Finding God’s Direction for Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Finding God’s Direction for Your Life

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn preaches on how we have been called to live as disciples of God. He also speaks on how we can find God’s direction for our life, how we can walk with Yeshua, and how we can keep our focus on Him.
“Yes,” said the teacher, “the love of God. The love of God is the arm of the Almighty. And there is no greater power in this world.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries

Wherever he leads me, that’s the direction of my life.
Wherever you go, I go, wherever you dwell, I dwell. It’s not just the road, it’s him.
My direction is Jesus. Your direction is Jesus Yeshua.
To go with him, no matter where he goes, get closer to him as you walk the direction of your life.
If you keep getting closer to him, you’re gonna, your life is gonna be filled with direction and filled with purpose.
Now, let’s say there was a contest.
You have to walk a very large region and you have to walk in a perfectly straight line and you don’t have GPS, you don’t have all that.
How do you do it? You could try to use your sense of direction. OK.
I see that over there there, I’m gonna stay straight but over a large area. That’s very hard.
You, if you start going off just a little bit, you’re go, you’re gonna go off big time.
You can try looking at your feet. Ok? Am I walking straight? Am I walking straight?
But after a while you can’t see that either because you’re only looking at a little part.
It’s too small you could try to look backwards. Let me look at my path.
But when you, you turn around, you’re a, you’re already gonna be off, but you could do something else.
You just set your eyes. Here’s the way you do it.
You set your eyes on a single object in the distance and all you do is you just keep drawing near to it.
All you do and you’re gonna end up walking in a straight line. All you have to do.
So, how about your, how about your walking? The Lord? How do you walk straight in God?
It doesn’t happen by looking at yourself. I’m looking, you’re looking at yourself all the time. I’m messing up.
I’m doing good. No, that’s not gonna work. You’re gonna mess up.
It doesn’t happen by, you know, by, by, by looking back either.
But here’s how you do it every day. You fix your eyes on the Lord, every day you seek.
How can I draw closer to him? Every day? You keep moving closer to him.
How can I move closer to him than yesterday?
And without thinking about it, you’re gonna walk a straight path in God.
Keeping your eyes and your heart fixed on Him.
It’s gonna keep you when the enemy tempts you to go to the right or left, it’s gonna keep you in high school.
They gave us a test. I don’t know if you got this but I got it.
It was supposed to tell you what you were going to be or what you should be your aptitude.
They, they call in your parents. I remember they called in my parents.
It was a disaster to tell them the results.
Mine definitely did not say I was going to be a minister.
I think my parents would have fainted if it did.
But when we think of the direction of our life, we often think of, ok, what’s my career, marriage career?
What’s my career? What do I want to accomplish?
But is that the direction of your life, the test they gave was called the vocational test.
And so we speak of our vocation, meaning our job, our career. That’s my vocation.
But the word vocation doesn’t mean that you, you have similar words.
You can figure it out the word vocation as it invoke convocation, evoke, vocalize, vocal voice.
What if vocation means you’re calling ultimately from God. What is your vocation?
It’s your calling from God, not your job. That could be part of it. But that’s not the calling.
Your direction in your life is not based on your career, even family though that’s part of it.
Your calling. Your vocation is based on God’s calling for your life.
And the one calling you is Messiah again.
He called you just the way he called James and John and Peter and Andrew and Matthew and Paul.
He calls you with his voice. You may not have heard it physically but he called you.
He called me, he called you when we weren’t mo most of us, we had nothing to do with God.
And he just called you. He, you know, and, and you have a calling of the disciple and many believers never get that.
They say I’ll go with you.
But first, let me take care of this, I’ll do it, I’ll do your will.
But tomorrow, tomorrow, well, another key word in this, in this original account is the word first, let me first two of the people here use it.
They say let me first. The Greek word is proton, which could mean first in importance or first in time, they’re putting their own things first ahead of God.
