they went to their graves defending it when Moses and Elijah appeared out of heaven to stand with Christ on the mount of transfiguration the disciples with Christ, recognized Moses and Elijah.
Oh, when you get to heaven, you’re going to know each other.
All right, Matthew 8 11 says I say to you that many will come from the east and the west and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven.
They’re gonna know each other and we’re gonna know each other.
When you get to heaven, you’re gonna know your parents and your Children.
You’re gonna know your brothers and your sisters.
You’re gonna know the people that you grew up knowing the people that were in the church you attended and you’re gonna know so many more as we’ll learn in a moment, but you don’t lose your memory when you go to heaven anymore than jesus’ lost his memory after his resurrection.
When you get to heaven, it’s the ultimate place of recognition.
Lady and Tony Evans Church once asked him if you would know each other in heaven.
He said, you won’t know each other till you get to heaven the way you really should know each other.
Because down here we have all these masks and all these things we use to cover up who we really are.
But when you get to heaven, all that stuff will be gone and you’ll be able to see the beauty that’s in each one of us that God has put there before we started to tamper with it.
Heaven is the ultimate place of residence. And the ultimate place of rejoicing and the ultimate place of recognition.
But it’s also the place of ultimate relationships in heaven. We’re going to have relationships with one another.
Hebrews 12 tells us about some of the people who are gonna be in heaven. Notice Hebrews 12 verse 22.
But you have come to Mount Zion or to heaven, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels, to the General assembly, to the church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God, the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect.
That’s quite a list. The Bible says basically all the people that have been saved, the angels, God himself, everybody’s gonna be there and you have come to that place and you’re gonna have relationships with people in heaven.
I often think about this because, you know, there’s lots of folks that I’ve met in this life that I’ve become friends with and I enjoy being with them.
But I’m a reader and I live in, in my library a lot and I read and I actually get to know people who aren’t here anymore who lived before I lived, they lived in a different time and I get to know a lot about them almost as if I could, I could have fellowship with them.
But I can’t because they’re dead, they’re gone.
But in heaven we’re all gonna be together and it will be possible for us to fellowship with people who lived at times other than when we lived.
And I have some great, great thoughts about that.
I mean, I’d like to meet Daniel and Joseph and David, those three people from the Old Testament that are my favorite Old Testament characters I’ve preached on them.
And now they can tell me how much I got wrong.
When, when I see them, I’d like to meet Jabez and ask him if he ever dreamed Bruce Wilkinson would make him so famous.
I’d love to cultivate a relationship with Paul the apostle and John the beloved.
And I owe a lot to men like CS Lewis, Charles Haddon, Spurgeon Andrew Murray, a w Tozer whose books I’ve read, whose words I’ve quoted, whose, whose testimony has so shaped my life and when I get to heaven, I’ll get to meet them and fellowship with them and there will never be any time constrictions.
I can have lunch with them and it could last for two or three months and they’re still see, there won’t be any time.
You never run out of time in heaven, you’ll be able to cultivate all the relationships.
But I want to tell you something as great as all of that will be it all pales into insignificance when you realize that the privilege of heaven is not just the people you get to meet their, but living in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
And living in fellowship with him.
Heaven’s going to be a place of ultimate residence and rejoicing and recognition and relationships.
But it’s also going to be a place of ultimate responsibility.
Matthew 25 says when we get to heaven, we’re gonna hear these words, well done, good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful over a few things now it doesn’t end there.
Notice the rest of it, I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of your Lord.
When we get to heaven, we’re going to serve the Lord for years.
I have been collecting the sayings that people put on their tombstones.
Here’s one that expresses what some people think about heaven. Here lies a poor woman who always was tired.
She lived in a place where help wasn’t hired. Her. Last words on earth were dear friends.
I am going where washing ain’t done nor sweeping, nor sewing and everything there is exact to my wishes for their, they don’t eat.
There’s no washing of dishes, don’t weep for me now, don’t weep for me ever.
I’m going to do nothing forever and ever. That’s what she thinks heaven is all about.
But it won’t be like that.
If you read the Book of Revelation, I want you to notice over and over again in that book.
All the times you read about the servants of the Lord In Heaven, we’re going to be his servants.
We’re gonna serve him revelation. 22 3 says there will be no more curse but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him.
And when we serve him in heaven, it will be oh, so unbelievably great.
Imagine working in an environment free from restrictions of time and money and selfishness and greed and sickness and tiredness and laziness and pain and frustration and even mistakes.
How incredibly satisfying and rewarding it will be to serve in heaven, doing what you love to do with people, you love to be with and all for the glory of God.
That’s how we’ll spend eternity in the father’s house. There will never be a boring day.
You know what I’m kind of encouraged by that. I’m sure you’ve noticed this.
I love the work that God has given me to do.
I can’t imagine life with no goals of life with no work to do life with no projects.
I mean, that’s how I’ve lived my whole life.
And when I get to heaven, it’s just gonna be exploded into perfection and I’ll be able to live every day and I won’t have to ever argue with anybody about what I want to do and hear them say no, you won’t.
I’m gonna be able to do the things that God puts in my heart to do forever and ever.
And I’m gonna serve the Lord out of purity of heart and motive.
That’s what heaven will be like, and then heaven will be a place of ultimate reality.
And let me just dwell on that for a moment and we’re finished.
The Bible tells us in second Corinthians five and in Romans eight that all of us today as we live our lives, we have a groaning within us.
That’s what it says. We groan within ourselves. What does that mean?
It means that in our hearts and look up here for a moment in our hearts, we all know there’s something more than what we’re experiencing.
You know, you have your best day and you revel in it for a moment.
And then you realize, oh, it’s over.
