Finding Where You Appear In The Bible
Finding Where You Appear In The Bible
What if you could learn the strategy of angels in fulfilling your calling and ministry. Could it give you the keys to change the lives of those around you?
Saturday, May 13, 2023
The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Every Passover contains a special mystery linked to the unleavened bread, the Matzah. The second matzah of a “trinity” of matzahs was called the “Afikomen.” The Afikomen is broken, wrapped in a cloth like a shroud, and hidden away. The children search for it and Passover can only continue when they find it. This same matzah Messiah lifted up 2,000 years ago and said, “This is My body…” Afikomen is a Greek word that can mean, “He Who Comes.” The Afikomen stands for Him who comes, the second of the Trinity, whose body is broken, shrouded in cloth, hidden away, and without which, everything comes to a halt. Every year, the Jewish people search for the Afikomen. Without knowing it, they search for Yeshua, Jesus. When they find Him, the Kingdom will come. Pray that they find their Bread of Life, and that you never lose sight of your Bread of Life. When you lose the Afikomen, everything becomes empty and life comes to a halt. Keep His presence in the center of your life and you’ll always be filled with the bread of His presence.
Imagine what it would be like if you were one of the people in the Bible and you knew you were in the Bible.
Now, the first people didn’t know, I mean, everybody in Genesis didn’t know because it took for Moses to write it down.
They didn’t know they were in the Bible. Moses begins, the Bible.
Moses knew he was in the Bible.
He knew he was in the account that he was writing, whether they called it the, you know, you know what Bible means.
It means simply the book. It’s the book, there are many books.
The Bible is the book Aaron knew he was in the Bible.
I’m sure he, because he knew Moses was writing it and I’m sure he felt good about that.
But not always. There was that time when Moses went up the mountain and Aaron let the people build the golden calf.
And Moses came down and said, what happened?
And Aaron said, I put the gold in the fire and out came this calf and Moses had to be, what did you just say?
Did you just say I put it in a fire and out came a calf Well, and, and Moses starts taking out his pen starts put, I’m putting this in the Bible says, what are you doing?
What are you doing right there? You don’t put, don’t put that in there too late.
You said it, it’s gonna have a reference. It’s Exodus 33 24 out came the calf. You can’t do that.
Everybody in the world will be reading that you should have thought about that before you said it.
It’s written that Daniel was studying the words of Jeremiah.
So Daniel Jeremiah was in the scriptures and Daniel is around the time of Jeremiah.
So Jeremiah could have known Daniel knew amazing thing to know you’re in the Bible.
And then the disciples, did they realize they were in the Bible? You know, did they? Well, maybe not.
But years later as the gospel started going forth, then, then, then they, they certainly could have as the first accounts go, they’re in it.
You know, the, the the I can see the same thing Peter saying.
Did you have to put that in when I did that?
When I rebuked the Lord, did you have to put that in Matthew 26 verse six says, while Yeshua Jesus was in Bethany, Simon at the home of Simon.
The leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume which he poured on his head as he was reclining.
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. Why waste this.
They asked the perfume could have been sold at a high price and it could have been given to the poor aware of this.
Yeshua Jesus said to them, why are you bothering this woman? She’s done a beautiful thing to me.
The poor you’ll have always, but you will not always have me.
When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial.
Truly, I tell you wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.
Amazing. He’s telling them that she will be in the scriptures. She will be in the Bible.
And what he said has come true.
She is there in every place that the gospel is spread is proclaimed.
There are those who were in the scripture more than once.
Imagine when Mary, I don’t mean just more than one but more than once at the same time.
Imagine when Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem and they realized they were part of prophecy of Micah one day they start reading and Micah 52 out of you, Bethlehem.
Shall he come? And they know they were part of this prophecy.
And on top of it, they would be in the book of Luke when they fulfilled it, imagining the disciples when they, they got the donkey for Messiah realizing that they were fulfilling a ancient prophecy hundreds of years before they were part of the prophecy that was, we’re told and it’s in the gospels as well.
Your king comes to you humble riding on a donkey.
And they were part of it in all the years.
They grew up in the synagogue, they’re hearing the scriptures read and then they realize they are part of it.
Imagine I was at a, at a prophecy seminar.
Uh Actually I was speaking there and this guy says I gotta talk to, you gotta, and he goes, he goes out and, and for those of you who know about what’s called the Bible codes.
And he goes, look at this Bible codes and you know, you, he’s, you know, the, the words are kind of circled, this is hidden there, hidden there and he shows me look Jonathan Kah and he says, look the the harbinger and this, this, this, that happened to me three times through two other people to the safety in a different part of the Bible.
Now, is there anything to it? I don’t know, it could be random stuff.
There’s so many letters in the Bible. I don’t know that.
But imagine if you were actually in the Bible, imagine all my days are in your book.
Well, that’s a book that we have not seen yet, but there is the book we have seen is the Bible.
It has, does the b could we be in the Bible? Could you be in there?
How could you somehow be in the Bible?
Imagine if you could, God uses parables in the Bible, you know, when Nathan was talking to David and rebuking him, he, he, he went through this whole story about the man and the lamb and then who took the lamb?
And then, and then he, then he says, David gets upset and says that he says there should be judgment on him.
And he says, you’re that man, you did this when you committed adultery, why did he use the power?
He used the power will be.
And then, and then all of a sudden he puts David in it because so David could first, if he knew he was gonna be, he was going to be rebuked, he would have been defensive.
But now he accepts the whole thing and then he finds out at the end he’s in it.
When Simon, when the pharisee we just spoke of when Messiah was speaking in the house of Pharisee, he rebuked.
He said, which loves more and he, he then brings Simon into it.
He says, now you have done this, this, this the father has two sons.
One says yes and doesn’t do it. The other says no and does it.
And who did the will of God? Then he brings the Pharisees into it, the sa into it.
He brings them into the story. The power comes when they find themselves in the story.
When they find that they’re actually in it, there is a power that comes when you find that you yourself, you’re in God’s story, you’re in God’s book.
Could you actually be in the Bible? Messiah spoke of those who would come later.
He spoke about the gentiles. He said, I have other sheep and those who would come later.
They were the ones. When did you come? You came later. You are God’s.
Messiah spoke about you who would come to the faith later, whether you are gentile, whether you are Jewish, he said to Thomas you believe because you saw blessed are those who believed and have not seen have not seen you are those, have you seen?
No, you are the ones who spoke out. You are in the Bible.
You’re one of them who has believed though.
You didn’t see you weren’t there, you might say, but I’m one of many people. It doesn’t matter.
It’s still you, you are still one of them.
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- September 4, 2023! Day 247 of 365!Tháng 9 4, 2023