We do that. I’ll do that for the Lord. I’ll get it together tomorrow.
I’ll get it together when I get other things in my life. Right? I’ll get that together.
The Lord is not calling you tomorrow. He doesn’t call tomorrow. He calls today. You can’t repent tomorrow.
You can only repent today. And he said, well, well, wait a minute.
Tomorrow’s not only when tomorrow is today, you can never repent tomorrow and living it.
Tomorrow is a way of the call. Today, the call comes today.
The true disciple has to join the proton.
The, the first thing is the will of God first is God’s will. What God says.
I’m gonna do now, I’m gonna find a way to do it.
Now, when you hear the voice of God do it now, you know, when you hear the voice of temptation and sin, put it off.
No, no, I’ll put it off.
But when you’re hearing like you’re listening to a message God’s touching your heart or you’re convicted of something, don’t just let it happen and not become action.
There’s a call from God. God uses even people like us to speak through and when you hear it, go with it, if there’s something you can do, do it today.
Now, even before you go to bed this weekend, do it.
Don’t put it off when you put it off, it starts fading.
Don’t hold off and don’t put other things ahead of it.
But say, Lord, you said it, I’m gonna do something to, to do your your first.
Not this, not this your first. Therefore, I’m gonna do what you say first.
And what is the direction of your life?
Is it to go to this career or that career?
No, the direction of your life has a name, the direction of your life.
Its name is Messiah Paul said for me, if I die, I’m fine, it’s better.
I’m gonna be in heaven. But if I live, it’s Messiah for me to live as Messiah, remember the word you follow means with him accompanying him on the same road, I’m with him on the road, whatever road he goes, that’s my direction.
That’s the direction of my life. Wherever he leads me, that’s the direction of my life.
Wherever you go, I go, wherever you dwell, I dwell. It’s not just the road, it’s him.
My direction is Jesus. Your direction is Jesus. Yes. You to go with him, no matter where he goes.
Get closer to him as you walk the direction of your life.
If you keep getting closer to him, you’re gonna, your life is gonna be filled with direction and filled with purpose.
And one other thing about this direction, the direction of your life is called forward, forward.
4th, Go Forward, go forth, not backward. We said no value there, not sideways, no value there. Forward.
The past has no place. I mean, I mean, you can’t do anything in the past that the past is, you can’t do anything in the past.
Why? Because it’s past, that’s why they call it past. You can’t live there.
You can’t dwell in the past. You can’t obsess there.
The only thing you can do is give thanks to God for what he’s done for you and that’s good.
Give thanks for everything good in your life in the past. Let it encourage you to go forward.
And what about all that wasn’t good.
Well, learn from it and apply it to the future to apply it to where you’re going.
But your direction is forward, it doesn’t matter what happened.
Your part is to go forward with God doesn’t matter what they did your part is to go forward.
It doesn’t matter what they’re doing right now, your part is to go forward. It doesn’t matter what you did.
Your part is to go forward. God called you. Don’t look back, God called you out of sin.
Remember what you were before you had God in, truly, in your life. Don’t look back. Don’t, don’t go back.
Don’t look at what he took.
You look at all he did sometimes when you’re looking at your life right now, you’re saying, I don’t really see what’s happening in the direction.
But when you look back, look back, when you first before you knew God and look how far He took you.
What a miracle that is. Don’t look back. I mean only to celebrate.
Yes, but don’t look back to turn. God called you to be his servant, his minister, his disciple.
Don’t turn back every day. Go forward. That means every day.
Lord, how can I take another step forward in you?
How can I take another step higher in holiness, righteousness, joy, the spirit, repentance, love, whatever every day I’m gonna take.
You take another step away from darkness, another step more in the light every day, one more step away from the flesh and the bondage of that.
And one more step in the spirit and freedom. You’re a disciple. That means you’re following Him.
That means you have to be going somewhere every day. You’re supposed to be going further than the day before.
That’s a life filled with blessing.

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