I watched the NBA playoffs and see how hard these guys work to try to win the NBA title.
But, you know, they win the NBA title and people hear about it and for about a week, everybody remembers it.
And about six months later you ask them who won the NBA title last year?
They can’t remember who it was.
They have this ultimate joy for a moment when the confetti comes out of the ceilings and everybody cheers and they have their parade back home and then the excitement and, and all of it, it just stays away and sometimes the aftermath of the joy is almost worse than not having had it.
The Bible says that we are created as humans within hunger in our heart that can be satisfied with nothing other than God himself and God’s place called the Father’s house.
And when we get to heaven one day, we’re gonna realize that God did put eternity in our hearts, Ecclesiastes three.
And that eternity is that, that, that sense within us, that nothing is fully complete until we get to heaven.
And here’s the interesting thing about it. God made us that way on purpose.
He made us so that we could never be fully actualized on the earth.
Some of you, as I have, have traveled abroad and you have been in other cultures and it’s fun to go there.
But have you ever noticed how uneasy you feel while you’re there?
You don’t know the language, you don’t know the culture, you don’t know how to order anything.
You don’t know how to tell people where you want to go and you just, you just sort of feel, you know, you’re there, you’re enjoying the scenery, you’re glad you went.
But, you know, this is not home, that’s the way it is for us.
How many of, you know, this world is not our home, we’re just passing through, our home is in heaven.
Our home is the father’s house.
And the reason we feel so uncomfortable sometimes down here and sort out of sorts.
And especially if you’re Christians, you sort of feel like, you know, why, why do I listen?
You’re not home yet, but when you get home, when you get to heaven, eternity is gonna click in and you’re gonna realize this is what I was created for.
This is what God made me for. To know this ultimate joy, this ultimate reality of heaven.
And it won’t be something that fades out in the day that follows.
But it will be something that grows and appreciates and becomes better and better as you live out through eternity.
There will never be any disappointment, there’ll never be any, oh, I wish it were like it used to be.
It will always be better than it was and ever, and ever the fulfillment of God in our hearts.
God loves you and he wants you to be with him forever.
I’ll tell you what. I’m ready to go to heaven and I, um, anytime God wants me there, I’m, I’m sure he knows when that is.
He doesn’t tell me. And I’m glad for that because I’m like the little boy who was in class one day.
And the teacher said, how many of you want to go to heaven when you die?
And everybody raised their hand. But a little boy sitting in the back row and the teacher went back there and she said, Johnny, don’t you want to go to heaven?
He said, yeah, she said, don’t you want to go to heaven when you die?
Oh, he said, yeah, when I die. But I thought you were getting up a load for today.
You know, you, no, no, no, no. I don’t want to go today.
I’m anxious to be here as long as I can.
I’ll tell you one of the reasons why I hope you’ll hear my heart in this.
I want to take as many people to heaven with me as I can.
That’s what’s radio and television is all about. That’s what the magazines are all about.
That’s what church is all about. That’s what witnessing and events and arenas and all the stuff.
It’s all about this thing. I want to take as many people to heaven as I can.
I want to tell them about Jesus and let them know how great that places amen and that ought to be our heart.
We are not to just be happy that we’re going there.
We ought to be so we ought to be so amped up about it that we want to tell everybody how great it is and how they can get there and not miss that place we’ve been talking about today, that place of ultimate residents and ultimate rejoicing and ultimate recognition and ultimate relationships and ultimate responsibility and ultimate reality.
That’s heaven. That’s the father’s house. And the only way you can get there is through Jesus Christ.
Jesus one day said this, I am the way the truth and the life.
No man comes to the father except through me.
You can’t get to the father’s house unless you go through Jesus.
He’s the only one who can get you there. You can’t get there by your own good works.
You can’t get there by going to church.
You can’t get there by being a Baptist or a Pentecostal or a Catholic or a Mormon or any other kind of religious thing.
You can only get there through Jesus and he’s, he’s come to this earth to be like you and like me walked among us for those years and then ultimately went to the cross and paid the penalty for all of our sin.
And now he says, if you will accept my sacrifice on the cross and allow it to be the full payment for all the sins you’ve committed in your life forever will commit, then you can be born again and you can become a citizen of heaven.
All of us in this room who are on our way to heaven aren’t going there because we’re good.
We’re going there because we realized that one day Jesus invited us to come.
It’s gonna be a party like you won’t believe and we’re all invited, but only if you accept the invitation to get to go.
I’ve been telling you how much God loves you.
I’ve been telling you that He loves you that he always has that he always will. And that’s true.
But maybe I haven’t told you enough that you don’t get that love unless you receive it.
Dr Jeremiah just told me how much God loved me. It was so great. No, no, no. No.
If that’s all you hear, if that’s all you understand from these messages, you’re gonna miss Him. God loves you.
That’s true. But he wants you to receive that love by receiving his son, the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart.
Nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Dr Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship Genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
For more information or to order, go to David Jeremiah dot org slash Bible.
And now with one last word for today’s program, here is Dr Jeremiah, a message like this begs the obvious question.
Are you prepared for the day when you across from this life to the next?
We never know when that transition will happen.
So the wise person prepares today for what could happen at any time.
According to the Bible, being prepared to enter heaven means receiving the gift of God’s love as seen in the person of Jesus Christ.
I would love to help you know, Christ and settle the issue of where you will spend eternity.
If you will contact us, I’ll send you to Turning point, resources that will help you understand how heaven is a real expression of God’s love.
One is our booklet called Your Greatest Turning Point. And the other is called Turning Points are monthly devotional magazine.
We will gladly send both to you free of charge if you will contact us here at turning point today.