Give your Heart to God Will Propel You to Your Purpose and Destiny | Christine Caine Sermon

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Trusting God’s Plan for Your Life

Have you ever wondered, God, how is everything going to happen? How will my purpose unfold? You scroll through social media, comparing your life to others, thinking, Look at what they’re doing… and here I am, feeling like a failure. These thoughts can lead to unhealthy habits and destructive patterns because your focus is on the wrong thing.

But God doesn’t look at appearances—He looks at your heart. He’s never asked for perfection, just your heart. And if you surrender your heart to Him, He will shape it, guide it, and propel you toward your destiny.

Now, let me introduce myself—I’m your cray-cray Aussie aunt from Down Under! Everyone needs a fun, crazy Australian aunt, right? If you’ve just started coming to church, you’re a guest. But after a decade? You’re family. Every time I visit, I’m moved by how God is working here. Your church is growing—more services, more campuses—it’s incredible! Watching baptisms always brings me to tears because it’s a powerful symbol of going from death to life.

Speaking of family, I’m here with the most handsome man on Earth—my husband, Nick! [Applause] On March 30th, we’ll celebrate 23 years of marriage. We also have two amazing daughters—one is 13, and the other is 17. Nick is a proud Texan, and I’m Greek, which means I love arranged marriages! Since the day my eldest was born, I’ve spoken blessings over her: Catherine Bobby, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. You are a leader, a woman of God, a woman of prayer, a Holy Spirit warrior. And one day, you will marry a strong, God-fearing, and yes… very wealthy Christian man! So, if you fit the bill, let’s talk—Matchmaker, Matchmaker!

Now, let’s talk about Chicks Conference! Ladies, if you missed it, you do not want to miss next year. If you thought 2019 was amazing, just wait for 2020—it’s going to be even better! Husbands, send your wives—trust me, you’ll be glad you did. It’s an investment worth making!

But let’s dive into God’s Word. Some of you are thinking, Give a woman a microphone, and here we go! [Laughter] I love my Italian Sicilian sisters in the front row. And speaking of powerful women, Lisa Bevere will be in church tomorrow morning! This weekend is a time to immerse yourself in God’s presence, build momentum, and step into what He has for you next. So, invite your friends and don’t miss it!

Now, let’s turn to 1 Samuel 16.

A few years ago, I came home to find a “contract” on the kitchen table. My eldest daughter, Catherine Bobby, had written it herself. It read:

“I, Christine Caine, hereby solemnly swear that I will never again post any Instagram or social media images of my firstborn daughter, Catherine Bobby Caine, without her express permission.”

You know your kids are growing up when they start setting their own rules! Since my life is a bit more public than most, her friends at school follow me, and she wasn’t thrilled about that. So, she wanted me to sign this contract. I laughed, signed it… but crossed my fingers while doing so. I mean, who pays the bills? Who puts food on the table? Who covers the phone bill? When she starts doing that, then she can write the contracts!

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