God Didn’t Bring You This Far To Leave You! | Jentezen Franklin

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Timothy came from a broken family. His mother was a Christian, and his grandmother was a believer, but his father was a sinner and mostly absent from his life. One moment, Timothy feels empowered, thinking, “I’m a world changer because my grandmother laid hands on me, and my mother anointed me with oil. I am a history maker.” The next moment, he feels like a failure, questioning his worth due to his lack of a father. Now, Timothy faces a decision: which report will he believe? Will he believe the negative influence of his past, or the positive purpose God has placed within him?

It’s up to you to choose between the bad report and the good one. You have both options, but if you trust God, He will lead you into victory. Paul encouraged Timothy to hold onto the prophecies spoken over his life, reminding him that persistence breaks resistance. When you refuse to give up, you break through. There’s a difference between a good idea and a God idea. A good idea might work out, but a God idea will always succeed.

When Simon Peter told Jesus, “We will never let you be crucified,” Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Get behind me, Satan!” Peter’s statement sounded good, but it wasn’t a God idea. In these times, we need to discern between good ideas and God ideas. Good ideas may sound fine, but only God ideas will fulfill God’s will. Don’t let anyone take away your dreams. Joseph lost two coats, but he never lost his dream.

God would never place a desire in your heart without a purpose. Whatever God has promised you, according to His Word, is real and attainable. Stand firm on those promises. God said you are the head, not the tail; you are above, not beneath. You are a world changer, and so are your children and your children’s children.

Whose report will you believe? This is a critical moment. You must choose to believe the truth of God’s Word, or else face defeat. The Bible promises that with God on your side, you cannot fail. Jesus declared, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.” So, whose report will you believe?

Wake up the giant inside of you. Stand firm on the prophecies God has given you. In times of scarcity, we don’t need dreamers who give up—we need people who will dream bigger than ever before, fueled by God’s inspiration. But be warned, there are dream thieves, like the backsliders Hymenaeus and Alexander, who will try to steal your promises. Protect what God has spoken to you, because the enemy will try to steal it.

Jesus understood different levels of partnership. He had the 70 disciples, a large group; the 12, who were closer to Him; and then the 3—Peter, James, and John—who were even closer, accompanying Him to private prayer meetings. There was also John, who had an intimate relationship with Jesus, leaning on His chest at the Last Supper. What level of partnership are you in with Jesus? Are you part of the crowd, or are you near the cross, walking in intimacy with Him?

You must guard and protect the prophecy God has given you. There will come a time when you can no longer rely on others’ faith. You must stand firm on the promises God has made to you and fight for those promises, trusting in His faithfulness.

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