God Will Restore What You’ve Lost | Steven Furtick

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The Enemy will try to infiltrate your marriage, your business, and even your life, tempting you to cut corners and make compromises. I know how he works – I’m an expert in his tactics. The enemy wants to prevent you from worshiping God. But the Lord has promised that He will bless you with many things that will multiply quickly in your life. Even the small and seemingly insignificant things will grow, and the Lord will show you how to handle them so that you can continue receiving greater blessings.

God still has incredible plans for me, and I felt chills when I said it—plans that are beyond my intellect, beyond what I can imagine, exceedingly and abundantly more than anything I can ask or think. The seed of God’s potential lives inside of me. Think about it. The Israelites, who were once slaves in Egypt and had crossed the Red Sea, came from one man, Abram. God promised him, “I will bless you and multiply you,” and from Abram came millions of people. Even when Abram was 99, God promised him a son, and at 100, that promise was fulfilled.

Abram was doubtful. He said, “My wife’s womb is as good as dead, and so is mine.” But something changed inside him. The seed within him was greater than his limitations. He looked at the stars and reminded himself of God’s promise. He said, “I’m old, but I’m not dead yet.” Even when things seemed impossible, he trusted in God’s plan. If I’m not dead, God is not done with me. Greater things are still ahead! Do you believe it?

Think about what the seed of Abram survived—the Red Sea, the wilderness—and how it led to the formation of the nation of Israel. We’ve faced trials, but we’re headed toward the Promised Land. However, watch out for the enemy. Here’s the key verse: “If you see a carcass…” A dead thing. The rule is, “Don’t touch dead things,” and that’s good advice. When you’re tempted to return to a relationship or situation that God has delivered you from, don’t engage with dead things.

I remember when I worked at a pet cemetery, a woman called saying her cat had passed away. She asked us to come back the next morning so she could spend one more night with her cat. But why would you stay in bed with something that’s dead? Don’t make the same mistake with your life. If something is dead in your life—whether it’s a dream, an opportunity, or even your health—know this: what dies in you is nothing compared to what God has placed within you. The seed remains, and it will grow stronger.

God wants you to know that whatever has died will be revived, and it will come back better than before. You’re not finished yet because you’re not dead yet. The seed of your potential is still alive, and God is going to bring it to fruition. Your dream isn’t dead yet. Your vision isn’t dead yet. Your family isn’t dead yet. Give God praise because He is still working in you. You are chosen, a royal priesthood, called to declare His praises. He has brought you from a place of despair and redeemed you. The seed of God’s potential in you will survive, and He is going to do it. He’s got this.

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