Everything Serves His Plan | Joel Osteen

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  1. I read this message and I felt the holy spirit flow through me. The part when the hut went on fire on the isolated island it was for a purpose.
    The part with the injury sports guy. God had other plans for him. All this just touch my soul. I was doing 2 jobs the beginning of 2022, and I was so grateful, but I had an injury last September, where I had to quit both jobs. I was so mad asking God why did you do this to me? I was so thankful, why? But as I’m home I keep on praying for my healing, and this draw me closer to God. I’ve been praying and reading the bible ever day. Following so many ministries, reading their messages, and I’m just getting closer and closer to God, every single day which I ‘ve never done. And I’m also thinking of giving my life to christ by getting baptized. Hallelujah praise the lord!!!
    As the message mention “Sometimes what we think is a disappointment, is really God positioning us for a new level”. Amen!!!

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