Enlarge the Place of Your Tent | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Enlarge the Place of Your Tent
Monday, July 10, 2023 – Make Way for the Lord
Isaiah 40 says, “Prepare the way of the Lord; let every valley be exalted, every mountain made low, the crooked places made straight, and the rough places smooth.” The highway of God, like it or not, is coming through. Everything is going to change, to make way for God. Those who walk in the way of God have to do likewise. You don’t bend the way of God because of circumstance. You bend the circumstance to the way of God. You don’t change the Word of God for the world, you change the world with the Word. God doesn’t conform to your life, your life conforms to His way. The way of God is straight.Don’t bend, manipulate, wiggle, or worm your way. Walk, live, think and talk straight, despite mountains, valleys, rough ways, crooked ways, despite rejection or acceptance, hard times or easy times, prosperity or lack. Keep going and your mountains will be cast down, your valleys will be lifted up, your crooked ways will be made straight and your rough ways will become smooth. Prepare the way of the Lord, and you will change the world.
I was, it was way over our heads building three times.
The size was what we were stretching for, but this was 10 times, but we were led and we, we by faith, we moved ahead on this building even though it was way above us.
I remember when we first set foot in there, we were like lost in there.
We went from a little Moose lodge in to this massive department store in Garfield and we were there for 15 years and we grew and it all came from that word that the Lord gave me that day, enlarge the place of your tent.
You know how the our outreach ministry, hope of the world to the world, how that started.
I was praying and I got the scripture enlarge the place of your 10.
When I looked at my records another time, we got this.
Um I shared that I shared a message of the congregation was near the end of our time at that building in Garfield.
And it was just about the time when the signs were coming that our time was up in that building and we had to look for another one.
I got that scripture in large, the place of your town.
And one month after I got, I, I shared that I got a message called the Harbinger, which would open our, our, our large, our tents in a whole another way.
But it all came right then and then the Lord led us to here, which is in 10 times the size of our first building.
It’s 30 times the size of our first building.
And one of the words that God kept giving that was linked to that to this building was the glory of the latter house.
This house shall be greater than the glory of the former.
But he also gave and large the place of the tent.
It was all linked together at 1.3 different people came who didn’t know each other.
Uh And didn’t, they just came, they didn’t really know Beth Israel.
They each had a vision of an enormous tent stretched over a multitude of peoples from every tribe and town, one person from Cuba.
And he said, this is Beth Israel.
One person from Cuba said, I have a word that the Lord gave me for Beth Israel.
I said, what is it? He said, enlarge the place of your tent.
Well, that’s the realm of this.
And then recently as I’ve been praying, I got that word again, I got that word for us, for us as a ministry, but also for each of us.
It’s not only all of us, which it is, but it’s also your life.
It’s also about in God wants to enlarge the tent, not only of our ministry, he wants to enlarge the tent of your life, of your walk, of your, of your faith, of your, your calling.
And it goes together for us. We are called to enlarge in his purposes.
So in your life, that is his will.
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