God At Work In You

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God At Work In You

The Holy Spirit works in and through the believer who submits to His leadership. This work is making you perfect and complete, and the Lord will not stop until He has finished making you into the image of His Son Jesus. Find out more in today’s episode of Real Life TV!

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I want to declare this to you right now I know that’s quite a declaration I want to declare something to you right now but here’s the truth of the matter that is that I personally hope that Jesus Christ comes back today in fact it is the historical view of Christianity that even began with Jesus himself who said let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me for in my father’s house are many mansions Dwelling Places and if it were not so I would have told you but I go now to

prepare a place for you that where I am there you may be also and then the Apostle Paul comes along and writes in numerous uh volumes of his Epistles saying that the Lord could come back you need to be ready we are waiting and he included himself in the we statements we we are ready the question is are you ready to meet Jesus and I know that there’s a big debate about that well I think he’s coming back later well I believe that he could come back at any moment and my argument is based in the Bible whatever your belief is the fact

is that you could actually I could actually die today and then our message becomes irrelevant because you didn’t have to wait for Christ to return he came and picked you up if you know what I mean he came and got you at that moment of death if you’re trusting Christ as Lord and Savior if you were to die today are you excited about meeting him or if he were to come today with a great trumpet blast and call the church upward 1 Thessalonians for would you be ready so listen this message I hope causes you to want to be ready we need

to live out our lives in such a way that if Christ could return at any moment we would be ready to meet him over and over again this challenge comes to the believer when we read the Bible be ready be ready you don’t know when so friends listen let’s open up our Bibles let’s dive into this message titled God at work in you and that’s the key is God at work in you let’s let’s find [Applause] out Philippians chap 2: uh 12- 13 says this work out your own salvation with fear and trembling work out your own

salvation apply yourself to the fact that you’re saved do it with fear and trembling the word means with awe and reverence knowing that we will give an account it doesn’t mean work out your own salvation because that’s how you get saved it means now that you’re saved move in the awe in reverence of God for it is God who works in you both to Will and to do for his good pleasure I love verse 13 just when verse 12 scares you to death verse 13 says but don’t worry about it I’m the one working in you and

so for that you know it’s it’s it’s blatantly right there in uh before your face but it it seems to be a secret and it shouldn’t be and that is Lord God then then if that’s the if that’s the way you do things then you do all of this by your spirit’s work in my life uh you do whatever you want to do God uh but I’m yielding to you I’m going to submit to you and every single one of us as Believers the holy spirit will see to it in your life that we are in Hot Pursuit Of The Nearness of God in our lives and

the work of the Holy Spirit is such a great comfort remember I told you that’s one of his names in the Bible the pericos the the comforter the one who comes alongside you and we know from Jesus as we’ll see in a moment again that he’s the one that dwells within us but it’s an a wonderful thing to be listen to be possessed by the holy spirit in life you say possessed that’s kind of scary yeah that’s if you just watch scary programs no you want to be possessed by the Holy Spirit you want

him to animate you you want him to control you you want him to be the governor of your life and so the beautiful thing is is that God at work in you is the spirit of God and you experience him by this nearness by this interaction Genesis 3:8 the Bible says and they that is Adam and Eve heard the sound listen to this they heard the sound of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day the best we can do is Imagine The Nearness of God imagine what they experienced Adam and Eve before they fell before they went into sin that

they heard the sound of God what does that sound like pretend for a moment I’m teaching the the fifth uh five-year-olds in class listen when you’re teaching children’s ministry it’s amazing you cannot get away with quoting that verse and moving on because a little hand will pop up and say what did he sound like like what did that look like if God’s walking through the garden is it like this or did his feet touch the ground you think about that for a moment we have no idea what that was like but

Adam and Eve knew God so close and so well and so perfectly that when they heard the sound of him that was a common thing unfortunate the Bible tells us when they had sinned all of a sudden the sound of him walking in the garden in the cool of the day was not a happy sound it’s a sad day when things are blessed and precious in our lives listen I’m going somewhere with this when things are innocent as they ought to be and then evil comes in and pollutes it from the outside when somebody introduces something that taints and makes ugly the

things that God has made beautiful you know God’s greatly offended at that you’re not the only one offended at it God is offended at that and all of that comes from Adam and Eve’s Rebellion against God and God in his great Redemptive work introduces to us in his salvation and sanctification of the believer the indwelling of the Holy Spirit Church remember just quickly last time way back in verse 23 regarding where on our way is that we saw the heartbeat of Heaven heartbeat of Heaven number two in verses 20 to 20 uh 24 and

25 we saw that there’s a hope of heaven and then we left off with this argument last time and that is the help of Heaven and the help of Heaven is none other than the Holy Spirit and it says in verse 26 likewise the spirit that is the holy spirit also helps remember what that word means he comes alongside and he picks up one end of the plank remember how we were hoping and wishing that he picked up the entire plank no he picks up the word means he picks up one part of the plank and you and I as disciples pick up the other

part of the plank of course he takes the heavy end I’m sure but he comes alongside us to help us he doesn’t snap his finger and you do Christianity he Spirit fills you with the power of the spirit to live out Christianity big difference it says for uh he helps us in our weaknesses for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings sounds that have no earthly application which cannot be uttered or understood in inarticulate technically now he who searches the

hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God and we looked at this fact that verse 26 tells us that heaven is listening you remember that heaven’s listening Heaven is listening Heaven wants to hear from you and I pointed out to you the the the dichotomy between the the believer and the unbeliever if you’re a Believer Heaven is listening to hear your prayer to hear your cry to hear your joy to hear your worship I said something last week it made some people

upset and so I’ll say it again uh that when we worship worship prano is the word which is the root word to pray that prayer and worship is the same thing to God he’s blessed by it and so there are people who don’t go to prayer meetings they scarcely ever pray and there’s people that take worship as something that just gives us more time to park the car and worship should be top of the list it should be the preeminent thing because worship for us is the encompassment of all things when we witness when we pray when we study when

we love our husband husbands and our wives when we love our community for what is good and what is right is all an act of worship do you guys remember when Pixar did that cartoon one of the very first ones where the guy was in the little European Courtyard he had like his gestures hat on he had a big drum in the front he had all these musical instruments and he had tambourines and everything he was a oneman music machine and he just began to move and all of these sounds and all of these incredible things came from him and when I first

saw that Pixar I immediately thought and I still do of the life of the believer when you and I move we should be moving in an act of worship are you going to go to work tomorrow it should be an act of worship what are you doing this afternoon should be an act of worship I believe it is by the way if we realize it or not and so we understood this that heaven is listening we saw also that heaven is speaking that’s where we left off that the Holy Spirit himself makes intercession for us and that word intercession is this in the Greek

language it means to obviously intercede but to make petition for or on the behalf of another this is very encouraging people listen for the believer when we pray God is listening for the non-believer God is not listening except but for one prayer listen up so I’m not a Christian but I’ve been praying for years into into deep space you have been been praying according to Isaiah 59 the Bible tells us that God’s hand is not short that he can’t save you neither is his ear deaf that he cannot hear you but your sins have

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